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always understood to mean more; it is always understood to mean that those who go into the gallery are expected to give silver, and therefore if they do not they are where, according to the spirit, if not according to the letter of the advertisement, they ought not to be. In short, this mode is open to all the objections that lie against the other, and even more, for while it seeks to accomplish the same end as the other, it tries to hide itself under milder terms.-And if it be allowed that the latter of these plans is less objectionable than the former, is there not reason to suppose that those who have adopted the latter will be lead to exchange it for the former whenever it is thought that it will be more subservient to their purpose? I will not add to this list of objections, but commend it to the impartial consideration of your readers.

But before concluding this paper, permit me to call your attention to the words by which you have prefaced your quotation of 1 Cor. xvi. 2, (see Repository p. 240.) In this short period you have cast doubt over our scriptural right to make any public collection whatever, and therefore brought the whole practice under suspicion. It ought not, it cannot be left thus. If the practice be scriptural, let not the shadow of a doubt be cast upon it; if the word of God disapprove of the whole course of public collections, let this be pointed out, and your correspondent will never be a party to the making of another. At present he holds that every Church has a Scriptural right to make public collections, if they are voluntary. Christ hath ordained that those that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel, therefore it is the duty of their friends to make the pro

vision necessary; and if in the discharge of this duty they make a collection every Lord's day, they have the approval of the word of God in so doing; and the same thing may be affirmed of every other religious institution to which the ministry gives birth.

With respect to 1 Cor. xvi. 2, I would remark, that it can only be brought to bear against public collections by assuming that the money for this truly charitable object was raised by each individual privately, but that it was so raised is not in evidence; and in the absence of that, any one has an equal right to quote this text to prove that public collections are Scriptural. It is allowed that each individual might, during the week, lay up in store as the Lord had prospered him, but it is affirmed that the sum so laid up was brought on the Lord's day to the place of meeting, and there cast into a common treasury: the latter part of the verse, "that there be no gatherings when I come," is a proof of this. The laying up of money privately is not, in the sense in question, a gathering, and therefore it will be difficult to make a number of such acts into gatherings. It is beyond all dispute that the apostle recognizes the existence of gather. ings, that he does not disapprove of them, that he directed them to have their contributions ready that there might not be any gatherings when he came. This text then does not disapprove of public collections, but on the contrary it proves that such col. lections were made, and therefore that it is lawful to make them, at least so it appears to Yours, &c,

Queenshead, Aug. 7th, 1844.



Mr. JOSEPH LANE, an honourable member of the Church in Lombard Street, Birmingham, died June the 8th, 1844, in the 85th year of his age. For more than forty years he lived without God in the world, a stranger to religion, and devoted to the service of 'sin; at the same time he called himself a churchman, though he could assign no reason for his assumption of that designation beyond the fact, that his parents were of the Church of England. His prejudices against the dissenters were such, that he could not feel charitable towards them, and consequently never entered their places of worship.

To observe the different methods by which a saving change is produced in the minds of men, is at once pleasing and interesting; and to the way in which his conversion was effected, Mr. L, often referred with feelings of

gratitude and joy. A minister belonging to the Wesleyans was announced to preach in the open air; curiosity led Mr. L. to hear him, and under the sermon his mind was seriously impressed. "When the minister," said he, "described the sufferings of Christ, his agony in the garden, and his sweating as it were great drops of blood, it so affected my heart that I resolved I would go and hear him again." He did not, however, venture to do this at first in the open day, but by night, and secretly, lest his neighbours should brand him a Methodist. His courage increased by degrees, and the reality of his change could not be hid; his sinful habits were laid aside, and he was never happy out of the means of grace. His wife, then unacquainted with religion, and his former companions, took an alarm, and con


cluded, as the world often does in such cases, that he was insane; but he continued his attendance on the services of religion; and by the consistency of his deportment, and the altered circumstances of his family, gave evidence that he was not mad, but had become wise unto salvation. Our esteemed friend was one of the poor of this world, and often greatly tried. On one occasion, his wife was heavily afflicted, his children almost wanting bread, and himself without employment; in these gloomy circumstances he called his family around him, and said, "we must go to prayer, for the Lord has told his people to call upon him in the day of trouble, and has promised to deliver them; this is our day of trouble, and we will try this promise." Accordingly they knelt before the throne of grace; the good man poured out his soul in prayer, and his petition was heard, for before the close of the day he was provided with the means by which to obtain the necessaries of life. Indeed Mr. L may be said to be a man of prayer, for not only in private, and in his family, did he call upon his God, but in meetings for prayer he took a lively and active part; and as he never acquired a knowledge of letters, it was surprising with what fluency and correctness he would quote passages from the word of God. Whenever he thought the opportunity favourable, he was never backward to introduce the subject of religion; and though his mode of address was somewhat abrupt, and his language unpolished, he was doubtless the means of good to many. At one time, being in company with a person who was pointing out the beauties of a painting, he siezed the opportunity of recommending him also to study the sacred Scriptures; but the man spoke disrespectfully of the Bible. This led him to put the question, What, then, do you think of Jesus Christ? The individual replied, that Jesus Christ was only a man. Only a man! said Mr. L., and referring to the Saviour's miracles, he inquired, Could a mere man do these things? then, having taken the person to be a Jew, he exclaimed with considerable vehemence," Oh you wicked Jews! you killed the prophets, you put Jesus Christ to death, you slew the apostles: Oh you wicked Jews!" The man was astounded, and quailing before him, said, "I am not a Jew, I am a member of a Church in this town; I am a Unitarian." Oh, replied Mr. L. coolly, I thought you had been a Jew; well, go and read the New Testament for yourself. The person some time after called at the house where this colloquy had taken place, and said, Well, I have taken the old man's advice, and I find he was right. In the latter years of his life he became more and more impressed with a sense of the love of God, and especially its manifestations toward the saints. As an evidence of this,


he invariably, before engaging in prayer among his christian friends, gave out those beautiful words of the poet,

"His saints are lovely in his sight;

He views his children with delight;
He sees their hopes, he knows their fear,
And looks and loves his image there."

Till the infirmities of old age came on, he was regular and constant in the means of grace; and when disabled from filling up his place, he recommended religion to all who visited him. Through all the affliction which terminated his life, his mind was tranquil: of death he had no dread. "Why," said he "should I fear to die? I want to be with my dear Saviour who died for me." Indeed, if any thing, he was too impatient to depart. On one occasion, the writer entered his chamber, and found him in close communion with God; when after a little time, he said, "I was begging." It was asked, What were you beging for? he replied, "I was begging my dear Saviour who died for me, to take me to himself." At another interview he said, "I suppose you have heard people sing, "Home, sweet home." Yes, was the reply. "Ah," he added, "that is just where I wish to be; at home, sweet home." Such was the happy experience of our venerable friend in his last moments; and of him it may truly be said, "This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him out of all his troubles."

G. C. B.

WILLIAM SQUIRE was born at Woodhouse, in the county of Leicester. Through the poverty of his parents, he received little or no education besides that which he received in the Sabbath-school. He was many times, in the earlier part of his life, convinced of the reality of the Christian religion, but like Felix, deferred it till a more convenient season. When entering on his nineteenth year, he was bidden to a wedding; but on going to the place where it was to be celebrated, the thought powerfully impressed his mind that he was going to a wedding not having on a wedding garment. When they arrived at the church they were too late, for the door was shut; this circumstance produced such convictions in his mind as were never erased. Early in the spring of 1841, a revival of religion commenced in the village, when a number of young people became anxious about religion; among whom was our departed friend; after many prayers, he obtained peace and joy through believing. He offered himself as a candidate for baptism, the day was appointed, but the Church thought it advisable that W. S. should remain till the next time that sacred ordinance was administered. The morning at length dawned when the candidates were about to profess their attachment to the

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Saviour, but our deceased brother was absent, This thought affected his mind before going to chapel, he retired to his closet and besought the Almighty that he would direct him aright; he arose from his knees with this impression, except a man be born of water," &c. The discourse delivered on that occasion was founded on "blessed are they that do his commandments," &c. When the administrator came up out of the water, he rushed to the water-side, exclaiming, "What doth hinder me to be baptised?" the answer was given him " If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest." He replied, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God;" and to the astonishment of a crowded congregation they went down into the water, and he baptized him. In the afternoon the right hand of fellowship was given him, and he was received as a member the next Church meeting. Ever since that period he has been regarded by all who knew him as a consistent christian; one of the most distinguished characteristics of his life was, that whenever the house of God was open for worship, unless prevented by illness, our departed friend was there : he could adopt the language of the Psalmist, and say, "I have loved the habitation of thine house, and the place where thine honor dwelleth." On one occasion, being asked the state of his mind, he replied, " My heart is like a garden of weeds, but I am trying to pull up some of the weeds of impiety, and to destroy the rubbish of selfrighteousness." But his piety did not exempt him from affliction; he was the subject of affliction for more than

a year, during which time he was removed to the Leicester Infirmary: but all efforts to restore him were useless.

During the whole of his illness, his patience was remarkable; towards the close of his life he was heard thus to give vent to his feelings in prayer, "O Lord thou didst prepare a chariot for one of thy distinguished servants, to take him to heaven, but thou hast not prepared chariots for all, lest the shogging of the chariot, and the rattling of the wheels, should affect their crazy bones; but thou hast prepared angels to carry them to Abraham's bosom." A few days before he expired, a friend visited him, and inquired where he placed his hope: he quickly answered, "In the Saviour: while I live I will cling to the cross, and I know through the love I have to the Saviour he will ere long take me to heaven." On Lord's-day, April 7, 1844, I visited him for the last time; he was then insensible; I could plainly see that his eyes were becoming dim, his cheek pale, and his tongue almost silenced with death. About four o'clock the following morning he fell asleep in death. His remains were interred in the General Baptist burying ground; and his death improved the following Sabbath, by Mr. I. Bailey, to a deeply affected congregation, from the words of Paul, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain." In his death the town has lost a quiet inhabtiant, the Church an honourable member, and the Redeemer has received another of his followers home. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."

W. B.


DERBYSHIRE CONFERENCE.-This Conference assembled at Smalley, on Monday, August 5, 1844. Mr. Kenny commenced by prayer, and Mr. Wilders, the minister of the Church, presided. The statements from the Churches were not generally of an encouraging character. Since the last meeting eleven have been baptized, and there are seventeen candidates.

Chesterfield. In the letter from this Home Mission station it was reported," Since the last Conference, our congregation has fluctuated. Several of our members have in the course of Divine Providence, removed, to reside in some neighbouring towns. While we regret this, we have cause of joy; three have been added to us by baptism, and we hope some more will be induced by their example to follow the Lord. We are persuaded, if we had a resident minister, it would be much better for our spiritual

improvement, and the good of the cause." Mr. Smith of Chesterfield was present.

It was resolved, "That each Church should appoint a friend to collect the Home Mission subscriptions." The committee, with the deacons of the Churches present, were requested to meet before the evening service.

Ashford and Bradwell.—It was stated that the Independents have relinquished the old chapel at Ashford, and are building a new one; and that the chapel at Bradwell is out of repair. Mr. Kenney was requested to visit these places, and bring his report to the next Conference.

Relation of the Derbyshire with the Midland Conference.-The attention of the meeting was drawn to a resolution of the Midland Conference upon this subject; when, after much consideration, it was agreed unanimously," As the Midland Conference comes so seldom into this district, and as our Con


ferences have been well attended, and have proved interesting, we respectfully separate from the Midland Conference, and purpose to hold our own Conference."

Revival Meeting. It was suggested that the speakers at the evening meeting should be previously furnished with their subjects, viz., addresses to Church members, in. quirers, backsliders, undecided, young, &c.

Order of the Conference.-The secretary was requested to prepare a plan for the next meeting.

The next Conference to be at Belper, on Christmas day. Mr. Kenney to preach in the morning, on believers' baptism. Service to commence at eleven o'clock precisely. After tea an open air service was held; and a revival meeting in the chapel, which was addressed by brethren Wilders, Sims, Garratt, Crooks, Kenney, Gutteridge, late town missionary at Boston, and Peggs.

J. PEGGS, Sec.

THE MIDLAND CONFERENCE will meet at Wimes would, on the third Tuesday in the present month (Sep. 17th,). Messrs. Smith, of Hinckley, and Ferneyhough, of Nottingham, are expected to preach.

THE half-yearly Conference of the London district will be held at Chesham, on Tuesday, Sep. 24th, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.


LONDON, Praed Street. On Lord's day, July 21st, the annual sermons for the Sunday-school, were preached; in the morning by Mr. Underwood, in the afternoon by the Rev. Thos. Archer, M.A., of Oxendon chapel, Haymarket; and in the evening by the Rev. R. Redpath, M.A., of Wells-street. On the following day a numerous company took tea in the school-room, and afterwards adjourned to the chapel, when addresses were delivered by the pastor, as chairman; by Rev. T. Yates, of Fleet, and by Messrs. Wileman and Bissill. A paper was also read by Mr. J. Chapman, the superintendent, which he was requested to send for insertion in the Repository. All the above services were extremely well attended, and the collections, together with the profits from the tea, amounted to upwards of £34.

BELPER.-On Lord's-day, July 14th, two excellent and impressive sermons, in aid of our chapel funds, were delivered in this place, by the Rev. J. G. Pike, of Derby. The attendance and liberality of our Christian friends, from neighbouring Churches, far exceeded our most sanguine expectations. Amount of collection £8. 10s. On the ensuing day, a donation of £5., was kindly sent by Jed. Strutt, Esq., of this place, to be appropriated either to the chapel, or school funds. This, amidst all our difficulties,


cheered us, and, as it were, with a "still small voice," bid us go forward, trusting in the Lord. May the Lord prosper Zion.

LONDON, New Church Street.-On Lord'sday, July 14th, three sermons were preached in aid of the Sabbath schools connected with the chapel; in the morning and evening, by our esteemed pastor, J. Burns, and in the afternoon by the Rev. W. Overbury: after which services, several of the children were examined as to their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. In connection with, and at the close of all the services, the children sang appropriate hymns and pieces, which gave universal satisfaction; the friends especially felt deeply in beholding many of infantile age lisping their "Hosannas to Jesus," The attendance throughout the day was most cheering, and the collections considerably surpassed those of former occasions. J. G.

QUEENSHEAD.-On Lord's-day, July 21st, two appropriate sermons were preached in the General Baptist chapel at this place, in behalf of the Sabbath-school connected with that place of worship, by the Rev. R. Stocks. The congregations were large, and the collections amounted to £23. 16s. 1d.

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1844, six males and one female were added to our rising Church by baptism, and the right hand of fellowship at the Lord's-table. This was a high day to many. The congregations were large, particularly at the waterside, where we were joined by Mr. Chapman and his friends, who had a baptism at the same time and place, and who took a part in the happy services on the occasion. The public call this, "the double baptism," it being the first time two baptisms have met together in this village, each minister immersing his own candidates.

LEEDS, Byron Street. On Lord's-day, July 7th, three persons were baptized in a new baptistry, recently built in our chapel. The congregation was good, and the scene unusually solemn. Our new baptistry is a beautiful place, by the common consent of all who have seen it; even the Wesleyans admire and I think mean to patronize it, as three of them have already been baptised in it. We want yet twelve pounds to remove the debt upon it: the pædobaptists will help us. I wish some kind-hearted Baptist would set us free; we are few and poor. The Derbyshire friends have sent us eight pounds towards its cost, which will be, in the whole, including necessary alterations for the ac. commodation of candidates, £24; a few pounds have been obtained among our own friends.

August 4th, four persons were baptized,


one an aged and much-respected Wesleyan, prospects are encouraging. and three persons, the fruit of our own labors. We are improving, and expect still to improve.

J. T.

LONDON, New Church Street. On Thursday, July 25th, the ordinance of baptism was administered to four persons, on a profession of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, after an appropriate address by our pastor. We trust soon to report respecting others who have followed these, so far as they have followed Christ. LONDON, Praed Street. evening, July 31st, five whom is a member of the land, were baptized by the pastor of the Church, after a sermon by Mr. Farrant, now of Manchester.

J. G.

On Wednesday persons, one of Church of Eng

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We have received by baptism twenty-one, since the commencement of the present year. SUTTON BONINGTON. On Sunday, June 16th, we had the pleasure of adding four to Brother Marshall, of Loughour numbers. borough, preached in the open air, and brother Ball baptized the candidates in the canal, when the greatest decorum prevailed amongst the by-standers.

DOWNTON, WILTS.-On Lord's-day morn. ing, August 11, 1844, after an appropriate and animated discourse, from John 3rd chap. and middle clause of 5th verse, by our beloved pastor, Mr. W. S. Clifton, the ordinance of baptism was administered to two male persons, aged respectively 69 and 80 years. We have several anxious inquirers, and our

COVENTRY.-Mr. J. Lewitt, late of the Academy, having supplied the General Baptist Church in this city for a few Sabbaths, with very encouraging prospects of success, has accepted a unanimous invitation to serve them for one year. Mr. Lewitt enters on his stated labors the first Lord's-day in Sep. We are truly happy to learn that the congregations have very decidedly increased. May the Lord revive his work.

BARROWDEN.-Mr. W. Orton, late of the General Baptist Academy, Leicester, has engaged for the present to serve the Church at this place. We are happy to learn that both here and at Morcott there are pleasing indications of revival.

MANCHESTER, Oak Street.-Mr. Farrant, late of the Leicester college, has engaged to serve the General Baptist Church here.

SEVENOAKS.-A beautiful service for the Lord's-table has been received, bearing the inscription, "For the use of the General Baptists of Bethel chapel, Sevenoaks." It is supposed to be the gift of a munificent hearer at the above place of worship.

REV. J. FELKIN.-We understand that Mr. Felkin's conection with the Church at Sevenoaks will terminate on the 25th inst.

CONTRIBUTIONS from friends in the congre. gation at Stoney-street chapel, Nottingham, towards the purchase of a Cyclopædia for the General Baptist college, Leicester.

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