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Lesson 125.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply eight hundred and ninety-four by seven hundred and eighty. (2) Divide 387,650 by 900 and 120.

(3) Give the answers to the following

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86 pence are

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37 pence are



Write each word twice and Learn.

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Lesson 126.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LVII., Verses 9, 10, 11; OR ELSE LEARN-


THE CHIMNEY SWEEPER-(continued). And so he was quiet and that very night, As Tom was a-sleep-ing, he had such a sight,10 That thou-sands of sweep-ers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack, Were all of them lock-ed up11 in cof-fins12 of black. 9a-sleeping, fast asleep. 10 had such a sight, saw in a dream. up, fastened up. 12 coffin, a box to put the dead in.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

11 locked

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Lesson 127.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography. A mountain is a high hill.

The bottom of a mountain is called the base or foot; the top is called the sum'-mit. The sides are called the slopes or flanks.

When mountains end in a point at the top they are called peaks. When a number of mountains are joined together at their bases in a long line they are called a mountain chain.

Several mountains joined together at these bases, not in a line, form a mountain group.

The ho-ri-zon is where the sea and sky, or the land and sky, seem to meet.

Or write 30 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 12.

Lesson 128.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) Find the sum of 8,976; 39; 6,000; 72; 39,789; 879. (2) Find the difference between 6,780 and 34,560.

(3) What is the product of 7,893 and 675?

(4) Divide 892,746 by 9. Prove.

Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 129.-Thursday Morning. Grammar. Write. EXERCISE. Pick out all the NOUNS, VERBS, and PRONOUNS, from the piece of Dictation.

*DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Now these lit-tle boys that I am speak-ing of would nev-er have been guil-ty of steal-ing the birds' nests out of the hedges, and of run-ning off with the pretty eggs, if they had only thought about the mat-ter. They were not cru-el boys at home, for they lov-ed their dogs and kit-tens. But to say the least about them, they were thought-less, as boys and girls too often are.

Lesson 130.—Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply 2,486 by three hundred and ninety, and by five hundred and eighty-seven. (2) 378,629 ÷ 70. Prove.

(3) Give the answers to the following

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Lesson 131.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LXXXIV., Verses 8, 9, 10; OR ELSE LEARN-

And by came an an-gel, who had a bright key,
And he opened the cof-fins and set them all free ;13

And down the green plain,14 leap-ing,15 laugh-ing they run,

And wash in a riv-er, and shine16 in the sun.


13 set them free, let them all out. green plain, a large green field. 15 leaping, jumping. 16 shine, look nice and clean.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

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Lesson 132.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography. A Ca-nal' is a river made by men for ships and boats to sail on. A Wa'-ter-shed is the high land which divides one river basin from another.

A Map of the World is gen-er'-al-ly formed of two large circles.

Each of these circles is called a Hem'-i-sphere.

A globe is a ball covered with a map of the world.

LESSON 132-(continued).

The E-qua-tor is a line drawn round the earth, half-way between the poles.

There is no such line really drawn on the earth, but we draw it on globes and maps of the world so that we may know where the middle of the earth's surface is. The equator is called an im-ag-in-ary line.

Or write 30 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 12.

Lesson 133.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) Find the sum of 2; 70; 398; 6,789; 32,460; 9; 786. (2) Take 3,984 from 596,710.

(3) Find the product of 27,862 and 674. (4) 328,679÷7. Prove. (5) What is the value of the following numbers of pence-83, 55, 111, 74, 19, 5.

Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 134.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. Many Verbs are made by adding “ing,” “d,” or “ed” to the end of other verbs, as

love, lov-ing; laugh, laugh-ing; bless, bless-ing.
love, lov-ed; laugh, laugh-ed; bless, bless-ed.

The verb to which the endings are added, are called Prin'-ci-pal Verbs. The verbs with the endings are often called Par'-ti-ci-ples. Participles are formed by adding “ing,” “d,” or “ed,” to the end of Principal Verbs.

Participles are always found among Compound Verbs. Sometimes verbs with the ending "-d" or "-ed," are Principal verbs, and sometimes words ending in "-ing" are not verbs.


EXERCISE.-Pick out the PARTICIPLES.-Mary was playing with her brother she is so loving* and kind. I am going to London : it is a noted and grand city. Father is reading, we must not make a noise. I'm trying to write my best. The gipsy had lived in a tent all her life. Harry is learning his lesson, Jane has finished hers. John was deceiving his father by telling him a lie. The king granted the request, and was pleased to do it.


Lesson 135.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Multiply seventy thousand, eight hundred and fifty-nine by 570. (2) Multiply two thousand by one thousand. (3) 873,269 ÷ 9. (4) How many shillings and pence are there in 78, 45, 66, 115, 139, and 81 pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.





* This is a most important lesson. Give great practice in "catch" words.

Lesson 136.-Learn for Monday Morning.
PSALM LXXXV., Verses 7, 8, 9; OR ELSE LEARN—

Then nak-ed and white, all their bags left be-hind17
They rise upon clouds, and sport18 in the wind;
And the an-gel told Tom, if he'd be a good boy,
He'd have God for his fa-ther, and nev-er want joy.19

17 behind, on the ground. 18 sport, play. 19 never want joy, always be happy.

Or Write and Learn (Difficult words).

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Lesson 137.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn.Geography. Geography tells us about the surface of the earth. *

The world on which we live is nearly round.

It is a large ball the shape of an orange.

The surface, or outside of the earth, is made up of land and water. Or write 30 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 12.

Lesson 138.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) Add nine thousand and seven; four hundred and sixty-five ; two thousand, eight hundred and ninety-four; sixty-eight; and ninety thousand and nine. (2) 38,756 × 306; 809; 390. (3) Write out the Pence Table from 45 to 96 pence. Write each word twice and Learn.





Lesson 139.-Thursday Morn. Grammar. Write and Learn. EXERCISE.-The following verbs are called aux-il-i-a-ry verbs. Learn the list well.+

be, been, being,

am, art, is, are,

was, wast, were, wert,

shall, shalt, should, shouldst, will, wilt, would,

may, mayst, might,

do, does, did, done, doing, can, canst, could. *DICTATION.-LEARN TO SPELL ALL THE WORDS.-Mary and Tom-my wan-der-ed about all day house-less and hungry. They had nothing to eat or drink but the ber-ries they pick-ed off the hedges, or the scraps they got from the poor people. When night came they crept into a barn to rest till the morn-ing. Thus, you see, these two or-phans were left quite alone in the world.

* These are recapitulatory lessons.

†The list should be well learnt. It reads crosswise, not lengthwise.

Lesson 140.-Friday Morning. Work these Sums.

(1) Seventy-nine thousand, five hundred and forty-three × 702; 809. (2) 82,609÷8 and 18 (by factors.)*

(3) Write out the Pence Table from 39 to 115 pence.

Write each word twice and Learn.

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Lesson 141.-Learn for Monday Morning.

PSALM LXXXVI., Verses 1, 2, 3, and 4; OR ELSE Learn—

And so Tom a-woke ;20 and we rose in the dark,
And got with our bags and our brush-es to work ;21
Though the morn-ing was cold Tom was hap-py and warm,
So if all do their du-ty,23 they need not fear harm.24


W. Blake.

20 awoke from his dream. 21 got to work, to go and sweep chimneys. 22 happy and warm, he felt so because he was doing his duty. 23 duty, their proper work well. 24 harm, hurt, danger.

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Lesson 142.-Tuesday Morn. Write and Learn. Geography.

There is three times more water than land on the earth's surface. The large pieces of land are called Continents.

The small pieces of land are called Islands.

The large portions of salt water are called Oceans.

The small portions of salt water are called Seas.

Or write 36 spellings out of any book, each word having six or more letters in it, and learn the first 15.

Lesson 143.-Wednesday Morning. Work these Sums. (1) 7,739 + 28,640 +39 + 806 +2 +53,836 + 19.

(2) Find the difference between 6,066 and 33,333.

(3) Multiply 39,786 by four hundred and nine. (4) 684,782 24 (by factors).


*The only difficulty in dividing by factors is in getting the correct remainder. If carefully taught the rule is of great use, especially in the succeeding standards.

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