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ed, with the corresponding pages of Fairfax, (for Hoole is not worth the mentioning,) we think it is impossible that any one should hesitate about agreeing with Mr Wiffen, that a new version was wanted, and with us, that Mr Wiffen is admirably qualified for supplying the want.-Mr Wiffen's GARCILASSO is dedicated, with great propriety, to the Duke of Bedfordthe Poet being his Grace's librarian at Woburn Abbey, and deriving from this situation the means of indulging his taste and talents otio haud ignobili. Long may he do so. The dedication, however, will probably be considered as somewhat of a curiosity-for, though the production of an English Quaker, it is as abounding in titles and com

pliments, as if Garcilasso himself had indited it in honour of some Spanish Grandee of the first class. In the "Heraldic Anomalies," there is a queer enough chapter on Quakers-and we suspect from the strain thereof, that Mr Wiffen may be called over the coals, even by the brethren of our own time, for the liberal use of" your Grace," and the like sinful abominations.-To be sure, Paul called a Roman dignitary, "Most noble Festus," only for giving him a decent hearing; and our friend may justify, on this authority, and that a fortiori too, for we suspect he has much more reason to applaud John Duke of Bedford, than ever the Apostle had to applaud the most noble Festus.


The second work of this class we are to notice, is Mr William Stewart Rose's Translation of the Orlando Furioso of which six cantos have just appeared in a very neat little volume of the same size with his abridgment of the INNAMORATO. The specimens we gave a few months back of Mr Rose's translation from Berni, might, perhaps, render it a matter of little consequence, though we should entirely omit extracting from his Furioso. We shall, however, gratify ourselves by quoting a few of these delicious stanzas. Some of our readers may not have had any opportunity of seeing Mr Rose's little volume, and may, perhaps, be saying to themselves, "This is a book which no doubt we must buy some day-but we shall wait till it is complete." We mean to poke these dilatory people by our extracts. Such a way of proceeding is exceedingly unfair to the publisher of a work like this-a work which, of "Le Donne, i Cavalier, l'arme, gli amori,

Le cortesie, l'audaci imprese io canto,
Che furo al tempo, che passaro i Mori
D'Africa il mare, e in Francia nocquer

Seguendo l' ire, e i giovenil furori
D'Agramante lor Rè; che si diè vanto
Di vendicar la morte di Trojano
Sopra Rè Carlo Imperator Romano.

"Dirò d'Orlando in un medesmo tratto
Cosa non detta in prosa mai, nè in rima;
Che per amor venne in furore, e matto,
D'uom, che sì saggio era stimato prima;

necessity, addresses itself to the more refined classes-and we may add, is unfair to the author too-for there is no author that does not write the more spiritedly for being encouraged, and as for being too rapid and careless of execution, this is a species of transgression which no one will think Mr Rose likely to fall into. Never was such close scrupulous fidelity of rendering associated with such light dancing elegance of language. This, indeed, will be an addition to the standard literature of our country. A hundred years hence, it will stand beside Dryden's Virgil, Pope's Homer, and Carey's Dante.

We shall, partly for the sake of the lazy reader, and partly because we are luxuriously disposed ourselves, give Ariosto's own stanzas, side by side with those of his English translator.

The well-known commencement of the whole poem is thus felicitously transfused.




And from those ancient days my story bring,
When Moors from Afric pass'd in hostile fleet,
And ravaged France, with Agramant their

Flush'd with his youthful rage and furious

Who on king Charles', the Roman emperor's head

Had vow'd due vengeance for Troyano dead.

"In the same strain of Roland will I tell
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme,
On whom strange madness and rank fury fell,
A man esteem'd so wise in former time;

Se da colei, che tal quasi m' hà fatto,
Che'l poco ingegno ad ora ad or mi lima,
Mene sarà però tanto concesso,
Che mi basti a finir quanto hò promesso.

"Piacciavi, generosa Erculea prole,
Ornamento, e splendor del secol nostro,
Ippolito, aggradir questo, che vuole,
E darvi sol può l'umil servo vostro.
Quel, ch' io vi debbo, posso di parole
Pagare in parte, e d' opera d' inchiostro :
Nè, che poco io vi dia, da imputar sono;
Chè quanto io posso dar, tutto vi dono.

"Voi sentirete fra i più degni Eroi,
Che nominar con laude m' apparecchio,
Ricordar quel Ruggier, che fù di voi,
E de' vostri Avi illustri il ceppo vecchio.
L'alto valore, e i chiari gesti suoi,
Vi farò udir, se voi mi date orecchio ;
E i vostri alti pensier cedano un poco,
Sì che tra lor miei versi abbiano loco.

"Orlando, che gran tempo innamorato
Fù della bella Angelica, e per lei
In India, in Media, in Tartaria lasciato
Avea infiniti, ed immortal trofei;
In Ponente con essa era tornato,
Dove sotto i gran Monti Pirenei,
Con la Gente di Francia, e di Lamagna,
Rè Carlo era attendato alla campagna :

"Per fare al Rè Marsilio, e al Rè Agra


Battersi ancor del folle ardir la guancia; D'aver condotto l' un d'Africa quante Genti erano atte a portar spada, e lancia: L'altro, d' aver spinta la Spagna innante,

A distruzion del bel Regno di Francia, E così Orlando arrivò quivi appunto, Ma tosto si pentì d' esservi giunto.

"Che gli fù tolta la sua Donna poi;
(Ecco il giudicio uman come spesso erra)
Quella, che dagli Esperj ai liti Eoi
Avea difesa con sì lunga guerra;
Or tolta gli è fra tanti amici suoi
Senza spada adoprar, nella sua terra.
Il savio Imperator, ch' estinguer volse
Un grave incendio, fù che gli la tolse.

"Nata pochi dì innanzi era una gara Tra'l Conte Orlando, e'l suo cugin Rinaldo ;

Che ambiduo avean per la bellezza rara
D'amoroso disio l'animo caldo.
Carlo, che non avea tal lite cara,
Che gli rendea l'ajuto lor men saldo ;
Quella Donzella, che la causa n' era,
Tolse, e diè in mano al Duca di Bavera.

If she, who to like cruel pass has well Nigh brought my feeble wit, which fain would climb,

And hourly wastes my sense, concede me skill And strength my daring promise to fulfil.

"Good seed of Hercules, give ear and deign, Thou that this age's grace and splendour art, Hippolitus, to smile upon his pain

Who tenders what he has with humble heart. For, though all hope to quit the score were vain,

My pen and page may pay the debt in part;
Then, with no jealous eye my offering scan,
Nor scorn my gift, who give thee all I can.

"And me, amid the worthiest shalt thou hear,
Whom I with fitting praise prepare to grace,
Record the good Rogero, valiant peer,
The ancient root of thine illustrious race.
Of him, if thou wilt lend a willing ear,
The worth and warlike feats I shall retrace;
So thou, thy graver cares some little time
Postponing, lend thy leisure to my rhyme.

"Roland, who long the lady of Catay,
Angelica, had loved, and with his brand
Raised countless trophies to that damsel gay,
In India, Median, and Tartarian land,
Westward with her had measured back his


Where, nigh the Pyrenees, with many a band Of Germany and France, King Charlemagne Had camp'd his faithful host upon the plain.

"To make King Agramant, for penance, smite His cheek, and rash Marsilius rue the hour; This, when all train'd with lance and sword to fight,

He led from Africa to swell his power;
That other when he push'd, in fell despite,
Against the realm of France Spain's martial

'Twas thus Orlando came where Charles was tented

In evil hour, and soon the deed repented.

"For here was seized his dame of peerless charms,

(How often human judgment wanders wide!) Whom in long warfare he had kept from


From western climes to eastern shores her guide,

In his own land, 'mid friends and kindred


Now without contest sever'd from his side. Fearing the mischief kindled by her eyes, From him the prudent emperor reft the prize.

"For bold Orlando, and his cousin, free
Rinaldo, late contended for the maid,
Enamour'd of that beauty rare; since she
Alike the glowing breast of either sway'd.
But Charles, who little liked such rivalry,
And drew an omen thence of feebler aid.
To abate the cause of quarrel, seized the fair,
And placed her in Bavarian Namus' care.

"In premio promettendola a quel d'essi, Che in quel conflitto, in quella gran gi


Degl' Infedeli più copia uccidessi,
E di sua man prestasse opra più grata.
Contrarj ai voti poi furo i successi,
Che 'n fuga andò la Gente battezzata,
E con molti altri fu 'l Duca prigione ;
E restò abbandonato il padiglione,

"Dove, poi che rimase la Donzella,
Ch' esser dovea del vincitor mercede,
Innanzi al caso era salita in sella,
E quando bisognò, le spalle diede,
Presaga, che quel giorno esser rubella
Dovea fortuna alla Cristiana Fede:
Entrò in un bosco, e nella stretta via
Rincontrò un Cavalier, ch' a piè venia.

"Indosso la corazza, e l' elmo in testa, La spada al fianco, e in braccio avea lo scudo,

E più leggier correa per la foresta;
Ch' al palio rosso il villan mezzo ignudo.
Timida pastorella mai sì presta
Non volse piede innanzi a serpe crudo,
Come Angelica tosto il freno torse,
Che del Guerrier, ch' a piè venia, s' ac-

"Vowing with her the warrior to content, Who in that conflict, on that fatal day, With his good hand most gainful succour lent,

And slew most paynims in the martial fray. But counter to his hopes the battle went, And his thinn'd squadrons fled in disarray; Namus, with other Christian captains, taken, And his pavilion in the rout forsaken.

"There, lodged by Charles, that gentle bon. nibel,

Ordain'd to be the valiant victor's meed,
Before the event had sprung into her sell,
And from the combat turn'd in time of need;
Presaging wisely Fortune would rebel
That fatal day against the Christian creed;
And, entering a thick wood, discover'd near,
In a close path, a horseless cavalier.

"With shield upon his arm, in knightly wise, Belted and mail'd, his helmet on his head; The knight more lightly through the forest hies

Than half-clothed churl to win the cloth of red.

But not from cruel snake more swiftly flies The timid shepherdess, with startled tread, Than poor Angelica the bridle turns,

When she the approaching knight on foot discerns."

One more passage-it shall be from Canto sixth, where Rogero, after being warned in vain by the metamorphosed Astolpho, is beguiled into the Magic Palace of the Enchantress Alcina.

[blocks in formation]

"Come fu presso alle sì ricche mura, Che'l Mondo altre non ha della lor sorte; Lasciò la strada, che per la pianura Ampia, e diritta andava alle gran porte; Ed a man destra, a quella più sicura, Ch' al monte gìa, piegossi il Guerrier forte;

Ma tosto ritrovò l' iniqua frotta,
Dal cui furor gli fu turbata, e rotta.

"Non fu veduta mai più strana torma, Più mostruosi volti, e peggio fatti. Alcun dal collo in giù d' uomini han forma;

Col viso altri di scimie, altri di gatti;
Stampano alcun co' piè caprignil' orma;
Alcuni son centauri agili, ed atti;
Son giovani imprudenti, e vecchi stolti;
Chi nudi, e chi di strane pelli involti.

"Chi senza freno in su un destrier galoppa,

Chi lento va con l'asino, e col bue; Altri salisce ad un centauro in groppa; Struzzoli molti han sotto, aquile, e grue. Ponsi altri a bocca il corno, altri la coppa;

Chi femmina, e chi maschio, e chi ambedue,

Chi porta uncino, e chi scala di corda, Chi pal di ferro, e chi una lima sorda.

"Di questi il capitano si vedea Aver gonfiato il ventre, e'l viso grasso; Il qual su una testuggine sedea, Che con gran tardità mutava il passo. Avea di quà, e di là chi lo reggea; Perch' egli era ebro, e tenea il ciglio basso.

Altri la fronte gli asciugava, e il mento; Altri i panni scotea per fargli vento.

"Un, ch' avea umana forma, i piedi, e'l ventre,

E collo avea di cane, orecchie, e testa Contra Ruggiero abbaja, acciò ch' egli


Nella bella Città, ch' addietro resta.
Rispose il Cavalier: Nol farò, mentre
Avrà forza la man di regger questa;
E gli mostra la spada, di cui volta
Avea l' aguzza punta alla sua volto.

"Quel mostro lui ferir vuol d' una lancia;

Ma Ruggier presto se gli avventa addosso.

Una stoccata gli trasse alla pancia,
E la fè un palmo riuscir pel dosso;
Lo scudo imbraccia, e quà, e là si lancia;

"When he was nigh the city-walls, so bright;
The world has not their equal, he the straight
And spacious way deserts, the way which, dight
Across the plain, conducted to the gate;
And, by that safer road upon the right,
Strains now against the mountain; but, in

Encounters soon the crowd of evil foes,
Who furiously the Child's advance oppose.

"Was never yet beheld a stranger band,
Of mien more hideous, or more monstrous

Form'd downwards from the neck like men, he scann'd

Some with the head of cat, and some of ape; With hoof of goat that other stamp'd the sand;

While some seem'd centaurs, quick in fight and rape;

Naked, or mantled in outlandish skin,
These doting sires, those striplings bold in sin.

"This gallops on a horse without a bit;
This backs the sluggish ass, or bullock slow;
These mounted on the croup of centaur sit;
Those perch'd on eagle, crane, or estridge, go.
Some male, some female, some hermaphrodit',
These drain the cup and those the bugle blow.
One bore a corded ladder, one a hook;
One a dull file, or bar of iron shook.

"The captain of this crew, which block'd the road,

Appear'd, with monstrous paunch and bloated face;

Who a slow tortoise for a horse bestrode, That passing, sluggislily, with him did pace : Down look'd, some here, some there, sus

tain'd the load,

For he was drunk, and kept him in his place. Some wipe his brows and chin from sweat which ran,

And others with their vests his visage fan.

"One, with a human shape and feet, his crest, Fashion'd like hound, in neck and ears and head,

Bay'd at the gallant Child with angry quest, To turn him to the city whence he fled.

That will I never, while of strength possess'd

To brandish this,' the good Rogero said: With that his trenchant faulchion he display'd,

And pointed at him full the naked blade.

"That monster would have smote him with a spear,

But swiftly at his foe Rogero sprung, Thrust at his paunch, and drove his faulchion sheer

Through his pierced back a palm; his buckler flung

Ma l'inimico stuolo è troppo grosso; L'un quinci il punge, e l'altro quindi afferra :

Egli s'arresta, e fa lor' aspra guerra.

"L'un sin'ai denti, e l' altro sin' al petto
Partendo va di quella iniqua razza;
Ch' alla sua spada non s'oppone elmetto,
Nè scudo, nè panziera, nè corrazza.
Ma da tutte le parti è così stretto,
Che bisogno saria per trovar piazza,
E tener da se largo il popol reo,
D'aver più braccia, e man che Briareo.

"Se di scoprire avesse avuto avviso Lo scudo, che già fu del Negromante; Io dico quel, ch' abbarbagliava il viso, Quel, ch' all' arcione avea lasciato Atlante,

Subito avria quel brutto stuol conquiso, E fattosel cader cieco davante.

E forse ben, che disprezzò quel modo, Perchè virtute usar volse, e non frodo.

“Sia quel che può, più tosto vuol morire,

Che rendersi prigione a sì vil gente.
Eccoti intanto dalla porta uscire
Del muro, ch' io dicea d'oro lucente,
Due Giovani, ch'ai gesti, ed al vestire
Non eran da stimar nate umilmente;
Nè da pastor nutrite con disagi,
Ma fra delizie di real palagi.

"L'una, e l'altra sedea su un Liocorno, Candido più, che candido Armellino ; L'una, e l'altra era bella, e di sì adorno Abito, e modo tanto pellegrino,

Che all' uom guardando, e contemplando intorno

Bisognerebbe aver occhio divino
Per far di lor giudicio; e tal saria
Beltà, s'avesse corpo, e leggiadria.

"L'una, e l'altra n' andò, dove nel prato Ruggiero è oppresso dallo stuol villano. Tutta la turba si levò da lato,

E quelle al Cavalier porser la mano,
Che tinto in viso di color rosato
Le Donne ringraziò dell' atto umano;
E fu contento (compiacendo loro)
Di ritornarsi a quella porta d'oro.

"L'adornamento, che s'aggira sopra
La bella porta, e sporge un poco avante,
Parte non ha, che tutta non si cuopra
Delle più rare gemme di Levante.
Da quattro parti si riposa sopra
Grosse colonne d' integro Diamante.
O vero, o falso, ch' all'occhio risponda,
Non è cosa più bella, o più gioconda.

Before him, and next sallied there and here; But all too numerous was the wicked throng. Now grappled from behind, now punch'd before,

He stands, and plies the crowd with warfare


"One to the teeth, another to the breast,
Of that foul race he cleft; since no one steel'd
In mail, his brows with covering helmet

Or fought, secured by corslet or by shield;
Yet is he so upon all quarters press'd,
That it would need the Child, to clear the

And to keep off the wicked crew which swarms,
More than Briareus' hundred hands and arms.

"If he had thought the magic shield to show,
(I speak of that the necromancer bore,
Which dazed the sight of the astonish'd foe,
Left at his saddle by the wizard Moor)
That hideous band, in sudden overthrow,
Blinded by this, had sunk the knight before.
But haply he despised such mean as vile,
And would prevail by valour, not by guile.

"This as it may: the Child would meet his fate,

Ere by so vile a band be prisoner led;
When, lo! forth-issuing from the city's gate,
Whose wall appear'd like shining gold I said,
Two youthful dames, not born in low estate,
If measured by their mien and garb, nor bred
By swain, in early wants and troubles versed;
But amid princely joys in palace nursed !

"On unicorn was seated either fair,
A beast than spotless ermine yet more white;
So lovely were the damsels, and so rare
Their garb, and with such graceful fashion

That he who closely view'd the youthful pair, Would need a surer sense than mortal sight, To judge between the two. With such a mien Embodied GRACE and BEAUTY would be


"Into the mead rode this and the other dame, Where the foul crew opposed the Child's re


The rabble scatter'd as the ladies came,
Who with extended hand the warrior greet.
He, with a kindling visage, red with shame,
Thank'd the two damsels for their gentle feat;
And was content upon their will to wait,
With them returning to that golden gate.

"Above, a cornice round the gateway goes,
Somedeal projecting from the colonnade,
In which is not a single part but glows,
With rarest gems of India overlaid.
Propp'd at four points, the portal did repose
On columns of one solid diamond made.
Whether what met the eye was false or true,
Was never sight more fair or glad to view.

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