Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth ; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. Sermons on Practical Subjects - Side 16af Joseph Washburn, Asahel Hooker - 1807 - 376 siderFuld visning - Om denne bog
| John Brinsley - 1651 - 554 sider
...calling upon him. And by the fame means (hall the general I Refurrection at the laft day be effected. The hour is coming^ in Which all *: that are in their graves- /hall hear his -voice, ; and PMÜ come forth t John 5/28,49. And by the like means is this ßrft Rffurrectun... | |
| Whole duty - 1741 - 504 sider
...that relieve the poor, the maimed, the blind, and the lame. He pofitively declares in St John, that the hour is coming in which all that are in their graves fhall hear his voice, and fhall come forth ; they that have done good unto the refurrection of life,... | |
| William Shepheard - 1748 - 410 sider
...hath committed all Judgment to the Son (n). I have, fays he the Keys of Hell and of Death (o). And the Hour is coming, in which all that are in their Graves Jhall hear the Voice of the Son of God, and ft/all come forth, they that have done Good, to the RefurreRion... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - 484 sider
...fhall " go away into everlafting punifhment : but the " righteous into life eternal." John v. 28, 29. " The hour is coming in which all that are in their " graves fhall hear his voice, and fhall come forth, " they that have done good unto the refurrection of " life,... | |
| John Leland - 1769 - 536 sider
...Father judgeth no Man, (viz. immediately) but hath committed all Judgment to the Son'. John v. 21, 22. The Hour is coming, in which all that are in their Graves jkall hear his Voice, and Jhall come forth, they that have done Good unto the Refurreflion of Life,... | |
| Whole duty - 1777 - 582 sider
...that relieve the poor, the maimed, the blind and the lame : He pofitively declares in St. John, that the hour is coming, in which all that are in their graves mail hear his voice, and mall come forth ; they that have done good upto the refurrection of life,... | |
| Richard Price - 1787 - 416 sider
...texts as the following. — John vi. 40. And I will raife him up at the lajl day. — John, V. 29 . The hour is coming in which all that are in their graves Jhall hear the voice of the Son of Man and Jball come forth ; they that have done good to the refurreflion... | |
| Charles Bonnet - 1789 - 296 sider
...what takes place in plants, it wotild Ipeak to the people a familiar, but moft expreflive language. " The " hour is. coming, in which all that " are in their graves fhall hear the " voice of the Son of God, and fhall " come forth, they that have done " good, to the... | |
| Richard Watson - 1791 - 536 sider
...where we find our Saviour to have mentioned the day of judgment, is John v. 28, 29, in thefe words: '< The hour " is coming, in which all that are in their graves fhall hear his " [ie the fon of God's] voice, and fhall come forth ; they that " have DONE GOOD, unto... | |
| George Horne (bp. of Norwich.) - 1794 - 426 sider
...dead. For as in Adam all £3 " die. DIsC. " die, even fo in Chrift mall all be made '_ " alive. — The hour is coming in which " all that are in their graves fhall hear his '' voice, and fhall come forth; they that " have done good, to the refurrection of life;... | |
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