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Lesson 3.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) 85,300 + 4,097 + 70,079 + 7,208 + 630 + 8,704.

(2) From twenty-seven thousand and sixtythree take four thousand, five hundred and ninetyone.

Write each word three times and Learn.
Bruise. Eaves. Fright. | Grief.

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 4.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Gram'-mar teaches us about WORDS and SEN'-TEN-CES. Words are made up of Let-ters.

We use 26 letters; they are call-ed the Al'-pha-bet.

DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.*-Com-mon salt is found in the wa-ters of the o-cean or sea, and also in rocks be-neath the earth. Large quan-ti-ties are found in Eng-land. At one time salt was very scarce and dear, but there is now plenty of it to be bought, and it is cheap.

Lesson 5.-Friday Morning. Work these

Write and

(1) 73,648

(2) 73,648

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Write each word three times and Learn.
Guard. Hymn. | Neigh. | Sauce.


Lesson 6.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM XXIII., verses 4, 5, 6; OR ELSE LEARN—
LITTLE THINGS-(continued).

Lit-tle deeds of kind-ness,

Lit-tle words of love,

Make our earth an E-den,

Like the Hea-ven a-bove.

7 x 11

So our lit-tle er-rors
Lead the soul a-stray
From the paths of vir-tue,
Far in sin to stray.

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 7.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography SIZE OF THE EARTH.

The mea-sure through the cen-tre, or mid-dle of the earth, from side to side, is nearly 8,000 miles.

This is call-ed the di-am'-e-ter of the earth.

The measure round the out-side of the earth, in the wi-dest part, is about 25,000 miles.

This is call-ed the cir-cum'-fer-ence of the earth.

The earth is so large that it would take you nearly six years to go all round it, if you went twelve miles every day. But you cannot walk all round the outside because part of it is covered with water.

If you could ride round the world in a train, going twelve miles an hour, day and night, it would take you two months and a half to do the journey.

Or write 25 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 10.

Lesson 8.-Wednesday Morning. Work

these Sums.

Write and
8 x 1 =


(1) 70,608 +9,872 +38,999 +846 +29 +9,786. (2) 864,978-79,889.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Write each word three times and Learn.

Squeak. Squeeze.

8 x 6



Seize. 1 Shriek. Lesson 9.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. When we speak, or when we write, we make use of words. There are eight kinds of words, called Parts of Speech. Every word we use belongs to one of these "parts of speech." The two chief "parts of speech are Nouns and Verbs. DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Clay is one of the most use-ful things we get out of the ground. Bricks and tiles are made from com-mon clay, and pots, such as cups, sau-cers, mugs, plates and dishes, are made from white clay. At one time there were few pots, and peo-ple used wood-en plates and cups of horn. Lesson 10.-Friday Morning. Work these


(1) 741,682 (2) 96,820

Write and

[blocks in formation]




8 x 8 64


[blocks in formation]

Write each word three times, and Learn.
Squint. Sword. | Wreck.

[blocks in formation]


Lesson 11.-Learn for Monday Morning.


[blocks in formation]

Lesson 12.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.


The sur'-face, or out-side of the earth is made up of land and wa-ter.

There is three times more water than land.

Only one quarter of the earth is land, and if you look at the map you will see that the water divides the land into several large pieces and into a great many small ones.

The large pieces of land are called con'-ti-nents.

The small pieces of land are called is'-lands.

Or write 25 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 10.

[blocks in formation]

9 × 4 = 36

9 × 5 = 45

9 × 6 = 54

Write each word three times and Learn.

Wrought. Wedge. Weigh. | Yield.

Lesson 14.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. A noun is a word which is the name of anything.

The word noun means name.

All names of persons are nouns.

Write in a column the NOUNS which are NAMES OF PERSONS from this Exercise.-John and Thomas ran to see Mr. Wilson. James is

LESSON 14-Continued.

a good boy, but Mary is a naughty girl. I saw Jane with her ball. Come, Tom, let us go home. Our queen's name is Victoria. Ellen goes to school. Eliza's father is playing with Kate.

DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Bricks used to be made from clay mix-ed with straw, and then dried in the sun. Now the clay is well knead-ed, then press-ed into moulds of the pro-per size, and pla-ced in rows to dry. They are then bak-ed or burnt in a fur-nace, call-ed a kiln, till they be-come red and hard.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Lesson 16.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM XIX., verses 1, 2, 3; OR ELSE LEARN

THE LITTLE PILGRIM.-(continued.)

But a little pil-grim
Must have gar-ments clean,
If he'd wear the white robes,

And with Christ be seen.

Jesus, cleanse and save me,
Teach me to o-bey;
Holy Spirit guide me

On my hea-ven-ly_way.

[blocks in formation]

J. Curwen.

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 17.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.


The largest pieces of water are called o'-ceans.

The smallest pieces of water are called seas.

All the water is really one piece, but we give different names to the different parts.

There are five oceans.

(1) The At-lan'-tic Ocean.

(2) The Pa-ci'-fic Ocean.


LESSON 17-Continued.

(3) The In'-di-an Ocean.

(4) The Arc-tic* Ocean.

(5) The An-tarc'-tic* Ocean.

Or write 25 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 10.

Lesson 18.-Wednesday Morning. Work

these Sums.

(1) 864,193 + 217,840 +998 + 3,727 + 654 + 9,784.

(2) Multiply eighty-five thousand, six hundred and seven by seven and eight.

Write each word twice and Learn.

[blocks in formation]

Write and

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 19.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.
All names of places are nouns.

Pens are

EXERCISE.-Write in a column the NOUNS which are NAMES OF PLACES.-London is the capital of England. Cotton goods are made at Manchester, Bolton, Preston, and Blackburn. made at Birmingham. Knives come from Sheffield. Oxford, Cambridge, London, Durham and Manchester are university cities. India is a country in Asia. Sugar comes from the West Indies. Coffee grows in Brazil. Tea comes from China and Assam.

DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Slate, such as you write on, is a kind of clay which has lain thou-sands of years under the ground, and at last has be-come a hard rock. It ea-si-ly splits into thin plates or leaves. Coarse kinds of slate are used for roof-ing houses. Pen-cils are made from a soft kind of slate.

Lesson 20.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Eighty-seven thousand, four hundred and sixty-nine x seven.

(2) Thirty-nine thousand, eight hundred and

forty-six x seven.

(3) 98,764 × 6.

[blocks in formation]

Write and

10 × 7 = 70
10 x 8 = 80
10 × 9 = 90
10 x 10


10 x11 =110

10 × 12 =120



* Mind the pronunciation. The first "c" must be sounded, thus-ark'-tik, not ar'-tik.

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