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The Manifesto.


JANUARY, 1890.

No. 7.

No. 1.

cises during the hours of worship were similar to those of former years.

1843. Many of the messages which had been written were now compiled and received the title of "Sacred Roll THE first day of the New Year, and Book." A corresponding work 1842 was a continuation of the same began at Watervliet, N. Y., and the wonderful display of divine manifesta- work written at that place was entitled tions of spirit power. The first day "Holy Wisdom's Book." The manuof January will be remembered by the script of the Sacred Roll having been visitation of Holy Mother Wisdom. prepared, it was printed at CanterA large number of messages were bury, N. H., by the Believers in that written, containing words of comfort Society, and in 1849 the book of Hoand blessing to those who walked up-ly Wisdom was printed in the same rightly. It was during this season place. that public service was discontinued and a notification was placed on the door of the church. The Sabbath was kept more as a day of meditation and prayer, and this was better secured by dismissing that service which invited a large company of strangers to visit the Village for many hours during the day.

The re

1844. The meetings during this year and also during 1845 were quite like those of an earlier date. ceiving of beautiful songs and the manifestation of divine gifts, were the ever present privileges. Testimonies of thankfulness, of simplicity and of love for the abundant gifts of the spirit broke forth from every heart.

A remarkable visitation of the spir- The public Sabbath service which its occurred about this time, embrac- was closed in 1843 was again opened ing persons from many nations. Much this year, and all who so wished were of the time during the service was oc- permitted to attend. The order of cupied by these different classes, as exercises was as in former years and the Instruments were singing some the ministration of the gift of God new and beautiful songs or engaged was a living power which filled the

in exhortations.

The general exer-assembly. Although the demonstra

tion of the spirit, as exhibited in so ping, or moving of tables, and by many wonderful ways, gradually faded speaking while in a trance state. away, there was remaining in the Some of these demonstrations were, hearts of the people, a treasure which certainly, very remarkable, and were the world could neither give nor take well calculated to attract the attention away. A work of such magnitude, of nearly all classes of persons, filled as it was with wonderful and SPIRITUAL GIFTS FROM 1851 to 1856 mysterious spirit manifestations could INCLUSIVE. never have been anticipated by those who were chosen as actors, or even by those who were privileged to be the witnesses. It came in the quietness and in the obscurity of a dream, but it rapidly developed into a work of power and gave evidence that it was of God.


The form of the spiritual manifestations that took place within the boundary of our Society, during the above period, presented nothing remarkably new, as worthy of special notice. The hours for divine worship were attended with marked regularity, and were seasons of blessing to those who walked in the light. A living testimony was manifested against all evil, as in this came the prosperity of the

lation, as they witnessed in some persons a departure from light, or an apostacy from the word of God. more direct testimony was held before


Although the mysterious noises that were heard at Hydesville, N. Y., in 1848 in the Fox family had been attracting more or less attention, and the curious were investigating, it Community. Some walked in tribudid not arrest our attention very much till the present year. Several members of our Society visited the family that was attracting so much attention, and were very much interested in the world, to show them that the spirwhat took place by "rappings and it of Christ is found in the path of tippings." This strange work of the righteousness and peace. spirit was foretold through the mediums of our own order, especially the rapping manner of communication.

During those several years we were blessed with many refreshing gifts, with much consolation from soul to soul, and were still able to say that Zion yet rejoices in her God and gives glory to his name.



Although we do not consider these manifestations identical with those that have been seen in our own order, yet they have proved to be very interesting and given us an inspiring hope, that it was the opening of a way that might lead to an increasing, gospel light among those who were strangers G. B. AVERY, MT. LEBANON, N. Y. to nearly every form of spirituality. DEAR FRIEND :-I received the MANISeveral of the mediums visited our FESTO for April, May, June and AuSociety and exhibited those singular gust with many thanks. I am very manifestations, by rapping, by tip- glad to hear from you at all times, but

SEPT. 15, 1889.




wishes for your prosperity, both in
numbers and virtue. May all be hap-
py in your temporal and spiritual rela-
tionships, and may peace attend your
efforts to honor our common Lord shall
be my earnest prayer.
I will put your
MANIFESTO in our reading room and so
spread the light. Write me at your
leisure. I am yours, fraternally.

cannot make arrangements to join you Bro. Avery? Please accept my best at present, as I had fondly hoped to do. My wife is not favorable to my doing so at present. She thinks that as we put all our possessions into the C. F. of S. we ought to remain here, so that if we succeed in realizing our former hopes, we may be as happy here as elsewhere, especially as the climate is very salubrious. And unless we do succeed we shall have no means to take us away.

I wish to keep up my correspondence with you. I am beginning to feel quite at home with the writers of the MANIFESTO and turu first to this Sister and then to that Brother as though we were old acquaintances. There is no doubt. a fellow-feeling between us of true Christian sympathy, although I may be regarded by your people as living upon the lower floor, as Brother Eads would say until I renounce my former faith and mode of life, and adopt the Shaker plan.



"I love the faith of the Gospel,

The gift of free salvation;
It will redeem the fallen race

From sin and condemnation.
Then hold ye fast the living faith,
"Tis not of man's invention:
It is from God, who reigns above,

And claims our whole attention." JESUS and Mother Ann Lee were the most perfect examples of the In my case there were two in the Christian faith, and the most perfect compact, and each pledged our troth; it witnesses of what the spirit of Christ is only fair my wife should have her choice, being regarded as the weaker could and would do with fallen hubecause three years the older. And manity. The system of government there would be no virtue in the act of in operation when they were on the surrender on our part, as we could lay earth, was very far behind what it is no claim to the "Virgin life," or the upin our time; and as the governments per floor, by our giving the remnant of of earth progress, it opens the way, our worthless lives, after sowing to the through the gift of divine revelation, flesh and then to go cringing before for the Christian system to be perfectGod and ask him to accept the dregs of ed. But the spiritual lives of Jesus our inability to sow to the flesh any and Mother will never be excelled. longer. It seems too much to expect, There seems to be, in the minds of our being enrolled among the one hun- some, at least, great objections against dred and forty-four thousand virgins; referring to or speaking of land reafter a life of sensual gratification. form, dietetics, hygiene, or any other Where does the self-denial come in, reform, as though these things had looking at it from your stand-point, nothing to do with Christianity in its

highest manifestation. And objec- gan by reforming themselves; in other tions to any physical demonstration, words, they practiced what they operating through the human body, preached. Jesus was a Shaker; a like shaking or dancing, or any vio- land reformer of the highest type; the lence of spirit in our meetings, because greatest hygienist that has ever walked it is not the worship of God. Jesus the earth; and he said his disciples and Mother have been the examples would do greater works than he did, for souls to follow; and, thank God, or could do, in land reform and hywe have living witnesses, in our own giene. They would more fully crysday and time, that are living out, tallize or materialize the abstract truths through the gift of divine revelation, which he uttered; bring them down to a far more perfect system of Chris-practical every-day life. Of what use tianity than it was possible for Jesus is the revelation of truth, unless it enor Mother to live out; still we have ters the life of humanity? Jesus not attained perfection. But our said that the foxes had holes, and the hopes are strong that, through an in- birds of the air had nests; (Where? creased revelation, greater good will Why, on the land;) but the Son of yet be obtained. Father James said, Man, under the unjust system where "The Gospel is perfect; as straight he was obliged to live, had no place as straightness and as pure as the to lay his head. No rights in the land, heavens." Father Joseph said the had he, that the government was bound church would pass through seven trav- to respect. What was his prophecy ails or cycles. We are only in the and promise to those who would folfirst travail-if haply we are there; | low him? That for all they "forsook and if we are, we shall be found hat- of father, and mother, and sisters, and ing the flesh, vehemently. That was brothers, and houses, and lands, they the testimony of our blessed Mother; should receive an hundred-fold of faand no soul can enter the second trav-thers, mothers, sisters, brothers, ail or cycle, till they have passed houses and lands." Was not that through the first. Every soul must land reform? And is not the system be baptized with the testimony of under which people are living to-day Mother, to hate the flesh before they will find a successful travail into the second, third, or seventh cycle or travail.

well nigh as bad as it was when Jesus lived on the earth; and especially in those countries whose governments are called Christian. We, whose privilege it is to live under the infidel government of the United States, enjoy better things than they. But let this government get into the hands of the

I look upon Jesus and Mother as the greatest reformers that have ever blessed the earth; not reformers after the sense and spirit of the world, but according to the will of God. Why? so-called Christians, and the liberties Because, in their practical lives, there was more divinity; and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, they be

we now enjoy will soon disappear, and everybody will be compelled into the narrow limits of their creed, and

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