they should lose their own Kingdom; and thereby they loft both their God and their Kingdom, as Auftin obferves. But who ever loft his Scepter by fubmitting unto Chrifts Sce pter? I may fay truly, Poteftus Chrifti is rather Cumulativa then Privitiva. In helping Chrift to his Throne, you fhall help your felves to your honours and greatncffe. I will not fay that Chrift hath need of you,he hath no need of us: But if that of the Schools be true,viz. that one is helped by another, either by addition of new ftrength & vertue,or by the exercife of what was formerly given, then Jefus Chrift may in fome sense (and that according to Scripture Phrafe, Judges 5. 23) be faid to be helped by you. Great confedracies. will be to his Kingdom. Pf.2.1, 2. But God who fits in Heaven, laughs at those combinations.v.4.& in fpite of them will fet his King upon his holy hill of Zion. v. 6. And to him that overcometh will I give to fit down with me in my Throne faith our Saviour, even as I have overcome and fit with my Father in his Throne. Rev. 3. 21. Wherefore moft Honourable, be not overcome with evil,be not overcome with difficulties, with oppofitions or combinations of men; but overcome evil with good, and do what in you lies to bring this bleffedKingJefus unto his Thron and Inherittance,that as the earth in due time fhall, foEngland in fpecial manner may become the Kingdom of our Lord Chrift,and we may al fay,the Lord God omnipotent reigneth amongst us. I fhort a time what part of Gods Word I fhould preach to you, but knowing the trouble of thefe times,and that the more you spend your thoughts on Chrifts coming and Kingdome, the more your hearts wil be upheld in the times of your troubles; I chose rather to preach on this Argument, which I here now prefent, and beseech the Lord to bleffe it to you, and you to this Kingdome; only be ftrong, and be of good courage; fear not, neither be difmayed;and the Lord your God will be with you as he hath been formerly, which shall be the prayer of Your bumble Servant in the Gospel of Jefus Chrift. WILL. BRIDGE. CHRISTS COMING Is At OUR MIDNIGHT. Mat. 25. verf. 6. And at Midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. I N this parable,ye have the ftate and posture of the Church a little before and at the coming of Jefus Chrift. Then shall the Kingdome of beaven be likened unto ten Virgins. verfe 1. Sometimes the Do&rine and grace of the Gospel,is called the Kingdom of Heaven: The Kingdom of Heaven is like to a grain of mustard feed c. This cannot be meant here; becaufe in the Gofpel there are not ten Virgins. Sometimes the ftate of glory above is called the Kingdom of Heaven: That is not meant here, because there are no foolish Virgins. Sometimes the Church of Chrift under the new Teftament, is called the Kingdom of Heaven; for there God appears, manifefts himself, and it is Heaven on earth: and this is that which is here called the Kingdom of Heaven. Which Kingdom is described by the Governour, King and Head thereof: And by the Subjects of that Kingdom. The Subjects are defcribed by their Agreement and Difagreement. First, they B agree Ad nihilu valet quod non valet ad finem fu um. agree in this,that they are all Virgins; though fome foolish, yet Virgins, not defiled with men, or the pollutions of the world is poffible a foolish,and unfound heart may go thus far in Religion, to be free from the pollutions of the world, yea, through the knowledg of Chrift, faies the Apostle Peter. Secondly, they agree in this, that they have all their Lamps, good and bad, wife and foolish under Ordinances, which are the Lamps, whereby the golden Oyl of the SanЯuary is emptied into our hearts. Thirdly,they agree in this, that they are all expectants, wife and foolish wait the Bride. grooms coming: they all think to receive good, and have a good day by the coming of Jefus Chrift: this is far, yet thus far may a foolish Virgin go. Fourthly, they all agree in this, that they had Oyl in their Lamps: indeed, verfe the 3. it is faid, That the foolish Virgins took no Oyl with them ; but verfe the 8. they fay, Our Lamps are gone out: So that Öyl they had once, but they had not enough, and fo none; parts and gifts and common graces a man may have, not onİy his Lamp, but fome Oyl in it for a time, yet be a foolish Virgin. Fiftly, they agree in this, that they keep company, have communion and fellowship together in the Church; yea,fo far that the foolish are not known till Chrifts coming: fo fmoothly may a foolish Virgin carry it,yet remain foolish. Sixthly, They all agree in this alfo, that they hold out their profeffion, with Lamps,and waiting till the bridegroom comes, So that poffibly, a man may be a Profeffor of the Gospel, and bear up his profeffion among the best, even to the laft, yet be unfound at heart, and a foolish Virgin. Thos far they agree. But fecondly, though thefe Virgins agree in many things, yet they difagree in point of wildom: for the wife got fo much Oyl as did ferve till the laft; the foolish not fo: there was defectus Olei, verse 8. Secondly, You have here the defcription of the King, Governour and Head of this Kingdom, who is defcribed from and by the manner of his coming. First, he comes as a Bridegroom. Secondly, he comes apparently. Not as in the |