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LESSON 163-(continued).

(2) Find the difference between ninety-nine and ninety-nine thousand. (3) 64,357÷50; and by 63 (long division or factors). (4) Write out the Pence Table from 84 to 144 pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.



Cur-tain. Dai-ry.

Lesson 164.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation. *DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-In his grief and fear he dash-ed his head a-gainst the iron bars, and struggled to get out; but, alas! they were much too strong for him to break, and far too close for him to pass through. After a night's strug-gle poor Dick lay pant-ing and al-most dead on the floor of his pris-on. Lesson 165.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) 38,642 × 707. (2) 59,386÷6 and 7. (3) 74,352÷42 (long division or factors).

(4) Write out the Pence Table from 31 to 70 pence. Write each word twice and Learn.


Fab-ric. Ea-ger.



Lesson 166.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM LXXXIV., Verses 9 and 10; OR ELSE LEARN—
THE HARPER—(continued).

Though my wal-let20 was scant,21 I re-mem-bered his case,2
Nor re-fus-ed23 my last crust24 to his pit-i-ful face ;25
But he died at my feet, on a cold win-try day,

And I play-ed a la-ment26 for my poor dog Tray.


20 wallet, a bag to carry food in. 21 scant, nearly empty. 22 case, that he wanted something to eat. 23 nor refused, always gave. 24 crust, bread, or any kind of food. 25 pitiful face, looking anxiously for a bite. 26 played a lament, played a sorrowful tune on his harp.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 167.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

A Mountain is a high hill.

The bottom of a mountain is called the base or foot; the top is called the summit; the sides are called the slopes or flanks.

When a number of mountains are joined together at their bases, in a long line, they are called a mountain Chain.


LESSON 167-(continued).

Several mountains joined together at their bases, not in a line, form a mountain Group.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 168.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. *(1) How many legs are there in a flock of three hundred and nine sheep? (2) 87,043 minus 74,256.

(3) Divide eighty-five thousand, four hundred and sixty-five by T and by 45 (long division or factors.)

(4) How many pennies are there in 3/6, 4/2, 5/9, and 1/11. Write each word twice and Learn.

Leath-er. Fea-ture. Fig-ure. Fur-nace.

Lesson 169.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation. DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Have you seen your mother make bread? She mix-es the flour with yeast and wa-ter and salt, and then kneads it into dough. Yeast is the froth of beer; it is mixed with the flour in order to make the bread light. When cakes are made without yeast in them, they are so-lid and hea-vy, and are not so whole-some as light bread is.

Lesson 170.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

*(1) On one apple tree there are 506 apples, and on another 300. How many more are there on the one than on the other?

(2) 87,863÷6, 7; and by 96 (long division or factors.) (3) Reduce 5/9, 7/3, 8/1, and 1/5 to pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.


Mon-arch. Mon-ey.




Lesson 171.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM XC., Verses 9 and 10; OR ELSE LEARN—
THE HARPER-(continued).

Where now shall I go-poor, for-sa-ken,27 and blind?
Can I find one to guide me so faith-ful28 and kind?
To my sweet na-tive vil-lage,29 so far, far away,

I can nev-er re-turn30 with my poor dog Tray.

27 forsaken, all alone. 28 faithful, true. 29 native village, place where he was born. 30 return, go back again.

Thomas Campbell, born 1777, died 1844.

LESSON 171-(continued).

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 172.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

A River is a large stream of water flowing over the land.

A Tributary or Feeder is a smaller stream flowing into a larger one.
The Source of a river is where it begins.
The Mouth of a river is where it ends.
The Banks of a river are the two sides.

The Basin of a river is the land drained by the river and all its tributaries.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.


Lesson 173.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. *(1) Find the sixth part of eighty-four thousand and nine. (2) Multiply the difference between 5,363 and 2,737 by 709. (3) 53,862-9; and by 54 (long division or factors). (4) How many pence are there in 3/6, 5/4, 2/9, and 11/6? Write each word twice and Learn.

Mem-o-ry. Spe-cial. Stir-rup.


Lesson 174.—Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation. * DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-When the lark was gone they heard the own-er of the house call to his son and say, I think this corn is ripe e-nough; go and tell our friends and neigh-bours to come early to-morrow morn-ing to help us to reap it.

The next day she went out a-gain, and on her re-turn they told her that the farm-er had wait-ed a long time, but with-out any one com-ing.

Lesson 175.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

*(1) I have 180 apples to give away among 12 boys; how many will each get? *(2) How much is 95 times twenty thousand and forty-five? (3) 64,800 ÷ 7; and by 84 (long division or factors.) (4) Write out the Pence Table from 15 to 60 pence. Write each word twice and Learn.

Su-gar. Sure-ty. Sys-tem.



Lesson 176.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM XCV., Verses 1 and 2; OR ELSE LEARN—

Wil-lie went out one morn-ing,
The first of the sun to see;
He heard the riv-u-let1 laugh-ing,2
"I fol-low you home,” said he.

The riv-er had run for a thou-sand years,

Willie had liv-ed for three.3

1rivulet, a little river or stream. laughing, the noise made by the water. 3 three years.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

[blocks in formation]

Lesson 177.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.
North, South, East, and West are the four points of the compass.
The East is in that part of the sky where the sun rises.
The West is in that part of the sky where the sun sets.
is opposite the East.

The West

The North is opposite the South. The sun is never seen in that part of the sky.

The Horizon is where the sea and sky, or the land and sky, seem to meet.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 178.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. *(1) Find the sum of 3; 99; 70,006; 20; 8; 644; 2,096; 8,443; 7,279; and 1.

* (2) Take 3,860 from 90,000.



(3) What is fourteen times fourteen thousand and forty?

(4) Find the seventh part of ten thousand and ten.

(5) Reduce to shillings and pence 65d., 113d., 94d., 81d., 52d., and 19d.

Write each word twice and Learn.


Trea-sure. Twi-light. Trea-son.

Lesson 179.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.
EXERCISE.-Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation.

* DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Did you ever know a child who did not like rice? Wheth-er the rice is boil-ed

LESSON 179-(continued).

in wa-ter and eat-en with tre-acle or su-gar, or whether it is mix-ed with milk and bak-ed in the ov-en, all chil-dren, I be-lieve, like rice. There are some parts of the world, such as In-di-a and Chi-na, where the people live al-most en-tire-ly on rice.

Lesson 180.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

*(1) 37,264 × 500. (2) 24,864 ÷ 5; and by 63 (long division or factors).

*(3) Tom has 105 marbles and John has 28 less. How many have they altogether?

(4) Write out the Pence Table from 52 to 90 pence. Write each word twice and Learn.

Val-ley. Val-leys. Wag-gon.



Lesson 181.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM XCV., Verses 3 and 4; OR ELSE LEARN—
Down by the sing-ing riv-er1

The rush-es had made their bed;
"Tis me to be king of the cas-tle;"
Said Will, with a haugh-ty head.

He shoul-dered? a reed as a sen-try's gun,8

Pac-ing with mar-tial tread.9

singing river, the water made a pleasant noise. 5rushes, a very large kind of grass growing by the river side. "haughty, proud. shouldered, carried on his shoulder. sentry, a watchman, who often carries a gun. pacing with martial tread, walking like a soldier.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

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Lesson 182.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography. A Map is a kind of picture of the surface of the earth, or of some part of it.

A map is really a Plan, and shows us by means of lines and colours-

The Shape of the Earth, the parts covered with water, the direction in which the rivers run, the position of the mountains, towns, islands, capes, bays, &c.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

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