AN ESSAY IN WHICH THE DOCTRINE OF A POSITIVE DIVINE EFFICIENCY EXCITING THE WILL OF MEN TO SIN, As held by some modern Writers, IS CANDIDLY DISCUSSED, 1. UNPHILOSOPHICAL. AND SHEWN TO BE 2. INCONSISTENT WITH THE PLAIN AND OBVIOUS SENSE OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, AND OF COURSE A DEPARTURE FROM THE SIMPLICITY OF THE Gospel; and 3. A NOVEL DOCTRINE, UTTERLY REPUGNANT ΤΟ THE FAITH OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN ALL PAST AGES. BY THOMAS ANDROS, A. M. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good.....St. Paul. BOSTON: PRINTED FOR SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG, No. 50, Cornhill. July, 1820. CONTENTS. Page The question stated, "Does God operate directly on the heart of fallen man, and excite him by an inward positive influence, to yield to the motives and allurements to sin, which, in the course The standard by which this, and all other questions in theology and morals, are to be ultimately decided, i. e. the obvious sense Two positions, that may be adjudged as the main pillars of the system of direct efficiency, considered: viz. 1. That motive in no possible case can be the cause of volition. 2. That those passages of Scripture which speak of a divine agency in hardening the hearts of men, &c. are to be understood as perfectly par- allel to, and as expressive of, a direct influence, as those which |