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are thi'ne, and thi'ne are mi'ne; and I am glo'rified in them. 11 And now I am no mo're in the world, but the'se are in the world, and I come to the'e. Holy Father, ke'ep through thine o'wn name those whom thou hast giv'en me, that they may be on'e, as we are.' While I was with' them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost', but the son of perdit'ion; that the scrip'ture might be fulfilled. 13 And now come I to the'e; and these things I speak in the world, that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves. 14 I have given them thy word; and the world hath ha'ted them, because they are not' of the world, e'ven as I' am not' of the world. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest ke'ep them from the e'vil. 16 They are not' of the world, e'ven as I am not' of the world.

17 Sanc'tify them through thy truth: thy word' is truth. 18 As thou hast sent me in'to the world, e'ven so have I also sent them' in'to the world. 19 And for the'ir sakes I sanc'tify myself', that they also might be sanc'tified through the truth.

20 Neither pray I for the'se alo'ne, but for them' also which shall belie've on me through their word'; 21 That they a'll may be on'e; as thou, Father, 'art' in me', and I' in the'e, that they also may be one in us': that the world may belje've that thou hast sent' me. 22 And the glo'ry which thou gavest me' I have given them'; that the'y may be on'ę, e'ven as we' are one. 23 I' in them', and thou' in me', that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent' me, and hast loved them', as thou hast loved me'. 24 Father, I will' that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am; that they may behold my glo'ry, which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me befo're the founda'tion of the world. 25 O right'cous Father, the world hath not kno'wn thee but I' have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent' me. 26 And I have decla'red un'to them thy na'me, and will' declare it: that the love wherewith' thou hast loved me' may be in them', and I' in them'.

CHAP. XVIII. When Je'sus had spoken these words, he went fo'rth with his disci'ples o'ver the brook' Ce'dron, where was a ga'rden, in'to the which he entered, and his disciples. 2 And Ju'das also, which betrayed him, knew



the place; for Je'sus oft'-times reso'rted thith'er with his disci'ples. Ju'das then, having received a band ‘of men' and officers from the chief prie'sts and Phar'isecs, com'eth thith'er with lan'terns, and to'rches, and weapons. 4 Je'sus therefore, kno'wing a'll things that should come upon' him, went fo'rth, and said un'to them, Whom se'ek ye? 5 They an'swered him, Je'sus of Nazareth. Je'sus saith un'to them, I' am 'he.' And Ju'das also, which betrayed him, stood' with them. 6 As so'on then as he had said unto them, I am he,' they went back'ward, and fell to the ground. 7 Then ask'ed he them again', Whom se'ck ye? And they said, Je'sus of Nazareth. 8 Je'sus an'swered, I have to'ld you that I am 'he.' If therefore ye se'ek me', let the'se go their way That the sa'ying might be fulfilled which he spake, Of them which thou gavest me have I lost none.

10 Then Si'mon Pe'ter, having a swo'rd, drew it, and smo'te the high priest's servant, and cut of'f his right ear. The servant's na'me was Mal'chus. 11 Then said Je'sus un'to Pe'ter, Put' up thy swo'rd into the sheath: the cup which my Father hath giv'en me, shall I not drink' it?

12 Then the band, and the cap'tain, and of'ficers of the Jews, took Je'sus, and bound' him, 13 And led him awa'y to An'nas first: (for he' was father-in-law to Caiaphas, which was the high priest that same year.) 14 Now Ca'iaphas was he which gave coun'sel to the Jews, that it was expe'dient that on'e man should di'e for the pe'ople.

15 And Si'mon Pe'ter followed Je'sus, and so did' anoth'er disci'ple. That disci'ple was kno'wn un'to the high priest, and went in' with Je'sus in'to the palace of the hi'gh priest. 16 But Pe'ter stood' at the do'or without'. Then went out that oth'er disci'ple, which was kno‍wn un'to the high priest, and spake un'to her that kept the do'or, and brought in' Pe'ter. 17 Then saith the dam'sel that kept the do'or un'to Pe'ter, Art not thou' also 'one' of this' man's disci'ples? He saith, I am not'. 18 And the servants and of'ficers stood there, who had made a fire of coals; (for it was cold;) and they wa'rmed themselves and Pe'ter stood' with them, and wa'rmed himself'.

19 The high priest then ask'ed Jesus of his disci'ples, and of his doc'trine. 20 Je'sus an'swered him, I spake o'penly to the world; I ev'er ta'ught in the syn'agogue, and in the temple, whith'er the Jews always reṣo'rt; and in se'cret have I said nothing. 21 Why ask'est thou mo'? ask' them

which heard' me, what' I have said un'to them: behold, they know what' I said. 22 And when he had thus spo'ken, one of the officers which stood by' struck Je'ṣus with the palm of his hand, sa'ying, An'swerest thou the high priest so? 23 Je'sus an'swered him, If I have spoken e'vil, bea'r wit'ness of the e'vil; but if well', why smi'test thou me? 24 (Now An'nas had sent him bound' un'to Caiaphas the high priest.)


25 And Si'mon Pe'ter stood' and wa'rmed himself': they said therefore un'to him, Art not thou' also 'one' of his disci'ples? He deni'ed ‘it,' and said, I am no̟ť. One of the servants of the high priest (be'ing 'his'' kins'man whose ear Peter cut of'f) saith, Did not I se'e thee in the garden with him? 27 Pe'ter then denied again'; and immediately the cock crew.

28 Then led they Je'sus from Ca'iaphas un'to the hall of judg'ment and it was early; and they themselves went not in'to the judg'ment-ha'll, lest they should be defi'led; but that they might e'at the pass'over. 29 Pi'late then went out un'to them, and said, What accusa'tion bring ye against' this man? 30 They an'swered and said un'to him, If he were not a malefac'tor, we would not have deliv'ered him up un'to the'e. 31 Then said Pi'late un'to them, Ta'ke ye him, and judg'e him according to your law. The Jews therefore said un'to him, It is not' la'wful for us' to put' an'y man to death: 32 That the sa'ying of Je'sus might be fulfilled, which he spake, sig'nifying what' death he should die. 33 Then Pi'late en'tered in'to the judgment-ha'll again', and called Jesus, and said un'to him, Art' thou the King of the Jews? 34 Je'sus an'swered him, Sa'yest thou this' thing of thyself', or did oth'ers tell' it thee of me? 35 Pilate an'swered, Am I a Jew? Thine o'wn na'tion, and the chie'f prie'sts, have deliv'ered thee un'to me: what' hast thou done? 36 Je'sus an'swered, My' kin'gdom is not of this' world. If my kin'gdom were of this' world, then would my servants fight', that I should not be deliv'ered to the Jews: but now is my kin'gdom not' from hence. 37 Pi'late therefore said un'to him, Art thou a kin'g then? Je'sus an'swered, Thou sa'yest that I am' a king. To this end was I bo'rn, and for this cause came I in'to the world, that I should bea'r wit'ness un'to the truth. Every one that is of the tru'th he'areth my voice. 38 Pi'late saith un'to him, What' is try'th? And when he had said this, he went out again'

un'to the Jews, and saith un'to them, I find in him no fault at all.' 39 Bụt ye have a cus'tom, that I should rele'ase un'to you one at the pass'over: will ye therefore that I release un'to you the King of the Jews? 40 Then cri'ed they all again', sa'ying, Not this man, but Barab'bas. Now Barab'bas was a rob'ber.


CHAP. XIX. Then Pi'late ther'efore took' Je'sus and scourged him.' And the soldiers plat'ted a crown of tho'rns, and put' 'it' on his head, and they put on him a purple ro'be, 3 And said, Ha'jl, King of the Jews! and they smo'te him with their hands.

4 Pi'late therefore went fo'rth again', and saith un'to them, Behold, I bring him fo'rth to you, that ye may know that I find no fault in him. 5 Then came Je'ṣus fo'rth, wea'ring the crown of tho'rns, and the pur'ple ro'be. And 'Pilate' saith un'to them, Behold the man! 6 When the chie'f prie'sts therefore and of'ficers saw him, they cri'ed out, sa'ying, Cru'cify him,' cru'cify him.' Pilate saith un'to them, Take ye him, and cru'cify him: for I find no fault in him. 7 The Jews an'swered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself' the Son of Go'd.

8 When Pilate ther'efore heard that sa'ying, he was the more afra'id; And went again' in'to the judg'ment-ha'll, and saith un'to Je'ṣus, Whence art thou? But Jesus gave him no an'swer. 10 Then saith Pi'late un'to him, Spe'akest thou not un'to me? kno'west thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? 11 Je'sus an'swered, Thou couldest have no pow'er at all' against' me, except' it were given thee from above: therefore he that deliv'ered me un'to thee hath the grea'ter sin. And from thenceforth Pi'late sought to rele'ase him but the Jews cri'ed out, sa'ying, If thou let this' man go, thou art not Ce'sar's friend whosoev'er ma'keth himself' a king spe'aketh against' Ce'sar.


13 When Pilate therefore heard that sa'ying, he brought Je'sus forth, and sat down in the judg'ment-se'at, in a place that is called the Pa'vement, but in the Hebrew, Gab'batha. 14 And it was the prepara'tion of the pass'over, and about' the sixth hour and he saith un'to the Jews, Behold your King! 15 But they cri'ed out, Awa'y with him,' awa'y with 'him,' crucify him. Pi'late saith un'to them, Shall I crucify your King? The chie'f prie'sts an'swered, We have no king

but Ce'sar. 16 Then delivered he him ther'efore un'to them to be crucified. And they took' Je'sus, and led 'him' awa'y.

17 And he, bea'ring his cross, went forth in'to a place called 'the place' of a scull, which is called in the He'brew, Golgotha; Where they cru'cified him, and two oth'er with him, on either side one, and Je'sus in the midst.


19 And Pilate wrote a title, and put' 'it' on the cross. And the writing was, JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 This ti'tle then read man'y of the Jews for the place where Je'sus was cru'cified was nigh to the city and it was writ'ten in He'brew, 'and' Greek, 'and' Lat'in. 21 Then said the chief prie'sts of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews. 22 Pilate an'swered, What' I have writ'ten I have writ'ten.


23 Then the soldiers, when they had cru'cified Je'sus, took' his garments, and made four parts, to every sol'dier a part; and also 'his' co'at: now the co'at was without'

se'am, wo'ven from the top throughout.' 24 They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend' it, but cast lots' for it, whose it shall be that the scrip'ture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my ra'iment among them, and for my ves'ture they did cast lots'. These things ther'efore the soʻldiers did.

25 Now there stood' by the cross of Je'sus his mother, and his mother's sis'ter, Ma'ry the wife' of Cle'ophas, and Ma'ry Magdalene. 26 When Je'sus ther'efore saw his mother, and the disci'ple stan'ding by whom he loved, he saith un'to his moth'er, Wom'an, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disci'ple, Behold thy moth'er! And from that hour that disci'ple took' her un'to his o'wn 'ho’mẹ.'

28 After this, Je'sus kno'wing that a'll things were now accomplished, that the scrip'ture might be fulfill'ed, saith, I thirst. 29 Now there was set a ves'sel full of vin'egar: and they filled a spunge with vin'egar, and put' 'it' upon' hys'sop, and put' 'it' to his mouth. 30 When Je'sus ther'efore had received the vin'egar, he said, It is fin'ished and he bow'ed his head, and gave up the gho'st. 31 The Jews ther'efore, because it was the prepara'tion, that the bodies should not rema'in upon' the cross on the sab'bath-day, (for that sab'bath-day was an high day,) beso'ught Pi'late that their legs might be broken, and that' they might be ta'ken awa'y. 32 Then came the so'ldiers, and brake the legs of

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