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their scholars to the Church where such Sermon shall be made, and there see them quietly and soberly behave themselves, and shall examine them at times convenient after their return, what they have borne away of such Sermons. Upon other days, and at other times they shall train them up with such sentences of holy Scriptures, as shall be most expedient to induce them to all godliness: and they shall teach the Grammar set forth by King Henry the Eighth, and continued in the times of King Edward the Sixth and Queen Elizabeth of noble memory, and none other. And if any School-Master being Licensed, and having subscribed, as aforesaid, shall offend in any of the premises, or either speak, write, or teach against any thing whereunto he hath formerly subscribed (if upon admonition by the Ordinary he do not amend and reform himself) let him be suspended from teaching School any longer.


LXXX.-The great Bible, and Book of Common Prayer, to be had in every Church.

The Churchwardens or Quest-men of every Church and Chapel, shall at the charge of the Parish provide the Book of Common Prayer, lately explained in some few points by his Majesty's authority according to the laws and his Highness's Prerogative in that behalf, and that with all convenient speed, but at the furthest within two months after the publishing of these our Constitutions. And if any Parishes be yet unfurnished of the Bible of the largest volume, or of the Books of Homilies allowed by Authority, the said Churchwardens shall within convenient time provide the same at the like charge of the Parish.

LXXXI-A Font of Stone for Baptism in every Church.

According to a former Constitution, too much neglected in many places, we appoint, That there shall be a Font of Stone in every Church and Chapel where Baptism is to be ministered; the same to be set in the ancient usual places. In which only Font the Minister shall baptize publicly.

LXXXII.-A decent Communion Table in every Church.

Whereas we have no doubt but that in all Churches within the realm of England, convenient and decent Tables are provided and placed for the celebration of the holy Communion, we appoint that the same Tables shall from time to time be kept and repaired in sufficient and seemly manner, and covered in time of Divine Service with a carpet of silk or other decent stuff thought meet by the Ordinary of the place, if any question be made of it, and with a fair linen cloth at the time of the ministration as becometh that Table, and so stand, saving when the said holy Communion is to be administered. At which time the same shall be placed in so good sort within the Church or Chancel, as thereby the Minister may be more conveniently heard of the communicants in his prayer and ministration, and the communicants also more conveniently and in more number may communicate with the said Minister: and that the Ten Commandments be set upon the east end of every Church and

Chapel where the people may best see and read the same, and other chosen sentences written upon the walls of the said Churches and Chapels in places convenient: and likewise that a convenient seat be made for the Minister to read service in. All these to be done at the charge of the Parish.

LXXXIII.-A Pulpit to be provided in every Church.

The Churchwardens or Quest-men at the common charge of the parishioners in every Church, shall provide à comely and decent Pulpit, to be set in a convenient place within the same by the discretion of the Ordinary of the place, if any question do arise, and to be there seemly kept for the preaching of God's word.

LXXXIV.-A Chest for Alms in every Church.

The Churchwardens shall provide and have within three months after the publishing of these Constitutions, a strong Chest, with a hole in the upper part thereof, to be provided at the charge of the parish (if there be none such already provided) having three keys; of which one shall remain in the custody of the Parson, Vicar, or Curate, and the other two in the custody of the Churchwardens for the time being: which Chest they shall set and fasten in the most convenient place, to the intent the parishioners may put into it their alms for their poor neighbours. And the Parson, Vicar, or Curate shall diligently from time to time, and especially when men make their testaments, call upon, exhort, and move their neighbours to confer, and give as they may well spare to the said Chest, declaring unto them, That whereas heretofore they have been diligent to bestow much substance otherwise than God commanded, upon superstitious uses, now they ought at this time to be much more ready to help the poor and needy, knowing that to relieve the poor, is a sacrifice which pleaseth God: And that also whatsoever is given for their comfort, is given to Christ himself, and is so accepted of him, that he will mercifully reward the same. The which alms and devotion of the people, the keepers of the keys shall yearly, quarterly, or oftener (as need requireth) take out of the Chest, and distribute the same in the presence of most of the parish, or six of the chief of them, to be truly and faithfully delivered to their most poor and needy neighbours.

LXXXV. Churches to be kept in sufficient Reparations.

The Churchwardens or Quest-men shall take care, and provide that the Churches be well and sufficiently repaired, and so from time to time kept and maintained, that the windows be well glazed, and that the floors be kept paved, plain, and even, and all things there in such an orderly and decent sort, without dust, or any thing that may be either noisome or unseemly, as best becometh the house of God, and is prescribed in an Homily to that effect. The like care they shall take, that the Church-yards be well and sufficiently repaired, fenced and maintained with walls, rails or pales, as have been in each place accustomed, at their charges unto whom by law the same appertaineth: but especially they shall see that in every meeting of the congregation peace be well kept, and that all persons excommunicated, and so denounced, be kept out of the Church.

LXXXVI.-Churches to be surveyed, and the decays certified to the High Commissioners.

Every Dean, Dean and Chapter, Archdeacon, and others which have authority to hold ecclesiastical visitations by composition, law or prescription, shall survey the Churches of his or their jurisdiction, once in every three years in his own person, or cause the same to be done, and shall from time to time within the said three years, certify the High Commissioners for causes ecclesiastical every year, of such defects in any the said Churches, as he or they do find to remain unrepaired, and the names and sirnames of the parties faulty therein. Upon which certificate we desire that the said High Commissioners will ex officio mero send for such parties, and compel them to obey the just and lawful decrees of such ecclesiastical Ordinaries making such certificates.

LXXXVII. A Terrier of Glebe-lands and other Possessions belonging to Churches.

We ordain, That the Archbishops, and all Bishops within their several Dioceses, shall procure (as much as in them lieth) that a true note and terrier of all the glebes, lands, meadows, gardens, orchards; houses, stocks, implements, tenements, and portions, of tithes lying out of their parishes (which belong to any Parsonage, or Vicarage, or rural Prebend) be taken by the view of honest men in every parish, by the appointment of the Bishop, whereof the Minister to be one, and be laid up in the Bishop's Registry, there to be for a perpetual memory thereof.

LXXXVIII. Churches not to be profaned.

The Churchwardens or Quest-men and their assistants shall suffer no plays, feasts, banquets, suppers, church-ales, drinkings, temporal courts or leets, lay-juries, musters, or any other profane usage to be kept in the Church, Chapel or Church-yard, neither the bells to be rung superstitiously, upon holidays or eves abrogated by the Book of Common Prayer, nor at any other times without good cause, to be allowed by the Minister of the place, and by themselves.


LXXXIX.-The Choice of Churchwardens and their Account. All Churchwardens or Quest-men in every parish, shall be chosen by the joint consent of the Minister and the parishioners, if it may be; but if they cannot agree upon such a choice, then the Minister shall choose one, and the parishioners another; and without such a joint or several choice, none shall take upon them to be Churchwardens, neither shall they continue any longer than one year in that office, except perhaps they be chosen again in like manner. And all Churchwardens at the end of their year, or within a month after at the most, shall before the Minister and the parishioners, give up a just account of such money as they have received, and also what particularly they have bestowed in

reparations, and otherwise for the use of the Church. And last of all, going out of their office, they shall truly deliver up to the parishioners whatsoever money, or other things, of right belonging to the Church or Parish, which remaineth in their hands, that it may be delivered over by them to the next Churchwardens by bill indented.

XC.-The Choice of Side-men and their joint office with Churchwardens. The Churchwardens or Quest-men of every parish, and two or three more discreet persons in every parish to be chosen for Side-men or Assistants, by the Minister and parishioners, if they can agree (otherwise to be appointed by the Ordinary of the Diocese) shall diligently see, that all the parishioners duly resort to their Church upon all Sundays and Holy days, and there continue the whole time of Divine Service; and none to walk or to stand idle or talking in the Church, or in the Church-yard, or the Church-porch, during that time. And all such as shall be found slack or negligent in resorting to the Church (having no great or urgent cause of absence) they shall earnestly call upon them: and after due monition (if they amend not) they shall present them to the Ordinary of the place. The choice of which persons, viz. Churchwardens or Quest-men, Side-men or Assistants, shall be yearly made in Easter-week.


XCI.-Parish Clerks to be chosen by the Minister.

No Parish Clerk upon any vacation shall be chosen within the City of London, or elsewhere within the province of Canterbury, but by the Parson or Vicar: or where there is no Parson or Vicar, by the Minister of that place for the time being; which choice shall be signified by the said Minister, Vicar or Parson, to the parishioners the next Sunday following in the time of Divine Service. And the said Clerk shall be of twenty years of age at the least, and known to the said Parson, Vicar or Minister, to be of honest conversation, and sufficient for his reading, writing, and also for his competent skill in singing (if it may be.) And the said Clerks so chosen shall have and receive their ancient wages, without fraud or diminution, either at the hands of the Churchwardens at such times as hath been accustomed, or by their own collection according to the most ancient custom of every parish.


XCII. None to be cited into divers Courts for Probate of the same Will.

Forasmuch as many heretofore have been by Apparitors both of inferior courts, and of the courts of the Archbishop's prerogatives much distracted, and diversly called, and summoned for probate of wills, or to take administrations of the goods of persons dying intestate, and are

thereby vexed and grieved with many causeless and unnecessary troubles, molestations and expenses: we constitute and appoint, That all Chancellors, Commissaries or Officials, or any other exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction whatsoever, shall at the first charge with an oath all persons called, or voluntarily appearing before them for the probate of any will, or the administration of any goods, whether they know, or (moved by any special inducement) do firmly believe, that the party deceased (whose testament or goods depend now in question) had at the time of his or her death, any goods or good debts in any other Diocese or Dioceses, or peculiar jurisdiction within that province, then in that wherein the said party died, amounting to the value of five pounds. And if the said person cited, or voluntarily appearing before him, shall upon his oath affirm; That he knoweth, or (as aforesaid) firmly believeth, that the said party deceased had goods or good debts in any other Diocese or Dioceses, or peculiar jurisdiction within the said province, to the value aforesaid, and particularly specify and declare the same: then shall he presently dismiss him, not presuming to intermeddle with the probate of the said will, or to grant administration of the goods of the party so dying intestate: neither shall he require or exact any other charges of the said parties more than such only as are due for the citation, and other process had and used against the said parties, upon their further contumacy; but shall openly and plainly declare and profess, That the said cause belongeth to the prerogative of the Archbishop of that province, willing and admonishing the party to prove the said will, or require administration of the said goods in the court of the said prerogative, and to exhibit before him the said Judge the probate or administration under the seal of the prerogative within forty days next following. And if any Chancellor, Commissary, Official or other exercising ecclesiastical jurisdiction whatsoever, or any their Register shall offend herein, let him be ipso facto suspended from the execution of his office, not to be absolved or released until he have restored to the party all expenses by him laid out contrary to the tenor of the premises: and every such probate of any testament or administration of goods so granted, shall be held void and frustrate to all effects of the law what


Furthermore, we charge and enjoin, that the Register of every inferior Judge do without all difficulty or delay, certify and inform the Apparitor of the Prerogative Court, repairing unto him once a month and no oftener, what Executors or Administrators have been by his said Judge for the incompetency of his own jurisdiction, dismissed to the said Prerogative Court within the month next before, under pain of a month's suspension from the exercise of his office for every default therein. Provided, that this Canon or any thing therein contained, be not prejudicial to any composition between the Archbishop and any Bishop or other Ordinary, nor to any inferior Judge that shall grant any probate of testament or administration of goods to any party that shall voluntarily desire it, both out of the said inferior court, and also out of the prerogative. Provided likewise, that if any man die in itinere, the goods that he hath about him at that present, shall not cause his testament or administration to be liable unto the Prerogative Court.

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