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Doct. 5.



res & vitia Regis imitari

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hisGospel is first a little stone,the a great stone,then break-
ing the Mountains, then filling the world. Hold therefore
old fundamentall Truths, yet fo as you may raise your
buildings Seek your buildings, yet fo as you may keep
foundatios. Thus feek the Truth,this part of Righteousnes.

And in the Third place, If you would know what to doe in the day of Gods anger, fo as to be hidden, Seek Meekneffe: Righteoufneffe and Meeknesse.

And fo I come unto the Fifth and last Doctrine.

That if any man can doe any good in the day of Gods Anger,either for himself or others,it is the meek of the earth, Therefore the Text calls on them efpecially for to feek

the Lord.

The Meek of all other men have the promise of the earth;The meek shall inherite the earth. This promife,orfpring, rifes in the Old Teftament, the head of it is there, and runs down into theNew, Bleffed are the meek, for they shall inherite the earth, Mat. 5. It feems this intaile was not cut off by

the coming of Jesus Christ.

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The Meek of all other men doe most honour Christ, the way of Christ, and the Gofpel: The Heathens had this no*Quoniam mo- tion amongst them, (as Lactantius reports) that the way to honour their gods, was to be like to them: And theregenus obfequi fore fome would be wicked, counting it a dishonour to eft; abjecerunt their god to be unlike to him. I am fure we have a meek probrare Regi and fweet difpofition'd Saviour; Learn of me, (faith he) for I (Lovs fcelus am meek and lowly. A Physician and Surgeon, who as he hath

pietatem ne ex




a quick eye, fo a mild heart,and a tender hand. The more meek a man is,the more he is like to him and honours him. What faies the world? I, there is a man of an humble, quiet, and sweet difpofition; if all Profeffors were fuch, then I would become one too.

A meek perfon leaves his caufe to God, and his revenge

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him is led by the hand of God, manfuetus quafi manui etus: and when men do,and are fo,God comes in quickfor their relief. Aaron and Miriam rofe up against Mofes, fes is filent,carries it meekly,and the text faies, Numb.12. en God arofe, and was very angry: and the reafon is given, caufe Mofes was the meekest man. Ameek man is fub&t to God in all conditions: gives up his matters to him, fo God takes himself ingaged for his fuccour. Again, The meek perfon above all others, is most fit for e Service of God. If I would convey a reproof, or a reehenfion into the heart of a man; a meeke and sweet fpofition is the most fit for to do it with. If I would nvey a Comfort or Confolation into a mans heart; a eek difpofition is most fit for that. Chrift gave the Goll,and he was meek: Mofes gave the Law,& he the meekt man upon earth in his time. So that whether Law, or ofpel,it is beft handed into the heart by meeknes. I may ith a foft breath blow a feather further then with rength of arm'I can throw it. God loves those that are te himself. The Holy Ghoft compar'd to a Dove. Chrift lled a Lamb. The Father, love it self, in the abstract : o wonder then,that a meek perfon, being fo like to God, ath fo great an intereft, and credit in heaven.


And if these things be fo; How little is this poor Nati- Applic. n & Kingdom beholding to thofe that are of a froward, arfh, and perserve Spirit:they difturbe their owne fouls, hey disturb their own families,they disturb the place,and ingdom where they live. If a meek perfon fhall be hid in e day of Gods Anger; Oh! where will you appear that e of a froward temper? I fay, where will you appear in e evill day? Bear the word of Exhortation. Tis only to et a fweet & loving difpofition: Oh! that our love might ourish at laft and abound towards one another, and to all e Saints.


Hereby (even your meekneffe) ye walk as becometh the Gospel. Yee inherit the earth. Are made like unto Jefus Chrift. Have a great power and credit in heaven for your felves and others. Shall be hidden in the evill day. 10 And therefore, if any here that are of a froward, and perverse disposition; go to God and fay, Lord, give me meekneffe, and wherein I have been froward, either in my family, or elsewhere, forgive me this frowardnie, and let not the Kingdom fare the worse by it.

It may be you will fay, Oh! but he, or he, or he hath much provoked me, and I cannot beare it.

But fuppofe that you have a ball of Gold in your hand, and another throw dirt in your face, face, will you throw away that golden ball at him, because of the dirt that he doth throw on you? This meekneffe, fweet difpofition, is your ball of gold: and what though he throw dirt in your face you must wash the dirt off his feet: Chrift did fo, wah'd his Difciples feet. And for our example; Luther calls upon Magistrates, Minifters, and all people, to tuck up their fleeves, and to fall a washing of the Difciples feet, by a loving and sweet fubmitting of our excellencies unto their infirmities.

But Lord! how contrary are we unto Chrift? Hee wafbt his Difciples feet; we throw dirt in Difciples faces Oh! that this guilt may not cleave to our fouls in our dy ing day. If this day we could but ftand up and forgive one another,and learn meekneffe, and fweetneffe towards one another, it would prevaile more with God then all our fasting and prayer: and without it,all our fafting and prayer is of no availe.

But my Exhortation is unto you especially that are the meeke of the earth. Ye hear what intereft,power,and dit ye have in heaven: Seeing ye have fo great an interell,



ay, away to your Fathers knee, and for poore Englands e improve your interest; and for Irelands, Scotlands fake 'd not your peace: Your deare and tender Father will your prayers welcome. Take a prospect of our fad dition: Doe ye not hear how Ireland cryes, Help, help, iving England, help poor dying Ireland? Doe ye not r how our affli&ed, plundered, and spoiled brethren in er parts of this Kingdome cry, Have pity, have pity on us, O all our friends, for the hand of the Lord hath cht us? How the poor ignorant cry out of the Counes, Oh! help to deliver us from the wrath to come? w this whole ftaggering Nation cryes, If ever you pe, helpe now; if you have an Intereft in Heaven, it now?

Now therefore, according to all your ingagements here, your intereft in heaven, goe, pray, cry, and cease not, imay doe much, you shall doe much: for if any man in earth can doe any good, it is the Meeke of the earth. here fore, O all you that are the Meeke of the earth, I bech you improve your Intereft, Seekeye the Lord: and not y this day, but all your day es, Seeke righteousneffe, fecke keneffe: it may be you and others by you shall be hidden he day of the Lords anger.


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