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not tar'ry. 38 Now, the just shall live by fa'ith: but if 'an'y man' draw back', my so'ul shall have no pleasure in him. 39 But we' are not' of them who draw back' un'to perdit'ion; but of them that belie've to the sa'ving of the soul.



CHAP. XI. Now fa'ith is the sub'stance of things ho'ped for, the ev'idence of things not se'en. 2 Fo'r by it' the elders obtained a good' repo'rt. 3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were fra'med by the word' of Go'd; so that things which are se'en were not made of things which do appear. By fa'ith A'bel of'fered un'to Go'd a more ex'cellent sac'rifice than Ca'in, by which he obtained wit'ness that he was right'eous, Go'd testifying of his gift's; and by it' he', be'ing dead', yet spe'aketh. 5 By faith E'noch was transla'ted that he should' not se'e death'; and was not found', because Go'd had translated him: fo'r befo're his translation he had this' tes'timony, that he pleased Go'd. 6 But without' fa'ith it is impossible to please him: fo'r he that com'eth to Go'd must belie've that he is', and 'that he is a rewa'rder of them that dil'igently se'ek him. 7 By fa'ith No'e, be'ing wa'rned of Go'd of things not se'en as yet', mo'ved with fear, prepa'red an a'rk to the sa'ving of his hous'e; by the which' he condem'ned the world', and beca'me he'ir of the right'eousness which is by faith. By fa'ith A'braham, when he was called to go out' in'to a pla'ce which he should af'ter receive for an inher'itance, obe'yed; and he went out', not kno'wing whith'er he went. 9 By faith he so'journed in the land of prom'ise, as 'in' a stra'nge coun'try, dwelling in tab'ernacles with I'saac and Ja'cob, the he'irs with him' of the same prom'ise: 10 Fo'r he look'ed for a city which hath founda'tions, whose buil'der and maker 'is' Go'd. Through faith also Sara herself' received strength to conce'ive se'ed, and was delivered of a chi'ld when she was past' a'ge, because she judged him' fa'ithful who had promised. 12 Therefore sprang there e'ven of on'c, and him as good' as dead', 'so man'y' as the stars of the sky' in multitude, and as the sand' which is by the se'a-sho're innu'merable. 13 These all di'ed in fa'ith, not having re-ceived the promises, but hav'ing se'en them afa'r of'f, and were persua'ded of them,' and embraced them,' and confess'ed that they were stra'ngers and pil'grims on the earth'. 14 Fo'r they that sa'y such things decla're pla'inly that they seek a coun'try. 15 And truly, if they had be'en mindful

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16 But

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of that coun'try' from whence they came out', they might have had opportunity to have return'ed : now' they desire a bet'ter 'coun'try,' that' is, an heav'enly: wher'efore Go'd is not asha'med to be called the'ir Go'd; fo'r he hath prepa'red for them a city. 17 By fa'ith A'braham, when he was tri'ed, of'fered up I'saac: and he' that had received the prom'ises of'fered up' his o'nly begot'ten son' 18 Of whom it was said', That in Isaac shall thy se'ed be called: 19 Accoun'ting that Go'd was' a'ble to raise him' up', e'ven from the dead'; from whence also he received him in a figure. 20 By faith I'saac bless'ed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. 21 By fa'ith Ja'cob, when he was a dy'ing, bless'ed both the son's of Jo'seph; and wor'shipped, 'le'aning' upon' the top of his staff. 22 By fa'ith Jo'seph, when he died, made men'tion of the departing of the children of Israel; and ga've command'ment concer'ning his bo'nes. 23 By faith Mo'ses, when he was bo'rn, was hid' three month's of his parents, because they saw he was' a prop'er chi'ld; and they were not afra'id of the king's command'ment. By fa'ith Mo'ses, when he was come to years, refu'sed to be called the son of Pha'raoh's daughter; 25 Cho'osing rath'er to suffer afflic'tion with the people of Go'd, than to enjoy the pleas'ures of sin' for a se'ason; 26 Este'eming the repro'ach of Chri'st greater rich'es than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect' un'to the rec'ompence of the reward. 27 By fa'ith he forsook' E'gypt, not' fearing the wra'th of the kin'g: fo'r he endu'red, as se'eing him who is invisible. 28 Through fa'ith he kept the pass'over, and the sprinkling of blood', lest he' that destroy'ed the first-bo'rn should touch them. 29 By fa'ith they pass'ed through the Red se'a as by dry land';' which the Egyptians assa'ying to do' were drown'ed. 30 By fa'ith the walls of Jericho fell down', af'ter they were com'passed about' sev'en da'ys. 31 By fa'ith the ha'rlot Ra'hab per'ished not with them that belie'ved not, when she had received the spi'es with peace. 32 And what shall I mo're say? fo'r the time would fail me to tell of Ge'deon, and of' Ba'rak, and ‘of’ Sam'son, and of' Jeph'thae; of' Da'vid also, and Sam'uel, and of the proph'ets: 33 Who through fa'ith subdued kingdoms, wrought right'eousness, obtained prom'ises, stopped the mou'ths of li'ons, 34 Quenched the olence of fi're, esca'ped the edge of the swo'rd, out of


we'akness were made strong, waxed val'iant in fight, turn'ed to flight' the a'rmies of the a'liens. 35 Wom'en received their dead' ra'ised to life again': and others were to'rtured, not accep'ting deliv'erance; that they might obta'jn a bet'ter resurrection. 36 And oth'ers had trial of 'cru'el' mock'ings and scourg'ings, yea', moreo'ver, of bond's and imprisonment : 37 They were sto'ned, they were sa wn asun'der, were tem'pted, were sla'in with the swo'rd: they wan'dered about' in she'ep-skins and go'at-skins; be'ing des'titute, afflic'ted, tormen'ted: 38 (Of whom the world' was not worthy :) they wan'dered in des'erts, and 'in' moun'tains, and 'in' den's and ca'ves of the earth'. 39 And the'se a'll hav'ing obtained a good' repo'rt through fa'ith, received not the prom'ise: 40 Go'd hav'ing provi'ded some better thing for us', that they without' us should not' be made per'fect.

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CHAP. XII. Wher'efore, se'eing we also are com'passed about' with so grea't a cloud of wit'nesses, let us lay asi'de every we'ight, and the sin' which doth so easily beset' us,' and let us run' with pa'tience the ra'ce that is set before us, 2 Look'ing un'to Je'sus, the author and fin'isher of our' faith; who, for the joy that was set befo're him, endu'red the cross', despi'sing the sha'me, and is set down' at the right' hand of the thro'ne of Go'd. For consider him' that endu'red such contradic'tion of sin'ners against himself', lest ye be we'aried and fa'int in your mi'nds. Ye have not yet resis'ted un'to blood', stri'ving against' sin'. And ye have forgot'ten the exhortation which speaketh un'to yo'u as un'to children, My son', despi'se not thou the cha'stening of the Lo'rd, nor fa'int when thou art rebu'ked of him. 6 For whom the Lo'rd loveth he cha'steneth, and scourg'eth every son' whom he rece'iveth. 7 If ye endu're cha'stening, Go'd de'aleth with you as with son's fo'r what' son is he' whom the father cha'steneth not? 8 But if ye be without' chas'tisement, whereof' a'll are parta'kers, then are ye bastards, and not' son's. 9 Fa'rthermo're, we have had fathers of our flesh' which correc'ted us,' and we ga've them' rev'erence: shall we not much rath'er be in subjec'tion un'to the Father of spirits, and live? 10 Fo'r they ver'ily for a few da'ys cha'stened 'us' after their own pleasure; but he' for our profit, that 'we' might be parta'kers of his ho'liness. Now' no cha'stening for the pres'ent se'emeth




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to be joy'ous, but grievous: nevertheless' af'terward it yieldeth the pe'aceable fru'it of right'eousness un'to them' which are exercised thereby'. 12 Wherefore lift up the hand's which hang down', and the fe'eble kne'es; 13 And make straight paths for your fe'et, lest that' which is la’me be turned out of the wa'y; but let it rath'er be healed. 14 Follow peace with all men,' and ho'liness, without' which no man shall se'e the Lo'rd: 15 Look'ing diligently lest an'y man fa'il of the grace of Go'd; lest an'y ro'ot of bit'terness sprin'ging up troub'le you,' and thereby' man'y be defi'led; 16 Lest there 'be' an'y fo'rnicator, or profa'ne per'son, as E'sau, who for one mo'rsel of meat sold his birth right. 17 Fo'r ye kno'w how that af'terward, when he would have inher'ited the bless'ing, he was rejec'ted: fo'r he found no place of repentance, though he sought it ca'refully with tears. 18 For ye are not come un'to the mount that might be touch'ed, and that burned with fi're, nor un'to black'ness, and da'rkness, and tem'pest, 19 And the sound' of a trumpet, and the voice of word's; which voice' they that heard' entre'ated that the word should not' be spo'ken to them an'y mo're: 20 (Fo'r they could not endu're that which was command'ed, And if so much as a be'ast touch' the mountain, it shall be sto'ned, or thrust through with a da'rt: And so terrible was the sight', 'that' Mo'ses said', I exceedingly fear and qua'ke :) 22 But ye are com'e un'to mount Si'on, and un'to the city of the liv'ing Go'd, the heav'enly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of a'ngels, 23 To the general assembly and church' of the first'-bo'rn, which are writ'ten in heav'en, and to Go'd the Judge of a'll, and to the spirits of just' men ma'de perfect, 24 And to Jesus the media'tor of the new' covenant, and to the blood of sprin'kling, that speaketh bet'ter things than that of' A'bel. 25 Se'e that ye refu'se not him that spe'aketh fo'r if the'y esca'ped not who refused him that spa'ke on earth', much mo're shall not' we' 'esca'pe,' if we turn awa'y from him' that 'spe'aketh' from heaven; 26 Whose voice then shook' the earth': but now' he hath promised, sa'ying, Yet one'e mo're I sha'ke not' the earth o'nly, but also heaven. 27 And this' word,' Yet once mo're, signifieth the removing of tho'se things that are sha'ken, as of things that are ma'de, that tho'se things which can'not be sha'ken may rema'jn. 28 Wher'efore, we' reçe'iving a kin'gdom which can'not be moved,


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let us have gra'ce, whereby' we may serve Go'd ac'ceptably with rev'erence and god'ly fe'ar: 29 Fo'r our' Go'd 'is' a consu'ming fi're.


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CHAP. XIII. Let broth'erly lov'e contin'ue. 2 Be not forget'ful to enterta'in stra'ngers: fo'r thereby' som'e have entertained a'ngels un'awares. 3 Remember them that are in bond's, as bound with them; 'and' them' which suf'fer adversity, as be'ing yourselves also in the bod'y. 4 Mar'riage is hon'ourable in a'll, and the bed undefiled: but who'remongers and adulterers Go'd will judg'e. 5 Let your' conversation 'be' without' covetousness; and be' content' with such things as ye hav'e: for he hath said', I will never leave thee, nor forsa'ke thee. 6 So that we may bo'ldly sa'y, The Lo'rd 'is' my helper, and I will not fear what man' shall do un'to me. 7 Remember them which have the rule o'ver you, who have spo'ken un'to you the word of Go'd; whose fa'ith follow, considering the end' of their conversation; 8 Je'sus Chri'st the sa'me yes'terday, and to-day, and for ev'er. 9 Be not car'ried about' with di'vers and stra'nge dọc'trines: fo'r it is' a good' thing that the hea'rt be established with gra'ce; not' with me'ats, which have not prof'ited them' that have been oc'cupied therein'. 10 We have an altar, whereof' the'y have no right to e'at which serve the tab'ernacle. Fo'r the bodies of those be'asts, whose blood' is brought in'to the sanctuary by the high priest for sin', are burned without the camp. 12 Wherefore Je'sus also, that he might sanc'tify the pe'ople with his o'wn blood, suf'fered without' the ga'te. 13 Let us go fo'rth ther'efore un'to him without' the camp', bea'ring his repro'ach. 14 Fo'r he're have we no continuing city, but we se'ck one to com'e. 15 By him' therefore let us of'fer the sacrifice of praise to Go'd contin'ually, that' is, the fruit of 'our' lip's, giving thank's to his namẹ. 16 But to do good' and to commu'nicate forget' not fo'r with such sacrifices Go'd is well pleased. 17 Obey them that have the rule o'ver you, and submit' yourselves fo'r they watch' for your so'uls, as the'y that must give account'; that they may do' it with joy', and not' with grief: fo'r that' 'is' unprof'itable for you. 18 Pra'y for us': fo'r we trust we have a good' con'science, in a'll things willing to live honestly. 19 But I beseech you' the rath'er to do this, that I may be resto'red to you the so'oner. 20 Now the Go'd of peace, that brought again'

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