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position on this point, although we regretted that the class did not unanimously accept the new arrangement in the spirit in which it was offered, and feel thankful that they could participate in the increased advantages which succeeding classes were to enjoy. How they felt towards the Faculty, however, when this grievance had been removed, can be judged from their resolutions in another column.

The expelled student, though displaying his cunning in several points, did not preserve it to the end. Blinded with rage and losing all self-control, he launched out into such low vituperation and personal abuse, as to produce a complete reaction in the minds of the intelligent part of the outside public and show them what kind of a man he really was. Of such a one perhaps we could expect no better things, but we were grieved to see regular members of the profession dragged into the newspapers in the College and hospital controversy.

We, the homœopathic profession, in order to withstand the many outisde influences arrayed against us, have particular need of harmonious co-operation in our own ranks. Recognizing the fact that the days have not yet come, when the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and taking it for granted that we must have occasional quarrels, let us have enough regard for our reputation to keep these quarrels to ourselves, and not make ourselves ridiculous by parading them in the public newspapers. Let us not voluntarily offer our weak spots to be probed by the sneers and chucklings of our allopathic brethren. To be sure, they also have plenty of quarrels among themselves, but they are often shrewd enough to hide them from the public gaze.

While we deprecate the stirring up of strife among us, and the prolonging of it when once set on foot, we recognize the fact that the Gazette is the only proper channel through which important differences of opinion affecting the status and harmonious working of our institutions should be permitted to reach that portion of the public most directly interested, — namely, the profession. Instead of spreading the matter by means of reporters before the general public, which cannot possibly form a clear or just opinion of the merits of the case, we earnestly request those of our colleagues most directly involved in these various matters of dispute, to bring their grievances to the pages of the Gazette, where both sides may be assured of a fair and ample opportunity to state their case.


The following resolutions have been adopted unanimously by the respective classes of this school, and show conclusively the state of feeling of the students toward the school and its Faculty.


Whereas, for some time past, efforts have been made by certain persons to represent the students of the Boston University School of Medicine as being dissatisfied with the present government of the school, its curriculum and lengthened term; therefore be it resolved,

First. That we, the members of the Junior Class, do hereby disclaim all connection with this movement.

Second. That we are fully satisfied with the administration of the college government and with the instruction we receive, believing them to be the best possible that can be devised.

Third. That we do hereby express our loyalty to the Boston University School of Medicine, and to every member of its Faculty, and do propose now and always to do everything in our power to uphold this institution.

BOSTON, Jan. 31, 1879.

E. F. RENWICK, Secretary.


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Whereas, articles have recently appeared in the public press which are calculated to mislead by distorted and unfair representations concerning the relations between the Faculty and students in Boston University School of Medicine; and

Whereas, the dissatisfaction in the Middle Class was that expressed by some of its members in regard to the lengthened term, which cause of dissatisfaction has been removed by a vote of the Faculty; and

Whereas, we believe that no medical school in the country has a more efficient, faithful, and disinterested Faculty, a more mature body of students, a more cordial mutual relation of respect and co-labor; therefore

Resolved, That the Middle Class have the highest respect for and most perfect confidence in this Faculty, from whom we have received nothing but kindness and uniform attention; and we, as a class, desire to renew to our instructors our pledge of esteem and fidelity.



Committee for the class.

BOSTON, Jan. 30, 1879.


At a meeting of the Senior Class, held Jan. 29, 1879, the following resolution was unanimously adopted :

Whereas, through the maliciousness of disaffected individuals, attempts are being made to injure the reputation and usefulness of Boston University School of Medicine; therefore be it

Resolved, That we, the Senior Class of said school, most earnestly wish it known that we heartily support our Faculty in their government of the school, realizing that they are doing all in their power to make it pre-eminently successful..

C. E. ALDRICH, Secretary.

BOSTON, Jan. 30, 1879.

At a meeting of the ALUMNI of the Boston University School of Medicine, held Feb. 6, 1879, the following resolution was passed:

Resolved, That an expression of our respect for and confidence in the Faculty of the Boston University School of Medicine, and satisfaction in the present management, together with our reprobation of interference therein by outside parties from selfish motives, be forwarded to the Secretary.






Boericke & Tafel. 1879.

We have already been in possession of this volume for some time, and regret the delay in noticing it the more, as the readiness and promptness of both the editors and publishers are among the few outward and visible signs of genuine interest in and properly directed effort for the advancement of therapeutics in this country. The work of even scanning superficially such a mass of details requires, if done intelligently, an amount of time which hardly any other work can claim at our hands.

This volume now at hand comprises the drugs running from Plumbum to Serpentaria, —a list which will suggest to any one in the least familiar with pharmaco-dynamics a number of important remedies, without which no man among us, walking in the light of the present day, can presume to practise. To be able to apply them henceforward, with the sources of all the detailed knowledge concerning them at hand, and easily referred to by him who will take a little trouble to familiarize himself with the arrangement of the work, is an inestimable blessing. Our repertories have, for the most part, especially of late years, and by the younger generation of homoeopaths, been taken. wholly on faith, without any effort to gain even approximately a right understanding of the origin, character, or relations of the symptoms enumerated. It is not easy to imagine, among all the obscuring influences surrounding the acquisition or application of therapeutical knowledge, anything more fatally subversive of all true scientific aims or of all genuine success in practice than this and all memorizing of symptoms without doubt or inquiry; nor can there be a question that the two extremes of blind fanaticism and of stagnating scepticism, by which our school is riven and rent, and which paralyze all progress, have their origin in the wide-spread ignorance of and indifference to the sources and origin of our materia medica. With the facilities now afforded by the Encyclopædia for tracing and verifying the symptoms and pathological processes and conditions of the pathogenesis of any drug, we are not only warranted in looking for a speedy change in the teaching of materia medica in our schools, and in the more intelligent application of drugs in practice, but also for more perfect provings, and

for a gradual dying out of that baneful tendency, to which most of our journals bear witness, of publishing bald and unsupported assertions of the cure of one or the other diseases by one or more doses, high or low, of a particular medicine.

We have abstained from any attempt at a review of each individual volume as it has appeared, and confine ourselves, for the present, to pointing out to our colleagues the importance and the character of the work, upon which, for many years, perhaps for many generations, the best work emanating from our school at the bedside, in proving, and in the purification of our materia medica must be founded.

To our younger confrères we venture to make a suggestion, which, \we trust, may not fall on wholly barren soil. If one or more of them will patiently and with due circumspection cull from this work, and arrange with references, etc., all, or a large proportion of the clear and self-evident cures reported by allopathic physicians, of symptoms or diseases corresponding closely to those produced by the curative drug, -cases of homeopathia involuntaria,-they will not only gain knowledge and fame for themselves, but they will give into the hands of the feeblest among us a weapon by which he can crush the most powerful or wily assailant of homoeopathy at a blow. Verbum sapienti sat. W. W. HELMUTH'S SYSTEM OF SURGERY. Third Edition. Boericke & Tafel. Sheep. Price, $8.50.

We know that the whole homœopathic profession will welcome the appearance of the third edition of this standard work, which has been so well received and appreciated that it needs no encomiums from us. We will merely call attention to some of the recent improvements. Much new matter has been added, in order to bring the work fully up to date. Some has been omitted, some rewritten. The current periodical literature of both schools seems to have been ransacked for the freshest material and the latest expedients. A new chapter has been added on "Inflammation and the Repair of Tissues," one on "Tumors," and another on "Ovarian Diseases and Ovariotomy." Dr. John H. Thompson has contributed a chapter on the " Varied Methods of Dressing Wounds," and Dr. John Butler a complete monograph on Electrolysis." About forty new wood-cuts have been added, making the whole number five hundred and sixty-eight. On page 403 begins an account of the new operation of "Nerve Stretching," an interesting case of which we shall give our readers in the March number of the Gazette. Another remarkably successful case, operated on by D. Helmuth, at the Hahnemann Hospital, we have on hand for our April issue, and a third will appear in May. If such results are to be the rule, the opera


tion will be a perfect God-send to those who are made such miserable wretches by that horrible torturer - severe sciatica.

Fully one-half more printed matter, the publishers say, is given in this edition than in the second, and yet the price is $3.00 less.

LUDLAM'S DISEASES OF WOMEN. Fourth Edition. Chicago: Duncan Brothers.

These lectures, clinical and didactic, delivered in the Hahnemann Medical College and Hospital, are so well known to the homœopathic profession all over the world that it is useless to speak the praise which involuntarily comes to our lips. We are pleased to learn that the work has been translated into French by Drs. A. Claude, of Paris, and C. N. Dorion, of St. Paul, Minn. The latter, by the way, was formerly associated with Dr. Ludlam in Chicago. To the fourth edition are added two new and very interesting lectures on Ovariotomy and Puerperal Endo-metritis. Such a book is a great credit to our school. It certainly has no equal on the subject of which it treats.

THE STEPPING-STONE TO HOMEOPATHY AND HEALTH. By E. H. Ruddock, M. D. Chicago: Halsey Brothers. Price $1.00.

This is announced as the seventh American from the seventh London edition, with additions and alterations adapting it to the climate, diseases, and customs of Americans. For several years we have recommended Ruddock's "Stepping-Stones" to our families as the best domestic work on medicine published. People will dose themselves for slight ailments, and a book which gives such clear and simple directions as this does, and prevents constant recourse to Epsom salts, rhubarb, composition, and such trash, cannot fail to do good. The great reason of its superiority to many of our domestic homœopathic books is to be found in its simplicity and moderate size. Some others are so bulky and go so extensively into details, as to utterly discourage or disgust the average mother in her perplexing choice of



A bimonthly journal, edited by E. C. Seguin, M. D. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

The first number of this new allopathic journal makes its appearance with certainly the most elegant get-up we have ever seen for a medical periodical. It is very handsomely printed in large octavo form on heavy paper, and some of its articles are illustrated. It is designed to be in some respects a continuation of the "Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine," formerly edited by Drs. Brown-Sequard and

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