Beloved! I don't now come to call for contentment, and patience, and quietness under Affli&ion; but for Thankfulness: and not for thankfulness only when all goes well with you; but for Thankfulneffe in every thing. Oh! therefore, let us return unto our own fouls, confider how it hath been with us. If there be ever a discontented man or woman reade this Sermon; confider this Scripture: The Lord saies, be in every thing Thankful, and thou hast been in nothing Thankful, in nothing contented in thy condition. Oh! how will you answer it at the great day? Let me leave this Exhortation with you, in your bosoms: the Lord knows into what condition we may come; whether into Affliction, or Persecution, or Desertion, or of Temptation: Remember, here lies your duty before you; lay it up in your hearts: 'Tis the will of God, even our Father, that we should be Thankful to him in every thing: not in some things, not when things go well only; when we have Victory: but in all things Thankful: In every thing give Thanks unto God, for this is the will of God our Father concerning you. FINIS. by the world 4 to the Devil for evil that are given to God for good 244 Avoid, see Temptations 251 The fame Attributes are given Christ called our father, and Chrift called our brother, and why childship in time of temptation Chrift ibid B Bleffe All our comfort in God comes through Chrift 3 What Cbrift doth when he blefseth men Why Christ was made like to 80 Bleffings of the Gospel what How to answer Christ in fuc Christ fuccours in Temptation 220 they are 77 couring us 237 What See Priestly, Sacrifice, Sins, Curfe Transcendent, Anointed, Christ was made a curse for fin High-Prist, Interceffion, 82 Temptations, Faithful- All the Saints curses are turned neffe, Duties, Prayers, into blefssings 89 Blessings, Love, Willing D neffe, Mercy. Damned Church The Church is most pure under Perfecution 309 Comfort Dealing What Comforts arise by Christs offering up of our duties 94 Christs bleffing us 89 What Comforts arife by Christs Dealing with bis Dif Devil fee Power Disciple How to find Comfort in temp- Marks of a true Disciple 296 mm 2 E 67 Why After our greatest enjoyment G Page Gods inclination to hear Chrift 32 of God follows our greatest God alwaies bears Christ 57 241 Gods People ought not to quesli temptations Errours on Gods love 109 See Chrift, Promise, Love. Godly Godly men lay all their fins up- Gofpel fee Bleffing 254 Grace is larger under the Gospel than under the Law See Covenant H Heart fee Faith High-Prieft 68 Christ as High-Prieft cannot refuse Difference between Christ and other High Priests 223 See Office Holy Ghoft 264 The holy Ghost dwels in the What it is to fail in faith 265 How Satan weakens our faith hearts of beleevers Homility 79 and how to refift bim 271 Spiritual joy causeth Humility Directions how to walk that our faith may not fail |