WALES. WESTERN ASSOCIATIONS. THE association was held at Fishguard, in the county of Pembroke, in June, 1816. The meeting was begun by prayer, by Mr. Thomas Davies, NorthWales. The letters from the churches were read, which stated extraordinary exertions and success in many of them. After this, Mr. Daniel Davies, Llanelly, prayed; and Mr. Thomas Morris, Penrhiwgoch, and D. D. Evans, Carmarthen, preached from 2 Cor. vi. 17, 18; Acts, xvi. 14; we concluded by prayer and praise. Met again at seven, when Mr. David Philipps, Ffynon-well-na-buwch, prayed. Mr. Hinton, of Oxford, preached from Deut. xxxii. 9; and Mr. Robert Edwards, North-Wales, from 1 Pet. i. 5, concluded. Met Wednesday morning, at seven o'clock; the meeting was commenced by Mr. Thomas Williams, Rhydwilym, and Lewis Lewis, Waunclyndaf: then Mr. David Davis, Aberduar, preached from Ezek. iii. 17. Assembled at ten o'clock, and the meeting was begun by Mr. Timothy Thomas, Aberduar; then J. P. Davies, Ferryside, and J. Harris, Swansea, preached from Rom. viii. 34. Col. iii. 2. Met at two in the afternoon; the devotional service was led by Mr. Simon James; then Mr. F. Hiley, Llanwenarth, and C. Evans, North-Wales, preached from Isaiah, xxii. 24, and xxv. 6, 7, 8. Assembled at seven in the evening; and Mr. John Morgan, Blaeny ffos, prayed; and Mr. Edward Roberts and Mr. John Edwards, North-Wales, and John James, Aberystwith, preached from Zech. xiii. 7. Psal. xl. 6, 7, 8. Rev. xv. 2. Met Thursday morning, at eight o'clock; the devotional services were led by Messrs. Thomas Thomas, Aberduar, and John Reynolds, Middle-mill; and we agreed upon the following par ticulars : 1. Mr. John James read the letter to the churches, and it was agreed to have it printed. of Cadoxton to begin October, and to finish the latter end of January. The messenger of Bangor to commence on Lady-day, and to finish before the next association. It is expected that each messenger will keep his time in the strictest manner, and that they will commence collecting in Glamorganshire, and conclude in Pembrokeshire. III. To excite the churches to make weekly collections amongst thomselves, towards the support of every important cause that belongs to them, such as the expense of erecting new places of worship, Abergavenny Academy, the missionaries in India; for it is deemed that a penny a week from every member of the Baptist churches, together with their well-wishers, would be sufficient to support the above causes respectably. If some members are too poor to contribute thus, others are opulent enough to make up the deficiency. And if any give to the missionaries only, these gifts should be kept carefully to that cause alone. IV. To stimulate the churches to make their collections as ample as possible towards the support of the Baptist Academy at Abergavenny; and it is expected that every church will endeavour to con tribute to this worthy cause, the utility of which may be evident to all. Several gifted ministers and preachers have been educated there. The institution is in the treasurer's debt, and many young men, of promising talents, can have no entrance into it, and the cause itself is in danger to become extinct; which, were it to fail, would cast reproach on the Baptist denomination. V. That the next missionary meetings belonging to this association, will be held at Aberystwith, the last Tuesday and Wednesday of July, and at Cardigan the following Tuesday and Wednesday; where we expect Messrs. Henry Page, M. A. of Bristol, John Palmer, of Shrewsbury, and Jenkin Thomas, of Bristol, to come from England to the assistance of their Welsh brethren. VI. That the next association is to bé at Bwlch-gwynt, Carmarthenshire, on the second Tuesday, Wednesday, and II. That the churches at Llanfaes, Thursday of June, and the meeting to Brecknock; Philadelphia, Cadoxton, commence at two o'clock in the afterGlamorganshire; and Bangor, Carnar- noon. It is desired, that the messengers vonshire, to have permission to go will be there at the above time, to read through the several churches which be- the state of the churches; after which it long to this association, to collect money is expected, that Messrs. J. Morgan, for liquidating the debts incurred by the Newcastle, will preach in English, and erection of their new places of worship. T. Thomas, Aberduar, in Welsh. On The messenger of Llanfaes to begin col- Wednesday, John Herring, Cardigan, lecting without delay, and to finish the J. Evans, Pen-y-garn, in English, and latter end of September. The messenger | H. Davies, sen. to preach. Association at NEWTOWN, (Casbach,) | Association at BRINEPOOL Pwllhely, CarMonmouthshire, held on the 4th, 5th, and 6th of June, 1816. The meeting commenced on Tuesday, at two o'clock, by prayer, by Mr. Morris Jones, and the letters to the association were read. At six o'clock Messrs. Richard Roberts and John Edwards preached from Isaiah, xi. 10, and Heb ii. 1. Wednesday, the devotional services were led by Messrs. D. Richards, T. Thomas, F. Hiley, and William Lewis. Sermons by Messrs. James Michael and Thomas Davies, from Phil. i. 6, and Zech. xii. 19. D. Saunders and D Evans from Rev. xii. 16, and 1 Cor. xv. 3, 4, in English. J. Herring and C. Evans from Rom. vii. 32, and Luke xv. 17, 19. Thomas Mor ris and Robert Edwards from Rev. xxi. 1, and Mark, vii. 19. Thursday, Mr. T. Thomas prayed. It was agreed, that the next association be held at Llanwenarth, at the usual time. Association at CEFN-MAWR, Denbighshire, held on the 25th and 26th of June, 1816. Public worship began at six o'clock, when Mr. Abel Jones prayed; Messrs. T. Morris, and W Evans, preached from Phil. iii. 3, and Isaiah, xlix. 8. Wednesday, the devotional services were led by Messrs. Edward Lewis, Robert Edwards, J. Blaeney, and T. Morris. Sermons by Messrs. R. Roberts, and T. Thomas, from Heb. ii. 11, and Col. ii. 15. J. Jenkins, and J. Evans, from Matt. xi. 28, and John, i. 12. J. Watkins, and C. Evans, from 1 Pet. iii. 18, and Acts, ix, 4-6. Edmund Rogers, missionary in Ireland, in English, and J. Watkins, from 1 Cor. i. 24, and Rom. xiv. 17. Concluded by prayer. t narvonshire, held on the 10th and 11th of July, 1816. Wednesday, at six, Mr. W. Evans prayed, and Messrs. J. Roberts, and J. Jenkins preached, from Acts, vii. 56, and Rev. xxii. 17. Thursday, J. Watkins, R. Rowlands, J. Jenkins, and J. Roberts prayed, and Messrs. J. Michael and T. Davies preached, Heb. xii. 23. 1 Kings, xviii. 21. Messrs. John Evans, and Joshua Watkins, Phil. ii. 8, and Gal. iv, 4, 5, and Messrs. E. Rogers in English, and Thomas Morris, Matt. xvi. 26, and Rom. i. 16, and the anniversary was concluded by prayer. The additions to the northern churches in the past year are 200; and throughout Wales 1289. NEW MEETINGS OPENED. OLDHAM, LANCASHIRE. On Friday, Sept. 6, 1816, a new Baptist meeting house was opened at Oldham, Lancashire, under favourable circumstances. Service began at ten o'clock, A.M. The Rev. Thomas Littlewood, of Rochdale, read a portion of scripture, and prayed. The Rev. William Stephens, of Manchester, preached from Eph. iv. 5, One baptism. After the sermon, fourteen persons, who had been previously examined by the Rev. James Hargreaves, of Ogden, were baptized in a reservoir, near the town, in the presence of from eight to ten thousand spectators. At half-past two o'clock, P.M. the Rev. William Steadman, D.D. of Bradford, preached on the nature and order of a gospel church, from the first chapter of Revelations. After the sermon, the newly baptized persons formed themselves into a church, and sat down at the Lord's-table with many members on the 3d and 4th of July, 1816. from neighbouring churches, and the Wednesday, at two o'clock, a private Rev. James Hargreaves presided. The conference was held. At six, Mr. R. elements were handed by the Rev. Roberts prayed, and Messrs. T. Davies, Thomas Littlewood and the Rev. Moses and T. Morris, preached from Matt. xvii. Fisher, of Liverpool. At half-past six 5, and John, iii. 14, 15. Thursday, in the evening, the Rev. Moses Fisher prayers by Messrs. J. Morgans, E. preached from 1 Cor. i. 23. All the serEvans, J. Prichard, and E. Evans. Services were very numerously attended, mons by Messrs. S. James, and T. Davies, from Isaiah, lix. 89, and Micah, vii. 18. J. Watkins, and J. Jenkins, from Tit. ii. 14, and Prov. xvii. 17. W. Evans, and J. Evans, from John, ix. 4, and Psalm xlvi. 1. E. Rogers, in English, Robert Edwards, and J. Edwards, from John, xiv. 10, 1 Cor. xiii. 12, and Eph. vi. 18; and C. Evans concluded by prayer. Association at LLANGEFNI, Anglesea, held and conducted with great solemnity. A deep impression seemed to be made on all present. The brethen were edi. fied, strengthened, and greatly comfort ed, by the rational hope of future suc cess among a people so little acquainted with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many individuals found it to be to them a good day. The Lord seemed to be there of a truth, BROUGHTON. To the Editors of the Baptist Magazine. ON Lord's-day, October the 20th, I preached at the opening of a place of worship at Broughton, in Hampshire, which has been rebuilt and enlarged, by the advice of nearly the whole religious neighbourhood. I was struck with the conscientious regard which has been paid to economy in this simple structure, the expense of which amounts to something less than £600. and at least half of this sum is raised by the zealous efforts of the congregation. I recommend it, therefore, with a pleasing confidence, that the worthy pastor of the flock be encouraged in all his applications for the remainder. JOHN SAFFERY. Salisbury, Nov. 8, 1816. ORDINATIONS. BELLERICAY. ON Thursday, July 13, 1815, a Baptist church was formed at Bellericay, Essex; and on the same day, and in the same place, the Rev. B. Crowest, who, for the previous nine years, had been faithfully labouring among the people, was appointed to the pastoral office. The services by the Rev. Messrs. Eveleigh, of Waltham Abbey; Bain, of Potter's-street; Pilkington, (their former pastor) of Rayleigh; and Shenston, of London. WHATISHAM, SUFFOLK. OCTOBER 30, 1816, Mr. James Farley was set apart to the pastoral office over the particular Baptist church at Whatisham, in Suffolk. Mr. Mr. Cooper, of Stoke-ash, began by reading and prayer; Mr. Ward, of Diss, stated the nature of a church of Christ, asked the usual questions, and received Mr. Farley's confession of faith. Cowell, of Ipswich, prayed the general prayer; Mr. Shenston, of London, de. Jivered the charge, from Malachi, ii. 7; Mr. Brown, of Stow-market, who is eighty years of age, addressed the people from Ezek. xlviii. 35; and Mr. Thompson, of Grundsburg, conIcluded in prayer. The hymns were given out by Mr. Payne, of Ipswich. When the service was ended, Mr. Shenston observed: "We have been indulged to-day to eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and it only remains now for us to send portions to those for whom nothing has been prepared." He then warmly recommended the Baptist Irish Society as peculiarly worthy of support, and proposed making a collection, which was cheerfully acceded to, and the sum of £4 12s. 8d. was given. In the course of the day, Mr. Brown remarked, that when he first began preaching in that neighbourhood, there were only three churches of our denomination in the county, and now there are twenty-two. A Lord's-day evening lecture has lately been established by several of the pastors of Baptist churches in London, at No. 56, Bartholomew Close. The room is large and commodious, and has hitherto been well attended. Poetry. An Elegy on the late Rev. A. Austin. Would the modest muse approve; Whilst his worth we would pourtray. Peaceful, mild, discreet, and feeling, To the poor a constant friend; Wounds of discord gladly healing, Where thy influence could extend. Those who sat beneath thy teaching, Know thy labours souls to win; Ever pointing out in preaching, Christ the sacrifice for sin. Evermore on Christ relying, For his spirit and his grace; Whilst the promises applying To the contrite sinner's case. Christian excellence adorn'd him, Oft his grateful heart he'd raise To the grace of God, which form'd him, So to speak his Maker's praise. Since he's call'd from hence for ever, Let us hear the warning voice, And as taught by him, endeavour To make wisdom's ways our choice. Left the cross-the crown he's wearing, Mingling with the heavenly throng; And his part with rapture bearing, In the everlasting song. Clerkenwell. J. T. London: Printed by J. BARFIELD, 91, Wardour-Street, Soho. |