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per inhabitants of the country are Mahomedans; but there are persons of almost every religious profession to be met with at Batavia.

crease on this side of the ocean. In the great Householder, to leave this many of the New England states pleas-world and to enter into rest. The proing revivals have taken place, both among the Presbyterians and the Baptists. In New York and Philadelphia our churches have had great additions. In two of the churches in Philadelphia, 110 were added last year. In one in this state, 69, and in one in another association, [the name illegible,] 174; and, generally, the rest are receiving additions also. This will afford joy to you, and all with whom you are connected in gospel bonds. Mission busi-weekly prayer meeting, for the spread ness goes on prosperously. We anticipate the predicted downfall of the prince of darkness. The Saviour is becoming the desire of all nations."

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"I AM no longer surrounded by the lovers of our Redeemer. Where I am called to reside, there are no Sunday schools-no zealous teachers, scarcely any Christian friend to encourage, to advise, or to strengthen me; the mass of those who are called Christians, are worse than Heathens or Mahomedans.

"But what is it that has raised Britain to its present eminence? The Gospel. Well, then! let me preach this gospel, and labour to be a diligent and faithful missionary; and though few of those by whom I am surrounded are disposed to encourage me in my work, I have the promise of him who is faithful and true, that the word of our testimony shall finally prevail. The Almighty has graciously blessed me with a most excellent companion in my partner for life. Her pious counsels and affectionate behaviour often cause my heart to ascend in grateful praise to our neverfailing Friend. Providence has blessed me with a daughter, who is now nearly three months old-she is strong and lively. I am upon the eve of sailing from Batavia to Samarang, a place about 300 miles distant, and there I desire to spend my days in the service of Jesus. I have made a sufficient degree of progress in the Malay language to enable me to travel over the country; and when I arrive at Samarang, I intend to apply closely to the Javanese tongue, in order to translate the sacred scriptures into that language. Mr.

Trowt, a valuable missionary, was engaged in it: but he has been called by

"Our prospects are not very flattering, but we have some hopeful appearances among those who have been pretty regular in their attendance on Mr. Robinson's preaching. Our church in Java consists of nine members. We have worship seven times a week, and also a

of the gospel throughout the world, and particularly on this island. We have five persons who can pray with fluency, propriety, and fervour in Malay; and it does me good to see the people attend."

Singular Account of some Jews in Holland. -Extract from a Letter received from a Clergyman in Scotland.

THE Son of Dr. Ross, one of the ministers of Aberdeen, has been on the continent with his tutor lately. The following is an extract from his journal;

"Some gentlemen in the passageboat between Amsterdam and Utrecht, happened to meet with several Jews. The weather was then very unfavourable, (it was just before harvest,) and this formed the subject of their conver sation. One of the Jews observed, that it was a judgment upon the Christians for their disrespect to the Messiah, the And what do Saviour of the world.

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you care about the Messiah,' said one Yes, replied the other, but we of the gentlemen, are not you Jews? believe as firmly in Christ as most Christians do. We have been long separated from the synagogue, and meet by ourselves to read the New Testament, and pray to Jesus Christ; our numbers are very considerable in Amsterdam.' But why, asked the gen tleman, do you not come forward and join the Christians at once? Sir,* replied the Jew, your practice and profession are so much at variance, that we think we are better by ourselves,'


THE Committee of the Baptist Missionary Society will hold their next Meeting at Salisbury, on Thursday, March the 19th.

Account of Moneys received by the Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society, from
October 1, 1817, to February 1, 1818; not including Individual Subscriptions and

Oxfordshire Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Parsons, Treasurer................
Hants and Wilts Assistant Society, by the Rev. John Saffery
Glasgow Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Deakin, Treasurer,

Mission...£133 17 3
Translations 71 3 9
Schools .... 19 19 0


£ s. d. 33 5 4 360 10 1

225 0 0

30 0 0

91 18 4 166 19 4 10 0 0



55 9

Glasgow Youths' Missionary Society, by Mr. J. M. Duncan
York and Lancaster Assistant Society, by W. Hope, Esq. Treasurer..
Berkshire Assistant Society, by Mr. Bicheno, Treasurer
Paisley Youths' Society for promoting Religious Purposes
Portsea Missionary Society, White's Row, by the Rev. W. Hawkins
Huntingdonshire Society in aid of Missions, by E. Martin, Esq.
Hammersmith Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Hanson....
Northamptonshire Association of Independt. Ministers, by Mr. Inkersole 20
Hamilton Bible and Missionary Society, for the Translations, by Mr.


Eagle-street (London) Juvenile Missionary Society, by Mr. Napier..
Hackney Association for the Establishment of Native Schools in India
Chathain Juvenile Auxiliary Missionary Society, by Mr. Davies, Jun.
Perthshire Missionary Society, by the Rev. Mr. Willisden
Ridgmont Female Society

Potter-street Auxiliary Society, by the Rev. John Bain
Bristol Juvenile Branch of Auxiliary Society

Broadmead Auxiliary Society....

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37 5


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24 0 0
25 Ο 0
20 16

10 0
5 10 0
10 11 10


[blocks in formation]

9 16 1

23 8 6

[blocks in formation]

Dunfermline Auxiliary Society, by the Rev. W. Innes,

East Lothian Society for the Spread of the Gospel, by ditto

Collingham & Newark, Collection & Subscriptions, by Rev. W Nicholls 36 14 6

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Cottesbrook, Penny a Week Society, by Mr. Hobson....

Hamsterly, Rev. C. Whitfield, and Friends

Thrapstone, Collection and Subscriptions









by Rev. Joseph Harries, 16 16 9 by Rev. E. Daniel

Deal, a few friends at, by Mr. Reynolds
Edinburgh, Penny a Week Society, by the Rev. W. Innes
Norwich, a few friends, by the Rev. J. Kinghorn
Paulton, Baptist Church at, by Dr. Ryland

[blocks in formation]


22 6 7 5 0 0

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For the Mission,


Native Schools £50

100 0

1817, by Mr. Burls

106 13

by ditto
by ditto

[blocks in formation]

R. B. Wiltshire, for the Translations, by the Rev. Mr. Keeble

Green, Miss Lydia, Bath, a Bequest

M. W. S. Edinburgh, for a Native Preacher

5 0

20 0


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THIS excellent institution has lately met with violent opposition from members of the church of England! This attack was commenced a few months since at the establishment of an Auxiliary Society in the City of Bath, (the Bishop of Gloucester in the chair,) when the Rev. J. Thomas, Archdeacon of Bath, delivered a fulminating protest against the proposed society. This was afterwards published in many of the public journals; and has been very satisfactorily answered by the Rev. D. Wilson, of St. John's Chapel, Bedford-row. Many persons concluded, that the archdeacon knew at the time that he was in "the way to Canterbury," in his opposition to the evangelical clergy; and this conjecture has been confirmed, by the circumstance of the Archbishop having bestowed on the reverend gentleman the living at Deptford, value 500l. per annum, and another living to his son-in-law of 1000l. per annum. We feel persuaded, however, that notwithstanding all these difficulties, the Church Missionary Society will continue and increase its exertions; and that there are friends enough to the cause of missions in the church of England, to prevent the society from failing for want of support. God has set before it "an open and an effectual door, though there are many adversaries!"


HANTS AND WILTS. SEPT. 17. 1817, the Hants and Wilts Assistant Society in aid of the Baptist Mission held their third and last association for the year at Salem chapel, Portsea. There was an early meeting for prayer. Mr. Giles preached in the morning, from Gal. v. 22; and Mr. Saffery in the evening, from Mark, xiv. 32-36. Mr. Bulgin preached the preceding evening, from Matt. xiii. 47-50. The devotional parts of the services were conducted by the brethren Read, Bulgin, Dore, Giles, Miall, Clay, Tilly, and Headden. There was a collection in the evening in aid of village preaching. The afternoon was occupied in the business of the Association, and in receiving subscriptions and collections for the mission, amounting to 360l. 10s. 1d 2

The next association is to be at Newport, on Wednesday in the Easter week. The brethren Russell, Miall, and Saffery to preach; the former on "Peace as a fruit of the Spirit." Mr. Millard, or Mr. Bulgin, to preach the preceding evening.


Ar the half-yearly meeting of the Northamptonshire Association of Independent ministers, held at Creaton, Sept. 25, 1817, Mr. Aston, pastor of the church at Creaton in the chair, the annual collections for the support of the missions were received, and the follow ing sums voted. To the Moravian Missions 301.; to the Baptist Mission for the Translation of the Scriptures 201.; to the London Missionary Society 144l. 4s. 1d.




1 Tim. iii. 8-13. Paraphrased. With rev'rence let the church receive The laws her Sov'reign deigns to give, In choosing deacons let her see They're such as with the word agree. They must be grave in years and mien, Not young, nor haughty, light, nor vain ; Mature in age, in manners kind, And these with understanding join'd. Attend to what the scriptures teach, Choose not a man of double speech; One who will flatter to your face, But absent aim at your disgrace. Of men who love much wine beware, Such ought not in the church t' appear; Such prodigals, were you to choose, Would, as their own, your substance use. With equal care let those be shunn'd, Who are of filthy lucre fond; Such parsimonious souls be sure Will have no bowels for the poor. Your deacons, as th' apostle saith, Must hold the myst'ry of the faith; And truth with righteousness be join'd, Sound judgment with a holy mind. If they are murry'd, they must prove Chaste, constant, faithful in their love; Their parents honour and obey. And, have they children, see that they Their wives must not be vain and light, Nor yet in slana'rous tales delight; But grave and sober should appear, In all things faithful and sincere. Thus let the men you choose be prov'd, Men for their virtues much beloved; Such here to eminence shall rise, And have a mansion in the skies.


G. F.

Page 84, line 5, dele girds. 86, line 13, for second, read sound. line 21, for doctrines, read dark.


London: Printed by J. BARFIELD, 91, Wardour-Street, Soho.


Rer. Thomas Morgan

Engraved by Keeman, for the Baptist Magazine: from an Original Painting:

Published April Budton & Son Paternoster Row.

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