The Fourth Epifle of the First Book of HORACE'S Epiftles. AY, St. John, who alone perufe SAY, With candid eye, the mimick muse, Ev'n Chartres' felf is fcarce a name. 5 10 Το NOTES. The Fourth Epifile] This fatire on Lord Bolingbroke, and the praise bestowed on him in a letter to Mr. Richardson, where Mr. Pope fays, "Their fons fhall blush their fathers were his foes;" being fo contradictory, probably occafioned the former to be fuppreffed. VER. 1. Say, &c.] AD ALBIUM TIBULLUM. "Albi, noftrorum fermonum candide judex, Quid nunc te dicam facere in regione Pedana ? VER. 10. Does St. John Greenwich, &c.] "An tacitam filvas inter reptare falubres ?" To you (th' all-envy'd gift of Heav'n) Th' indulgent gods, unafk'd, have giv'n A form complete in ev'ry part, And, to enjoy that gift, the art. What could a tender mother's care Amidst thy various ebbs of fear; 15 20 25 That Di tibi divitias dederant, artemque fruendi." VER. 17. What could, &c.] 66 Quid voveat dulci nutricula majus alumno, VER. 23. Amidt, &c.] "Inter fpem, curamque, timores inter et iras." VER. 28. That every day, &c.] "Omnem crede diem tibi diluxiffe fupremum. That ev'ry hour you life renew Is to your injur❜d country due. In fpight of fears, of mercy fpight, 30 There, half devour'd by fpleen, you'll find 35 The rhyming bubbler of mankind; There (objects of our mutual hate) A Fragment, attributed by fome to Mr. POPE, and by others to Mr. CONGREVE. It has however been seen in the Hand-writing of the former. WHAT HAT are the falling rills, the pendant fhades, The morning bow'rs, the evening colonnades, But foft receffes for th' uneafy mind To figh unheard in, to the paffing wind! Verfes left by Mr. POPE, on his lying in the fame Bed which WILMOT, the celebrated Earl of ROCHESTER, Лlept in, at Adderbury, then belonging to the Duke of ARGYLE, July 9th, 1739. W ITH no poetic ardour fir'd I prefs the bed where Wilmot lay; That here he lov'd, or here expir'd, But in thy roof, Argyle, are bred Such thoughts as prompt the brave to lie Stretch'd out in honour's nobler bed, Beneath a nobler roof-the sky. Such flames as high in patriots burn, When freedom is more dear than life. . |