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Again. You will fay 'tis no great matter, for a man to be quiet under bis Affliction, because it does come from God; for that reason I but for the fame perfon, To be more fenci ble, and to be the more afflicted, because it does come from God; this is much. Beloved! you thall have thefe Two meet together: A godly, gracious foul, he is therefore quiet under Affli&tion, because it does come from God; and he is ther fore the more fencible of his affli&tion, because it does come from God. Here's a mystery! put thefe together, and you will fay, things rife high.

P'le Inftance but in one more, and that is a Tenth. You will fay 'tis no great matter, For a man to be contented with bis condition: to be contented with his condition when 'tis mean, and when 'cis poor. I but, for the fame perfon, To defire a better, and pray for a better, and to pray earnest. ly for a better; and yet be contented with his condition though it be never fo mean; this is much. Thus 'tis with the Saints, a Child of God, being in a mean condition, he defires a better; he praies to God for a better, and he praies carneftly to God for a better; and yet he is contented with his condition though it be never fo mean: Pray, and pray earnefily and yet contented with his condition, though it be never fo mean, Thus, my beloved; Oh! there is a Mystery, there is a mystery in every piece of godliness: and you look not upon things under the mysterious Notion, and you fay, 'Tis no great matter, that is in the life of fuch a one: Oh! bur, if you would look upon things under this Notion, and confider the mystery of godliness, and every piece thereof,you would lift up your hands, and fay; Oh! furely, he that hath but the least measure of Gof pel-Grace, hath Abundance of Grace: he that hath but the leaft degree of Grace, hath Abundance of Grace; of Chrifts Falnefs. Now under the new Teftament we have received not Sparingly, not Scantly: but Grace for Grace, and Abun dance of Grace: he that hath but the leaft measure, hath received much, hath received Abundance.

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Applic. I

Some few things by way of Application, and fo I have


If it be fo; Then why should any of Gods People vilifie, and degrade, and lowen the gift of God wherewithal they are enriched through Jefus Chrift? Would you take it as fair dealing from a child that is eftated in great Lands by his father; if he fhould fay, my father indeed was pleased to beflow a great Eftate upon my Brother; but he hath given little, or nothing to me? He hath beftowed great means upon fuch a Sifter, but he hath given little or nothing to me? This were not fair dealing. And is this fair dealing with your God, and with your Father? When you shall fay, I, there is fuch a godly man, the Lord hath given him a great Eftate of the Gofpel, but little or nothing to me; And there is fuch a woman, fuch a Sifter: the Lord hath done much for her foul; but Oh! little or nothing for me. Beloved! There is no fin fmal, because committed against the great God; There's no bleffing small, because received from the great God; but of all bleffings, Gofpelbleffing is the greatest bleffing. Hath the Lord therefore, (man or woman) given thee any Gofpel-Grace, the Grace of Jefus Chrift? He hath given thee much: that which thou look'ft upon as little, 'tis much in the eye of Heaven. Wherefore now, let not the Eunuch fay; Oh! let not the Eunuch fay; I am a dry tree any longer. Take heed how you degrade, and vilifie, and lowen the Grace of God wherewithal you are inrich't through Jefus Chrift.

Applic.2 Secondly. If there be fuch Abundance of Grace, even Grace for Grace; Abundance of Grace given unto the Saints, and People of God under the new Teftament: Behold then, what great finners Profeffors are! yea, the fins of Gods own People. The more light, and knowledg a man bath; if he fin, the greater is his fin: The more beams of Grace fall upon a mans heart, the more he is able to difcern the motes that are there, and fo may avoid them: and

finning, he fins the more. The more Grace, and the more mercy a man fins againft, the greater is his fin; becaufe free Grace, and Mercy is the remedie. The more strength a man hath to ftand, the greater is his fin it he fall: As it was with Adam, He had itrength to ftand, and yet he fell. (I fay) the more ftrength a man hath to ftand, the greater is his fin if he fall. Now Beloved! ye have heard what Abundance of Grace is Difcovered, Exhibited, Commanicated unto all the Saints under the new Teftament; unto all the People of God: Oh! how great are their fins when they fall! The Lord was quick with many that finned in the old Teftament and will He not be quick with Profef fors now? that know more, that have more Grace, more Grace-Difcovered now? Many, when they fin, they excufe themselves and they fay, True indeed, I have thus and thus finned; but David did fo: I have finned, I have done thus and thus; but Sampfon did fo: I have committed this, or that fin; but Noah did fo. I but, we have more light, we have more Grace difcovered ordinarily among us now, than ordinarily among them in the old Teftament: We have more Grace Difcovered; more Abundance of Grace Communicated now. And therefore as the Apostle concludes from it; we ought the more Abundantly to take heed: For if they escaped not without arecompence of reward that finned against the Law of Moles; What shall become of thofe that fin ag inft the Word of Christ, the Son of God? Profeffors! all you that are the People of God, take heed how you fin! take heed how you tamper with your fins: Grace hath Abounded! you have received much and therefore if you' fin, this is that that will make your fins out of Measure finful: Take heed what you do.

But in the Third place. If there befuch an Abundance Applic.3 of Grace Communicated now, anto all the People of God under the new Teftament: What a mighty Incouragement is here to all, good and bad; (I fay) a mighty InCouragement to all, to all thofe that hear me this day, good and bad.


Bad, An incouragement to thofe that are Bad, to thofe that are wicked: Therefore they should come in unto Jefus Chrift; He will not fend your fouls away empty; there's a Fulneffe in Jefus Chrift, and those that come unto Him fhall be fil'd by Him. He does not only give Grace, but He gives Abundance of Grace: who would not come unto Jefus Chrift, that he may be fil'd by Christ? (Mark) Is there an Abundance of Grace to be had from Chrift? and wilt thou have none, Drunkard? Is there fuch Abundance of Grace to be had in Chrift? and wilt thou have none, Wanton? Unclean heart, wilt thou have none? Swearer, Sab. bath-breaker, wilt thou have none? The Lord perfwade your hearts to come in unto Jefus Chrift. I tell you, you will have more from Him, than you expect: The Prodigal look't but for bread at his fathers houfe; and he met with a fatted Calf, and with a Ring, and with the best Gar ment; you fhall have more than you look't for: 'Tis a mighty Incouragement. Oh! you that never thought of returning unto Jefus Chrift, Come in now unto Jefus Chrift, that you may have Abundance of Grace from Him. I have done, only this, Here is alfo Incouragement unto all that are godly, and therefore they should labor to be rich in Grace. Shall Jefus Chrift do much for you? and will you do little for Him? fhall you receive Abundance from Him? and will you not do Abundance for Him? La bor, Oh! labor all you Servants of God to Abound in the Work of the Lord; That you may be fill'd with all the Fulness of God in Chrift; That you may be fil'd with all the fruits of righteoufnels; That you may be ftrengthened with all might in the inner-man: you have received much, you have had Abundance; he that hath the leaft Grace, hath Abundance: if thou haft but the leaft Gospel-Grace. thou hast abundance. Brethren! Grace hath Abounded! Oh! let us Abound in Grace, Abound in Faith, and A. bound in Patience, and Abound in Meekneß, Sweetness, and Love towards one another, and towards all the Saints. Yon have received much; can you go to Heaven with do

ing little? God expects much from you. I conclude therefore, with the exhortation of the Apoftle: As you have re- Col. 2.6. ceived the Lord Jesus Christ: walk in Him; Alwaies Abounding in the Work of the Lord, forafmuch as ye know that your la bor is not in vain in the Lord.

And thus much for the First thing that is here intended.



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