gods, as they have been accustomed to do, they felt very great uneasiness, as if they were committing sin. Another time, they spoke as follows: We have been zealous followers of the doctrines of Shakdshamuni, and bave studied the books containing them attentively, but the more we studied, the more obscure they appeared to us, and our hearts remained empty. But, in perusing the doctrines of Jesus, we observe the reverse: for the more we meditate on his words, the more intelligible they become; and, at length, it appears as if Jesus himself were talking with us.' Many speeches of this kind, all bearing testimony to that life among the dead, of which our Saviour speaks, John, v. 25, occurred during my conversations with these men. It would be taking up too much time to enumerate them all. "I had frequently remarked, that there seemed to be something upon their minds, which they were on the point of disclosing; but that they always suddenly checked themselves, and entered upou other subjects. A short time ago, they brought me their translation of the 21st, 22d, and 23d chapters of St. Matthew. After we had completed the revision and correction of these chapters, they were, contrary to custom, quite silent; for, in general, they had various questions to propose, and required many explanations. At length I broke silence, by saying, 'Well, my friends, what have you to say to me to-day?' Upon this, the elder of the two, after an evident conflict with himself, expressed himself thus: We have lived in ignorance, and have been led by blind guides. We have followed the precepts of Shakdshamuni (the Fo of the Chinese) without finding rest. By God's mercy, we have been chosen to translate the Gospel of his Son into our language; and, for this end, have been brought into connexion with you. You have illustrated the things unintelligible to our darkened minds, in a direct and satisfactory man ner. We acknowledge Christ Jesus to be our God and Saviour, and are determined to know none other: we have, therefore, made a resolution to leave our former superstitions, and to adopt the Christian faith. What advice would you give us?' The younger Saisang confirmed all the elder had said, as expressing his own sentiments. "This address was quite unexpected to me. I answered, that I certainly approved their determination, considering it as wrought in them by the Holy Spirit, through the Gospel, and as demonstrating the power of that Gospel: but I asked them, if they had duly reflected what was required of a disciple of Jesus; that Christ does not promise his followers earthly happiness and honours, but rather reproach among men; and that he calls those blessed who, for his sake, willingly and gladly submit to unme rited reproach. I reminded them, further, that this step would cause great sensation among their friends, and per haps give much offence: I begged them, therefore, to examine themselves, as in the presence of Jesus, whether they were free from every thing that might prevent their becoming his entire pro perty; for that he, who, in order to redeem fallen man, in mercy offered himself as a sacrifice once for ever, and who thereby purchased us unto himself by his bitter sufferings, blood-shedding, and death, could not accept a heart devoted half to him, and half to sin and the world. The worst of all would be, if, after having become members of Christ's family by baptism, they should again choose to return to the old way; either on account of persecution and affliction, or out of levity and indifference. They replied, that they had well considered these things, and that the words of Jesus himself, on this subject, had caused them no small anxiety and struggle. They mentioned, particularly, the parable of the sower, and the differ ent kinds of ground upon which the seed fell; also the words of Jesus, Matt. x. 37, 38; likewise our Saviour's address to the youth, who would first go and bury his father-Let the dead bury their dead: further, what he says of himself, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, &c. But they declared, that it was their firm determination to be followers of Jesus, and to share in his reproach, if that were their lot; though they, at the same time, did not deny their wish, that such trials might not befal them too soon, on account of their weakness in the faith. They said, the esteem in which they were held by their friends, and their influence, were considerable; and that it was their sincere desire, that many of their nation, being convinced, like themselves, of the truth of the Gospel, might turn to Jesus: that they did not intend, as yet, to inform their friends of the change that had taken place with them; in order to prevent, as much as possible, all mistakes and prejudices during their absence: for that their nation imagined, that, as soon as they became Christians, they must become Russians (of which both they and the Calmucs have great horror): that this idea was dreadful even to THEM, personally; for they did not wish to forfeit their nationality. They therefore hoped, that the Emperor would grant to them, and to all who might be converted, liberty as to their manner of life, so far as is consistent with the precepts of the Gospel; and, more especially, that faithful teachers might be sent to their nation, to point out to them the truth, and to guide them in the way of salvation. "I approved their plan; but begged them to be quite passive, and to take no steps on their part; but merely to state their ideas candidly to me, knowing that I loved them, and would therefore willingly do all in my power to serve them. As to the teachers whom they wished to have employed among their nation, measures would be taken to procure them but that they should not forget to apply, in all their concerns, to Him, who loved them far more than men could love them; who had begun the good work in them, and would complete it, if they only obeyed his voice in all things; and who would find means to remove all external difficulties, if it were his will. "After this, I had two or three conversations with them, in which we spoke on several of the principal points of the Christian faith. These conversations gave them great pleasure: but they inquired, why I bad not told them all this I answered, You are, as yet, but babes in Christ; and, with such, the pure milk of the Gospel agrees best: as you grow in grace, you will be able to bear strong meat, and will also receive it. sooner. But always recollect our Saviour's significant words-Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. All of us, without exception, have frequent occasion to become as little children again: if we neglect doing this, we may indeed become learned divines; but we lose the spirit of the Bible, which reveals unto us our insufficiency and defects, and directs us to Jesus. You would thus be in danger of becoming such men as you have found the Pharisees and Scribes of old to have been, and now know a great number of your own Lamas to be, in your own country. "I conclude my Report with that fervent wish, that this nation, and especially these two awakened Saisangs, may be an object of the serious deliberations of the Elders' Conference of the Unity, as well as of the prayers of all my brethren and sisters, to whom the extension of the Redeemer's kingdom is preVOL. X. THE REV. Deocar Schmid, a missionary from the Church Missionary Society, in a late communication, dated Madras, October 8, 1817, has mentioned a conversation he lately had with an Armenian Bishop, from Jerusalem. After stating a few particulars respecting the present state of Jerusalem, he observes:-"But by far the most remarkable thing which I heard is, that there is a number of about 80,000 persons in Persia, called Sophis, who, about ten or twelve years ago, openly renounced Mahomedanism, abolished circumcision, established separate places of worship, and adopted a peculiar dress to distin guish themselves from Mahomedans. They are said to speak highly of Christ ; to revere the scriptures; and, on the whole, as the Vicar expressed it, 'to come into the Christian way.' They would receive copies of the Bible, and especially of the New Testament, with the greatest joy and gratitude; and would support with the greatest zeal all attempts to enlighten the Persian nation. They have their most learned teachers in Shiraz. They have a book in the Persian language containing their religious principles, which the Vicar promised to procure me for my perusal. "Are these not wonderful accounts? Are these not mighty calls to be diligent in the work of the Lord ?" BAPTIST MISSION. THE Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society, insert the following extract of a letter from their Serampore brethren, in compliance with their earnest request. Of the report alluded to, 2 z the Committee was not aware, before this communication came to hand. It is an honourable fact, that the missionaries have generously assisted their indigent relatives in this country; but this has ever been wholly and solely from the produce of their own labour, and not from the funds of the Society. "We have been given to understand, that reports have unhappily prevailed in England, that our relatives enjoy regular allowances from the money colfected by the Society, and that no small degree of uneasiness has existed on this account in the minds of those who contribute to the mission. We are sure you will concur with us in the opinion, that nothing could be more injurious to our credit as a body, or more distressing to our individual feelings, than the circulation of such a suspicion. We, therefore, earnestly intreat you to take the most effectual measures for contradicting so unfounded a report; and we would farther solicit you to indulge us, by inserting in your printed Reports a correct statement of the fact, that your explanation may extend as far as the report has prevailed." Extracts of a Letter from Mr. William Adam, to a Friend in England. "At sea, Nov. 1817. "As we expect soon to meet with some homeward-bound India ships, I will embrace the opportunity of sending you a few lines. I have been much troubled with sickness, and the heat has been so oppressive, that if I always experience as much exhaustion and lassitude as have done some days past, I fear I shall never be an active and zealous missionary. The captain and officers are in general respectful and obliging; but all the ship's company are deplorably ig norant on the subject of religion, and most thoroughly imbued with the spirit of the world. Many of them, though not all, are addicted to the use of profane and intemperate language; and occasionally to the abuse of spirituous liquors. Since I came on board I have been excited to earnest prayer on their behalf, and feel very desirous to be use ful to their souls. May God bless our weak attempts, and hear our imperfect prayers. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, and myself, worship God together every morning and evening, in their cabin. We frequently pray for the many dear friends whom we have left, and hope that we are not forgotten by them. On the Saturday after we sailed, it was proposed to the captain, that we should have public worship on the Lord's day, when the weather would permit. On the third Sabbath we assembled on the deck, under the awning, when I addressed them and Mr. Sutton yesterday. They were, upon the whole, serious and attentive. January 26, 1818.-Since the above date, we have accomplished the greater part of our voyage, and are this morning. at five o'clock, nearly alongside a homeward-bound East Indiaman, by whom, if the weather permit, we shall send lettersto our friends. Yesterday, at twelve o'clock, we were, by observation, in south lat. 13. 36. east long, 86. 34. We had been permitted to preach only four times, when the seamen testified considerable unwillingness to attend; on which account the captain declined continuing the public services. The word of the Lord, however, if it has not a free course, is and will be glorified. I subjoin an extract from my Diary of yesterday, being Lord's day.-Rose this morning at five, and saw the sun rise; but enjoyed greater pleasure in observ ing, what I hope, under the continued operations of the Spirit, will ultimately appear to be the dawning of the Sun of righteousness on the mind of one of the has been irregular and rebellious; conboys. Although yet young, his past life victions of sin, however, have of late begun to force themselves on his mind--he reads the Bible-prays and listencd, with apparent seriousness and concern, when I this morning attempted to explain to him his real condition in the sight of God, the character of the Saviour, and the nature and design of his work. May God work, and none shall let. I have had also of late several conversations with one of the officers; but he is stout-hearted, and far from righteousness. If the winds are at all favourable, we expect to reach Saugur Island in the course of a month. Goodness and mercy have followed us all our voyage. We have had a few fresh breezes, but not a single gale of wind. W.A," Domestic Religious Intelligence. BAPTIST MISSION. ON Thursday, July 30, a public meet ing was held, at the Baptist Meetinghouse, Badcox lane, Frome, for the purpose of setting apart Messrs. Christopher Kitching, and Thomas Godden, as mis sionaries to Jamaica. A number of friends having collected from the surrounding country, early in the day, there was a service at 11, A. M. when Mr. Saffery, of Salisbury, delivered a serious and appropriate discourse, founded on Luke, xiii. 28, 29, 30, "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. And they shall come from the east, and from the west, and from the north, and from the south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God. And, behold, there are last which shall be first, and there are first which shall be last."From this interesting passage, the preacher took occasion to remark, the stability of the kingdom of Christ, notwithstanding all opposition-the vast increase which it should ultimately receive -and the solid happiness enjoyed by all its faithful subjects. He concluded by observing, that the language of the text was calculated to check presumption-to counteract a spirit of despondency-and encourage exertion, in the cause of Christ. Prayer was offered, before sermon, by Mr. Dyer, of Reading; and, at the close, by Mr. March, of Frome. The evening service began at half-past fire, and at that early hour, this spacious place of worship was completely filled. After singing "O'er the gloomy hills of darkness," Mr. James Coultart, lately compelled by ill health to leave Jamaica, for a season, read the scriptures, and engaged in prayer. Mr. Saffery introduced the special business of the evening, by noticing the obligations of Christians, to propagate the gospel, and the general inattention to this duty, which prevailed for ages. This led him to glance at the missionary exertions, which have distinguished the present day, and to apprize the audience of the immediate sphere, which the Missionaries before them were intended to occupy. Here, he introduced various interesting particulars, re specting the state of the negroes, in Jamaica; and mentioned, that Mr. Coultart's visit to England was not merely for the recovery of his health. This, through the kindness of Providence, had been, in some measure, attained; but, ere he returned to Jamaica, he was exceedingly desirous of assistance, towards erecting a chapel in the city of Kingston, for his numerous and increasing black congregation. In concluding, Mr. Saffery call. ed on Mr. Kitching, to give some account of the manner in which he had been led to devote himself to the service of Christ, as a Missionary; and, to mention what those doctrines were, on which he meant to insist, in the course of his future minis. try. These questions were subsequently addressed to Mr. Godden, and were answered by each, in a manner highly satisfactory to the numerous congregation. Mr. Kitching, it appeared, had been reclaimed from a course of vice and folly, through the instrumentality of a worthy minister of the Independent denomination, in the north of England. Under the auspices of this valuable friend, he was preparing to enter into connection with the London Missionary Society, when his attention was arrested, by the account given in the Evangelical Magazine, of the alteration of sentiment, in Messrs. Judson and Rice, on the subject of Believers' Baptism. This induced him to pause, and finally, he was led to adopt the same views; soon after which, he offered himself to the Baptist Missionary Society, and was sent to Bradford Academy, where he has been, for a considerable time, pursuing his studies under the direction of Dr. Steadman. Mr. Godden stated, that, early in life, he had entered into the royal navy, and for several years experienced the usual vicissitudes attending that profession. His career was terminated, by a captivity of eight years duration, at Arras, in France, where he sustained great hardships, and saw many brave companions around him, sink under the pressure of their sufferings. Here, however, it pleased Him, who is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working, to deliver him from a yet more degrading captivity, and in the best sense, to make him free indeed. This joyful change was effected, by means of a fellow-prisoner, who was accustomed to speak to them the words of salvation. Released, at length, by the conclusion of the war, he returned to his own country, united himself to the Baptist church, at Newbury, and was soon after called by them to the work of the ministry. At the close of Mr. Godden's address, the ordination prayer was offered, with much solemnity and pathos, by Mr. Saunders, the minister of the place; and Dr. Ryland proceeded to give the charge, from the words of our Lord, to his disciples, recorded in Matt. x. 16, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." After briefly adverting to the history of the text, the Dr. remarked, how difficult it would be to reconcile such language as this, with the denial of original depravity; and then suggested to his younger brethren, that the words contained a striking picture of the difficulties to which they were exposed, and the dangers they would have to encounter-an express reference to the authority under which they acted-and suitable admonition, as to the course they were to adopt, in prosecuting the labours of their office. Under each of these heads, much judicious advice was offered, in a manner truly paternal; and, at the close of his discourse, the Dr. earnestly besought the friends of Christ present, to aid the missionaries, by their prayers, in the arduous undertaking, to which they were now devoted. Mr. Tidman, an Independent minister, lately removed from Salisbury to Frome, closed the highly interesting service, in prayer. Account of Monies received by the Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society, from May 1, to August 1, 1818; not including Individual Subscriptions. FOR THE MISSION. Rugby, Female Penny-a-Week Society, by the Rev. E. Fall · Plymouth and Dock Auxiliary Society, by William Prance, Esq..... .... £103 18 Collection........... Bond-street Auxiliary Society.. Sutton in the Elms, Collection, by the Rev. E. Burdett Foxton, Mr. Sturges, and Friends Legacy of Mrs. Elizabeth Hall, late of Leicester, by Messrs. Yates and Carrye, Executors Liverpool, Subscriptions and Donations at, by W. Hope, Esq. Tewkesbury, Collection and Subscriptions, by Mr. S. Jones ........ 41 A Friend, by the Rev. Mr. Trotman Melksham, Subscriptions and Collection, by the Rev. Dr. Ryland Bath, collected after two sermons, by the Rev. R. Hall, and Rev. Thomas Roberts ....... 100 0 084000 2 6 18 0 20 0 0 Buckinghamshire Auxiliary Society, by the Rev. W. Groser, Junior 8 by Mr. S. Deacon... Weston, Northamptonshire, ditto, •••••• by the Rev. Mr. Clark Northampton, small Society at .... Taunton Collection and Subscriptions, by the Rev. R. Horsey Anquis, for the Baptist Mission, by the Rev. Joseph Ivimey Friend, a Donation, by the Rev. J Phillips, Clapham Newcastic, Friends at, by the Rev. R. Pengilly 17 4 0 5 12 0 0 2 5 1 19 32 0 0 10 0 10 0 6 0 6 5 12 15 Femy & Week Society, at Tottlebank, Lancashire, by Mr. Harbottle ,at Broomley. Northumberland, by Mr. Rowell |