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Lesson 144. Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Fill up the spaces with NOUNS, the names of things.

The gives us milk. My father rides in a nor- to write with.

Tommy has got a new bat and
We make tea in a
I have no ink
and take down this sum.

Clean your

EXERCISE.-Pick out the VERBS and PRONOUNS from the


DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-I love to watch the squir-rels run-ning along the branches, that trem-bled under their feet. Some-times they peep-ed into my win-dow; then, if I made a noise, off they went, with their bushy tails curl-ed over their backs, and their bright eyes twink-ling; and they were soon hid amongst the highest boughs, where they were quite out of sight.

Lesson 145.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Thirty-six thousand and ninety-five x 708 and 3,006. (2) 284,8399 and 36 (by factors).

(3) How many shillings and pence are there in 83, 97, 114, 31, 55, and 15 pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.






Lesson 146.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM XLVI., Verses 1, 2, and 3; OR ELSE LEARN


On the green banks of Shan-non2 when Shee-lah was nigh,
No blithe Irish lad was so hap-py as I;

No harp like my own could so cheer-i-ly play,

And wher-ev-er I went was my poor dog Tray.

1 harper, one who plays a harp. 2 Shannon, the largest river in Ireland 3 blithe, merry, cheerful. 4 cheerily, merrily.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

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Lesson 147.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

There are five oceans :

The Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Antarctic Ocean.

A Sea is a smaller portion of salt water than an ocean.

A Gulf is a piece of water running up a great way into the land.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having seven or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 148.—Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) 39,864 + 85+ 773 + 2,738 + 9 + 40,009 + 26.

(2) Take 9,783 from 36,200.

(3) Multiply four thousand and ninety-six by 500.

(4) 28,737 36 (by factors).

(5) Write out the Pence Table from 18 to 55 pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 149.—Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE.-Fill up the spaces with NOUNS, the names of animals.

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EXERCISE.-Pick out all the VERBS from the Exercise and the piece of Dictation.

DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS. I looked a-round me and found my-self in a large kit-chen. Near me was a clean table, on which break-fast was set out. In front of me was a bright cheerful fire, on which the ket-tle was sing-ing mer-ri-ly, and near the win-dow was a lark singing in a cage, as gai-ly as if it had been in the plea-sant fields.

Lesson 150.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) 78,953 × 3,456; and 5,728.

(2) Divide eighty-five thousand, six hundred and 54 by 9 and 12. (3) Reduce 95, 17, 39, 82, 111, and 4 pence to shillings and pence. Write each word twice and Learn.

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Lesson 151.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LXI., Verses 1, 2, and 3; OR ELSE LEARN—
THE HARPER-(continued).

When at last I was for-ced from my Shee-lah to part,6
She said (while the sor-row was big at her heart3),
"Oh! re-mem-ber9 your Shee-lah when far, far away,
And be kind, my dear Pat,10 to our poor dog Tray.'

5 forced, obliged. to part, go away, depart. sorrow, great trouble. at her heart, she felt the trouble very much. 9 remember, never forget.


Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

8 big 10 Pat,

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Lesson 152.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

A Continent is one of the largest pieces of land.

A Country is a part of a continent.

A Peninsula is a piece of land with water nearly all round it.
An Isthmus is a narrow neck of land joining two larger portions.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having 7 or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 153.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) John has 906 marbles, Henry 379, Tom 524, and Sam 6; how many have they altogether?

(2) The grocer has 50,000 nuts in a bag, and he sells 4,375 of them : how many has he left? (3) 27,8567; 8.

(4) Reduce 12, 55, 63, 143, 13, and 79 pence to shillings and pence. Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 154.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.
EXERCISE-Fill up the spaces with NOUNS.

Horses draw


grunt and squeak. The joiner cuts with a . London is the largest in the sings sweetly. Wisdom is better than EXERCISE.-Pick out the VERBS and PRONOUNS from the


DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Dur-ing the wet sea-son the cocoa-nut tree blos-soms every five or six weeks; so that there are gen-er-al-ly both fresh flowers and ripe nuts on it at

LESSON 154-(continued).

the same time. There are very often from five to fif-teen nuts grow-ing in a bunch. As these clus-ters are at the very top of the tree, the ne-groes have to climb up to get them. This they can do with great quick-ness.

Lesson 155.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply four hundred and ninety-five by three hundred and five, and by eight hundred. (2) 738,526÷9; 10.

(3) Write out the Pence Table from 42 to 89 pence. Write each word twice and Learn.







Lesson 156.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LXVII., Verses 1, 2, and 3; OR ELSE LEARN—
THE HARPER-(continued).

Poor dog! he was faith-ful11 and kind, to be sure,
And he con-stant-ly12 loved me, al-though I was poor;
When the sour-look-ing13 folks14 sent me heart-less15 away,
I had al-ways a friend in my poor dog Tray.


13 sour

11 faithful, constant, true, not changing. 12 constantly, always. looking, angry, because he had been begging of them. * folks, people. 15 heartless, unkindly.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

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Lesson 157.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

A Bay is a piece of water with a wider opening than a gulf.
A Strait is a narrow piece of water joining two other pieces.
A Channel is a wider passage of water than a strait.

A Lake is a piece of water with land all round it.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having 7 or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 158.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) Add 77; 398; 216; 7,645; 232; 45; 6; 3,759; 28. (2) Take 3,866 from 9,400. (3) Multiply 23,845 by 647. *(4) John has 100 marbles and Tom has three dozen. How many more has John than Tom?

(5) Reduce 85, 39, 63, 102, 58 and 18 pence to shillings and pence. Write each word twice and Learn.






Lesson 159.—Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write.

EXERCISE. Pick out the NOUNS and VERBS from the Dictation. *DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-He had liv-ed for many years in his lit-tle mud hut, and work-ed every day at his brooms. In the sum-mer he worked out of doors, and in the win-ter he stay-ed in the shed, where he was pro-tect-ed from the wind and the rain. At last he got so old and ill that he could not work any more, and some kind people took care of him till he died.

Lesson 160.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.
(1) Multiply ninety thousand and seventy-eight by 405.
(2) Divide 37,862 by 21 (long division or factors) and by 30.
*(3) How many legs have 30 horses and 20 ducks?
Write each word twice and Learn.

Col-umn. Con-quest. Con-quer.



Lesson 161.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LXVII., Verses 4, 5, 6, and 7; OR ELSE Learn—
THE HARPER-(continued).

When the road was so dark, and the night was so cold, And Pat and his dog had grown we-a-ry16 and old, How snug-ly17 we slept in my old coat of grey,18 And he lick-ed me for kind-ness,19 my poor dog Tray. 16 weary, tired out. 17 snugly, warm and comfortable. 18 coat of grey, a great coat made of grey cloth. for kindness, because I was kind to him. Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).




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Lesson 162.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

A Cape is a piece of land stretching out into the sea.
The Coast or shore is where the land and sea meet.

A Mountain is a high hill.

A Plain is a large and nearly level part of the land.

A Valley is a hollow between hills or mountains.

Or write 40 spellings out of any book, each word having 7 or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 163.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. *(1) How many needles are there in 106 packets, each containing 24 needles?

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