Hongkong Wwww. med. Society POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION IN ENGLAND. The Fellowship of Medicine and Post-Graduate Medical Association 1, Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square President: Sir Artbuthnot Lane, Bt., C.B., M.S. Hon. Treasurer: Sir William Hale-White, K.B.E., M.D. The Fellowship of Medicine has control of all Post-Graduate medical facilities in London. 50 General and Special Hospitals affiliated. Courses of Study arranged in all departments of Medicine and Surgery at all times of the year. Lectures, Demonstrations, "Refresher" Courses, and advanced work in Special Departments. Clinical Assistantships can be arranged. Special attention given to the requirements of Overseas Graduates. For full information of the facilities in London and the principal cities of the United Kingdom apply to the Secretary of the Fellowship of Medicine. VACANCY. WANTED a Medical Officer in Kailan Mining Administration Medical Service, for duty in the Tongshan Hospital. Knowledge of English is essential and French is an advantage. Commencing salary $150 per month with house accommodation or allowance in lieu thereof, and an excellent Gratuity Fund to which the officer could participate. After six months' probation there will be an increase in salary and annual increments on the officer's merits. Applications together with copies of testimonials are to be addressed to the Medical Superintendent of the Tongshan Hospital. Further particulars regarding the vacancy may be obtained from the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hongkong. Tongshan, 24th, 1926. For the treatment of KALA-AZAR and other conditions where tartar-emetic has hitherto been used. TRADE NEOSTAM' STIBAMINE GLUCOSIDE MARK (The nitrogen-glucoside of Sodium p-Aminophenylstibinate) clinical trial in all conditions 'NEOSTAM' is a new 'NEOSTAM' is under organic compound of antimony, originated and issued by Burroughs Wellcome & Co. It is a nearly colourless powder, readily soluble in water and keeps well, when preserved, as issued, in hermetically-sealed glass phials. Solutions are injected intravenously. KALA-AZAR. The average quantity required for sterilisation is 4 grammes per 100 lb. of body weight, administered in about 12 doses during one month. Amongst diseases which suggest themselves for 'NEOSTAM' is supplied in hermetically-sealed phials. Prices BURROUGHS WELLCOME & CO., LONDON D 321 Ex. All Rights Reserved : Hongkong University Medical Society. CONSTITUTION. Article I.-Name and Object of the Society. (a.) This Society shall be called the Hongkong University Medical Society. (b.) The object of the Society shall be to hold meetings at which papers shall be read, or discussions held, on medical and general subjects; and to foster a spirit of comradeship and professional unity among its members. (c.) The Society shall produce a journal at least once a year, to be called the "Caduceus," as a record of the proceedings of the Society, and for the publication of original articles in medical science. Article II.-Membership. (a.)—All undergraduates, graduates, members of the teaching staff of the Medical Faculty of the Hongkong University, and local medical practitioners shall be eligible for membership of the Society. . (a.)-Other persons may be elected as honorary members at a general meeting. Article III.-Officers. There shall be a President, Vice-Presidents, a Chairman of Committee, an Honorary Secretary, and an Honorary Treasurer. Article IV.-The Executive Committee. The management of the Society shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer, six undergraduate representatives, and a graduate representative, all of whom shall be elected annually by members of the Society. Five members shall form a quorum. Article V.-The Journal. The "Caduceus" shall be controlled by the said Committee who shall appoint an Editor and a Business Manager. Article VI.-Amendments of Constitution. No alteration of this Constitution, nor any addition thereto, shall be made except at a general meeting of which not less than seven days notice shall be given. Bye-Laws. 1.-Election of Officers and Members of the Executive Committee. (a.) The officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by ballot at the first general meeting of the academic year. Vacancies occurring between such meetings may be filled by the Committee. (b.) The six undergraduate representatives, one for each year, are to be elected by the members of the year represented. 2. Representation on the University Union Council. The Chairman of Committee and the Honorary Secretary shall be the Society's representatives on the University Union Council. 3.-Conduct of Meetings. The President, a Vice-President, or the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall preside at general meetings; or in their absence, a Chairman may be elected from among the members present. 4.-Subscriptions. Each undergraduate member shall pay an annual subscription of $4, payable at the commencement of the academic year. Members other than undergraduates shall pay $5. 5.-Amendment of Bye-laws. No alteration of these Bye-laws, nor any addition thereto, shall be made except at a general meeting of which not less than seven days' notice shall be given. Valentine's Meat-Juice In Typhoid, Gastric and Other Fevers Fever Cases Dr. Gervasio de Gobeo, Physician to the Asylum Bilbao, Spain: "I have tried VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE on two patients convalescing from Typhoid Fever. They were in a most exhausted condition, owing to the fact that their digestive organs would admit no other class of nourishment excepting milk. I ordered and gave them VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE, which their stomachs retained perfectly, and they immediately commenced regaining their strength." Dr. Jose M. Laredo, Physician to the Municipal Jail, Madrid, Spain: I tried VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE with a patient convalescing from Typhoid Fever, whose inappetency was absolute and state of nutrition very impaired, and he has been most efficaciously benefited by its use, for in two or three days the intolerance disappeared, he felt that he was being nourished and his entire organism being toned up to such a degree that it was easy for other nourishment to be assimilated. 66 S. R. Nissley, M. D., Late Surgeon Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, Elizabethtown, Pa., U.S. A.: In the recent epidemic of Typhoid Fever that prevailed in this focality, I had an excellent opportunity of testing the nutritious element of VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE. In one particular case where there was stiffness in the jaws rendering deglutition difficult, from the onslaught of the malady, I sustained life by the administration of VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE beyond a fortnight. I have no hesitation in saying that it is borne with impunity by the most delicate stomach and will be found to be an invaluable adjunct to the list of our therapeutic agents.' SALE BY King's Bldg. Connaught Rd. C. Hongkong 1, N. Soochow Road, Shanghai. 42, Taku Rd, Tientsin & Peking. VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE COMPANY Richmond, Virginia, U. S. A. HONGKONG UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SOCIETY. Officers for 1926. President. Professor R. E. Tottenham, B.A., M.D., F.R.C.P.I., D.P.H. Vice-Presidents. Professor H. G. Earle, M.A., M.B. Professor J. L. Shellshear, D.S.O., M.B., Ch. M. Professor C. Y. Wang, M.D., B.SC., F.R.C.P.E., D.P.H., Associate Editor:-S. P. Lee. Hon. Business Manager:-G. Van Bergen, A.I.S.A. (Lond.) Subscription Rates:-$1.50 per copy, $4.00 a year local and foreign, post free. Remittances should be made payable to the Business Manager, "Caduceus." Advertisements:-Rates furnished upon request. Contributions:-Scientific contributions for the next issue should reach the Editor not later than 15th. October, 1926. |