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Chriftians Engagement for the Gofpel, by John Goodwin.
Great Church Ordinance of Baptifm.

Mr. Love's Cafe, containing his Petitions, Narrative, and Speech.
Vox Pacifica, or a Perfwafive to Peace.

Dr. Preftons Saints fubmiffion, and Satans Overthrow.

Pious mans practice in Parliament Time.

A Treatife of the Rickets, being a Difcate common to Children; Wherein is fhewed, 1. The Effence. 2. The Causes. 3. The Signs. 4. The Remedies of the Disease. Published in Latin by Dr. Gliffon, Dr. Bate, and Dr. Regemorter.

Mr. Symfons Sermon at westminster.

Mr. Feaks Sermen before the Lord Major.

Mr. Phillips Treatife of Hell. of Chrifts Geneology.

Seven Books of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs lately published; As alfo the Texts of Scripture upon which they are grounded.

The Rare Jewel of Chriftian Contentment, on Phil. 4. 11. Wherin is fhewed, 1. What Contentment is, 2. It is an holy Art and Mystery, 3. The Excellencies of it, 4. The Evil of the contrary fin of Murmuring,

the Aggravations of it.

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2 Gospel-worship, on Levit. 10. 3. Wherin is fhewed, 1. The right manner of the Worship of God in general; and particularly, In Hearing the Word, Receiving the Lords Supper, and Prayer.

3 Gospel-Converfation, on Phil. 1. 17. Wherin is fhewed, 1. That the Converfations of Beleevers must be above what could be by the Light of Nature, 2. Beyond those that lived under the Law, 3. And futable to what Truths the Gospel holds forth. To which is added, The Mifery of those Men that have their Portion in this Life only, on Pfal. 17. 14.

4 A Treatife of Earthly-mindedneß. Wherin is fhewed, I What Earthly-mindedness is, 2 The great Evil therof, on Phil. 3. part of the 19. Verf. Alfo to the fame Book is joyned, A Treatife of Heavenly-mindedneß and walking with God, on Gen. 5. 24.. and on Phil. 3. 20.

5 An Expofition, on the fourth, fifth, fixth, and feventh Chapters of the Prohefie of Hofea.

6 An Expofition on the eighth, ninth, and tenth Chapters of Hofea.

7 An Expofition on the eleventh,twelfth, and thirteenth Chapters of Hofea. A Treatife of Politick Power,wherein 7 Questions are Answered, 1. Whereof Power is made, and for what ordained; 2.Whether Kings and Governors have an abfolute Power over the People; 3. Whether Kings and Governors be fubject to the Laws of God, or the Laws of their Countries; 4 How far the People are to obey their Governors; 5. Whether all the People have be their Governors; 6. Whether it be Lawful to depose an evil Governor ; 7. What Confidence is to be given to Princes. The Compaffionate Samaritan. Six Sermons, Preached by Dr. Hill,

collected into one Volumn. Dr. Sibbs on the Philippians.

The craft and cruelty of the churches
Adverfaries, by Mathew Newcomin.
A facred Panygrick,by Steph.Martial.
Barriff's Military Discipline.

The Best and Worft Magiftrate, by The immortality of Mans Soul.

Obadiah Sedgwick.

The Anatomift Anatomized.




dwelling fulnes 4 The fulneffe of the world can never fatis fie the better part of man. The fulneffe of Chrift ever dotb 5 Tbe fuineffe of the earth cannot commend a man to God, the fulneffe of Chrift makes a man lovely in the 36 eyes of God 6 The fulneffe of the earth is mixt with poyfon, fin, and the curfe of God, Theful. neffe of Chrift with con


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To Beleevers to labour to own their own, and frengthen their affurance of their union with Jefus Chrift

The fulneffe of the earth is a defiling fulneffe,The ful neffe of Chrift, a pure ful ne se 8 The fulneß of the world is less than is expected, the fulness of Christ is more than can be expected ib. 9 The fulness of the world is Sometimes better wanted than enjoyed, the fulness of Christ alwaies makes men bappy 10 The fulness of the earth coft's many times more than it is worth, but Chrift gives much, and take no thing 38 11 All the fulness of the earth is not able to return you love for love, the fulneffe1



John 1. 16.



What grace or holineffe the
Saints have from Chrift,
They have it all in a way
of receiving
Proved by inftances
The gifts of the
boly Ghoft



All in general
The rain that falls

As allo





By the infufficiency of Nature
I To

B 2

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