III. 20 Chear up, my friend, thy dangers now are o'er; IV. 25 Now pafs we Gravefend with a friendly wind, Withers the good, and (with him ever join'd) Facetious Disney, greet thee first of all: 30 I see his chimney smoke, and hear him say, V. Come in, my friends, here shall ye dine and lie, And fup, and breakfast on, (if ye comply) 35 For I have still fome dozens of champaign : His voice still leffens as the fhip fails by; He waves his hand to bring us back in vain; For For now I fee, I fee proud London's spires; VI. Oh, what a concourfe fwarms on yonder key! 40 45 Who come in crowds to welcome thee from Troy. Hail to the bard whom long as loft we mourn'd, From fiege, from battle, and from storm return'd! VII. Of goodly dames, and courteous knights, I view 50 The filken petticoat, and broider'd vest; Yea Peers, and mighty Dukes, with ribbands blue, (True blue, fair emblem of unstained breast.) Others I fee, as noble, and more true, By no court-badge distinguish'd from the reft: 55 First see I Methuen, of fincereft mind, As Arthur grave, as foft as woman kind. VIII. What NOTES. VER. 57. As Arthur grave, &c.] This perfon is mentioned in the Epiftle to Arbuthnot, v. 23.: "Arthur, whofe giddy fon neglects the laws, Imputes to me, and my damn'd works, the caufe!" VIII. What lady's that, to whom he gently bends? IX. I fee two lovely fifters, hand in hand, The fair hair'd Martha, and Terefa brown; 65 Madge Bellenden, the tallest of the land; And fmiling Mary, foft and fair as down. Yonder I fee the chearful Duchess stand, 70 For friendship, zeal, and blithsome humours known: Whence that loud fhout in fuch a hearty ftrain? Why, all the Hamiltons are in her train. X. See next the decent Scudamore advance, With Winchelsea, ftill meditating fong: 75 With her perhaps Miss Howe came there by chance, Nor knows with whom, or why fhe comes along. NOTES. Far VER. 62. The fweet-tongu'd Murray,] The prefent Lord Manf field. Far off from these fee Santlow, fam'd for dance; XI. But now behold the female band retire, And the fhrill mufic of their voice is ftill'd! Methinks I fee fam'd Buckingham admire, 379 80 That in Troy's ruin thou hadft not been kill'd; 85 XII. See generous Burlington, with goodly Bruce, 90 See hearty Watkins comes with cup and cann; 95 And Lewis, who has never friend forfaken; And Laughton whifp'ring afks-Is Troy town taken? NOTES. XIII. Earl VER. 78. Santlow, fam'd for dance;] She afterwards married Booth the player. Mrs. Bicknell, the actress, is mentioned either in the Spectator or Tatler, with applaufe. XIII. Earl Warwick comes, of free and honest mind ; Bold, gen'rous Craggs, whofe heart was ne'er dif guis'd: Ah why, fweet St. John, cannot I thee find? St. John for ev'ry focial virtue priz'd.— Alas! to foreign climates he's confin'd, Or else to see thee here I well furmiz'd: ; 100 Thou too, my Swift, doft breathe Boeotian air When wilt thou bring back wit and humour here? XIV. Harcourt I fee for eloquence renown'd, Another Simon, like as ftraw to straw. 109 How Lanfdown fmiles, with lafting laurel crown'd! What mitred prelate there commands our awe? See Rochester approving nods his head, And ranks one modern with the mighty dead. XV. Carlton NOTES. VER. 112. See Rochefler approving nods his head,] So in the Epiftle to Dr. Arbuthnot: "Ev'n mitred Rochester would nod the head." |