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How little is this Nation beholding to those that are of a
froward and perverse spirit.


To meek ones, go to God improve your intereft



The Titles of the first and second Volumns of the

lately published.

I. The great Gospel-Myfterie of the Saints Comfort and
Holines, opened and applyed from Chrefts Priestly

II. Satans power to Tempt; and Chrifts love to, and
care of his people under Temptation.

III. Thankefulneß required in every condition.

IV. Grace for Grace ; or, The overflowings of Chrifts
Fulness received by all Saints.

V. The Spiritual actings of Faith through Natural I

VI. Evangelical Repentance.

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GALATIANS, 2. part of the 20. verse.
Nevertheles I live, yet not I, but Chrift liveth


in me.

Nthis Epiftle, the Apoftle Paul does induduftrioufly prove, That a man is justified by faith in Chrift alone, and not by the works of the Law. Which he plainly affirms at the 16. verfe, Knowing that a man is not justi. GER fied by the works of the Law, but by the faith of fefus Chrift, even we have beleeved in Je fus Chrift, that we might be justified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the Law for by the works of the Law shall no fefb be justified. But if a man be not justitied by the works of the Law, then a man may live as he lifts, may ceafe from working. Not so (faies the Apuftle) for so, we our selves

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Stepney July, 2. 1648.

fbould be found finners, and Chrift would be made the Minifter of fin, which God forbid: (verle 17.) yea, and I fcould build again the things which I bave destroyed and make my self a tranfgraffor (verfe 18.) But Ithrough the law, am dead unto the law, that I might live unto God. (verle the 19)

But if a man be juftified by faich alone, and fo by the death of Chrift; then a man is crucified with Christ: and if a man be crucified,or if you be crucified with Chrift,how then do you live? Yes, (laies he at the 20. ver.) I am crucified with Chrift, Nevertheles I live, yet not 1, but Chrift livetb

in me.

Nevertheless or now I live. [live] that is, a fpiritual life. There is a Natural life, and there is a Spiritual life. He does not here speak of the Natural life, when he fales, Nevertheleß I live; because he adds, yet not I, but Chrift livetb in me: that is, Spiritually. And when he fajes, I live: he fpeaks it in the Perfon of every Beleever: nor in his Own Perfon, but he Perfonates a beleever all along. I through the Law, am dead to the Law, that I might live to God; Ia Be leever. And, I am crucified with Cbrift: Ia beleever. And, Nevertheleß I live. All along he does perfonate a beleever, and does not speak in his own Perfon, but in the Perfon of a beleever. And he fales here, Nevertheless I live. He had faid before, That we are justified by faith alone, and not by the works of the Law: and that a beleever was crucified with Cbrift. Now (faies he) this Do&rine that I have preach'd unto you, is no way opposite unto our Spiritual life,or unto our Holinels; yet, now I live, or,nevertheless I live. From whence then you may obferve thefe Two things,

Firft. That every true beleever, every Godly, Graci ous man, is a living man, lives a fpiritual life, is in the ftate of life.

Secondly. That our Justification by faith alone, and our being crucified with Chrift; is no enemy, but a friend unto this Spiritual life. Nevertheles I live.

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First of all. Every godly Gracious man, is a living man, is | Do&.1. in the fate of life, lives a Spiritual life.

And this ye have moft exprefly, in that 6. Chap.of Jobn,
at the 40. verf. This is the will of bim that fent me, That every
one which feeth the Son,and believeth on bim,may have everlasting
life, and I will raise him up at the last day. But though he
fhall have everlasting life hereafter, it may be he hath not
this life for the prefent: Look therefore what he saies at the
.verf. Verily, verily, I fay unto you, He that beleeverb on me
barb everlasting life. 'Tis not faid, He fball have everlafting
life, but he bath everlafting life; everlasting life is began
in him already. And that ye may be the more fure of it,
he gives you a double Verily Verily, verily I say unto je,He
that beleveth on me, balb everlasting life. But how can this
be? Nay, how fhould it be otherwile? for a mans life is,
as his meat is: and faies our Saviour, I am the bread of life,
at the 48.verf. Them at the 54, verf.Wbofoever eateth my flesh,
and drinketh my blood, bath eternal life: For my flesh (at the 55.
verf.)is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed; be that eateth
my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me and I in bim :
As the living father bath fent me, and I live by the Faiber; fa be
that eateth me, even be fhall live by me. So that ye fee, this
Chapter is full of it,here is a cloud of witneffes: I lay there-
fore, That every godly, gracious man,is a living man, and
lives another life from the life of the world, a fpiritual life,
and is in the ftate of (piritual life.

For the opening of this Truth unto ye, We muft first of
all enquire, What this Spiritual life is. Take therefore
this defcription of it: It is that fupernatural perfection of soul,
whereby a man being united unto Chrift, by the Spirit, is able to
að, move, and work towards God as bis utmost end.


Firft (Ifay [It is a fupernatural perfection] There is fome perfe&tion in every life: Life is the greatest good and per: fection: Death is the greateft evil. Therefore when the Lord threatned Adam, to punish him for eating the forbidden-fruit, hefaies, The day thou eatetft thereof, show falt die Gen. 2.17 the DEATH. Death is the greateft evil, and fo Life is

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