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HEBREWS 2. 17, 18.

Wherefore in all things it behoved him, to be made like Preached unto his brethren, that he might be a merciful, and at Stepfaithful High-Prieft in things pertaining to God, ney. to make reconciliation (or atonement for the fins of April.25 the people. For in that he himself hath suffered,being 1647. tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted,


HE Apoftle Paul, (whom I take to be the
Pen-man of this Epistle) having in the
former part of this Chapter, fhewed the
Reafons, why it behoved Chrift for to
fuffer death: He comes now, in the lat
ter end thereof, to give you an account,
by laying down fome Reafons, Why i





behoved Chrift, to be in all things made like unto us, whom the Apoftle here cals the Brethren of Jefus Chrift.

In other Scriptures we find, that our Lord and Saviour Chrift, is called our Father, The everlafting Father, the Prince of peace. Here he is called our Brother, we bis Brethren. Now the fame Perfon, to be both a Father, and a Brother unto the fame man, in nature it cannot be.

But because all these Relations, are to fcant, and narrow Veffels to hold forth the love of Jefus Chrift towards us : Therefore in confiftent Relations are given unto him. A Father Provides fot his child, which the brother doth not. A Brother can ftoop, and condefend unto his brother, which the fuperiority of the Father will not bear. So that here is held forth unto us, the ftooping, Condefending love of Jefus Chrift: and therefore he is called our Brother, and we his Brethren.

But why, and what Reason is there, That the Lord Jesus Chrift fhould in all things be made like unto us his Brethren?

The Apostle in thefe words gives the Reason, That he might be a merciful, and a faithful high Prieft, in things pertaining to God,to make reconciliation for the fins of the people,&c. The Lord God our Father, fwear unto Jefus Chrift, Thou art a Prieft for ever; after the order of Melchizedek. He was to be the great high Prieft. Among the Jews, in the times of the old Teftament, they had an high Prieft, that was in all things to ftand between God and them, and in cafe any finned, to make an atonement for them. As the Jews had their High Prieft: So the Lord Jefus Chrift, he was to be, and he is, The Apofile, and the High Priest of our Chriftian profeffion, as Aaron was of the Jews profeffion. And therefore faies the Apoftle, It beboved him, in all things to be made like

unto us.

But could not Jefus Chrift be merciful unto poor tempted fouls, unless he were in all things made like to them: like in their Natures, like in their Affections, like in matter of Temptations.

Chrift as God,could have been merciful unto us,although | Anfw. he had not been made like unto us: but not as our high prieft.

There is an ability of Sufficiency, and of Power: and fo Chrift as God, was able to fuccour thofe that are tempted, although himself had never been tempted. But there is an ability of Idoneity, orFitnefs, or Aptnefs and Difpofition: and fo the Apoftle faies here,For in that Himself hath fuffered being tempted,he is able to fuccour them that are tempted.

It's plain then, what that is, that is the great fupport of a Chriftian against all Temptations: wherein lies our fuccour against all Temptetion, namely,in the Preiftly. Office of Jefus Chrift.

The Preiftly-Office of Chrift, It is the great Magazine, and Sterboufe, of all that Grace, and Comfort which we have on this fide Heaven: It is that, whereby we are reconciled to God the Father, and relieved against all temptation. This is the great thing that these words hold forth.

And therefore, upon this account, the Apostle Paul, finding the Hebrewes labouring under great Temptations. Doubtings, Fears, and much Unbeleef; he does not only here, but all along in this book of the Hebrews, open the Prieftly Office of Chrift unto them.

And indeed, what comfort can we have in God himself, but through Chrift? and what comfort can we have in Chrißt himself, but as he is chloathed with his Preftly-Garment, with his Office of the High Prieft? Whatfoever comfort we have in the other Offices of Chrift,namely his Kingly, and his Propbetical Office, it is all Originated, and Principiated in this: The Prieftly Office of Jefus Chrift, it does give a Life, and Being, and Efficacy to both the otherOffices. And therefore, the High Prieft,in the times of the old Teftament, (who was a Type of Christ) he wore a Crown upon his head, and the breaft-plate of Urim, and Thummim upon his breaft: fhowing, that both the other Offices, the Kingly, and the Prophetical Office, were planted upon the Priefly Office of Jefus Chrift.



Yea, If you look into the, Firft, Second, and Third Chapters of the Revelation, you will find, that whatsoever ftreames of Comfort did run down upon the Churches through the other Titles, and Attributes of God, they are all fountain'd here. In the Second Chapter, and the firft verfe. The Lord Chrift hath this Title, That he holdeth the feven stars in his right hand! These things faith be that boldeth the feven stars in his right band. In the Eight verfe writing unto the Church of Smyrna, he takes up another Title, or Attribute: These things faith the firft and the last, which was dead and is alive. At the Twelf verfe, writing unto the Church of Pergamus, he takes up another Title: Thefe things faith be, who bath the sharp sword with two edges. Now look into the first Chapter, and you fhall fee, that thofe feveral Titles, wherewith he cloaths Himfelf when he fpeaks unto the Churches feverally, are all fummed up together at the 16. verfe. And he bad in his right hand feven fars; Ther's his Title, unto the Church of Ephesus: And out of his mouth went a sharp two edged-fword: Ther's his Title unto the Church of Pergamus. And at the 18. verfe. I am bethat liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive for ever more; Ther's another Title, that he ufeth when he fpeaketh unto the Church of Smyrna. But in the 13. verf. is opened the fountain of all these ftreams: In the midst of the Seven candlesticks, I saw one like unto the Son of man, cloathed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. This was then the robe and attyre of the High Prieft: Whofe garment came down unto his feet, and he was girt about with a golden girdle. So that all thefe other Attributes, and Titles of Chrift, they have their rife here, here is the spring-head of all thofe confolations, even the Prieftly Office of Jefus Chrift.

Ufually, Thofe Excellencies, and Attributes of Chrift are moft beneficial unto the Saints, that are most opposed by the world. What Title, Attribute, or Excellency of Chrift is there, that is more invaded by the world, than the


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