hath it. This is worth thine enquiry into: and God hath given thee the Characters, whereby to decypher it; Whom he did predes tinate, them also he called; and whom he called, them also he justified; and whom he justified, them also he glorified; that is, they are as sure to be glorified, as if they were glorified already; Rom. viii. 30. Read thine own name in the book of life, and thou art happy: as for others, let thy rule be the judgment of charity; and let God's seal alone. Secret things belong to God; and things revealed, to us and our children. But, if thou wilt needs be searching into God's counsel, remember that of Solomon, as the Vulgate reads it, Prov. XXV. 27. Scrutator Majestatis opprimetur à gloriá; He, that pries into Majesty, shall be overwhelmed with glory. (2.) Now, that, from the secrecy, we may descend to the Peculiarity of Designation: you know it in common practice, in your trades and merchandise, that, when a man hath bought a parcel of commodities, he sets his mark upon them, to distinguish them from the rest in the warehouse: so doth our God. He sets a mark upon his own, whereby they are plainly differenced from others. And this mark, besides the stamp of his eternal decree, is true sanctification. By this then it is, that we are known from the world: as upon some large plain, where there are several flocks and herds feeding together, every one knows his own by his mark. So the man with the writer's inkhorn set a mark upon those, which mourned for their own sins, and the sins of the people; Ezek. ix. 4. It is, therefore, so far from truth, that our sanctification is no certain proof of our sonship and of our interest in the covenant of grace; as, that there is no other besides it. And, indeed, what other can we insist upon? Outward profession will not do it: many a one shall say, Lord, Lord, with a zealous reduplication; which yet shall be excluded. And, for pretended revelations, they are no less deceitful: Satan oftentimes transforming himself into an Angel of Light: a Zidkijah thinks he hath the Spirit, as well as any Micaiah of them all: our books are full of the reports of dangerous delusions of this kind; whereby it hath come to pass, that many a one, instead of the true David, hath found nothing but an image of clouts laid upon a bolster stuffed with goat's hair; 1 Sam. xix. 16. But this mark of real sanctification cannot fail us. It will ever hold good, that which St. Paul hath; Rom. viii, 14: So many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Nothing in this world can so highly concern us, as this, to see and know whether we be sealed to the day of redemption. Would we know how it may be evidenced to us? look upon the impres sion, that God's Spirit hath made upon our hearts and lives. If he have renewed us in the inner man; and wrought us unto true holiness, to a lively faith, to a sincere love of God, to a conscionable care of all our actions, and to all other his good graces; doubtless, we are so sealed, that all the powers of hell cannot deface and obliterate this blessed impression. (3.) But the principal and main use of this seal is for Certainty of Performance, If we have the word of an honest man, we believe it; but if we have his hand, we make ourselves more sure: but if we have both his hand and seal, we rest secure of the accomplishing of what is given or undertaken. How much more assurance may we have, when we have the word of a God, whose very title is AMEN; Rev. iii. 14. and whose Promises are like himself, Yea and Amen; 2 Cor. i. 20! Alas, the best man is deceitful upon the balance; and his true style is, Omnis homo mendax, "Every man is a liar:" but, for this God of Truth, heaven and earth shall pass away, before one tittle of his word shall fail. But, when that promise is seconded by his Seal, what a transcendent assurance is here! It is the charge of the Apostle Peter; Give diligence to make your calling and election sure; 2 Pet. i. 10. Sure, not in respect of God; whom no changes can reach; whose word is, I am Jehovah; my counsel shall stand: but, in respect of our apprehension; not in regard of the object only, which cannot fail, but even of the subject also; which if it were not feasible, sure the Spirit of God would not have enjoined it, or imposed it upon us. The Vulgate reads, per bona opera, by good works: and, indeed, it is granted by Beza and Chamier, that, in some Greek copies, it is διὰ καλῶν ἐργῶν: whereupon Bellarmin would fain take an advantage to prove his conjectural assurance: a strange match of words merely contradictory! for if but conjectural, how can it be assurance? and, if it be assurance, how only conjectural? we may as well talk of a false truth, as a conjectural assurance. But that implication of Bellarmin is easily blown over, if we consider, that these good works do not only comprehend external works, as almsdeeds, prayer, attendance on God's ordinances, and the like; but also the internal acts of the soul: the acts of believing, the acts of the love of God, the acts of that hope which shall never make us ashamed. These will evidence, as our calling and election, so the certainty of both; and therefore are the seal of our redemption. Let foolish men have leave to improve their wits to their own wrong; in pleading for the uncertainty of their right to heaven: but, for us, let us not suffer our souls to take any rest, till we have this blessed seal put upon us, to the assuring of our redemption and salvation; that we may be able to say, with the Chosen Vessel, God hath sealed us, and given us the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts; 2 Cor. i. 22. If we have the grant of some lease, or some goodly manor, made to us by word of mouth, we stay not, till we have gotten it under black and white; and not then, till we have it under seal; nor then, if it be a perpetuity, till we have livery and seizin given us of it; and, when all this is done, we make account securely to enjoy our hopes and shall we be less careful of the main-chance, even of the eternal inheritance of Heaven? Lo here all these are done for us! Here is the Word, preaching peace and salvation to all that believe: here are his Scriptures, the internal monuments of his written word, confirming it: here is the Seal added to it: here is the Livery and Seizin given, in the earnest of his Spirit: and here is sufficient Witness to all; even God's Spirit, witnessing with our J spirits, that we are the sons of God. Let us find this in our bosom. and we are happy: neither let our hearts be quiet, till we can say, with the Chosen Vessel, I am persuaded, that neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any creature can be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord; Rom viii. 38. 39. Lo, this is not a guess, but an assurance; TÉ: neither doth the Apostle speak of his own special revelation, as the Popish Doctors would pretend; but he takes all believers into the partnership of this comfortable unfailableness; nothing shall separate us. happy are we, if we be sealed unto the day of redemption. Thus III. Having now handled the parts severally, let us, if you please, put them together; and see the power of this INFERENCE of ARGUMENT. Ye are, by the Spirit of God, sealed to the day of redemption; Oh, therefore, grieve not that Spirit of God, by whom ye are thus sealed. The Spirit of God hath infinitely merited of you; hath done so much for you, as ye are not capable to conceive, much less to answer, in so heavenly an obsignation: oh, then, be you tender of giving any offence to that Good Spirit. Do not you dare to do ought, that might displease that Loving and Beneficent Spirit. Be not you so much your own enemies, as to give just distaste to your good God. So as the force of the argument, as we intimated at the first, lies upon an action of unkindness; affording us this instruction, that the ground of God's childrens' fear to offend must be out of love and thankfulness. Great is thy mercy, that thou mayest be feared; saith the Psalmist: he doth not say, "Great is thy mercy, that thou mayest be loved;" nor, "Great is thy majesty, that thou mayest be feared;" but, Great is thy mercy, that thou mayest be feared. Base, servile natures are kept in fear with stripes; but the ingenuous disposition of God's dear ones is wrought upon, by tender respect to the goodness and mercy of that God, who hath so infinitely blessed it. It is an emphatical expression, that of St. Paul, For the love of Christ constraineth us; 2 Cor. v. 14. Lo, here is a kind of force and violence offered to the soul; but it is the force of love, than which nothing can be more pleasing. Neither will God offer any other: it can be no will, that is forced: God will not break in upon the soul; but wins it, with those sweet solicitations, that are more powerful than those of fear. Men commonly run in a full career towards hell: it were happy, that any thing in the world could stay them. But are there any of us, that find a restraint upon ourselves, in the midst of our evil ways; so as we make a stop in this pernicious course of our sinning? whence is it? Is it out of a mere fear of the pains of hell; of those eternal torments, that abide for sinners? This is little thank to them. Nature, even in brute creatures, will teach them to affect their own preservation; and to avoid those things, which will necessarily draw on their destruction. Balaam's ass, seeing the angel's sword, will strive to decline it: every slave will tug hard to escape the lash. But is it in a sweet sense of the mercies of God, who hath done so much for thy soul? is it out of a conscience not to offend so holy and munificent a God, who hath purchased thee so dear, and sealed thee up to the day of redemption? now, thou hast in thee a true generosity of spirit: this argues thee to have the proper affections of a true child of God; for every child of God is spiritually good-natured. It is not so with our natural children. A stomachfull Esau knows that his good father cannot but be displeased with his Pagan matches; yet he takes him wives of the daughters of Heth; Gen. xxvi. 34. 35. And an ambitious Absalom dares rise up in rebellion against his tenderly-loving father. But grace hath other effects: the spiritual generation of God's faithful ones are dearly affectionate to their Father in Heaven, and apply themselves to all obedience out of mere love and duty. The son and the slave are both enjoined one work. God be thanked, we can have no instance in this kind: that vassalage is happily and justly extinguished as unfit to be of use amongst Christians; but, where it obtaineth still, the son and the slave do one work; but out of different grounds: the son, to please his father; the slave, that he may avoid the stripes of an imperious master: therefore, the one doth it cheerfully and willingly; the other, grudgingly and repiningly: the one, of love and gratitude; the other, out of fear. But This is a point worthy of our serious consideration, as that which mainly imports our souls, what are the grounds of our either actions or forbearances. We endeavour some good duties; we refrain from some sins: out of what principles? Some there are, that can brag of their immunity from gross sins, with the proud Pharisee, "I am no fornicator, no drunkard, no murderer, no liar, no slanderer, no oppressor:" and, I would to God, every one of you, that hear me this day, could, in sincerity of heart, say so. what is the ground of this their pretended inoffensiveness? If it be only a fear of hell, and of the wrathful indignation of that just Judge, thou canst reap small comfort to thy soul in this condition; for this is out of mere self-love, and desire to escape pain and misery, which is incident into the worst of creatures. Even the evil spirits themselves are afraid of tormenting; and deprecate the sending them back to their chains. But, if it be out of a gracious and tender love to God; out of a filial fear of the displeasure of a God, that hath done so much for thee; this argues the disposition of a true child of God, and may justly administer comfort to thy soul, in the time of thy trial. Oh, that we could every one of us lay before our eyes the sweet mercies of our God; especially his spiritual favours: how freely he hath loved us; how dearly he hath redeemed us, even with the most precious blood of the Son of his Love; how graciously he hath sealed us up to the day of our redemption! and, that we could make this use of it, to be a strong retractive from any, even of our dearest and gainfullest sins! Carry this home with you, Dear Brethren, I beseech you; and fail not to think of it upon all occasions. Whenever you shall find yourselves tempted to any sin whatsoever, of lust, of excess, of covetous desires, have this antidote ready in your bosoms, which good Joseph had; How shall I do this great evil and sin against God? As good Polycarpus, that holy martyr, when, for the preservation of his life, he was urged to renounce Christ, said; "Fourscore and six years have I been his servant, and he never did me hurt; and shall I deny my Sovereign King, that hath so graciously preserved me?" If, out of these grounds, thou canst check thy sins; and canst say, "Lord, I have been careful not to grieve thy Good Spirit, because thou, in thine eternal love, hast sealed me thereby to the day of my redemption," be confident, that thy redemption is sealed in heaven; and shall, in due time, be manifested to thine inves titure with the eternal glory and happiness, which God hath prepared for all his: To the participation whereof, that God, who hath ordained us, in his good time mercifully bring us, for the sake of the Son of his Love, Jesus Christ the Just: To whom, with the Father, and the Blessed Spirit, One Infinite and Incomprehensible God, be given all praise, honour, and glory, now and for evermore. Amen. 1 |