Satan did frequently Tempt, we'reade in the old Teftament; but I fay, the word Tempt is not given unto him. Satan tempted Job, but Job's afflictions in the old Teftament, are not called Satans temptations. As our Lord and Saviour Chrift in the old Teftament was Vail'd, the old Teftament was full of Chrift, yet Chrift was hidden there : So was Satan and his temptations mask't. Now when the light of the glorious Gofpel fhined more cleerly in the comming of Jefus Chrift, as Christs vail was taken off, fo Satans Mask was taken off; Satans temptations are no longer called affli&tions, but bare Temptations, throughout the new-Teftament. Indeed, this word Temptation, in the phrafe of the new-Teftament, is used fometimes for Afflictition; Sometimes for Satans Suggestions: fometimes for our own Sins. Temptation ufed for our Afflictions: in the 1. of James, 2. verfe, Rejoyce when ye fall into divers temptations. That is, Afflictions. Sometimes for the Devils fuggeftions, Solicitations to evil. So in the 4. of Matthew, Chrift is led in to the wilderneß to be tempted. Sometimes for our own fins. Galatians the 6. chapter, and the 1. verfe. If any man be over taken with an infirmity, you that are fpiritual, reftore bim, confidering that you also may be tempted. Now though our Saviour Chrift is faid to be Tempted, in the two firft refpe&s, and not in the third; yet when it is faid here in the text, He bimfelf bath fuffered being tempted; I take it to be meant in the fecond way, not the firft: for otherwife, there would be an identity thus: He himself hath fuffered; having fuffered; that would be the fense of it elfe. And though we our felves are faid to be tempted in all three refpects, In regard of Afflictions, Satans Suggestions, and our own Cor ruptions, and Sins; yet when it is faid in the latter end of the verfe, He is able to fuccour them that are tempted; I take it to be meant efpecially in the two laft refpects, and not in the firft for it hath relation unto that which goes before the laft verfe being a reason of the latter end of the 17. verf. To make reconciliation for the fins of the people, for in that be bimfelf bath fuffered, being tempted, he is able to fuccour them that : are are tempted. Hence the Observation that I fball prefent unto you is only this. That God doth fuffer his own Servants, and dearest Children, Doct. to be forely tempted. Tea, even to suffer by the band of the temp. tation. Our Lord and Saviour Chrift, the Son of God, the only Beloved Son of God, yet faith the text, He himself bath fuffered being tempted not only tempted, but fuffered being tempted. And it is faid, of bis Brethren, (for fo his people are called, in the beginning of the 17. verfe) that they are. tempted: He is able to fuccour them that are tempted. Succonring prefuppofeth fuffering. For the opening, and clearing of this Truth, I fhall deliver my felf these Three waies. Firft, That there is a fuffering, Afflictive difpofition in every Temptation, though it don't prevail. Secondly, That the Saints and People of God do thus fuffer, and why? Thirdly, Answer to an Objection; and fo come to the Application. First, There is a Vexing, Corroding, Afflictive difpofition in every temptation, when it takes least, though it do not prevail. Thefe Granadoes, fire-bals, fire-darts of Satan have a danger with them; though they do not burn down our fpiritual building to the ground, they are afflictive, there is fomewhat of a fuffering with them. Paul cals his buffetings, a thorn, or a prick in the flefb: a Buffetting and therefore Af fictive; a thorn, or a prick in the flesh, and therefore Affli dive. Notable is that expreffion which our Saviour Chrift ufeth, in the 22. of Luke, at the 31. verfe, to Peter. Simon, Simon, Satan bath defired to have you, that he may fift you as wheat, There is never a word here, but carries a fuffering with it, It is fome affliction, to have fo great an Adverfary as an Angel is, who is great in Power; the Devil is called an Angel, and he is called Satan, that is an Adverfary. [Satan bath defired ] the word that is used there, Defired, is not afed again in the new Teftament, (as I remember) But I. But in other Authors that ufe it, it fignifies fuch a Defiring, as when one man does challenge another into the field to a Duel: Or fuch a Defiring, as when a man comes and cals for open, and publick Punishment upon a man: and all this is Suffering, and Afflictive. Or, as your tranflation hath it: Satan hath defired to Have you; He does not fay thus Satan hath defired to Sift you; but Satan hath defired to Have you, Is it not an affliction to a child, to hear a Begger ftand craving, and begging of his father to have him away, to carry him away from his house? there is never a Temptation, but in that Temptation Satan defires to Have you, you that are the Children of God, Satan defires to have you. Then again, He bash defired to have you that be may [fift you as wheat.] Now though is fifting, there is a feparation between the Chaff and the wheat, yet it is not without a concuffion, and a fhaking of the wheat the wheat and the grain is fhaken, though the chaffe be blown afide, and laid on heaps. And though through the skil of the fifter, the wheat may be fo kept, as it does not fal into the chaffe-heap; yet notwithstanding, there is fome danger in fifting, that the grain fhould fall o. ver into the heap of chaffe, and be burnt with the chaffe : So here. Especially where Satan, the great deftroyer of man-kind, hath the fan in his hand : Saith Chrift, Satan bath defired to bave you, and hath defired to have you, that be may fift you as wheat; and I tell you there is so much danger in it, that nothing but my prayer can fecure you, But Ibave prayed for you. So that you fee, there is fomething of a Suffering in a Temptation. You know it wat a Law in the old Teftament, that if a woman were abroade in the fields, and there met her fome that offered violence to her; if the cryed out, and did not confent, fhe was not guilty: but now, though the were not guilty, but inocent, if the were abused, it would be a continual affliction, to a modest good woman. So it is here, Satan comes to meet us, and though we do not consent to him, yet a gracious heart cannot but look upon it as an affliction, to be thus followed, and and hunted with a Temptation. And the holy Ghost alluded to this pra&tise, when he faith here in the text, Jefus Cbrift is able to fuccour: The word Succour, fignifies fuch a poño Succouring as brings in help unto thofe that cry out; to come in, and run in with help upon ones crying out. In the 12. ofthe Revelation, it is faid, Woe to the inhabitants of the Earth; for the Devil is come down with great wrath, for be knows that his time is fbort. There is a Woe in it, where the Devil comes down with great wrath. Now he looks upon all the Saints, as having their time but fhort, and he comes down upon them in great wrath with his temptati ons: and there is a Woe in it, although the temptation takes not: And for ought I know, upon this account, the new Teftament may fo promifcuously use the word Temptation, both for Affliction, and Satans Suggestions, even because feldom any Affliction comes; but it does bring Temptation with it never any Temptation but brings Affliction: alwaies fomthing of a Suffering in every Temptation, even at that very time when it does leaft prevail. This is the First thing. Answ. Secondly, Doth God fuffer bis own children thus to Suffer? Quest. 2 Yes, And many times the beft, moft tempted, the beft men meet with the worft temptations, thofe that are most eminently Godly, are moft fouly affaulted. David, Job, Peter, Paul, and Chrift hilfelf was. Yea, God doth not only fuffer Satan to come, and prefent evel objects before his fervants,but fuffers him to go fo far. as to folicite, to prefs, to follow on his temptation. And therefore it is faid concerning David, That Satan food up, and provoked him to Number the people. He did not only present an evil object to him, but he followed his temptation, he folicited, he ftood up and provoked David to Namber the people. Yea, God doth not only fuffer this: but at that very time, when the Saints have bad moft of God, then they have fuffered by the band of temptation. When Paul had been taken up into the third Heaven, then a meffenger, Satan was fent to buffet him, And when Jefus Chrift had heard the voice, This is my my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed: Then (faies the text in the 4. of Matthew 1.) was be led by the fpirit into the wilderneß, to be tempted of the Devil. And fo with the Saints now: when they have been, as it were, in the third Heaven with God, when they have had moft of him, when they have heard the Lord faying, This is my beloved child; after special manifeftatione of his love, then moft tempted: Oh! who would be fecure, after manifeftations of Gods love? Further, God doth not only fuffer it thus far: but fomtimes he fuffers his children to be fo far tempted, as they feem to have the worfer, Satan the better; Satan taking the wall of them, the upper hand. In the 3. of Zachary, it is faid concerning Joshuab: That Satan food at bis right hand: Satan took the wall of him, took the upper hand of him. Laftly, God fuffers this to be, and to continue a long time with fome of his Children. Paul faith, he bad prayed thrice: that is, often; and all the answer he could get was this, My grace is fufficient for thee, (Paul) I don't fay, I will deliver thee, but thou shalt have grace enough to uphold thee, My grace fhall be fufficient. Thus God fuffers his own deer children to fuffer under the band of temptation. And would you know the Reafon? Good Authors fay, That God fuffers his own dear Children to be tempted, that they may be more inlightened. Temptation inlightens the tempted, thereby they are more experienced, and fo more inlightened: God is pleased to answer them by this fecret of thunder. God fuffers his Children thus to be tempted, That they may be cleanfed. This is Gods ufual way, he does wath us from our own filth, by the dung and excrement of thefe unclean spirits and (cowrs off the ruft from his chosen veffels by the meffengers of Satan: these are Gods Scullions to make his golden pots of the Sanctuary the brighter. God fuffers his own children to be tempted, That they may be oonserved, or kept: He preferves them from one fin, by |