A torture itself with its own Ideas so often, if it could get rid of them? If the Proposition above be true, as I apprehend it is, then the true Origin of our Ideas may be more than guess'd at. ALL our Ideas are archetypal, or ectypal, i. e. they are Originals, first Patterns of Things, or they are the Resemblances of those Originals, of.. those first Patterns; they must be the one or the other, for there can be no Class between. The first they - cannot be; for as it is inconceivable how they should, so I think it impoffible that an originated Being should be the true and proper Original of Ideas, or any Thing else. Nor can I conceive how the Mind can frame even the Resemblances of those Originals, those first Patterns, until they be exhibited to us by fome fenfible Objects; then it may, for then these are the Pattern of them, Heb. ix. 23. The Mediums, the Inftruments to convey Intelligence to us by cur Senfes, and not by Abstraction. AND if it be true, that our Understandings are Patients, and only recipients of Ideas, and not Agents forming them, it will neceffarily follow, that we are leaft of all capable of forming true Archetypal ones, for this Reason too, because Jehovah himself only can do that; he is the great Exemplar, in him only is the true Original of all Things; and all Things else are but Emanations from him, and ectypal Resemblances of him, whether they be spiritual or material Things. Whosoever doubts of this, let him up, and try to form one pure orignal Idea; and, if his own Inability to do it, does not convince him, all I can fay will not. How these eternal Forms were stamped on the Creature, lies not before me now; and if it did, I could not say one Word about it, but that they D were were so stamp'd is plain, and that the World : Thy Lips, O my Spouse, drop as the Honey-comb : Honey, and Milk are under thy Tongue, and the Smell of thy Garments like Lebanon. A Garden inclosed, is my Sister, my Spouse, a Spring shut up, a Fountain fealed. Thy Plants, an Orchard of Pomgranates with pleasant Fruits; Camphir with Spikenard, Spikenard with Saffron, Calamus and Cinamon, and all Trees of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Alloes, with all chief Spices; a Fountain of Pleasues, a Well of living Waters, and Streams from Lebanon. John iii. 3. Jesus answered and faid, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a Man be born again, be cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven. Ver. 8. The Wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou bearest the Sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth; so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 12. If 1. have told you earthly Things, and you believe not them, how will you believe, if I tell you of heavenly Things? In Jer. xii. 5. Spiritual and mental Things, or Ideas, are exhibited under the material Images of Footmen, Horses, the Swelling of Jordan, &c. 8. Under that of a Lyon. 9. A speckled Bird, &c. 2 Sam. xxiii. 34. By Hindes Feet. Ifa. lx. 19. By the Light of the Sun, the Brightness of the Moon. Hab. iii. 4. &c. by Brightness, by Sun, Horns, Mountains, Rivers, Whirlwinds, &c. Matt. xvii. 2. The Tran figuration of Christ is compared to the Sun, and faid to be white as the Light. 1 Johni. 5. God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all. Rev. xxi. 11. &c. Spiritual Ideas are set forth by a Stone most precious, even a Jasper Stone, clear as Chrystal. 18. By Jasper, pure Gold like unto clear Glass. Jafper, Saphire, Chalcedony, an Emerald, Sardonyx, Sardius, Chryfolite, Beryll, Topaz, Chryfophrafus, a Jacinct, an Amethist, Pearl, pure Gold, Transparent, &c. Job xvi. 12, 13, 14. Pfal. i. 3. He shall be like a Tree planted by the Rivers D2 1 Rivers of Water, that bringeth forth bis Fruit in bis Seafon, not so the Ungodly, but they are like the Chaff, which the Wind driveth away. Pfal. vii. 2. Left be tare my Soul like a Lyon, Pfal. xvii. 8. Keep me as the Aple of the Eye, bide me under the Shadow of thy Wings -12. Like a Lyon greedy of his Prey, and, as it were, a young Lyon lurking in secret Places. xxii. 12. Mary Bulls bave compassed me, the strong ones of Bathan; they gaped upon me with their Mouths, as a ravening and roaring Lyon; I am poured out like Water, and all my Bones are out of Joins, my Heart is like Wax, it is melted in the midst of my Bowels, my Strength is dried up like a Potsheard, my Tongue cleaveth to my Jaws, thou hast brought me to the Dust of the Earth, for Dogs have compaffed me, the Affonably of the Wicked have inclofed me, they have piereed my Hands and my Feet. xxxi. 12. I am forgotten, as a dead Man out of Mind; I am like a broken Vessel. xxxvi. 5. Thy Mercy, O Lord, is in the Heavens, thy Faithfulness unto the Ciends, thy Righteousness is like a great River, thy fudgments are a great Deep Therefore the Children of Men put their trust under the Shadow of tky Wings; they shell be abundantly fatisfied with the Farnels of thy House, and thou shalt make them drink of the River of thy Pleasures, for with thee is the Fountain of Life, in thy Light we fall fee Light. xxxvii. 2. For they, and the Workers of Iniquity, fhall be cut down like the Grafs, and wither as the green Herb. 6. But he shall bring fortis thy Righteousness as the Light, and thy Judgment as the Neon Day. - 35. I have seen the Wicked in great Power, and spreading himself as a green Bay Tree. xxxiv. II. When thou with Rebukes do'st correct Man for Iniquity, thou makest bis Beauty to confume like a Moth. Iii. 2. Thy Tongue deviseth Mischief like a sharp Razor. 8. But 1 am like a green Olive Tree. Iv. 6. Oh! that I had Wings like a Dove. Iviii. 4. Their Poison is like the Poison of a Serpent, like the deaf Adder that stoppeth her Ears. Ixxii. 5. They shall fear thee, as long as the Sun and Moon endure, throughout all Generations. He shall come down like Rain upon Mown Grass: as Showers that watereth the Earth. In his Days shall the Righteous flourish : and abundance of Peace, as long as the Moon endureth. lxxviii. 52. But made his own People to go forth like Sheep, and guided them in the Wilderness like a Flock. 57. But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully, like their Fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful Bow. xcii. 12. The Righteous shall flourish like a Palm Tree, he shall grow like a Cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the House of the Lord, shall flourish in the Courts of our God. They shall still bring forth Fruit in old Age, they shall be fat and green. 'Hofea xii. 10. I have multiplied Visions, and used similitudes by the Ministry of the Prophets. xiv. 5. I will be as the Dew unto Ifrael, he shall grow as the Lilly, and caft forth bis Roots as Lebanon. 6. They that dwell under his Shadow shall return; they shall revive as the Corn, and grow as the Vine; the Scent thereof shall be as the Vine of Lebanon. His Branches frall Spread, and his Beauty shall be as the Olive Tree, and his Smell as Lebanon. I am like a green FigTree; from me is thy Fruit found, Ifa. xxvi. 17. Like a Woman with Child, that draweth near the Time of ber Delivery, is in Pain, and crieth out in ber Pangs; so kave we been in thy Sight, O Lord; we have been with Child, we have been in Pain, we have as it were brought forth Wind, &c. Ifa. xxx. 27. Behold the Name of the Lord cometh from far, burning with his Anger; his Lips are full of Indignation, and bis Tongue as a devouring Fire. And bis Breath as an over-flowing Stream shall reach to the midst of the Neck, to fift the Nations with the Sieve of Vanity, &c. 30. And the Lord shall cause his glorious Voice |