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" For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, and more abundantly to you- ward. "
The Cottager's monthly visitor - Side 128
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A journal or historical account of the life, travels, sufferings, Christian ...

George Fox - 1694 - 536 sider
...know that it is for righteousness sake ; for our rejoicing is I hi-. the testimony of our consciences, that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly...of God we have had our conversation in the world, 2 Cor. i. 12. which for us is a witness for the convincing of our enemies. For this we can suy to all...
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The whole works of ... sir William Dawes [ed. by J. Wilford].

sir William Dawes (3rd bart, abp. of York.) - 1732 - 548 sider
...confciences will teftify for us, That in Jimplicity and godly fmcerity, not with ftejhly wifdorri, but by the grace of God, we have had our conversation in the world, then may we indeed rejoice, with a reafonable and well grounded joy. To thefe we muft appeal ; and...
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The Family Expositor: Or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament ...

Philip Doddridge - 1755 - 618 sider
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The Family Expositor: Or, A Paraphrase and Version of the New Testament ...

Philip Doddridge - 1755 - 572 sider
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Faith in God, and Good Works Connected: Being the Substance of a Sermon ...

William Moorhouse - 1778 - 64 sider
...this, the teftimony of our confcience, that in Jimplicity and godly Jincerity, not with flejhly wifdom, but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world, 1 1 Cor. i. 12. When afflictive difpenfations find us in a trifling, difobedient path ; O what a itorm...
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The Evangelical Magazine, Bind 12

1804 - 664 sider
...grace, your chief concern, so to order your conduct, that you may enjoy an inward testimony, " That an simplicity and godly sincerity, not With fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, you have your conversation in the world"*." " For so is the will of God, that with well-doing...
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The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine

1848 - 726 sider
...consciousness of gracious effects wrought within, and of consistent Christian behaviour manifested by us. " For our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience,...of God, we have had our conversation in the world." (2 Cor. i. 12.) It is the rational evidence of our enlightened understanding recognising the scriptural...
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Uncle Barnaby: Or, Recollections of His Character and Opinions

Barnaby (Uncle.) - 1799 - 374 sider
...in which he had behaved himself among them, 1 Thess. ii. 10, continually cherished the testimony of conscience, " that in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, he had had his conversation in the world," and especially among them, 2 Cor. i. 12. His great...
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An old disciple. A sermon preached at Hadleigh in Suffolk, on occasion of ...

John Mead Ray - 1801 - 60 sider
...cannot be more strongly expressed, than in the following words of St. Paul : <' Our " rejoicing is the testimony of our conscience, " that in simplicity,...sincerity, not " with fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of t; God, we have had our conversation in the " world." At the close of life, may the consolation, thus...
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The Orthodox churchman's magazine; or, A Treasury of divine and ..., Bind 13

1807 - 508 sider
....''• The .Christian's comfort can be drawn only from this source* St. faul argues to this effect. ' Our rejoicing is this, the testimony of our conscience,...simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom, w« have had our conversation in this world.' (2 Cor. i. 1 2.) The apostle's mind became full of joy...
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