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LESSON 202-(continued).

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 203.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. *(1) What is the sixth part of sixty-four thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine ?

*(2) Divide nine thousand and five by eleven.

*(3) 6,080 × 705. *(4) 743,266÷50+.

(5) John's mother spends 6d. in rice, 4d. in treacle, 16 pence in bacon, and 30 pence in flour. How much money does she spend ? Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 204.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation. *DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-The children's hands are now filled with bunches of beau-ti-ful flowers, which they have pluck-ed in the fields, under the hedges in the green lanes, on the sun-ny banks, or under the shade of the great trees on the edge of the for-est. The hay-makers are hard at work toss-ing the fragrant grass in the warm sun-shine.

Lesson 205.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

*(1) What is the difference between thirty-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety and sixty-eight thousand?

*(2) 8,062 × 506.

(3) 669,675÷8; 24 (long division or factors.)

*(4) Bury, Cardiff, Coventry, Hanley, Middlesbro', Worcester, and Yarmouth, have each about 50,000 people living in them. How many people are there in all these towns?

(5) I pay for oranges 1/6, apples 1/3, nuts 9d., and sugar candy 1/5. How many pennies do I spend ?

Write each word twice and Learn.







Lesson 206.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM C., Verses 4 and 5; OR ELSE LEARN—


My fair-est child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and grey ;3
Yet ere we part5 one les-son I can leave you

For every day.


Teach the method of crossing off the cipher, if the children do not already know it.

LESSON 206-(continued).

A FAREWELL-(continued).

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clev-er;
Do no-ble things,6 not dream them, all day long;
And so make life, death, and that vast for ever?
One grand, sweet song.

Charles Kingsley, born 1819, died 1875. farewell, good bye. 2 pipe, sing. 3 dull and grey, dark looking, stormy. 4 ere, before. 5 part, separate. noble things, good things.vast for ever, life in heaven.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words.)







suf-fi-cient. plea-sant.

anx-ious. gi-gan-tic.


Lesson 207.-Tuesday Morning. Geography. Answer

these Questions.

(1) Which is the largest, the diameter or the circumference of the earth? (2) What is the basin of a river?

(3) Which is the ocean nearest to us? (4) What is a plain? Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 208.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. * (1) Divide thirty thousand and thirty by 11.

*(2) Find the eighth part of ninety-nine thousand. *(3) 77,032÷72 (long division or factors.)

*(4) London contains 3,832,441 people, and Manchester 393,696 : how many more people are there in London than in Manchester? Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 209.-Thursday Morn. Write and Learn. Grammar. EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from Lesson 206. DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS in Lesson 206. Lesson 210.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.


(1) There are 130 trees in my orchard. 30 are apple trees, 20 are pear trees, 50 berry trees, and the rest plum trees. How many plum trees are there?

* (2) What is the difference between twelve dozen and one hundred?

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(3) How many toes and fingers have 36 boys?

(4) A long pole is fixed in the river. It is 4 feet in the mud 6 feet in the water, and 8 feet out of it. How long is it altogether?

(5) John has a shilling, two sixpences, and a penny, and Mary has half-a-crown. How many pence has one more than the other? Write each word twice and Learn.





[blocks in formation]


I am com-ing! I am com-ing!
Hark! the little bee is hum-ming;
See, the lark is soar-ing high1
In the blue and sun-ny sky;
And the gnats are on the wing,3
Wheel-ing round in ai-ry5 ring.

1 soaring high, flying high in the air. 2 gnats, a kind of small fly. 3 on the

wing, flying about.

wheeling round, flying round. 5 airy, high in the air.

See the yel-low cat-kins6 cov-er

All the slen-der? wil-lows over;
And on the banks of mos-sy green,8
Star-like9 prim-ros-es are seen;

And their clus-ter-ing1o leaves be-low,"
White and pur-ple vi-o-lets blow.12

yellow catkins, the flowers of the willow tree.

the willow has thin branches. 8 mossy green, covered with green moss. 9 star-like, like little stars. 10 clustering, growing close together. 11 below, lower down on the bank. 12 blow, are in flower.

Hark! the new born lambs are bleat-ing,

And the caw-ing rooks are meet-ing,13
In the elms14-a noi-sy crowd!-
All the birds are sing-ing loud;
And the first white15 but-ter-fly
In the sun-shine dances16 by.

13 meeting together to build their nests. 14 elms, a kind of tree. 15 white, with white wings. 16 dances, flies.

Look a-round thee, look a-round!

Flow-ers in all the fields a-bound ;17
Every run-ning stream is bright;
All the orch-ard trees18 are white ;19
And each small and wav-ing20 shoot21
Prom-is-es sweet flow-ers and fruit.

19 white

17 abound, are in great numbers. 18 orchard trees, fruit trees. with flowers. 20 waving, moved by the wind. 21 shoot, a small young branch. Turn thine eye22 to earth and hea-ven? God for thee the spring has giv-en,

Taught the birds their mel-o-dies,23
Cloth-ed24 the earth and clear-ed the skies
For thy plea-sure25 or thy food;

Pour thy soul in grat-i-tude.26

22 Turn thine eye, look. thy pleasure, to please thee. thy heart.

Mary Howitt, born 1804.

25 For

23 melodies, songs. 24 clothed, covered.
26 Pour thy soul in gratitude, thank God with all


When my mo-ther died I was very young,

And my fa-ther sold me,1

1* while yet my tongue Could scarce-ly2 cry, 'weep !3 'weep! 'weep! 'weep! So your chim-neys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.

1 sold me, to be a chimney sweep.

scarcely, hardly. 3 'weep, sweep.

There's little Tom Da-cre, who cried when his head,
That curl-ed like a lamb's back5 was shav-ed6; so I said,
"Hush, Tom! nev-er mind it, for when your head's bare,7
You know that the soot can-not spoil your white hair."8

4 curled, covered with curls. 5 lamb's back, the wool on a lamb's back. 6shaved, cut off close. bare, without any hair. 8 white hair, light coloured hair.

And so he was quiet and that very night,


As Tom was a-sleep-ing," he had such a sight,10
That thou-sands of sweep-ers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,
Were all of them lock-ed up11 in cof-fins12 of black.
a-sleeping, fast asleep. 10 had such a sight, saw in a dream.
fastened up. 12 coffin, a box to put the dead in.

And by came an an-gel, who had a bright key,
And he opened the cof-fins and set them all free;


11 locked up,

And down the green plain,14 leap-ing, 15 laugh-ing, they run,
And wash in a riv-er, and shine16 in the sun.


13 set them free, let them all out. green plain, a large green field. 15 leaping, jumping. 16 shine, look nice and clean.

Then nak-ed and white, all their bags left be-hind,17

They rise upon clouds, and sport18 in the wind;

And the an-gel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,

He'd have God for his fa-ther, and nev-er want joy.19

17 behind, on the ground. 18 sport, play. 19 never want joy, always be



And so Tom a-woke ;20 and we rose in the dark,
And got with our bags and our brush-es to work
Though the morn-ing was cold, Tom was hap-py and warm,22
So if all do their du-ty,23 they need not fear harm.24

W. Blake.

20 awoke from his dream. 21 got to work, to go and sweep chimneys. 22 happy and warm, he felt so because he was doing his duty. 3 duty, their 24 harm, hurt, danger. proper work well.

* An Act of Parliament, regulating the trade of chimney sweeping, and the apprenticeship of children, and forbidding calling "sweep" in the streets, was passed in 1834. In 1840 another Act was passed rendering it unlawful for master sweeps to take apprentices under 16 years old; and no individual under 21 was to go up a chimney after 1st July, 1842. The enforcement of this law was made more stringent in 1864, and many cruelties, to which young persons, employed as chimney sweepers, were often subjected, have been done away with.


On the green banks of Shan-non2 when Shee-lah was nigh,
No blithe Irish lad was so hap-py as I;

No harp like my own could so cheer-i-ly1 play,

And wher-ev-er I went was my poor dog Tray.

harper, one who plays a harp. 2 Shannon, the largest river in Ireland.

3 blithe, merry, cheerful. cheerily, merrily.

When at last I was for-ced from my Shee-lah to part,6 She said (while the sor-row was big at her heart), "Oh! re-mem-ber9 your Shee-lah when far, far away, And be kind, my dear Pat,10 to our poor dog Tray." 5 forced, obliged. to part, go away, depart. sorrow, great trouble. at her heart, felt the trouble very much. 9 remember, never forget.



Poor dog! he was faith-ful11 and kind, to be sure,
And he con-stant-ly12 loved me, al-though I was poor;

8 big

10 Pat,

When the sour-look-ing13 folks14 sent me heart-less15 away,
I had al-ways a friend in my poor dog Tray.

11 faithful, constant, true, not changing. 12 constantly, always. 13 sourlooking, angry, because he had been begging of them. 14 folks, people. 15 heartless, unkindly.


When the road was so dark, and the night was so cold, And Pat and his dog had grown we-a-ry16 and old, How snug-ly17 we slept in my old coat of grey,1 And he lick-ed me for kind-ness,19 my poor dog Tray. weary, tired out. 17 snugly, warm and comfortable. 18 coat of grey, a grey coat made of grey cloth. 19 for kindness, because I was kind to him.


Though my wal-let20 was scant,21 I re-mem-bered his case,2
Nor re-fus-ed23 my last crust24 to his pit-i-ful face ;25
But he died at my feet, on a cold win-try day,
And I play-ed a la-ment26 for my poor dog Tray.


20 wallet, a bag to carry food in. 21 scant, nearly empty. 22 case, that he wanted something to eat. 23 nor refused, always gave. 24 crust, bread, or any kind of food. 25 pitiful face, looking anxiously for a bite. 26 played a lament, played a sorrowful tune on his harp.

Where now shall I go-poor, for-sa-ken, 27 and blind?
Can I find one to guide me so faith-ful28 and kind?
To my sweet na-tive vil-lage,29 so far, far away,

I can nev-er re-turn30 with my poor dog Tray.

27 forsaken, all alone. 28 faithful, true. 29 native village, place where he was born. 30 return, go back again.

Thomas Campbell, born 1777, died 1844.


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