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and, in spite of an irregular caesura, I am inclined to think that this is a genuine bit of verse.

Tib. 25, ut saepe lupum se auribus tenere diceret.

Perhaps this proverb was common enough in prose, but a Roman could hardly help remembering Ter. Phormio 506, aúribus teneó lupum.

Tib. 28, Subinde iactabat in civitate libera linguam mentemque liberas esse debere.

The words of the emperor, if changed to the direct form, are parts of two trochaic septenarii :

In cívitate líbera

língua mensque líberae esse débent.

There is but one case of elision and but one substitution in the entire passage; ictus and word-accent everywhere coincide, so that the rhythmical nature of the quotation is obvious. Possibly these are versus populares.

Tib. 62, Identidem felicem Priamum vocabat, quod superstes omnium suorum extitisset.

These words in direct discourse are a faultless trochaic septenarius:

Félix Priamus quód superstes ómnium suorum éxtitit,

and might well have formed a part of some well-known tragedy. Cal. 29, Gallis Graecisque aliquot uno tempore condemnatis, gloriabatur, Gallograeciam se subegisse.

These words are, in the direct form, the beginning of a trochaic septenarius :

Gállograeciám subegi,

and were possibly intended as a parody of the famous versus populares sung in Caesar's Gallic triumph; cf. Iul. 49, Gallias Caesar subegit, etc.

Nero 49, Causatus nondum adesse fatalem horam.

In the direct form these words are perhaps the beginning of a trochaic septenarius:

Nóndum adest fatális hora.

Nero was so thoroughly the actor that it need cause no surprise to

find him quoting tragedy when his life is hanging in the balance; almost with his dying breath he quotes from the Iliad:

Ιππων μ' ὠκυπόδων ἀμφὶ κτύπος οὔατα βάλλει.

Vit. 8, Bono, inquit, animo estote! nobis adluxit.

These words of Vitellius, uttered to allay the anxiety of his adherents who regarded as an evil omen a fire which had suddenly broken out in the dining room of the headquarters, may well be a quotation from some tragedy. Without change they are an incomplete senarius, lacking only the last foot, which was perhaps the word deus:

Bono ánimo estote! Nóbis adluxít [deus].

Vesp. 16, Quidam natura cupidissimum tradunt, idque exprobratum ei a sene bubulco, qui, negata sibi gratuita libertate . . . proclamaverit, vulpem pilum mutare non mores.

The words in italics suggest a possible moral to some well-known fable about the fox in disguise; possibly the same puzzling fable which is referred to in Hor. Sat. ii. 3. 186,

astuta ingenuum vulpes imitata leonem,

and in Persius v. 116,

pelliculam veterem retines et fronte politus
astutam vapido servas sub pectore vulpem,

or, in another form, the wolves in sheep's clothing of St. Matthew viii. 15.

Assuming a fable in poetic form after the style of Phaedrus, the words of the quotation are, without change, an incomplete senarius, which may be completed as follows:

[Fábula haec]

vulpém pilum mutáre non morés [docet],

or in the direct form :

Vulpés pilum mutáre non morés [potest].

An exact metrical equivalent for either of these forms may be found in Phaedrus v. 7. 10:

Inter manus sublatus et multum gemens.


FIG. 2.




HIPIEZ in his Histoire Critique des Origines et de la Formation des Ordres Grecs (p. 272) says that the volutes of Ionic columns in Asia Minor were usually connected by a straight line.1 This statement is repeated by Collignon in his Manuel d'Archéologie Grecque (p. 58). With a view to testing its accuracy I have examined all accessible illustrations of different Ionic buildings in Asia Minor and as a result have found that the statement requires correction.

The volutes were connected by a straight line (Fig. 1) in the following buildings: in the temple of Dionysus at Teos (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. I, ch. I, Pl. 2; pt. IV, Pl. 23, 24, 25); in the temple of Dionysus or Aphrodite at Aphrodisias (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. III, ch. II, Pl. 3, 16, 17, 18; also Texier and Pullan, Ruins of Asia Minor, Pl. 26, 28, 29); in the temple of Zeus at Aizani (Texier and Pullan, Pl. 10, 13, 14, 15); in the temple of Apollo at Sagalassus (Lanckoroński, Les Villes de la Pamphylie et de la Pisidie, II. Pl. 25, also p. 157); in the temple at Termessus (Lanckoroński, II. Pl. 2, also p. 50); in the Propylaeum at Priene (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. 1, ch. II, Pl. 12, 14, 15); in the portico of the agora at Aphrodisias (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. III, ch. II, Pl. 5, 6); in the theatre at Aizani (Texier and Pullan, Pl. 20); the engaged columns in the great theatre at Laodicea (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. II, Pl. 50); in a small building at Cnidos (Antiq. of Ionia, pt. III, ch. I, Pl. 13, 14).

The volutes were connected by a depressed line (Fig. 2) in the following buildings: in the temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Wood, Discoveries at Ephesus, Pl. opp. p. 196); in the temple of Athena Polias

1"3. Elles se raccordent au moyen d'une ligne horizontale ainsi que dans les bas-reliefs de Ninive. C'était la disposition la plus ordinaire des chapiteaux de l'Asie Mineure," etc.

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