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St. Paul doth, in the second chapter of the epistle to the Colossians, mention new moons, and other holy days of the Jewish dispensation, in conjunction with the sabbath days under it, as being all of one abrogated kind; and forasmuch as the holy apostles, who were Jews as well as Christians, did, after the example of their Lord, who, rather than give offence when it could be avoided without compromise of any thing essential, even condescended to pay tribute, for a time continue to observe their former sabbath, and commemoration of the deliverance of their forefathers from Egyptian bondage, the type of our redemption, and of the completion of the creation of the world, though they expressly disclaimed, as we are informed by St. Luke, in the fifteenth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, in obedience to the express inspiration of the Holy Ghost, meaning that Gentile Christians should be bound by that example; (for without such special disclaimer, the example, as well us the precepts of an inspired apostle must be obeyed by the faithful;) and forasmuch as our blessed Saviour, as we are informed by his holy Evangelist, St. Matthew, in the eighteenth chapter of his gospel, did (probably because he foresaw that, the ceremonial part of the old covenant being "fulfilled" by his resurrection, the beginning of the new creation, as the fathers considered it, it would be inexpedient for purposes of edification, that his church should be left without any outward ceremonies, and probably foreseeing the opportunity which would soon arise for his apostles naturally selecting the event which brought them back from their temporary misgivings, as an occasion of public worship, joyful commemoration, and charitable and friendly intercouse, by his church;)-forasmuch as our blessed Saviour did graciously

promise that what his apostles commanded, or bound, on earth, (with an honest desire for edification being of course understood,) should be ratified in heaven; and forasmuch as, from the writings in the New Testament, we find that the church did assemble on the first day of the week (even while many still observed the old weekly holy-day,) for worship, reading and expounding, communion, and charity to the poor, and that this custom was soon so general (though, from peculiar circumstances affording no excuse for neglect, not quite universal) that the Sunday was commonly called the Lord's Day, as we are informed by St. John; and forasmuch as we find by a very early father, that the festival continued to his time so highly esteemed by the faithful, that all, however distant from the place of meeting, came into one place for the objects above specified; and forasmuch as by a later father we find, that, though the older part of the Christian Church might sometimes engage, after worship, in innocent secular pursuits, provided they were suited to their age, and though the younger might engage occasionally in lighter amusements, but such as were not inconsistent with their "adoption," yet such was their fervour and constant attendance upon those rites, which they believed to be binding on earth, and bound in heaven, that the responses of the people in worship were compared to a clap of thunder; and forasmuch as, in short, for the first fifteen hundred years, and more, this was the doctrine of the Church, (with only the short and local special instance above referred to,) though since that period some individuals have tried to Judaize the Christian festival, by laying more stress upon the abrogated commandment concerning the preceding day, than on the divinely es

*See also Isaiah lxvi. 23.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

tablished authority of the apostolic
ordinance, appearing even to be
countenanced by the presence of the
Redeemer himself, a commandment
nowhere alluded to in the New Tes-
tament; and forasmuch as, to this
day, no episcopal church has avow-
ed any deviation from it in her
formularies; and forasmuch as it
is the doctrine of our own branch
of the catholic Church, as proved
by our formularies, it is thought¶
fit that the people of our Church
should hear rehearsed the Chris-
tian abridgment of our duties to
God and man; The Minister
therefore shall turn to the people
and say ;*

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Beloved, hear the words of Christ's holy apostle St. Paul.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; for he that loveth another, hath fulfilled the law. For this, thou shalt not commit adultery; thou shalt not kill; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bear false witness; thou shalt not covet: and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. ¶ Then shall be sung this response, which shall be again also sung as under, and the concluding response shall be sung likewise, the people kneeling.

Response. Lord, have mercy, &c. (as in Prayer Book after the first nine Commandments.)

Priest. Hear also what St. Peter saith.

Honour all men; love the brotherhood; fear God; honour the king.

Response. Lord, have mercy, &c. Priest. Now hear what our Lord and Saviour saith by his holy evangelist, St. Matthew.

Reponse. Lord, have mercy upon us, write, &c. (as after 10th Commandment in Prayer Book.)

Then the Priest shall also kneel,
and read this Collect for the King,
Let us pray.

Almighty God, &c. (as in Prayer Book.) ¶ Or,

Almighty and everlasting God, &c. (as in ditto.)

Then shall, &c. (as in Prayer Book, down to the end about the gospel.)

¶ After the Gospel is announced, this response shall be sung. Glory be to thee, O Lord.

¶ Then shall follow the Nicene Creed, to be sung, if there be a sermon, in choirs; if there be not, it shall be said by priest and people. And in churches not using choral music, the latter may be the constant practice, followed by a metrical psalm, excepting only Trinity Sunday, upon which the following Creed is to be chanted in all churches.

A Confession of our Faith, taken from the Creed commonly called the Creed of Saint Athanasius, to be chanted on Trinity Sunday instead of the Nicene Creed.

The Catholic faith is this, &c. (as in Prayer Book down to the 28th verse, which shall be thus.)

28th ver. He therefore that would think aright, must thus think of the Trinity.

29th ver. Furthermore, it is essen

* The Ten Commandments were not in the original Liturgy of Edward the Sixth; and it is well known that even Calvin was not a Sabbatarian, though John Knox was. And I believe that, at the present day, no established church in Christendom, whether Calvinistic or not, is Sabbatarian avowedly, except the Scotch Presbyterian Church.

tial to the Catholic faith, that he also believe &c. (as in Prayer Book down to the last verse.)

Last verse. Thus the Catholic faith is this, that we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity.

Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was &c.

Then the Minister shall declare,
&c. (as in Prayer Book.)

Then if there be a Sermon, or Homily, it shall follow here. ¶ In choirs here shall follow the anthem, whether there be a Sermon before or not; and, where choral music is not used, a metrical psalm, or hymn, shall be sung instead. Then the Priest, at the Lord's table, shall begin the Offertory, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)


Whilst these sentences are in reading, if there be Communion, the deacons, churchwardens, &c. &c., shall receive, &c., from both communicants and non-communicants, who are charitably disposed, if they be not themselves indigent; and reverently, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

And when &c. (as in Prayer

Let us pray for the whole state

Almighty and everliving God, who by thy holy apostle, &c. (as in Prayer Book down to " virtue," after which read,) And we most humbly beseech | thee, O Lord, to bless his royal consort, Queen Adelaide, and all the royal family. (and as in Prayer Book down to "any other adversity," after which insert,) And as we pray to thee for future blessings, so do we praise and thank thee for those we have already received; and herein, as for all thy mercies in general, so above all, for thine inestimable love in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory. And we also bless thy holy name for all thy servants &c. (as in Prayer Book, to the end.)

If there be no Communion, shall follow, if it be a principal feast day, or principal fast day, the proper hymn before the concluding Collects, and then one of those Collects, and the Benediction. On non-communion days, if the Te Deum has not been sung after the First Lesson, it shall be here sung, (except on fast days,) though they be not principal feast days; but if the Te Deum has already been sung, one of the five concluding Collects, and the Benediction, shall follow from this point. If there be a Communion the priest shall say,

Hear what comfortable words &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

After which he shall proceed say-
Lift up &c.

Answer. We lift &c.
Priest. Let us &c.
Answer. It is meet &c.

(As in Prayer Book.) Then shall the Priest &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

It is very meet, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

Here shall follow the proper preface, if there be any.

¶ Then shall be sung, if there be choral music used; otherwise shall be said by minister and people, Therefore with angels &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

¶ Then shall follow the prayer of Consecration.

Almighty God, our heavenly Father, &c. (as in Prayer Book.) ¶ Then the Priest, or Deacon, who

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reads the Epistle, shall say to the communicants,

Ye that do truly &c, (as in Prayer Book, down to "comfort.") After which the communicants shall advance to the altar, the non-communicants retaining their places, and not leaving the church till the whole service is concluded. ¶ Then shall the Priest, kneeling down &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

We do not presume &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

Then shall the minister &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

The Body &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

¶ And the minister, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

The Blood &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

Then the communicants having returned to their seats, and all kneeling down, the priest and people shall say the Lord's Prayer.

¶ After which the priest shall say this prayer,

O Lord and heavenly Father, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

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to have been already used, in which case an appropriate metrical psalm, or hymn, shall be sung, which latter may be constantly used in non-choral churches. ¶Then one of these five Collects shall be read,

Assist us mercifully, &c.
O Almighty Lord, &c.
Grant, we bescech thee, &c.
[Direct] us, O Lord, &c.
Almighty God, &c.

Almighty God, who hast &c. (Asin Prayer Book, except" Direct,” instead of" Prevent."

¶Then the Priest, or Bishop, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

The peace of God, &c. (as in ditto.)

And there shall, &c. (as in ditto.) And if &c. (as in ditto.) ¶ And in Cathedral, &c. (a little altered, in accordance with proposed twenty-first Canon.)

¶ The other five Rubrics, (except necessary verbal alteration, as in Prayer Book.)

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The Minister shall use either of the three, according to his best discretion; but if he is in the habit of occasionally introducing all the topics contained in them in his sermons every year, it shall be sufficient to read only part of the first, down to" of the kingdom of heaven."

Dearly beloved, &c.
Dearly beloved brethren, &c.
Dearly beloved in the Lord, &c.
(as in the Prayer Book.)

¶ Note, that on Litany days happening to have Altar Service, it shall be chanted, or said in nonchoral churches, after the second Collect, after which the Altar Service shall commence as in this service, the anthem to be performed in its place in the Communion Service, and not before the Litany, and the Apostles' Creed shall be omitted.

Here endeth the Order of Morning Prayer, with Communion.



As in Morning Prayer with Communion, down to the end of the Hymn after the Second Lesson; after which shall be chanted, or said, by the Minister and people, the Apostles' Creed, all standing. I believe in God, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

Then as in the Morning Service with Communion to the end of the suffrages; and then, after the Collect of the Sunday before, and the two Collects for Peace and Grace, the Anthem shall be sung; after which, if it be a Litany Morning, the Litany shall conclude the service; if not, the Minister, all kneeling, shall read these prayers. O Lord, our heavenly Father, &c. (as in Prayer Book, only omitting "most gracious.")

Almighty God, &c. (as in Prayer Book, only saying, " our Sovereign's Royal Consort Queen Adelaide.")

Almighty and everlasting God, [who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men,] send down upon our Bishops and Ministers, and all congregations, &c. (and to the end, as in Prayer Book.)

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A Collect, &c. (as in Prayer Book, only add about Altar Service.) O God, the Creator, &c. (as in ditto.)

¶ A General Thanksgiving.

Almighty, &c. (as in Prayer Book.) ¶ Here shall follow any occasional Thanksgiving, if there be any, (for which, see Prayer Book ;) or else shall follow these two concluding prayers, the Prayer of St. Chrysostom, and the Valedictory Prayer of the Apostle St. Paul.

Almighty God, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

The grace of our Lord, &c. (as in ditto.)

Here endeth the Order of Morning Prayer, without Altar Service.


As in Morning Prayer without Communion, (omitting, however, the Venite exultemus,) to the end of the Collect for the day; after which these two, for Peace, and for Aid against all perils, shall be used.

O God, &c.

Lighten our darkness, &c. (as in Prayer Book.)

If there be a Sermon, here shall be sung the Sunctus, and after

wards shall follow the Sermon, and the Anthem after that; if not, the Anthem alone shall be sung here; and afterwards shall follow, if a Litany Evening, the Litany, which shall conclude the Service; if it be Principal Feast Day concluding Vespers, the Minister shall, at the Lord's Table, after the Anthem, read one of the " Sentences," and the Catholic Prayer; after which, Te Deum shall be sung in

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