Ephef. 1.23. Object. and not knowing of it, it argues he is ful of fin. God, he is full of Holiness: whofe eyes cannot endure to behold iniquity: yet when men are converted and drawn to God, they are brought neer unto him: they are the apple of His eye: their names are written in the palm of his hand. That is, (faies Lutber) the hand is an Inftrument of work; and when the names of the Saints are faid to be written in the palm of Gods Hand, it notes thus much (faies he) That God in all his Works hath an eye to his Children; God in all the Works of his hands hath an eye to his Children. They are the friends of God,and God is their friend: When a man is my friend, not only his Purfe is my friend, or his Eftate is my friend, or his Tongue is my friend, or his Hand is my friend; but his Sword is my friend: So when God is a friend to any, not only his Mercy is his friend, but the Sword of God is his friend, the very Wrath of God is as a friend to his Children: Such a great friendfhip there is between God and his people, fo neer they are brought to one another. Well, but how are they brought thus neer! they are brought neer by Jefus Chrift: in whom we have a Manuduction, a leading by the hand (faies the Apostle) as the word carries it) unto God the Father. But now, could men fo full of fin, and God fo full of Grace, and Holinefs be brought fo neer together by Jefus Chrift, if there were not an infinite fulnese of Holineß in Jefus Christ? Again, If there were not this Fulnefs of Holineffe in Chrift, how should he be anointed with the oyl of gladneffe above his fellows? The Saints themselves are faid to be full of Grace. The Church called, The Fulneß of Chrift that filleth all in all: Stephen, Mary, others; full of the holy Ghoft: Surely therefore, if fo much of the Oyntment run down upon Chrifts Members, there must be a great anointing upon Chrift himself: Surely, there must be an infinite holineffe in Chrift, that muft ferve us all: And of his fulneffe we have All received, we have All received. You will fay, But if the Saints be full of Grace and Holinefs, how is this the property of Chrift? Yes Yes, For though the Saints be full of Grace, and Holi- Answ. neffe; yet their Fulness is but a Fulneffe of Sufficiency (Mark) whereby they are made able to this, or that work whereunto they are appointed: But the Fulneffe of Christ, is a Fulness of efficiency, that filleth all in all. And therefore'tis said in this Chapter, The Law was given by Mofes, but Grace (Grace and Truth you reade it) Grace and Truth came by Chrift: the word will bear it, But Grace and Truth were made by Christ: Chrift is our Grace-maker. The Fulneffe that is in the Saints, is but a Particular Fulneffe. The Fulneffe that is in CHRIST, is an Univerfall Job.1.17 Fulneffe. Therefore faies the Apostle, It pleafed the Father, Col.1.19 that in bim fhould all Fulneß dwell. All Fulness. The fulneffe that is in the Saints, is fuch a fulnesse as does ebbe and flow; as the Haven is faid to be ful of water, yet fomtimes 'tis empty: but there is a dwelling fulneffe in the Sea: So there is a dwelling fulneffe in Jefus Chrift: and therefore faies the Apostle, I pleafed the Father, that in Him fhould all Fulneffe dwell: Oh! 'tis a dwelling Fulneffe that is in Jefus Christ. Our Righteousness as we are diftin&t, or abftra&ted from Chrift, is but a fading Righteoufnefs; as the morning dew. Our Righteousness (laies Hofea) is as the morning dew, in regard of its fading: But the holiness, and righteoufnefs Hof. 6.4. of Chrift, in the 110. Pfalm, is called, The dew of the mor ning: not in regard of its fading nature, but in regard of its much-nefs, in regard of its multitude, because it makes all dewy. So then it is a Filled Fulnefs: It is a dwelling Fulnefs: It is a Glorious Fulnefs, a Fulness beyond all expreffi ons Thus, take Grace for Holiness, and fo alfo there is Plenitudo Sanctitatis in Jefus Chrift. Thirdly, Take Grace for Gifts, or for Ability, and Excellency: And fo there is, Plenitudo Excellentia, a fulness of, Excellency in Jefus Chrift. Therefore faith the Apostle, He is able to fave to the uttermoft, He is able to fave to all perfection, thofe that do come unto Him: He is able to fave to 7.25. D the Hebr. John, I. 18. the utmost; though thou haft finned to the utmost, He is able to fave to the utmoft. Would you have a proof of His Kingly fulneffe? (for He is both King, Prieft, and Prophet,) Look then I pray into the 1. Hebrews, at the 3. verfe. He is called the brightneffe of his Fathers Glory: Who being the brightneß of His Glory, and the exprefs Image of His Perfon, and upholding all things by the Word of His Power, when He had by Himself purged our fins, fate down on the right hand of the Majefty on High: He is made Jo much better than the Angels, as He'bath by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they: For unto which of the Angels faid He at any time &c. But (at the 8. verfe) unto the Son He faith, Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever, a Scepter of righteousness is the Scepter of thy Kingdom. Here's the fulneffe of His Kingly Office. Would you have a proof of His Prophetical fulneffe? look into this Chapter where the Text lies, and it's faid, at the next verfe, the 17. verfe; The Law was given by Mofes, but Grace and Truth came by Jefus Chrift: No man bath feen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Father, He hath declared Him. Ye all count Mofes a great Prophet; fo he was: But Jefus Christ was above him, in two, or three things here. Mofes gave the Law: But Grace came by Jefus Chrift, Grace and Truth came by Jefus Christ. Mofes never faw God, he faw His back-fide: Chrift hath feen Him: No man bath feen God at any time; the only begotten Son, (Mofes was but a Servant) the only begotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Father, He bath declared Him. None fo fit to declare the mind of God (which is the work of a Prophet) as He which hath lien in the bofom of God the Father. Would you have a proof of His Prieftly Fulneffe? Pray look into the 16. of John: (confider it duely) faith he I will fend the Comforter (at the 7. verfe) and He fall convince the world of fin; and of righteousneß (at the 10. verfe) because I go to My Father, and ye fee Me no more: Mark thofe words: I go to My Father and ye fee Me no more. As if He fhould fay thus: You are indebted to God the Father through your tranfgreffions: I am become your furety; & now I am ready to be caft into prifon for your debt: the grave is to take hold upon me, I am to lye by it for your fin, for your debt : But (faith He now) Ile rife out of the grave, Ile come forth of prifon, Ile go to God the Father, and you fhall le Me no more: Whereas now, if I did not pay the whole debt when I came in Heaven, God the Father would fay to Me: You are in prifon for mans debt, What do you here? You have not paid the debt yet, go to prifon again, go down to prifon again, No (faith He)but I go to My Father and ye hall fee Me no more: and therefore conclude I have paid the ful debt, I go to My Father and ye Jee Me no more. Would you have a proof of Chrifts fulness of Excellencie in general? Look then I pray upon the 2. of Hag 7.there you have this expreffion of Him: He is called the defire of all Nations: I will fake all Nations, and the defire of all Nations fball come: (mark)the defire of all Nations fhall come. Chrift our Lord Jefus, is the defire of all Nations. What is there in all the world that is the defire of All nations but Jefus Chrift? Some Nations, fome Kingdoms, (as the Weft-Indies) they are full of Gold and Silver, but they want Clo thing; and therefore they defire Cloth. Other Kingdoms now, (as thefe of England, and the like) they have much Cloathing, and Cloth; but they want Gold and Silver, and they delire that: Some Nations they abound with Spices, and with Wines; but they want Corn: and they defire that. Some Nations again, they have much Corn, I but they have no Wine, no Spices; and they defire that. Oh! but our Lord Jefus Chrift, He is the defire of All Nations, the defire of All Nations. What woman, never fo beautiful that the whol world was in love with? Jefus Chrift the defire of All Nations. And, (faith the Apolle) He hath in Col.1.11 all things the prebeminence. If you will, I will gather it up into a Syllogifme, thus: If Jefus Chrift be the defire of all Nations, and hath the preheminency of all the world; D 2 then I Cor. 2. 2. Phil. 3.8 Applic. I Duty. Object. Anfo. then there is a fulness of excellency in Jefus Chrift: But our Lord Jefus is the defire of all Nations, having the prehe minency in all the world; furely therefore, there is a folnefs of excellency in Jefus Chrift; a fulness of Excellency, a fulness of Holiness, a fulness of Love: No wonder then that Paul faies, I defire to know nothing, but Jefus Christ, and Him Crucified: No woder that he faid, I count all things but dung, and drojs, in comparison of the knowledg of Jefus Chrift. Certainly, furely, there is a fulness of Grace in Jefus Christ. You will fay unto me, We fee, we know there is a Ful neffe in Jefus Chrift, a Fulneffe of Grace: But now (by way of Application) What is our Duty that doth flow from hence? Much every way: I will inftance in 4. or 5. particulars fo many Duties that do flow from hence. First, Ifthere be fuch a Fulness in Jefus Christ, a Ful nefs of Grace in Jefus Chrift; Then let all men come unto Him. There's none of us all here prefent, but labour under fome wants or other: Oh! faies one; I have great charge; family, Parifh, or other waies; and I want Grace to mannage it, Oh! faies another: I have great and ftrong Temp tations; and I want ftrength to refift them. Oh! faies another: There are many Errors abroad; I want know. ledg to difcern them, and avoid them; I want wisdom to know the Truth, and joyn with the Truth, and own the Truth, and manifeft the Truth. Well, what ever your wants be, there is enough in Jefus Chrift to fupply it, there is a fulness in Him; why fhould we not come unto Him? Oh! you that never tafted of Chrifts fweetneffe, that never yet partaked of His Fulneffe; Come unto the Lord Jefus that you may be filled for ever. You will fay, (it may be) I am a poor, weak, ignorant, fimple man or woman; a guilty creature: and I am afraid for to come unto Him. Mark this. But if Chrifts Invitation be made to you; then you will not be afraid to come to Him. Now I pray you look into the |