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own language, than to dispute about the manner in which | latter is but seldom in the power of a pedantical student; their predecessors had expressed themselves.

The Romans quoted the Greeks, because the Romans were tyros in arts and sciences; and, like all beginners, they were highly delighted with what little they had learned, and very anxious to show it; but they were not quite so foolish as to make their quotations in public. Cicero treated his friend Atticus with Greek passages, but he knew that they would be understood: he would never have thought of using them in an address to the people at large, or in his transactions with persons who were not likely to be acquainted with the Greek language.

because, though he lives in the world, he does not live with it: he is always regretting the past, and, looking for ever down the stream, he barks with disappointment, like the dog in the fable, who dropt what he held in his mouth to snap at a shadow. He has renounced the manly simplicity of his mother tongue, without being able to attain the classical embellishments at which he was aiming, because it is much easier to imitate defects than to seiz: beauties; and, also, because what is a beauty in Latin may be a defect in English, on account of the difference in the origin and genius of the two languages."

Dr. Johnson once said, "The old black letter books are rich in matter though their style is inelegant, wonderfully so, considering how conversant the writers were with the best models of antiquity." If the Doctor had not been very partial to classical lore himself, this would not have appeared wonderful to him; since (for the abovementioned reasons) it was extremely natural. The natiye vigour of his own mind preserved him from becoming a mere imitator in his practical compositions; but his theory was very far from faultless; for both his dic tionary and his grammar exhibit most lamentable tokens of his having often in vain sought at Rome and Athens, what he might have had quite ready at home. Sept. 27, 1824.

this eventful scene, as Hyde, Earl of Clarendon. For this reason, those passages which refer to foreign powers appear to me particularly interesting. And his relation of the manner in which the news of the death of King Charles was received, by the "kings and princes of Christendom," seems to contain much matter for reflection. The first idea that occurs would be, that the monarch, whose decease had excited so little sensation amongst his royal brethren, had been regarded by them with feelings similar to those excited by the man ridiculed by Horace, as one whom "Omnes, vicini oderunt.". On further thought, however, the subject appears in rather a different the light. The execution of a neighbour would, amongst pri- In modern times quotations were introduced with the vate individuals, excite much strong sympathy. But the revival of literature, because knowledge could then only political position of Great Britain might naturally make be obtained by means of the ancient languages; and, as her an object of jealousy; and, therefore, the continental none of the modern idioms was either sufficiently cultipowers would shew more indifference. In another point vated, or sufficiently general, to serve as means of commuof view, however, it seems, that the rulers of Europe could nication among the learned, the classics were naturally scarcely (if we suppose them possessed of common powers adopted by all nations as the common standard, and as dea of reflection) view such an event without apprehension. the medium through which explanations might be given: It was an alarming precedent, and, if "by a Divine in- every one, interfering in literary matters, was supposed to stinct men's minds mistrust ensuing danger, their apathy be acquainted with the ancient languages, and, conseseems almost unaccountable. But, as mankind, in those quently, there was no affectation in using them whenever times, were more slow in acting upon general principles it might be found convenient: it was not assuming a than they are at present, perhaps our ideas, being liable to superiority over other people, for none were likely to medthe influence of existing circumstances, may lead us to dle with the performance but such as were familiar with overrate the danger. General impulse was then very slowly its language. Even so late as in the times of the Specacquired, and it most frequently subsided in the nation tator and the Rambler, reading was, in a great measure, which it first roused to motion, before its effects could confined to people who had received a classical education; reach to surrounding states. Men in those days were and the learned editors of the just named works comflow in making deductions; being comparatively unen-mitted no impropriety by opening sometimes the stores An Irish gentlemen having been found one day by a lightened, their conviction was to be reached only through of their classical acquirements for the benefit of their sub-friend practising with his sword against the wainscot, be fore dinner, and being asked the reason for his assiduity their feelings; and unless something, which manifestly scribers, whose memory they might refresh with pleasing reat this exercise, replied, "I have some company coming and immediately touched them, moved the sluggish mass collections, whilst their own well known and acknowledged to-day that I expect I shall quarrel with.” to thought and action, they were, generally, indifferent proficiency in those matters placed them above the suspicion to what passed around them. Hence events occurred of quoting merely for the sake of making a show. In the then, with only partial effects, which would, in these days, meantime the success of their works was not owing to their bare shaken more than half the globe." quotations, but to what they produced themselves, and they The continental powers cannot, however, be now deem- rendered the continuation of classical allusions unnecessary, od indifferent to each other's movements; perhaps they by showing how plainly and elegantly good ideas could be have learned caution from experience. communicated in a modern language. If a man now persists in using scraps from old works, instead of telling his

Mach more might be said upon this subject, which em, when deeply considered, to merit attention; but I Wish rather to excite the reader's thoughts, than to anticipate his reflections. Z.

• See Clarendon's History, book ix. vol. 4, p. 748, in edition As before, et alibi passim.




Chit Chat.

A few years since, the proprietor of Vauxhall Gardens lost his celebrated carver of hams, when he advertised for a new carver in that department of harmless anatomy. One of notoriety applied, when the worthy proprietor asked him how many acres he could cover with one fine ham, upon which he replied "he did not stand upon an acre or two, more or less;" upon which he was instantly hired, and told he was the very fellow for that establishment, and to cut away for the benefit of the concern and all mankind.

Effect of a Name.-The Westminster Review compares the complacency with which Novel-readers peruse Redgauntlet and St. Ronan's Well, because they are" by the Author of Waverley," to the force of association by which "the pippin-eating world persisted in devouring and commending their golden pippins when the graft was worn out, and long after they had degenerated into absolute crabs." And the Reviewer appends, in a note, the following pleasant anecdote on the subject: Lord C-n pippins-the last fruit of the last tree of the legitimate had the pride and happiness of possessing the last of the stock; and the eyes of the whole pippin-eating world were turned to this pippin as their sole hope and stay. His Lordship, judging the responsibility of raising up fruit from this apple too heavy for any private noblen an, resolved to send it to the Horticultural Society. It chanced that at this period he was visited by a prince of the blood, and after dinner so unique a treasure as the last of the pippins was produced for his Royal Highness' inspection, carefully enclosed in a globe of glass; when, to the infinite discomposure of his noble host, the royal Duke deliberately extracted the last of the pippins from its place of safe keeping, and having considered it well, conveyed it to his mouth, thus filling with unspeakable dismay the pippin-eaters in company, who saw all their hopes of pippins vanishing down the royal throat. At the pathetic entreaty of Lord Cn, however, his Royal Highness was prevailed upon to disgorge a pip, and from that pip there sprang a race of pippins.

own tale, he shows his ignorance rather than his learning, unless he do it for the sake of foiling a pedant with his own weapons. If such should be his object, the intention would justify the means; for pedantry being a public nuisance, nothing should be left untried to effect a cure. In ordinary cases, however, the vernacular tongue will be quite sufficient, and it is wrong to use any other in public. We know that it is considered as rude or affected when people do (without necessity) speak a language which is not understood by the whole of the company; B-Perceiving that your last number contains a and, on the same principle, it is uncivil to use it in writing ere reprimand, which one of your classical correspond. The readers whom a man addresses are his company for nts has addressed to yourself and your compositors, for the time being; and when he knows, before hand, that leged negligence in printing some of his learned quota- the greater part of them will not understand what he says, mons, I take the liberty of making you acquainted with I think him highly blamable for saying it at all: if he is act of courage which has lately been performed by the convinced of advancing nothing but what is true and ineditor of a respectable London magazine, and which ap- telligible, why does he not make it appear so to others? Panto me worthy of your imitation. In the number of if he will not, he should not raise expecta tions which he August, there is the following declaration:-" Our does not mean to fulfil, and if he cannot, he should not readers in general are not pleased with critical analysis, publish at all: there may be now and then a passage that annot be made out without introducing the dead which cannot be translated with the same brevity and Languages; and the proffered communication is better neatness which it has in the original; but the meaning of adapted for the Classical Journal than for our magazine." it must be transferable in some shape or other, and if This appears to me very proper and sensible conduct; the learned scholar is incapable of hitting upon any, he f it is really astonishing that the Gothic and barbarous will do better by continuing his own studies, than by unhabit of quoting has not long since been abolished. The dertaking to direct those of others. Greks never quoted, although they certainly had not in- A mere display of learning shows no more the real fa. ted all that they said and did: they had been pre-culties of an individual than the vigour of his body would ceded by people whose experience and industry had un- be proved by a list of the dainties upon which he feeds: doubtedly been very profitable to their successors; but by going with grace and facility through some of your A lady who had just been three days married, perccivthe Athenians thought it no part of their duty to repeat, gymnasia, he would make his strength much more her husband enter, stole secretly behind him and gave for ever and anon, what they had learned from others; cuous than by his bill of fare; and, just so, he would best him a kiss. The husband was angry, and said she offended they found it much more rational to put their acquired demonstrate the healthy state of his mind, by treating his against decency. Pardon me," exclaimed she, " I did knowledge into practice, and to give perfection to their fellow citizens with good English. Unfortunately the not know it was you!"

General Fawcett once asked an Irishman, at Munich, if he would fight for a Foreign Crown? "Aye, or for half-a-crown either," said Paddy.

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It was a form of beauty bright,
All dazzling to behold;
It was a creature of delight,
Framed in angelic mould:

And round about the heart it wound,
In wily fetter strong,

And beld, in gentle thraldom bound,
The captive bosom long;

And roses wreathed the victor's chain,
And Hope, exulting, smiled;

And oh! so soft her syren strain,
She soon the heart beguiled.

But when that heart Love's image took,
And throbb'd with answering tone,
Oh! then the god his throne forsook,
And scorned the prize his own.
And Hope grew pale, and soon, afar,
Resought her halcyon nest;
Then was the madding passions' war,
The farewell hour of rest.

And man shall, aye, a traitor prove,
And woman vainly weep;

For a moeking shade is mortal love,
Idie as dream of sleep:

And sooner shall the veering wind

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The wretch that has stolen thy heart,

To avenge me has faithless become; Forsakes thee, and smiles that his art A treacherous maid has undone. That rival unworthy of thee,

At him thy proud heart should rebel;
Forget and return unto me,

Who lov'd and still love thee too well.
Oh! banish the wretch from thy sight,
That cause of thy cruel alarms;
He never can value aright,

For he feels not the worth of thy charms.
Return, oh! return then to me,

My heart is still constant, and yet

Must ever remain so to thee,

For I struggle in vain to forget.

How often, recalling thy vow,
Have I curs'd thee with bitter disdain ;
But I see thee in sorrow, and now

My heart springs to meet thee again.
Return, oh! return then to me,
My love none but thee shall partake;
I've guarded my fortune for thee,
And only with life will forsake.

The Drama.


Artis est celare artem.

A. B.

As it is now the fashion for every "man of note or selihood" to bear about his person the armorial ensigns his house's lineage, we would suggest that the players, ing men, at least, of note, should straight betake themlves to heraldry. Antiquity will sanction their claim to Dats of arms professional; and the honourable escutcheon f an actor could scarcely be more appropriately embelshed than with the above motto: it would be an admoniry companion happily reminiscential and instructive, nd not an inapposite vade-mecum to his studies. There are entleman of the sock and buskin, however, though the amber is lamentably limited, and will be speedily even

more diminutive, for the million like them not;-there formance of King John, indeed, we then thought an excep-
are players, we say, who need no devices blazonry, tion to the general remark, that Mr. Macready had failed
to remind them that their acting should, in all things, in every character of Shakspeare's he had attempted. On
conform to nature; that their vocation is not mere the present occasion, his mode of speaking and his deport
trickish art, but should be artless: and amongst ment in all the scenes, until his first interview with Hu
the number of this little band of histrionic worthies bert, were good, and, in several instances, excellent. His
we include Mr. TERRY. Than this gentleman we scene with the Legate and the French King, particularly,
are acquainted with few performers possessing a more was a master-piece of acting; uniting the vigorous and
legitimate requisition to public patronage; and yet, to our the chaste in a high degree. As a whole, however, it was
shame be it said, his benefit, resembling that of his fellow- a performance decidedly inferior to Mr. Macready's repre-
worthy, DowTON's, was next to profitless. What! can it be sentation of this character last year. Towards the close of
that in Liverpool merit like Terry's should realize only a be- the play, more especially, he seemed to have entirely lost
nefit of paltry EIGHTY POUNDS? when Miss M. Ham- sight of King John, and of his own better genius.
mersley commands half as much more, and Mr. Blanchard
takes in dudgeon ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY. Last
season, we presume, this latter gentleman conceived his
peculiar powers (they are the powers of a very actor, both
on and off the stage) duly appreciated. The immediate
subsequence of his benefit in 1823 was a condescending
"CARD," thanking the public very sillily, and as ful-
somely, for having unexpectedly, nor he nor they knew
why, enriched him and fooled themselves.

"Can such things be,

And overcome us like a summer's cloud,
Without our special wonder?"

As Virginius, Mr. Macready was, as usual, easy and pleasing in the earlier domestic portion of the play; cold, and rife with stage-trick, in the latter and impassioned part of it. We freely confess our pleasure in the palpable failure to produce the effect intended by his delivery of "I thank thee, Jupiter, I am still a father." Efforts of this kind, to catch applause, constitute great blemishes in Mr. Macready's acting. He appears not content to receive it for a correct recitation, and a natural delineation of his part; but must strain every nerve to extort it by unexpected and unnatural pauses, or by suddenly lowering the voice from its utmost altitude to tones at once the most But, like Dowton, Mr. Terry has probably more respect common-place and colloquial. This modern, illegitimate for himself and for his vocation, than, wittingly, to de-mode of elocution, while it may and does excite applause grade either the one or the other by the despicable means to a certain extent, never fails to make the judicious frequently employed to make a benefit. Make a benefit! | grieve ;" and that in the same ratio with the celebrity of How? Mark: the actor adopting it. We have represented Mr. Macready to be cold in the impassioned scenes; and as an illustration of this remark, would instance his long and freezing pauses in that where Virginius, to save his daughter's honour, kills her. During Mr. Macready's drowsy enactment of this, in itself, truly affecting scene, the audience manifested very general symptoms of fret ful impatience; an effect the very reverse of what he was desirous of producing, and by which, we hope, he knows how to profit.


MY DEAR ***,—I crave the pleasure of introducing to your kind offices Mr., who visits your famed "good old town," professionally. He is the boon companion of most convivial people here, and a very agreeable fellow, I assure you. Pray be civil to him, which will occasion for yourself much amusement, and greatly oblige yours, very truly,

Such, reader, is the principal machinery, which, once well in motion, seldom fails to make a benefit. We have the original of the above delectable fool-trap now in our possession, and have known persons come from the metropolis destitute of any other recommendatory quality than a pocket well lined with some such polite Should any of us ever be so pitifully besought to give alms again, we promise the applicant not to pocket the affront so quietly as on a recent occasion; so thoroughly are we disgusted with these mean attacks on our purse-strings, that another similar invocation to be "civil" will assuredly superinduce us to "publish and shame the rogues." But Terry has not been unfortunate in his benefit alone. His rencounter with the management is reported to have procured for him a tolerably significant intimation that, under the existing administration, he need not expect another engagement in Liverpool. For Mr. Terry's spirited reprehension of the clamorous gentry behind the scenes, the public are much indebted to him, but it was a liberty, they say, the managers could not brook; and we certainly think he should first have spoken to them on the subject of this joint annoyance to himself and to the audience. Perhaps he had done so in vain, in which case the managers and the noisy ones have each been very properly held up to what may be termed the reproof notorious.

invitations to become charitable.

"to wilful men,

On Wednesday Mr. Macready sought our suffrages as the representative of Damon, a part" written expressly for him," and, of course, written to exhibit to all possible advantage every thing there is of excellence in his act ing. To say that it does this is saying but little in Mr. Macready's praise; for we would have him adapt his powers (which are certainly of a high order) to characters that already exist in the poetical world of the drama, and, by such means, win a fair and lasting fame, rather than submit to have new creations, formed and fitted to what costs him nothing-his peculiarities.

Mr. Macready on Thursday evening, appeared as Caius Gracchus, in the new tragedy of that name; "written," as the bills of the day very obligingly inform us, "expressly for him." The author, Mr. Sheridan Knowles, seems to have taken extremely accurate dimensions of Mr. M.'s powers, for they are, to their utmost extent, laid under contribution in this most novel play. Macready's exertions, to embody his conception of Caius, were strenuous and greatly successful; evincing declamatory and physical qualifications assuredly equal to those of any actor on the stage, and exhibiting them to all possible ad vantage. But we must here take leave to denounce this gentleman's propensity to that violent respiration in which he so uniformly indulges. It is a most odious "custom" of his, "more honoured in the breach, than the observance ;", a practice creating in an audience a sensation of absolute disgust, especially accompanied as it invariably is by such tu The Editor of the Kaleidoscope has more than once multuous, nay, outrageous vibrations of the breast and arisen up in his place, and in the spirit of his nobility shoulders, as are at once a libel on his taste, common ejaculated "not content" to our notions of Mr. Vanden. sense, and ideas of decency. Every evening have we hoff. Like some few other similar dissentients, the Editor witnessed, not merely the critics of the pit convulsed with of the Kalcidoscope has not, in fact, seen Mr. Vadnenhoff. partially suppressed laughter, but the fair ornaments of the On a late occasion, however, the Editor had an oppor-boxes have turned aside their heads from the stage, with tunity of witnessing, partially, of what Mr. Vandenhoff an expression of loathing, of which Mr. Macready can is capable; and we should very much like to be favoured have no conception. For ourselves, we can liken this un with his sentiments on that gentlemans's cabinet scene with happy mannerism of Mr. Macready's to nothing in nature Florian, in the Foundling of the Forest. We know what more nearly resembling it, than a person in the act of the public think, as well of his Count de Valmont, as of emitting the atmospheric air from his lungs, and inhaling his other performances, or the plaudits, loud and raptur. the laughing gas, administered with such ludicrous effect, ous, of a whole theatre, have no signification. by that master artist, Mr. CHARLES.

The injuries that they themselves procure,
Must be their schoolmasters."

Mr. Macready has been playing here during the past week, and, we are sorry to add, to but very indifferent houses. Excepting Thursday and Friday evenings, when the performances had the attraction of novelty, there have generally been only about forty persons in the boxes, and these, for the most part, admitted by proprietors' tickets; a miserable proof of the estimation in which Mr. Macready's acting is held by the higher orders of society in this town, or of their want of taste for the plays in which he appears. We were glad to perceive King John chosen by this actor for his debut, as we remembered seeing him in the part, when last here, with great pleasure. His per

If there be any who conceive these brief observations on Mr. Macready severe, we candidly acknowledge severity to be, in some measure, our aim. We devote our time and our money to purchase the pleasure derived from the beauties of his acting. If, therefore, it be his pleasure to return us dross as well as gold, we are equally inflexible in our determination to award deserved censure as to bestow really merited praise. Our remarks emanate not from a spirit of detraction, but of truth; to whose great dictates, on all occasions, it is our first duty, as it is our determined purpose, obediently to bow.

October 11.


MRS. SADLER.-The melancholy accident which J. Hodgson

has deprived society of a valuable member, and science of an enthusiastic votary, has left the Widow and Child of the late Mr. W. W. SADLER without a protector, in a situa tion which demands the sympathy and support of a gene1ous public. Impressed with this idea, some of those friends who esteemed Mr. Sadler while living, and deeply deplore his untimely end, venture to address the Inhabitants of Liverpool, who have so often been interested in his adventurous aerial excursion, in behalf of his Widow and Child.

The following Gentlemen have consented to act as a Committee on this occasion:

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Subscriptions will be thankfully received by THOMAS KAYE, Treasurer, Courier-office; at the different Newsrooms, and at the following Booksellers, &c.-Messrs. WilGores, Wales, Cruickshank, and Bywater and Co.

Mr. Hiiluir

John Cropper, Jun... 2
E. Cropper

D. Hodgson

W. Neighbours.
Mr. Burrowe ough
A Friend Dr. Traill 1
Rev. W. Shepherd's

W. Wales
W. Wright

Miss Radcliff

J. B. Wright

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O Sam. M'Cullock


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0 Edmund Ortt...



O Mr. Robinson..

2 2

2 2

1 1





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0 John


0 E. Smith

John Topham

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1 15

0 Wm. Thompson

1 1

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Venus passes from Virgo into Libra, and will be in o conjunction with Libra 14d. 22h. and in conjunction with 0 the Moon 23d. 13h. 28m.

A Eriend to the
0 10
Rev. H. Barton..... I 1
N. B. This list is made up to Saturday noon.

0 Henry Taylor. ..... 2 2 0
O Mr. Pinney

0 10 0

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October 25, Mars culminates 3h. 32m. sets S. W. W. 7h. 16.n.

Mars and Antares, with Scorpio, will be in conjunction 3d day.

October 25, Jupiter rises 11h. 15m. culminates 18h. 55m. Jupiter is in the constellation Cancer throughout the month. On the 16th day, at 12 hours, will be seen rising nearly in conjunction, and about 34° apart. October 25, Saturn rises 6h. 30m. culminates 14h. 20. Saturn still forms a conspicuous and beautiful object in

lan, Grapel, Muncaster, Ormandy, Mercury-office, Robinsons, be conducted under her sole direction, assisted by a person the head of the Bull, near the right eye, and affords a very

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that the flattering encouragement hitherto given to the Es-favourable opportunity for viewing that wonderful phe nomenon, his rings of light.

tablishment will be kindly continued.

WARM, VAPOUR, and other BATHS, at any hour.


October 21, Georgian culminates 5h. 7m. sets 9h. om. The Georgian is still in the head of Sagittarius. On the 7th day, at 10h, the most conspicuous stars upon the meridian will be Fomalhaut, and Pegasus, and part of Cepheus; the Pointers at their lowest depression N.; the shoulders of Orion rising E. by N.: the Twins, N.E.


SIR,-The other evening I was present at an astrono-

EVENING AMUSEMENTS FOR OCTOBER. When the Sun was imagined to be an immense globe, N. just above the horizon. On the 23d, the stars upen or ball, in a state of combustion, Comets were supposed to the meridian will be Andromeda, and Pegasus; Cassioo be bodies of fire performing their revolutions round him, peia nearly in the zenith; the Twins N. E. by E. E.; and returning periodically to supply the waste of the solar Orion's belt rising E. & S.; Ursa Major at lowest depres heat; and Sir Isaac Newton computed the heat of the sion N. The situation of Perseus offers a favourable op Comet of 1680, when nearest the Sun, to be 2000 times portunity for noticing the variation in Algol. This re greater than that of red hot iron, and that it would retain markable star changes continually from the 2d to the 4t its heat should its period be extended to 20,000 years. magnitude. The time occupied, from its extreme lustre These ideas are now entirely exploded, and modern as-is about 69 hours, but gradually diminishes in brightness tronomers have pretty well determined that the Sun is an for four hours, which it recovers in the succeeding fa o opaque habitable globe like the planets, but shining by hours, preserving its greatest lustre through the remaining its own light procceding from a luminous atmosphere time, till its decrease again commences. The whole of which surrounds it; and the spots which occasionally Perseus is well worthy of minute observation. 220 appear on the disc, are parts of his body appearing through 110 that atmosphere at some particular places where it is 1 1 0 more rare than at others. The warmth which we derive from the Sun is occasioned by the rays of his lui ominous atmosphere mingling with that of our Earth. 200 The nature and design of Comets, however, is but very imperfectly known, though they are likewise supposed to bear resemblance to the other planetary orbs, but sur-mical lecture, delivered to a select party of friends, and so rounded by a luminous atmosphere like the Sun, and much delighted with some parts of it, that I was insensi generally attended by a train of light inclined towards that bly led, by a train of reflections, to consider the easiest and fuminary. Their revolutions are performed in very long most systematic method of obtaining a knowledge of the o ellipses, but few have been determined with any degree of science of astronomy. Every one knows that sentiments accuracy. Some move according to the order of the signs; O others have a retrograde motion, and nearly the whole of aided by a pleasing elocution, more immediately touch u their orbits have a considerable inclination. Cometary feelings than when read at our leisure in our closets; whene o Astronomy has lately occupied much of the attention of it follows, that a lecture, maintained with liberality and 0 10 6 scientific men in various parts of the world, and different decorum, bids fairer to strike the attention of youth, whi 1 1 opinions have been formed as to their use; but this, we it entertains venerable age, than most other modes of it fear, must always rest upon conjecture. The Divine wisodom is manifest in all the works of the Creator; and struction. The science of astronomy has advanced 100 probably comets are links in the chain of the grand whole its present state by means of a series of observation 1 1 0 to connect our system with others, revolving round their and discoveries made during a long course of ages. W 0 own centre, though invisible to us. In the Comet of can now select that which tends best to the demonstra 8 January last, an amateur at Prague made some remark110 able observations on the appearance and disappearance of the spots on the Sun's disc. A phenomenon something similar has occurred during the visit of the present one, 0 though at this time there are several spots visible, which have been continually varying. Similar observations have been made by Herschel and others during the stay of 1 0 0 former Comets, and there can be but little doubt that they 1 1 o have some connexion with each other. Such appearances Jos. Dickson, Jun... 0 100 have also been noticed as the prelude to extreme sultry weather in our planet. Two spots were observed on the northern disc, one of which totally disappeared in a few hours, and another came in view to the southward. The Comet is now in the constellation Bootes, or Mural Quadrant of La Lande (apparently without a tail) and sur

0 Thos. Dodson, Jun... 1 1
0A Friend T. Mun-

1 1
0 10
0 10 0
1 0


2 2



1 1

0 William Smith


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0 W. Rathbone...


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Drury and Wilde.... 1

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tion of the true system, and explication of the varic phenomena. Astronomy makes known to us the in mensity of the creation, and increases our reverence! that universal Being, who is at the head of things, supreme in wisdom as in power, the author and mover of the via This alone, then, is a sufficient reason for making it a minent part of education. But its practical utility is grea It is useful in geography and navigation, and has afforde splendid assistance to the latter by the lunar method finding the longitude at sea. Again, amongst the variou advantages from astronomy this one is particularly en nent. We see the most complex appearances and intrica fection of modern instruments and observations can be arranged that they will afford, in almost all the importa facts in astronomy, the same conviction as the mind receive from a demonstration of the elements of Euclid. Howeasl does the primary motion of projection and the simple law gravity explain motions intricate and various! What a illustration, if this is the law of light? Without the res

1 0 o rounded by a very transparent atmosphere. The corusca-motions admitting of the simplest calculations. The pe
tions are continually varying, from dimness and obscurity
0106 to brilliancy and light.

Phases of the Moon.

First Quarter

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October 13, Mercury rises E. 17h. Omn. culminates 22h. 20059m. October 19, Mercury rises E. S. 16h. 57m. cul-city of which (200,000 miles in a second) the stars a

ominates 22h. 56m.

Mercury is in the constellation Virgo thoughout the month; will be in inf. conjunction 2d. 12h. 45m. and at o' greatest elongation 19th day, when an opportunity will be

planets would appear inextricable confusion, and the fac of the heavens be continually changing; and this would b occasioned by the mere change of the velocity of light

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SIR,-Allow me, through the medium of your useful publication, to suggest to those who have the selection of music for Divine worship, a few observations on the impropriety of an indiscriminate choice of melodies intended for sacred purposes. I allude to the frequent introduction into the service of the church, the melodies of song tunes and other light compositions. That the adaptation of secular music may, in some very rare instances be excusable, I would readily concede. There is an anecdote related of Mr. Wesley being struck with the sublime pathos of a composition he heard from a sailor, and transcribing it on the spot for sacred use, which, as I have heard, in point of excellence and appropriate simplicity might almost be said to justify the practice; but I believe it will be admitted that an exception can never establish a rule; and this practice seems to have obtained an universality in some congregations, owing to a want of genuine taste in singing choirs and compilers of tune books, which cannot be too much discountenanced. That sacred music properly so called, has a character of its own, distinct from and superior to all others in the worship of Jehovah, will not be denied. That it has been cultivated in this country to an extent equal to all occasions of divine choral and congregational service, will also be admitted. It must be obvious at the same time, that in transferring popular melodies from their proper sphere to devotional use, an improper association of ideas is unavoidably produced, and an occasion of scandal and ridicule presented to the world.-I am, Sir, yours &c.

A LOVER OF GENUINE CHURCH MUSIC. Bristol, Sept. 14, 1824.



SIR,-As I observe, by your last Mercury, that the subject of phrenology is exciting rather a warm interest, you will, perhaps, admit this short note into your next, as a cooling sedative.

In consequence of a recommendation of Combe's Elements, by one of your correspondents, I obtained a copy, and began to study it without any preconceived opinion I, however, had not proceeded far till my sentiments nearly corresponded with those expressed by Anti-phrenologist. The fundamental principle upon which the whole system is built is evidently assumed; and, while there is a profession of following up the inductive method of Bacon, there is nothing to be found but vague analogies and hasty conclusions. An organ of the brain, for instance, is said to be like a trumpet, and the whole brain like a piano forte. If it be true that professional habits have an influence over the mode of thinking, one would be led to con clude that Combe is either a maker of musical instruments or a builder of organs; or like the philosophical musician, who concluded that the world was made in seven days, because there are seven notes in music.

I shall not trouble you farther at present with this subject; but will, notwithstanding my various avocations, readily discuss it with the phrenologists in your KalcidoNEUTER NISI VERUS.

scope. Adieu.

Sept. 27, 1824.



SIR,-Your correspondent, A Connoisseur, having taken

a final leave of me, having neither time nor inclination for further controversy, will not, I hope, prevent me, with your permission, making a few remarks on his last com

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