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influence upon national prosperity, interspersed with illustrations, which were loudly cheered. Previous to the general meeting, a very interesting juvenile gathering took place. The spacious place was crowded. The Band of Hope entertainers fulfilled their respective parts in an admirable manner, all of whom elicited immense cheering.

DEVERELL STREET AND KENT ROAD.-At the quarterly soiree, held on Oct. 4th, one hundred and fifty children and friends were entertained at tea, prepared by Mrs. Parker. After tea, addresses were delivered by Messrs. Dunn and Murphy, and a handsome table lamp-the gift of the children—was presented by Mr. Williams to Mr. Parker, the zealous con, ductor of the Band of Hope.

HORSLEY STREET.—The sixth anniversary was held on Wednesday, Oct. 16th, when W. R, Selway, Esq., presided, and three hundred persons partook of tea. Instructive addresses were then delivered by Mr. Tresidder, Mr. Dunn, the Rev. S. Cowdey (of Arthur Street Chapel), Mr. S. Shirley, and Mr. Haynes. This was a very successful meeting, and marked by a highly christian spirit.

SHADWELL TEMPERANCE SOCIETY.-A very crowded and interesting meeting was held in the Sailors' Institute, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 16. J. E. Saunders, Esq., C.C., took the chair, and opened the proceedings by giving an excellent speech. The Scriptural claims of teetotalism were then presented by Mr. Smythe, who dwelt at some length on the marriage of Cana, and the wine question in reference to the Lord's Supper, His address was well received. Much credit is due to the friends in connexion with the Shadwell temperance cause, for their exertions in making the meeting public, and filling the place. Several gentlemen took part in the service, and though the absence of two distinguished ministers was much regretted, yet the proceedings were very satisfactory. A good collection was made on behalf of the Band of Hope Union.

UNITED CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION.—A festival of the Band of Hope, in connection with the above association, was held at the New Hall, Windsor Street, Lower Road, Islington, on Monday evening, Oct. 7th; Matthew Ambler, Esq., presided. A large number of ladies, gentlemen, and children partook of an excellent tea, after which there was a public meeting. The evening's proceedings were enlivened by the vocal talent of the numerous young vocalists present, who sang several beautiful melodies with accuracy and harmony. Credit is due

to the able manager, Mr Lucraft, for the children's proficiency in singing. Mr. Blaby (from the Band of Hope Union), in an appropriate speech, communicated to the children some moral and instructive tales, illustrative of perseverance and affection. The chairman examined the children in their knowledge of grammar, The proceedings terminated by the audience singing

the Doxology.

We beg to call attention to the advertisement on our Cover, of the meeting at Exeter Hall, and hope our friends will lend a helping hand. The ladies who work in the Perkins Rents locality require and deserve the tangible sympathy of the warmest friends of humanity.-UNCLE True,


During the Months of August, September, and October, 1861.

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All communications should be written on one side of the paper only.
Names and Addresses should be written very plainly.

Intelligence should be sent early.

Books for Review, Articles for the Record, &c., may be sent to the Editor, at No. 37, Queen Square, London.

Business Letters, as Orders for the Record, must be addressed to Mr. S. SHIRLEY, at the above Office.

J. BALE, Printer, 78, Great Titchfield-street, Marylebone.



By the Rev. G. W. McCREE.

It is a wise and good thing for men to examine their work and the spirit in which they do it. To do work in any fashion will produce a poor result. Whether we build a wall, paint a picture, plant a vineyard, write a poem, form a committee, or guide a great movement, we should endeavour to perform our task in a pure and noble spirit. The slovenly workman is not worth his salt.

The habit of looking back, forward, around, and above all, within, is essential to sublime moral conquests. To understand our age, our work, and ourselves, is to accomplish a truly desirable object. Fools can talk, spouters can excite an audience, but it is only cultivated, prudent, earnest, high-minded men who can give force and character to a popular movement. are still the chiefest want of the Temperance world.

Such men

What are we doing? is a question which every adherent― especially every official adherent-of the temperance movement should frequently ask. Revision, self-scrutiny, amendment, new plans, fresh efforts, and personal consecration will naturally flow from an honest application of this simple enquiry. What then are we doing?

1. What are we doing in our regular meetings? The weekly, or fortnightly, or monthly meeting is held, of course, but how is it conducted? Is it begun at the proper time? Is the secretary always at his post? Are long speeches prohibited? Is coarse language kindly rebuked? Do none but reputable men occupy the platform? Are their speeches logical, truthful, and elevating? Do any reformed drunkards relate their past follies as though they gloried in their shame? Are the young people who attend under strict superintendance? Is the chairman instructed to close the meeting in good time, and to avoid, as far as possible, the great evil of late hours? And, finally, are the meetings useful, and, if not, why not?

Some of our meetings

Such questions are not superfluous. are dull, hollow, useless affairs. No new facts are given. The statistics of the day are not explained. Passing events are not noted. Fresh speakers are not brought forward. Converts are

few and far between. Now this need not be so. "The field is the world." Our arguments are "legion." We need not get "pumped out." Any newspaper will give us a fact for a text, and five minutes' conversation with an opponent of our principles will furnish us with a topic. A good article read by a good reader will always aid a meeting, and the secretary should not fail to find such material for weekly use. Let the chairman be a man who can "fill up" the space between the speakers with a pleasant remark or timely anecdote, a brief argument or a courteous explanation, and let us not think that any person will do to preside at our meetings. These assemblies cost much time and money, and it is right for us to make them more useful than they are at present.

2. What are we doing to circulate our literature? Thousands of our members never heard of Livesey's Malt Lecture, which, in our opinion, is "the chief corner stone" of the Temperance Reformation. How many of our speakers have read Bacchus that wonderful repository of facts, arguments and testimonies? How many of our committees have Anti-Bacchus on their bookshelves? Is Dr. Carpenter's volume well-known? Are the writings of Dr. Lees "household words?" Do the periodicals of the movement adorn our tables? Have we done anything to circulate the Ipswich Temperance Tracts? Have we placed "The Sins and Sorrows of the City" in the hands of the clergy? Do we circulate the Band of Hope Record? What are we doing to cast abroad the seeds of truth?

It is time to inquire into these things. Our literature is valuable. We need not feel ashamed of it. We have poems, tales, newspapers, debates, reviews, essays, tracts, volumes, and magazines which we need not be afraid to present to any child, workman, merchant, pastor, editor, philosopher, statesman, or monarch. It is worthy of the age. It is a credit to our movement. It is a great light. Why hide it under a bushel?


3. Are we jealous of the reputation of the good cause? have our foes. We have been called infidels, disturbers, opiumeaters, schismatics, fools, despisers of the Lord's gifts, whitedsepulchres, humbugs, enemies of the poor, and a thousand more evil things have been said of us. We forgive our enemies. Not for the world would we return railing for railing. We leave foul words to foul men. It is for us, however, to defend our principles. Our movement should not be left unvindicated When attacked in the social circle, or in the columns of the press, or from the pulpit, a manly, full, earnest, irreproachable

reply should be given. Few men have effected more good in this direction than James Haughton, of Dublin, and Duncan M'Laren, of Edinburgh. Their communications to the press have done immense service. Many others have also performed admirable deeds in defence of the cause. But how many never defend their principles. They are silent at social parties. They are dumb at public meetings. They decline controversy. But is the reputation of a great and philanthropic enterprise to be left in the hands of its foes? Is silence wise? Does it promote truth? Is it not timid policy? Why not speak out? Prudence and dignity are all very well, but courage and fidelity are much better. Jealousy and zeal and boldness are becoming in us.. We have entrusted to us a great charge. It is our lot to know how to cure a lamentable social evil. We may usher in a golden age. Surely timidity and silence do not accord with our position. It depends upon us whether drunkards are saved or lost. Can we have a more stupendous motive for exertion, selfdenial, and moral heriosm?

4. Is it our endeavour to be genial and magnanimous in our official capacity? Are we rash in our temper? Are we willing to assist others to do good? Do we proudly insist on the place of honour? How do we work? These are fair questions. Many of our most useful men are worried to death—not by the difficulties of agitation-but by the haughty, self-seeking, vain, impracticable persons who insist on being bought at twenty-five per cent. above their true value. In this way we have lost one of the richest and best men connected with our societies. And are such losses to continue? We appeal to the friends of temperance progress. Look around you. You have thoughtful, laborious, beloved, useful, good men in your service. They are the polished pillars of the temple. You have also some who are not model men. To whom is your support to be given? Who are the men to exalt and honour the Temperance Reformation? Judge for yourselves. Let the peaceable, intelligent, far-seeing trustworthy men have your esteem. All others are better left alone. In villages, towns, districts, and vast assemblies, put forward the best men, and cheer them in their efforts to lead us forth to victory.

Such are the questions which have long arrested our attention. We leave them with our readers. The winter campaign is upon us. Be it ours to fight well. We are not doing half our work. We must do more. Drunkenness is still rampant. It depends upon Temperance Reformers when it shall win its final victory.

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