i AT the suggestion of the ingenious Dr. John Hoadly, Mr. Hawkins Brown wrote fix little poems, entitled, A Pipe of Tobacco, in imitation of fix late English poets, Cibber, Philips, Thomfon, Young, Pope, Swift. The second was written by Dr. Hoadly himself. The two best of these imitations are that of Young and Pope, whose manner is exactly characterized. Mr. Hawkins Brown, by his admirable Latin Poem on the Immortality of the Soul, shewed he had a genius far above these pleasantries. Dr. Hoadly once shewed me a new Rehearsal, being a comedy written by himself and his brother, the Author of the Sufpicious Husband, to ridicule several modern tragedies. I remember they were particularly fevere on the Saguntum of Frowde and the Sophonisba of Thomson. 1 IMITATIONS OF ENGLISH POETS. I. CHAUCER. W OMEN ben full of Ragerie, Thilke moral shall ye understond, 5 To filche the gray Ducke fro the Lake. Ducke in his Trowses hath he hent, 10 "Ho! quoth another, Cozen John;" This sely Clerk full low doth lout : They asken that, and talken this, 15 The Ducke fore tickleth his Erse roote: Fore-piece and buttons all-to-breft, Forth thrust a white neck, and red crest. 20 |