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was made, fo the plaifter was laid. You have Three great temptations: Anfwerably now, the Lord Jefas Chrift does teftifie of this woman. First of all, He answe red her not a word, would not own her, would not speak to her: Now (faies he) Owoman. Then he faid, That be was not fent, but unto the loft fbeep. Now he does own her for a Sheep, and he faies the bath Faith. Before he saies, It is not meet to caft childrens bread to dogs. This did argue that he was a Dog, one moft Unworthy. Now he faies, that the is moft Worthy; O woman, thou haft not only faith, but thou haft a great faith, O woman great is thy faith. So that I fay, ftill hang upon Chrift; in all your Temptations, in themidit of all your Difcouragements, ftill hang upon Chrift; and the Lord Jefus, he will not only make a report of your faith unto ye, but according as your temp tations rife, fo fhall the report of your grace be from the Lord Chrift unto your poor foul: therefore hang upon


He does not only here, give a teflimony of her faith,and the greatness of her faith; but now be does give the Thing: Be it unto thee as thou wilt. Chrift can deny nothing to a true Beleever: a Beleever may have what he will of Chrift at laft. Chrift cannot hold: though he do hide himself from his brethren (as Jofeph did) for a time, he cannot hold it out alwaies, he cannot hold out the fiege alwaies, but he will give up himself to a poor Beleever, O poor Beleever, Be it according as thou wilt thou wouldeft have Grace, thou wouldst have this or that Mercy; Be it unto thee even as thon wilt.

P❜le only take one Leffon from all, and fo conclade.

And the great Leffon that we fhould all Learn from this whole Story is, To beleeve in the face of all Difcouragement, of all Oppofition, all Temptation; fill to bang upon Jefus Chrift. The very reading of this ftory provokes ur hereunto. Whatfoever your Temptations be, whatever your Difcourage ments be, yet hang on Chrift, never away, ftill wait upon him.


You fay, (it may be) But I fear Chrift and the Promise Object. does not belong to me.

But did JefusChrift ever fay unto ye with his own mouth, Anfw. I am not fent, but unto the loft sheep; and thou art none? He faid fo to this woman,and yet the did hang upon him, and he commended her for her faith.

But you will fay unto me; I have been at prayer, I Object. have prayed long, and I hear nothing of all my pra


This woman did pray to Chrift, he answered her Anfw. not a word, and yet the did hang upon him, yet the did Beleeve; and fhe is commended for her belee


You will fay, I am one that have been a great finner; an Object. Unclean wretch, even as a Dog; furely there is no hope, and no mercy for me.

Did the Lord Jefus Chrift ever Himself fay to you, as he Anfw. faid to this woman? feeming to call her Dog; yet he did hang upon him, yet fhe did wait upon him, yet she did beleeve,and the Lord commended her for her faith.

I Pray, indeed, but it's my Neceffities makes me go unto Object.. God in Prayer, and when I go unto God in Prayer. my Neceffitics put me on.

And was it not fo with this woman? Her daughter was Anfw. grievously vexed with a Devil, and thereupon her Neceffiry drave her anto Chrift; and yet, poor woman, the is


But, I do not go unto Jefus Christ; I go not unto Chrift Object..

at all.

But Jefus Chrift yet will come to you. This woman An[w: did not come to Jerufalem, Chrift went down unto the coafts of Tyre and Sidon; Chrift came to her, and yet she beleeved, this flood with faith,and Chrift commended her faith.


I have no Affurance of Chrifts love and mercy towards Object.



Tell me, Had this woman any affurance of this mercy that the prayed for? She only brings in her wants, propounds them to Jefus Chrift, laies them at his feet, hangs upon him, and this was her faith; and fhe is commended for her faith, and the greatness of her faith, O woman, great is thy faith. So that, do but now hang on Christ, though thou haft not affurance of thy Salvation, or of the love of God, yet in the face of all Temptations, and all Difcouragment, hang on Chrift, never away, never be beaten off by any Difcouragment, hang on Chrift, wait on Chrift, and the Lord Chrift will at laft commend the as thou wilt. How shall people, that go on in a continued way of Doubting and Unbelief, ever look this poor wo man in the face at the great day of Judgment? this poor Canaanitish woman? How will you be able, you that go on in a continual way of Doubting and Unbelief, to look the Lord Jefus Chrift in the face? Stir up your felves, ftir up your felves I beseech you, to this great work of Beleeving. I confef: it's a hard thing to Beleeve, and harder to Beleeve than to keep all the Ten Commandements; there is fomething in Nature to contribute towards the keeping of the Ten Commandements; but there is nothing in N ture to contribute to thy Beleeving on the Lord Jelos Chrift. It is a very hard thing to Beleeve truly; and those that make it an easie matter, they do not know what it is to Beleeve. But reade over this ftory, and your hearts will be provoked to Beleeve, to hang upon Jefus Chrift; do it, and the Lord will commend your faith,and own you and your faith.


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