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The brief notice we have thus given of these meetings will probably have suggested a reflection which is noticed by Lord Northbrook in his address to the Baptist Missionary Assembly. Chris

ing a balance against the Society of the general tone of the report is cheerful £5235." Yet notwithstanding this un- and hopeful. prosperous state of the finances, "with the single exception of the college in Madagascar, every building and land purchase sanctioned by the Board for the enlargement and strengthening of the Society's work has been completed and paid for, the sum thus paid amount- tian missions thus far have been most ing to £12,100." The number of mission- successful among the least enlightened aries on the roll is 141, and that of portions of the heathen world. They female missionaries 12; the number of succeed in the South Sea Islands, in native workers employed in various Madagascar and Fiji, and among the degrees of Christian service, as pastors, hill tribes of India. They make but evangelists, assistants, and missionaries, slight impression on the cultured races is, apart from those in Madagascar, 300; of India. English learning is underto these Madagascar adds 83, trained in mining the faith of the Hindoos, but it the college in Antananarivo, besides the is also undermining the dogmatic teach500 assistant pastors and evangelists, ing of orthodox Christianity. A wiser and the 3400 volunteer preachers, who conception of the great truths of Chrisalso share in the public instruction of tian faith and life is essential to the the 200,000 people composing the conversion of those among whom lingers thousand congregations in the island. the broken fragments of former revelaSpecial satisfaction has been felt by the tions. The general fermentation of missionary brethren in the character, religious opinion, and the distrust and attainments, and work of these native scepticism to which it often leads, are ministers in Madagascar. "Amid the but the preliminary stages of a new and large number of willing, though often higher discovery of truth to which the ill-qualified, instructors of the churches, God of truth is doubtless leading the these young men stand forth as simple, nations of the earth. modest, devoted, and able workers. The Society's work in Madagascar has The Baptist Missionary Society held been so successful that the committee its annual meeting in Exeter Hall, again refer to it. They say: "In Mada- which was crowded by an enthusiastic gascar it is only ten years since the idols assembly. The Committee were fortuwere burnt, and there are now 67,729 nate in securing the services of the Earl church members, 386 native pastors, of Northbrook, late Governor-General 156 evangelists, and 3468 native of India, as chairman. The report, an preachers. Referring to the question abstract of which was read, reviewed of Government interference, the Imerina the Society's work in India, China, committee remark, 'With regard to Africa, Brittany, Norway, Italy, the the government of the churches, it may West Indies, and other places. The be well to say that the churches are at financial report states "that a debt has liberty to manage their own affairs, been incurred of £3364, 5s., which is without any interference from secular or entirely due to an increase of £3823 in outside authority. The missions of the expenditure. The ordinary receipts the Society have been long established of the Society are only £27, 3s. 6d. less and very successful in other portions of than those of the preceding year, and the globe, as the South Sea Islands, this notwithstanding the depression of China, South Africa, and other places. trade. The total receipts have amounted A mission has been commenced in to £46,092, as against £50,068 in the Central Africa, and the first stage of its previous year." The speech of the experience passed through. It has been chairman was sympathetic with the interrupted in its progress, but hopes work of the Society. Referring to the are entertained that it will surmount pioneers of the Society in India, he said: the difficulties with which it has had to "It is now twenty-five years since I contend. The mission in South Africa made the friendship of Mr. John Clarke is also affected by the unhappy war Marshman, and a few years afterwards which is now raging in its vicinity. he was good enough to send me a copy Yet notwithstanding these drawbacks of a book which many of you here pre

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education, which has undermined the superstitions of the Hindoo religion, and to the work of Keshub Chunder Sen, he says: "I believe that nothing but good can come of the acceptance of the great truth of the unity of God, and I trust and hope that out of these intellectual difficulties, which after all we know are not confined to the East, the truth will prevail, and that we shall see at least among the educated Hindoos of India before long a great progress towards the acceptance of the truths of Christianity. What precise form of Church government, or even of dog. matic theology, the Indian Church may assume I believe no man can see, and I, for one, by no means consider that it is a thing to be desired that the native Church should take upon itself any par ticular form of positive Christianity which at present prevails in this country or in Europe. Our dogmatic differences, as it seems to me, have arisen from the history of Europe and of England, and it seems to me that it is some advan tage to the Christians of India that they may go, if they please, to the first truths of the Gospel, without guarding themselves at every point against what people are pleased to call the heresy of their neighbours."

sent may know very well, called 'The After referring to the progress of English Lives of Carey, Marshman, and Ward.' I read that book then with the deepest interest, and I have often referred to it since, and there is no man who has read it carefully who will not retain for the rest of his life a feeling of admiration at the work that was done in India by those three men. The name of William Carey, as was said after his death, has become a household word in the mouths of all those who fear God and speak the Anglo-Saxon tongue. It is mainly owing to these men that the Word of God has been translated into the various languages which spread over the British dominions in India. By their own exertions, before they died, they contributed £60,000 to the work of missions in India. They started the college at Serampore, which now remains; and were foremost in advocating the improvements which have taken place in the social condition of India by the abolition of infanticide, the spread of education, and of all those great measures which reflect so great a credit upon the British rule in India." The portion of Lord Northbrook's speech which will most interest the general Christian public, and members of the New Church quite as much as members of other Christian communities, is his account of the general progress of Christianity in India. On this subject he said: "I have been often asked what is the general effect of missions in India. Is Christianity extending over that great country which is confined to the rule of Great Britain? And if not, when are we to expect to see some great change pass over the face of the land in which we all of us take so deep an interest? I would not try to deceive this or any other assembly. So far as I saw when I was in India, I could not say that there is any very great sign of the extension of the Christian religion either among the educated Hindoos or among the Mahommedan population of India. There has been, I am thankful to say, a consider able extension of Christianity among some of the wild tribes of the country; and since I left India I have heard of a very great accession of Christians in the Presidency of Madras; and I must tell you that in the remarks I have just made I refer to Bengal in the north of India, and not to the south-a country of which I have no personal knowledge."

MISSIONARY AND TRACT SOCIETY OF THE NEW CHURCH.-The fifty-eighth anniversary of this Society was held on Wednesday, May 21st, in Argyle Square Church. The meeting commenced at seven o'clock, and was opened by the singing of a hymn, followed with a prayer by the Rev. Dr. Bayley. The Rev. J. Presland as chairman said that our predecessors who were engaged in the special work they were about to consider, when they went to the various places for the purpose of lecturing, generally attracted the attention of the public and were favoured with crowded audiences, or on the contrary, were mobbed and driven from the town as promulgators of false doctrine. In these times, however, there was neither intense interest nor decided opposition, but comparative indifference. But if it was now no longer possible to create such excitement, it arose from the fact that so much had already been accom plished. The doctrines of the New Church were no longer regarded in the

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same light as they once were. Progress borg," which called forth the first edition had been made. The Writings were of the Appeal. Then, again, the spread broadcast throughout the land, Society had sent the Rev. Dr. Bayley to and very many persons were more or less lecture at Brighton, and the “Brighton familiar with them. Mere curiosity Lectures" was the result. Then there had been satisfied, and the anxious was the indirect mass of literature questions of those really seeking after printed by this Society, ranging from truth had been answered. But though the four-page tract to those more the missionary's labours were no longer elaborate and substantial works, such attended with such manifest success on as Noble's "Appeal," to which he had the one hand, or violent hostility on just alluded. After all, however, the the other, they were far deeper and Church hitherto has had to read the wider in their influence. This Associa- word "missionary" in a very restricted tion had two distinctive features, and sense. Is not the time, however, commust therefore be considered in its ing when the New Church shall have to double capacity-as a missionary and a send missionaries to every land to protract distributor. First, it was founded pagate the glorious truths she holds so especially for missionary work. Able dear? India was already calling for it. men who had themselves received the The Society and its efforts were but yet doctrines were sent forth by this Society in its infancy; but from the example to proclaim with their lips those and efforts of those who had toiled so doctrines unto others. This was par incessantly in the past, we of the preticularly the missionary's work, and his sent ought to feel ourselves moved to voice had been effectual in propagating extend the good cause in the years which the truth throughout the length and have yet to come. Those who had probreadth of the land. These efforts were fited by Noble's 'Appeal or the not restricted to London simply, for there "Silent Missionaries," in the knowledge was not a town in England of any im- of the truth and the love of what is portance where the Missionary and good, were bound in gratitude to lend a Tract Society had not carried the helping hand to this praiseworthy institudoctrines of the Church; so that as a tion. From the secretary's report it ap missionary institution alone, established peared that much useful work had been for the purpose of sending men forth to done by the Society during the past year. declare these truths to mankind, it well 3348 books, comprising Noble's deserved the hearty co-operation and peal," the "Silent Missionaries," and support of all New Churchmen. Then, other collateral works, had been sold or secondly, it was a Tract Society. St. presented. And 21,170 pamphlet tracts, Paul had said "faith cometh by hear- and 27,000 of the four-page tracts, had ing," but if Paul were living now he during the past year been distributed or would say that faith came also by read- sold, making a total circulation in round ing. From the very commencement this numbers of fifty thousand tracts. Society had been most energetic in its Committee being fully aware of the endeavours to lay the truths of the New strong tendency now existing, especially Church before the public mind by means among the educated classes, to call in of the press, and perhaps the Church question the inspiration of the Divine owed more of its success to this one source Word, availed themselves of the pages than to any other. On one occasion it of the Contemporary Review for the purhad sent the venerable and Rev. S. Noble pose of disseminating the rational and to lecture at the Albion Hall (not the spiritual views of the New Church on this present one at Dalston), and not only most important subject. Accordingly was it the means of establishing a Society 6500 copies of the Rev. C. Giles' tract there, but the substance of those lectures entitled "What is Inspiration?" were had been enlarged and printed, and stitched up in the January number for the formed the book called "The Plenary perusal of the readers of that number. Inspiration." On another occasion the The Committee also decided to vary the same gentleman was sent to Norwich, recipients of the Society's bounty; and and a certain Mr. Beaumont, feeling it as the clergy had been pretty well plied his duty to oppose the views propounded with books and pamphlets from them by the lecturer, wrote his "Anti-Sweden- during the past year, they forwarded a





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The re

copy of "The Spiritual World, the moved the following resolution: "That World of Life and Cause," accompanied the usefulness of this Society as a by the Annotated Catalogue of Sweden- missionary agency claims the full borg's Writings, to the fellows, members, sympathy and support of all the friends and licentiates of the Royal College of of the New Church cause. Physicians. The list of publications had solution was seconded by Mr. Gunton, been most usefully augmented by the ad- who recalled many of his experiences in dition of two new books: first, "A Man- town and country which showed a ual of the New Church Doctrines," com- decided spirit of inquiry, and frequently piled by Mr. Edmund Swift, jun., of of sympathy for the broad and rational Liverpool, which presents in a clear and views of the New Church. He referred concise manner the distinctive doctrines to the formation of Societies recently at of our Church, and forms a comprehen- Sparkbrook and Greenock as hopeful sive compendium of New Church theo- signs. He read portions of his corre logy. The second book referred to is spondence with ministers and preachers "Emanuel Swedenborg, the Spiritual of other denominations who had come to Columbus." This work has been pur- regard our doctrines more than favourchased from its author, and is now the ab- ably. Finally, he enforced the necessity solute property of the Society. For both of securing at an early date a missionary books the Committee feel certain they to devote himself exclusively to London : may predict a long career of usefulness. this, though the first thing to look forDuring the last twelve months the ward to, was not the whole, for many missionary employed by the "National missionaries might be usefully employed Missionary Institution," Mr. Gunton, had they the means to sustain them in has delivered 110 lectures and discourses their work. in various parts of the country, sold over 1000 copies of the "Silent Mission- MANCHESTER AND SALFORD MISaries," and has been instrumental in SIONARY SOCIETY. The sixty-third doing much good work. The treasurer's annual meeting of this Society was report showed a balance in hand of held in the schoolroom, Peter Street, about £100. Mr. H. T. W. Elliott on the evening of Tuesday, June 17th. read his report as secretary of the Tea was provided as usual, after which Auxiliary Missionary and Tract Society the chair was taken by Mr. Jonathan of the New Church, which showed that Robinson, the president of the Society, this branch of the parent Society had who, after the formal opening of the been very busy during the last year, and meeting, called upon the secretary to was now in a most healthy condition. read the report. The report stated that The members had increased from 125 to during the past year the work carried 155, of which number 23 are active, 79 on by the committee had consisted of corresponding, and 53 honorary mem- the usual pulpit supplies to the Societies bers. Much time had been given to the without ministers, special arrangements examination of theological publications, for Sunday services during the Conand much interesting correspondence ference held in Salford in August last, had ensued. Several letters were read and lectures during the winter months. from clergymen and other gentlemen, Particulars relating to these several showing that the Society had succeeded branches of missionary labour occupy in checking many errors which had the body of the report. The colporteur's gone forth respecting the doctrines of report stated that during the year he our Church, and that much valuable had preached one hundred and four work had been accomplished. One sermons, delivered six lectures and interesting fact was that during the twenty-seven addresses, and held eight last year this Society had succeeded in cottage meetings for conversations on making an arrangement with the editor the doctrines of the Word. He has of the Christian World, whereby the spent thirty days in the Potteries, visiting weekly insertion of items of New Church Longton, Stoke, Hanley, Burslem, Tunnews in that paper had been secured. stall, Newcastle, Congleton, and MacAfter addresses by Dr. Collingwood, clesfield. He has spent two hundred Mr. Higham, and others in connection and thirty days in Manchester and Salwith the business of the Institution, the ford, and in visiting the towns and Rev. Professor Tafel in an able address villages lying within ten miles of Man

chester. During these visits he has AUGMENTATION FUND.-(From the Birmingham Manual). -"This fund, which has been established by the New Church Conference for the purpose of augmenting the salaries of ministers and leaders of small and struggling societies, is deserving of the earnest help and attention of the members. Large sums have been given for investment by individual members, chiefly in Lancashire and Scotland, during the past three years, and last year a sum total of a little over £80 was contributed in donations, subscriptions, and collections from the Midland district. A collection on behalf of the fund for Immediate Use was made in the Wretham Road Church, Birmingham, on Sunday, June 15th. On the 22nd of June two sermons were preached by the Rev. R. Storry in the church at Kearsley, and collections were made in support of this fund and the Student's Aid Fund, which amounted to £60. this sum an addition of £50 was contributed the following morning, and additional subscriptions were made in the evening of the same day, when a meeting was held in the schoolroom, which was attended by a small but interested audience. This meeting was addressed by Revs. P. Ramage, who was in the chair, R. Storry, I. Tansley, and T. Mackereth, and by Messrs. Gunton, treasurer of Conference, Fletcher, Briercliffe, Partington, and other members of the Society. At this meeting a resolution was passed expressing regret that these funds were not more earnestly supported by the larger and more influential Societies in the Church. Such a movement would doubtless strengthen the hands of those members of the country Societies who are disposed to render a vigorous assistance.

sold one thousand and seventy-six New
Church publications. In effecting
these sales he has come in contact with
many hundreds of people holding very
different views on religious subjects, yet
he is happy to say that he has not re-
ceived one unkind word that he re-
members during the year. "It would
be easy," says the colporteur, "to name
twenty ministers in our district who
are favourably disposed towards the New
Church and New Church theology, and
who are, in a much greater degree than
is generally supposed, preaching the
same truths that we preach. One min-
ister said: "When I first received the
new light, I felt a degree of impatience
at the restraint I found myself under.
I thought I ought to be at liberty to
say at once all I thought to be the truth.
I have now learned that it would have
been very unwise and injurious to have
done so.
If I had given my first con-
fused and immature thoughts, my people
would have rejected both them and me,
but by waiting until my thoughts be-
came clear and consistent, they, like
myself, were prepared for higher truths,
and I was enabled to thank God for
wholesome restraint.' Another said:
"I consider that the members of the
New Church are in the best possible
state for exerting a beneficial influence
on the world. You have not many
enemies, and you are not big enough to
excite the envy or jealousy of other
parties. But you are respectable enough
to gain a hearing; therefore, while you
have the ears of the world, you must do
your best to teach the truth. So long
as you make it evident that your object
is to teach the truth and not to build up
a party, you will be able to keep the ear
of the world. It is an evil day to any
party when they make the impression
that their object is to build up their
party on the ruin of others." The in-
come of the Society during the year, from
all sources, has been £230, and the ex-
penditure leaves a balance of £79 in
the treasurer's hands. Addresses were
delivered during the evening by the
chairman, the Revs. T. Mackereth, W.
Westall, R. Storry, C. H. Wilkins, I.
Tansley, and other friends of the Society.
The meeting was more numerously at-
tended than usual, and all the proceed-
ings were interesting and helpful to the

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AMERICA.-The Ministers' Conference, which is an assembly of the ministers in the week preceding the meeting of the General Convention, opened with a good attendance, forty ministers and nine licentiates and theological students being present. After the formal opening of the Conference, a resolution of welcome to Rev. Mr. Potts, who was present as a delegate from the English General Conference to the American General Convention, was unanimously adopted. The general business of the Conference is the discussion of important principles of doctrine and Church order.

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