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anointed with. Surely, there is not a skirt of the garment
of Jefas Chrift, but the anointment wherewithal He, our
High Priest was anointed, does run down upon him. He
is the Melian, the anointment: So he is called in the 10.
of Ifish. The anointment. He was anointed with the oyl of
gladnef above all bi fellows: above all the High-priefts. that
ever were before him. And he was anointed for this
end, That he might do the work of the High prieft; which
is, to Intercede for the fins of the people. And therefore
in that place in John, 1 Jobn, 2.1. If any man fin, we have an
Advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift. Chrift fignifies A-
nointed. If any man fin, we have an Advocate with the
Father: But who is that? He is Jefus, that fignifies your
Saviour, and fo he is willing to intercede. I but, it may
be he is not able to do it, it may be he hath not received
the anointing to do it. Yes, He is called Chrift. If any
man fin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jefus Christ:
or if you will, Saviour, Anointing. So that he is anointed
for this end and purpose, to be your Advocate. Now if a
man do receive money for to lay out for the benefit of o-
thers, poor Orphans, or the like: if a man be faithful,
certainly, he will lay out the money for them, according
to the intention of him that did truft him with the money.
The Lord Jefus Chrift, he hath received the Anointing, he
is anointed as our great High priest, to do the work of the
Prieftly Office:and this is one work,to Intercede,and there-
fore he maft needs be very willing to do it.

Again, The more any thing is the work of a mans Relation, wherewithal he is clothed, the more (if he be faithful) is he willing to do the work. And I pray mind it a little, When men are exalted, and come to Greatneffe, or Honor, then they give down the comforts of their Relation unto thofe that depend upon them: If a father come to any great preferment; the comfort of the Relation of the father,then fals down upon the children, runs down then upon the fruit of his loyns. And fo, if one friend do come unto prefer. ment; the comfort of the Relation (or Friendship) falls




down. Now the Lord Jefus Chrift, he is our High-Priest ; and he is now exalted, he is gone to Heaven: and therforee all the comforts of all the Relations that he ftands in towards us, do now fall upon us. And therefore, he is willing, he is very willing, because this is the work of his Re


And further, It is the work of his Office. What a man does by Office,that he does willingly; what a man does by Office,he does induftriously, he does not do it by the bye: what a man does by Office, he does it readily; according unto a mans Place, or Office, so will his interpretation be. Suppofe now a Child that hath very good parts, come before three men, of three feveral Proteffions; A Lawyer, a Minifter, and a Merchant. The Child having very good parts; the Merchant laies, He will make a very good Merchant: the Lawyer faies, He will make a very good Lawyer and the Minifter faies, he will make a very good Scholer: acccording to their three Relations, or Places, or Of fice, or Work, their interpretation is. So now, if three men, of three feveral Trades, whofe work lies about wood, come and behold a fine green tree: One man faies, It is good for this: And another faies, It is good for that: and the third faies, It is good for another ufe: according to his Place, and Calling, will his interpretation be. So now, when a poor foul comes before God: Mofes (the Law) looks upon him: And the Devil looks upon him: And Jefus Chrift Looks upon him: The work of the Law, is to Condemn'; The work of the Devil to Accufe; And the work of Jefus Chrift, is to Intercede, it is the work of his Office. Now therefore, affoon as the Devil fees fuch a foul, Oh (faies he) here's a fine Inftrument for me, here's a fit fubje&t for me to enjoy. Affoon as Mofes fees this man, Here's a fine fubje&t for me to condemn unto all Eternity. But when Jefus Christ looks upon fuch a foul,faies he,Heres a fine foul for me to fave unto all Eternity, to intercede for? why? becaufe ic is his Office, and what a man does by Office, he interprets accordingly. Therefore what the


Lord Jefus Chrift does, he does by Office, and he does it readily, and willingly. And I will give you one demonftration of it; It was the end why Jefus Chrift was taken into Heaven, into the Holy of Holieft; that he might Intercede. According to the Scriptures mentioned before, in Heb. 9. 24. For Chrift is not entred into holy places made with hands, but into Heaven it felf, now to appear in the prefence of God for us. He does not fay thus, Chrift is now gone to Heaven, to be glorified there; Chrift is now gone to Heaven, to enjoy the bofom of his Father, for his own happinefs. No, but he is gone into Heaven to appear in the Prefence of God for us. This is the end of his afcention. And fo again in the 7. of the Hebrews, Wherefore, he is able to fave. to the uttermoft, fering be ever liveth to make interceffion for us. What? is he in Heaven to be glorified there? No, but the end why Chriftis in Heaven, Is to make interceffion for poor finners: And therefore, he muft needs be infinitly willing to do this, because it is the end of his going thither, into the Holy of Holieft.. Oh therefore, be of good comfort,all you that do come unto God by him, for he is willing to intercede for you. And let not any thing difcourage you: It may be you will complain, and fay Oh! but I am much oppofed here in this world. What matter, fo long as Jefus Chrift does intercede for me in Heaven, and speaks good words unto God the Father for me in Heaven; what though I be opposed by men? It may be you will complain, and fay, Oh! but I am much tempted, and cannot pray. Be humbled for it; but yet know this, That when you cannot pray, Chrift prayes for you; and he prayes that you may pray. It may be you complain, and fay, Oh! but I labor under fach and fuch corruptions, and the Devil he is bufie with me, exceeding bufie, and I cannot overcome them and the Devil ftanda at my right hand for to tempt me, and to lead me into fuch and fuch fins. Wel, be it fo, yet notwithstanding, the Lord Jefus Chrift, he is at the right hand of our Facher, and he is fet down at the right hand of God the Father, till all enemies be made his fott





ftool; and your fins are his enemies: And therefore be of good comfort, O all ye people of the Lord. Is there ever a poor Myrtle tree, a foul that grows in a bottom, in a poor dark condition? be of good comfort, the Lord Jefus Chrift, our great High-Prieft, he is entered into Heaven, into the Holy of Holieft, there to iotercede with God the Father for thee.

I but, you will fay unto me: Does not this conduce to our Grace, and Holineß too? and how does it do it?

This Interceffion of Jefus Chrift; this work of the Prieftly Office of Chrift, and the confideration thereof, it does conduce exceedingly unto our Grace, and Holineffe. For.

Firft, What a mighty incouragement is here unto all poor finners, for to come unto Jefus Chrift? He ever liveth to make Interceffion for thofe that come unto God by him: Oh! then, who would not come unto God by Chrift? who would not come unto Jefus Chrift? Me thinks a poor finner fhould fay, Indeed my fins were fo great, that I was afraid for to come unto God: But now I hear, that the Lord Jesus Christ is in Heaven, to make Interceffion, for all thofe that come unto God by him; Though I have been a Drunkard,now I wil go unto God by Chrift: And though I have been a Swearer, and though I have been an unclean Wanton, yet I will go unto God by Chrift. Indeed, I thought that my time was paft; for I have been an old Swearer; and I have been an old Drunkard; and I have been an old Sabbath-breaker; and I have been a finner so long, that I was even afraid of going to God at all; and thought there was no mercy, nor no pardon for me: But feeing now, that this is true, That the Lord Jefus Chrift is in Heaven, to make interceffion for all thofe that come unto God by him; Well, through the Lords Grace, now I will go unto the Lord Chrift, I will go unto Jefus Christ: I indeed, am a young man, and I thought it was to no purpofe to go unto God, God would not regard poor ig norant ones, and I am a poor ignorant creature, and


thought it was to no purpofe for me to go unto God: But now I understand this, That the Lord Jefus Chrift is in Heaven to make interceffion for all those that come unto God by him: Well then, Though I am ignorant, yet will I go unto God by Chrift: and though I am but a poor young thing, and fcarce underftand the terms of Religi on; yet will I go unto God by Chrift: Oh! come unto Chrift, come unto Chrift: Behold here, in the Name of the Lord, I ftand and make invitation to poor finners; Come poor Drunkard, Swearer, Sabbath-breaker; Unclean-heart; the Lord Jefus Chrift is in Heaven to make interceffion for all that come unto God by him; and will not you come? Oh! how will you answer it at the great day? when it fhall be faid, The Lord Jefus Chrift made a tender, and offer of mercy to you, and you would not ac cept of it, you would not come unto him. Here is matter of great incouragement unto all poor finners to come unto Jefus Chrift.

Again Secondly, The more I apprehend, or fee with a fpiritual eye, That the Lord Jefus Chrift does appear in Heaven for me, the more am I ingaged to appear upon earth for him. (Mark I pray, that you may fee how this does conduce unto Grace, and Holinefs.) Ah! fhall the Lord Jefus Chrift appear in Heaven, before Saints, and Angels, and God the Father for my foul? and fhall I be afraid to appear before poor worms for him? Shall the Lord Jefus Chrift own me in Heaven? and fhall not I own him upon Earth? Shall the Lord Jefus Chrift, as the great High-Prieft, take my name, and carry it upon his breaft into the prefence of God the Father? and fhall not I take the name of Chrift, and hold it forth to the world? Oh, I beseech you confider, what a mighty ingagement is here, to ftand to, and appear for the Lord Chrift, and to own his Caufe in thefe backfliding times; becaufe he is now in Heaven appearing for you, and making interceffion for you.

Thirdly, The more I confider, or apprehend, That the Lord Jefus Chrift does lay out himself for me, the more am I ingaged





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