Page Page Allthings are poffible to bim that Chrift draws neer to thofe that beleeves See Fear and Union Bleffings 214 are not fenfible of their fins 226 Some bleffings are more common Boldness than others 160 See God Saints may come with boldness to the throne of Grace,and why nion, Grace, Willingness, 24 Work, Happiness, Alfuffi ciency, Grace, Honour, Spirit, Throne. Meerly Civil men are not an fwerable to the grace of Chrift Christian, fee Spirit 122 The Comforts of the Saints are Jure 158 Comfort is brought in to men before they feek for it 223 Contention 47 All Contention arifeth from D. The fentence of death put upon bid bleffings and the means to ob The fentence of Death put upon mercies in another mans band 161 The fentence of Death is accor ding to the life of the mercy 162 Why God gives the promise firft and puts the fentence of death upon it afterwards 163 When the fentence of death is put upon a mercy, how to know whether it fall rife a gain 167 The Devil is the great hunter of Souls 193 Difficulties Faith opens the eyes of the foul to fee the Excellency of Chrift 204 Faith enables a man to leave the fucceß of all things to God Encouragements to come to Faith oppofeth Legal terrours Christ 18 Excellency 4 9 Fulness, the meaning of the word 3 There is a Folness of parden in Chrift Difference between a Fulnefs of fufficiency, and a Fulnefs of efficiency Fulnefs in Chrift,what it is 9 Fulness (Prophetical office in Priefly office Chrifts Kingly office How all creatures partake of the Fulness of Cbrift Fulness of Grace in a Beleever may fomtimes be bid from the world • 31 Difference between the Fulnefs of the world and the Fulness of Jefus Chrift ΤΟ 20 33 99 100 God will be feen in his bleffings The Fulness of Chrift makes us Grace, the meaning of the word firm See Love, Holiness G Gifts The Saints Grace is answerable to the Grace of Chrift 112 Great Gifts the Scripture menti The Infinite Treasury of Grace ons God 128 23 in Chrift Chrift as Mediator received not grace Ignorance man from Chrift See. Fulneffe L Law, fee Gofpel A Legal spirit relifbeth argu ments beft that are drawn from. bell & the wrath of God 247 The Lives of the Saints are very pleasant Long-fuffering 65 Chriftians ought to wait upon o thers with Long. fuffering. Love 235 There's a fulness of love in Chrift 4 5 Wherein the fulness of Chrifts love confists The love of Chrift draws men to bim The love between Chrift and Chriftians defcribed Love cauferb Love Lufts 40 117 247 Ignorance ought not to keep a God doth nor give to fupply our 12 lufts but our wants 185 M |