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whi h begins in the April number of The Cosmopolitan magazine keeps the reader at the highest point of excitement by his vivid description of the alarm and despair excited by the approach of a comet whose collision with the earth had been declared by astronomers inevitable. The description begins at a time when the business of the world has been suspended, and at a great mass-meeting held in the Institute of France, we hear the discussion of scientists as to the possibility of a second deluge, the drying up of all the surface water of the globe, or the total destruction of human life by cold, together with all the possible phases of death paralleled by the history of the moon. For scientific statement and sensational effect this characteristic production of French genius is unique, and the reader who reads this marvellous story-and if he begins it he will certainly finish it will have assimilated without effort, a compact store of scientific knowledge. In this way, apart from its absorbing interest, this remarkable piece of fiction will have a distinct scientific value.

THE FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA will be held in Americus on April 19th, 20th and 21st.

President, A. A. Smith, M.D., Hawkinsville.

Vice-President, Geo. J. Grimes, M.D., Columbus.

Vice-President, Robt. H. Taylor, M.D., Griffin.
Secretary, Dan H. Howell, M.D., Atlanta.

Treasurer, E. C. Goodrich, M.D., Augusta.

Every medical man in the grand Empire State should attend. Visitors from adjoining states will be cordially welcomed.

DR. BREITBATCH, of Badkrenscha, Dresden, Germany, November 17, 1892, says: have tried Bromidia in a case of Insomnia, caused by severe neuralgia, and the result was most satisfactory. Before I prescribed this preparation the patient always asked for injections of Morphia, but never afterwards. think that Bromidia will be of great service in cases where one wants to wean a patient from the habit of taking Morphia. I shall certainly continue to prescribe the preparation.

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THE KLIP BINDER is a simple steel spring for the grouping to
gether of pamphlets, magazines and journals. "It is a dandy.'
Try it my dear doctor and you will not be disappointed,
H. H. BALLARD, Pittsfield, Mass.




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SALITONIA has been meeting with unqualified success in the treatment of gastric derangements and all those affections. ue acidity of the system. This success has been attested to by phenomenal growth of its sales. The doctor who does not pre scribe Salitonia is a back number. be a clam."

As Bill Nye says, "Don't

"FOR my female patients who have a painful flow or any irregularity in time and quantity, I prescribe Ponca Compound with the most satisfactory results. In fact Ponca Compound seems to me to be the ideal tonic and alterative for the womb and ovaries." PEARSON CHAPMAN, M.D., Perryman, Md.

"ITS ACTION IN LABOR."-Antikamnia is prompter and more decided in its action in labor than opium, and has none of the unpleasant after effects. It may be continued in smaller doses to control after pains, and rather favors than interferes with the secretion of milk.

J. B. RILEY, M.D., St. Joseph, Mo.

ALBEMARLE CHEMICAL Co.-Dear sirs: Will you send me, one ounce of Therapine? I find it an invaluable remedy in controlling the premonitory symptoms of La Grippe, an excellent antipyretic, and in all respects satisfactory.

Yours truly,


THE WOMAN'S MEDICAL JOURNAL, monthly, devoted to the interest of women in the medical profession is a new candidate. in the field of periodical literature. It is a very neat, well edited and printed octavo of twenty-four pages, edited by E. M.

Roys-Gavitt, M.D., Editor in Chief, with Claudia G. Murphy, Managing Editor and is published at Toledo, Ohio. Subscription price $2.00 per annum. From the two numbers that have appeared it certainly deserves success, and we cordially welcome it to the journalistic fold, and wish it as we do all womankind, the most unbounded prosperity.

MCARTHUR'S DIARY, for 1893, is the title of a very handsome-like brochure for the vest pocket, containing much valuable information, epitomized for the use of physicians. If you have not received one write to the McArthur Hypophospite Co., Boston, Mass, and they will send you one for the small sum of twenty cents.

BROMIDIA is superior to all other hypnotics, and is free from all unpleasant effects.-Dr. Albert Ritter Von Chrzasczewski, of Sambos, Galicia, Austria, Nov. 28th, 1892.


INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM.-Dr. W. V. English, of Keokuk, Ia., reporting on a case of this nature, writes:

During the past winter a remarkable case of inflammatory rheumatism came to my attention, which was remarkable for its persistency in constantly growing worse while under the lines of well established treatment. Not a whit of encouragement came from the treatment until the patient was confined to Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient as a neutralizer of the cause. Success complete crowned the effort. It is a sensible treatment including the principles of whatever therapeutical means we would employ.

PROMT PAYMENT of your subscription will enable us to get out a better journal-do not forget it. We desire to call the attention of a few of our readers to this fact, who have neglected to send in the amount due for the journal. Remember that it not only takes work to get up a medical journal, but the printer, the book-binder, the paper makers and Uncle Sam's postal officials must be paid for their part of the work. This is

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HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE Recommended as a restorative in all cases where the nervous system has been reduced below the normal standard, by overwork, as found in brain-workers, professional men, teachers. students, etc., in debility from seminal losses, dyspepsia of nervous origin, insomnia where the nervous system suffers

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Dr. Edwin F. Vose, Portland, Me., says; "I have prescribed it for many various forms of nervous debility, and it has never failed to do good."

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A Vitalizing Tonic to the Reproductive System.




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Prostatic Troubles of Old Men--Pre-Senility,
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The Secret of its Success

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Sir Hong Jal




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