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The Center at 4237 N. Robey St., Chicago, under the management of Mrs. Helen Russell Harmon and Mary Brewerton de Witt, has added a new class to the regular work. This class is called "The Circle of Universal Harmony," and is open to anyone who may apply for its healing and uplifting influence and higher soul attainment through the spiritual power of music. For enrollment apply to Harry A. Tolman, at the above address.

Mr. Harry Gaze, formerly of Boston, Mass., is now pastor of The New Thought Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mrs. Grace M. Wingate, who formerly conducted one of our Unity Branch Libraries in Spokane, Wash., has now taken up the work in Tacoma. In addition to handling our literature she has opened her home once each week for a class which meets for the purpose of studying the lessons as sent out by the Unity Correspondence School. We recommend UNITY readers to Mrs. Wingate's ministrations, believing that a strong Center may be built up by united effort.

The Truth Center of Montrose, Colo., held a Thanksgiving meeting on Thanksgiving evening, and, feeling that UNITY had been a great blessing to the members of the Center, a love-offering was sent to the New Unity Building Fund, accompanied by several expressions of gratitude. Mrs. Elizabeth Schnur is the leading spirit of this successful Center.

The meetings of the New Thought Class in Cleveland, Ohio, are held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Smith, 2220 East 97th street. The Class meets every Friday evening.

Vegetarians are often at a loss to find a place where they can get the cooking as they would like it. Miss Lucy Boyer, 411 Oriental Ave., Atlantic City, N. J., serves vegetarian meals to those who prefer this sort of cooking, and many of our people go there for rest and recreation under conditions satisfying their taste.

Mrs. E. S. Myers, 264 J. Street, Salt Lake City, has opened a class for the teaching of the "Science of Right Thinking, Speaking and Doing." We are glad to note that this

class is very successful and we recommend our people to give Mrs. Myers a call.

Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Ransier have opened rooms at 12 and 13 Maxwell Building, Asheville, N. C., and have established a Center of Truth where meetings are held every Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The rooms are open for reading all of the time, and Unity Literature may be found here.

Mrs. Annie Rix Militz of the Home of Truth in Los Angeles, Cal., has instituted Noon Meetings in that City which are held in Blanchard Symphony Hall, 232 South Hill St., every Monday from 12 to 1. Practical Talks to Business Men and Women are given on the Power of the Mind. Freewill offerings.

The Psychic Science Building, which has been erected at 1821 California St., Denver Colo., during the past summer, was formally opened and dedicated in November. Rev. J. Howard Cashmere is pastor of The First Psychic Science Church.

Mr. Le Roy Moore continues his good work in the field. He is engaged to teach classes in Nashville, Tenn., and in Ashville, N. C. Other calls are being given him to teach courses of lessons and to lecture. Address him at 3241 Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.


We live by Faith; but Faith is not the slave
Of text and legend. Reason's voice and God's
Nature's and Duty's; never are at odds.
What asks our Father of his children, save

Justice and Mercy and Humility,

A reasonable service of good deeds,

Pure living tenderness to human needs,
Reverence and trust and prayer for light to see
The Master's foot prints in our daily ways?
No knotted scourge nor sacrificial knife,

But the calm beauty of an ordered life
Whose very breathing is unworded praise,
A life that stands as all time lives have stood,
Fast rooted in the faith that God is good.




MYRTLE FILLMORE, Associate Editor. JENNIE H. CROFT, Assistant Editor. LOWELL FILLMORE, Business Mgr.

Entered as second-class matter July 15, 1891, at the Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3d, 1879.

[blocks in formation]


Per year, $1.00; six months, 50 cents; three months trial (including WEE WISDOM), 15 cents. Canada subscriptions, $1.12. (Canadian bills, silver, or postage stamps not accepted.) Foreign countries, $1.25 (5s.) per year.

SPECIAL TERMS: Three subscriptions one year, whether new or renewal, when sent together, $2.00.

One three-years' subscription to one name for $2.00.

Three subscriptions to Canada one year, $2.36; 3 subscriptions to foreign countries, $2.75 (11 s.).


Kansas City, Mo., subscriptions $1.25; 3 subscriptions

All subscriptions payable in advance.

WHEN WRITING FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS, please be sure to give your name just as it appears on the UNITY wrapper, and also state the old address as well as new. By giving this matter your careful attention you will save us much unnecessary work and delays will be avoided. Change of address should reach us by the 10th.

Unity publications are on sale by or may be ordered at the following places among others: New York: Brentano's, Fifth Avenue and 27th Street, New York City: Roger Brothers, 429 Sixth Avenue, New York City.

Boston: The Metaphysical Club, 30 Huntington Avenue.

Hartford, Conn.: E. M. Sill, 89 Trumble Street.

Washington. D. C.: Woodward & Lothrop, 10th, 11th and F, N. W.

Jacksonville, Fla.: New Thought Reading Room, Woman's Club Building. East Duval Street.

St. Paul, i nn.. W. L. Beekman, 55 East 5th Street.

Chicago: Purdy Publishing Co., Le Moyne Block, 40 Randolph St.; A. C. McClurg & Co., 215 Wabash Ave.

St. Louis: H. H. Schroeder, 3537 Crittenden Street.

Denver: Colorado College of Divine Science, 730 Seventeenth Avenue. Los Angeles: Home of Truth, 1327 Georgia Street: Metaphysical Library, 611 Grant Building.

San Jose: Wm. Farwell, 275 North Third Street.

San Francisco: The Occult Book Co., 1141 Polk Street, near Sutter. London, England: Power Book Co., 14 Kenilworth Ave., Wimbledon, W.: Higher Thought Center, 10 Cheniston Gardens, W.


The money to build the New Unity Inn, and enlarge the present Unity Building is gradually arriving. To date we have received in cash and pledges about $4000. This leaves quite a bit on the way, but it is still coming. We are continually giving thanks and creating in mind that which we desire. This is a great work and its magnitude grows upon us as we see the tremendous possibilities in the principles we are teaching. Our earnest desire is that all men may have the advantage of understanding the Law of Laws, and thus recreate the race. May the Kingdom of God and his righteousness be with you and your prosperity be built on a firm foundation.




The Unity Force in every department have been generously remembered this year by friends in many directions, and desire to one and all express thanks. The Christmas cards, souvenirs, calendars, confections and other valuable things have brought with them loving thoughts, which are prized above all. We may have overlooked a personal acknowledgement but assure you that your remembrance was appreciated, and ask you to accept this as evidence of our gratitude.

Inclosed is a love-offering and with it a prayer that your strength, and wisdom, and power, and inspiration as well as financial supply may be greatly and abundantly increased, for you are doing a noble work for the world, in which I would that I might personally help. I always feel an inflow of light-vibration-force just before receiving your magazine— and at the time. If you ever quote from my letters you are welcome to use my full name, as I know it is much more helpful to some people, in that way, and I cannot see why anyone should object to testifying openly to that which they have proved, or believe in. I admire your statement for this month more than any I have yet heard. It awakes the strongest chords of reciprocity within my being. I have been embodying it in many ways and will more completely. Blessings rest upon you and abide with you throughout the year. SUSANNE MAYFLOWER.

A happy and prosperous year will be yours if you hold happy and prosperous ideas in your mind.


Unity's steady growth has been more marked during the year just closed than in any within its history. Every department has felt the forward impulse and gains are reported on every side.

A new Optimus printing press and a linotype machine were installed this year, and a large amount of printing has been done. At the first of the year, 11,000 copies of the magazine UNITY were printed, and the number has been increased so that at the present time 16,000 copies go out every month. A 5,000 edition of Charles Fillmore's book "Lessons in Christian Healing" has been issued and the edition is now almost exhausted. A 60 page Vegetarian Cook Book, containing 400 recipes, has been published, and also a 5,000 edition of Cady "Lessons in Truth." Besides this, tons of booklets and tracts have been printed and much free literature has been sent out. THE WEEKLY UNITY, issued especially in the interest of the local Society, was founded May 15, 1909, and has regularly appeared ever since. The magazine UNITY has been increased in size from a 68 to a 100 page magazine.

Workers have been added in all departments, until we are very much crowded for space.

The demands of the work have been such that the past year has seen a movement started for more room. A lot adjoining the present Unity Building has been purchased and plans are being laid to begin the erection of a new Vegetarian Inn, and also to enlarge the building we now occupy. $50,000 is the sum required to carry out the plans for both structures. In April of 1909, the Unity Correspondence School was work, and of giving to all who desire it, a systematic, orderly presentation of Truth. Over 800 students have been enrolled, and the work steadily increases.

The Society of Silent Unity, which takes care of the absent healing, has nearly doubled in the extent of its ministry during the past year. This is a very important part of the work. An average of 35 certificates of membersnip are issued every week, and about 6,000 people are treated daily. The members, and others desiring treatment are in all parts of the world, but are all bound together in that spiritual unity which knows no distance or separation.

The local healing department is taken care of by several teachers and healers who are in attendance upon the second floor of the Unity Building. Their work has also increased, and more healing rooms are required.

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