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Books and Papers.

M. Rutherford and Edward Bellamy. An article on Thought and how results are obtained through the force of thought. Excellent articles on Child Culture, and the same on the Science of Health. Fowler & Welis Co. 775 Broadway, N. Y.

THE PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL JOURNAL for March, has in its Contents, The Story of a Violin; Free Pianos; The Banjo; Musical Notes: The Sham Critic; Open Questions; Music Trade Notes: The Harp in Society; Educational Department; Musical News; etc., etc. Gould and Woolley, 1416 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

"Or the making of many books there is no end," and one among the many has this singular title page. "Is it Mary, or the Lady of the Jesuits?" By Justin D. Fulton, D. D.

It is no small honor to be the oldest literary society for women in America. This honor is claimed by the Ladies' Library Association of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Thirty-seven years ago, in January 1852, when the commonwealth of Michigan was in its teens, and the beautiful little city of Kalamazoo barely able to stand alone, when men's hands were full with clearing lands and building homes and finding bread for their families,- a number of earnest women in the little village met one day to solve the problem: How can we furnish intellectual food for ourselves and our children in this new land? It was a vital question. They had come, many of them, from New England homes; and inherited tastes are not easily The work speaks for itself and the carelaid aside. They wanted books and lect-ful reader will be interested in the perusal ures; but books were scarce, and lectures of its pages. It is, indeed, a fight with scarcer, and money, alas! scarcest of all. Rome, over a subject that will in all probIt was clearly a case for organized effort. ability remain a disputed point so far as What one could not do, many might; and the Catholic and Protestant Churches are when earnest women organize to help concerned. This theological pugilism inthemselves and their children, who will to which the Christian Churches enter with predict failure? The immediate result of so much zeal, becomes sometimes, the subthat afternoon's work was the organiza-ject over which non-professors are left to tion of a society whose avowed objects wonder, and to speculate on the advantwere the establishment and maintenance ages of Christianity. The worthy Dr. of a circulating library, and the promotion of literary culture in the town. From that day to this, a period of nearly forty years, the Association has been in active operation, and has deviated not one hair's-breadth from the original objects. The means have varied with the growth and literary advancement of the town and the requirements of the age; the end has been the same.—From "A Successful Woman's Club," by Caroline H. Stanley, in the NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE for March.

proves to his own satisfaction that Mary, the mother of Jesus is not entitled to the honor which is accorded to her by the Catholic Brethren. He contends that Mariolatry and idolatry are the same; that "the Virgin Mary of the papal church and that of some Anglicans worship is a heathen goddess." The Doctor's zeal for Protestantism is equal to that of Peter's, and if he carried a sword, some people would be likely to lose one of their ears. Send 25 cts. to the American Co., Boston, Mass., and read for yourself.

THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL AND SCIENCE OF HEALTH for Mar., has a Portrait THE NATIONALIST for February has sevof Peter Henderson, the Horticulturist; eral excellent articles, interesting and inThe Studies of Lavater, which shows the structive, for those who are working for advantages of knowing how to read the the "Brotherhood of Humanity," as set Face. Among the notable people of To- forth by this Order. The Eleventh Census day, will be found the portrait of Lewis | Conspiracy: The Negro's Part: Chicago's

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