EDITED BY HENRY GODDARD LEAC VOLUME LXXI JANUARY, 1924-JUNE, THE FORUM PUBLISHING C( 247 PARK AVENUE 1924 Policy First, 662; The Bene hibition, 806; Prohibition a publican Party, 810. Can War be Outlawed? 1. Capper, Arthur. Victimizing 492. Carlson, Samuel Augustus. South Stream (Verse), 336. Cooper, John Gordon. The Prohibition, 806. Bache, Jules Semon. A Fair Deal for the Co-operate With the Farmer, Railroads, 198. Barry, Griffin. The British Soviet, 575. Benefits of Prohibition, The, 806. Best Books, and The Very Best, 91. Boeckel, Richard. Our Revolution at Home, 429. Bok Award, The, 259. Borland, Mary. Petra, The Lost City (Verse), 387. Different Gates Bowie, Walter Russell. to One Faith, 756. Bradford, Gamaliel. Wife, 516. British Soviet, The, 575. Pepys and His Broun, Heywood. Best Books, and The : Campaign Issues, 1924. Protection and Culture for Unwilling Studen' Dane, Clemence. When They mothers, 647. Davidson, Gustav. Andante Davies, Mary Carolyn. (Verse), 655. Defending the Soldier, 354. Delusion of the Sentimentali De Meissner, Sophie Radford 803. Despotism, The New, 605. Different Gates to One Faith Domestic Policy First, 662. Dostoevski, Unpublished Let troduction and Notes, 723. Einstein, The Errors of, 705. Fair Deal for the Public, A, Films in Dartmoor Prison, 7 Two Misnomers, 651. Germany Today, 716. "Modernism": Greatest Man of Our Time, The, 423. Hardy, Thomas, In a New Rôle, 783. Hill, John Phillip. Prohibition and the Steam, 523; Steinmetz, 229. Hurst, Fannie. White Apes (A Short Idolatrous Dog, The, 181. Is Einstein Wrong? - A Debate, 705. Jamestown Experiment, The, 448. Morning World (Verse), 670. tury Mediævalism, 454. O'Conor, Norreys Jephson. After Reading "Sonnets of the Cross" (Verse), 190. Opinions About Books, 121, 268, 410, 558, 699, 846. Our Duty to the Indians (A Symposium), Jastrow, Joseph. The Animus of Psychical Our Indian Problem-A Debate, 273. Kaempffert, Waldemar. The Era of Kammerer, Paul. Inheritance of the New, Kennedy, Charles William. Outside the Kuttner, Alfred. Our Literary Renais- Labor and British Foreign Policy, 337. Labor and the Press, 587. Law to End War, A, 1. Lenin the Destroyer, 417. Lenin-Scourge or Prophet? (A Sympo sium), 692. Levinson, Salmon Oliver. A Law to End Little French Girl, The, 129, 390, 536, 676, Longstreth, T. Morris. Carte Blanche Lovett, Robert Morss. Matthew Arnold Lukomsky, Alexander. The Red Army Our Literary Renaissance, 239. Our Revolution at Home, 429. Our Rostrum, 114, 260, 401, 547, 688, 838. Pagenstecher, Gustav. What About Psy- Parable, A (Verse), 258. Payne, George Henry. The Political Drama of 1924, 94, 254, 504; The Third Pell, Herbert Claiborne, Jr. Taxing the Pepper, George Wharton. Why an Um pire? 570. Pepys and His Wife, 516. Petra, The Lost City (Verse), 387. Phelps, Ruth Shepard. Annie Vivanti, 83. Mackenzie, Jean Kenyon. The Unforgot- Pinchot, Amos. A Fair Deal for the ten Journeys, 26. Public, 201. of Our Time, 423. 561. Farmer, 498. Ralston, Jackson Harvey. Labor and Law, Sweet, William. Co-operat Red Army Today, The, 191. Reeves, Jesse Siddall. A Phrase to End Taxing the Middle Class, 349 War! 9. Re-Making Greece, 18. Renewal of Youth by Surgery, The; An Interview with Dr. Voronoff, 639. Repplier, Agnes. The Idolatrous Dog, 181. Rice, Cale Young. A Parable (Verse), 258. Rich Man, Beggar Man, Thief (Verse), 374. Ritter, Margaret Tod. Sonata Tragica (Verse), 25. Robbins, Howard Chandler. “Fundamentalism" and "Modernism": Two Misnomers, 651. Robinson, Edwin Arlington. A Man in 631. Third Party, The, 817. Thomas, Norman. Labor a 587.. Thompson, Basil. The Visio 389. Tree, Ronald. The Bok Aw Twentieth Century Mediæ Two Tests, 803. Unforgotten Journeys, The. 2 Van Dyke, Henry. A Sing 388. Victimizing the Farmer, 492 Vinal, Harold. Farm Boy ( Visionary, The (Verse), 389 Vivanti, Annie, 83. War, The Outlawry of (A 263. Destroyer, Verde-A. st (Verse), titive versus te, 147. : (A Sym Life in Art, o Tlacotal (A Short Meeting of eatest Man F OR over thirty years Salmon OLIVER LEVINSON has practised law in Chicago and during that period has been recognized as a specialist in railroad and industrial reorganization. He inaugurated the movement for the Outlawry of War and is Chairman of the American Committee. Prominently associated with him in the movement are Senator Borah, Professor John Dewey, Justice F. E. Adler, of the Ohio Supreme Court; Major J. Reuben Clark, General Counsel of the American International Corporation; and Colonel Raymond Robins, head of the American Red Cross in Russia during the war. The propositions for which Mr. Levinson contends in his article were set forth in the historic resolution to outlaw war presented by Senator Borah in the United States Senate on February 14th last. I F FRIDTJ he will c With the the Press, y (Verse), 1, 259. ism, 454. cules than a since he cre Greenland Star Mind, se), 458. mposium), ease Kick ants, 496. 547. tream: A 90, 459. e for Un eace, 166, (Verse), Class officers, Amherst, '95. Calvin Coolidge at ex is Dwight Morrow, now of J. P. Morgan and Co. |