J. J. Abrams, Esq.. James B. Baird, M. D.. R. B. Barron, M. D. Clark Bell, Esq...
J. Emmett Blackshear, M. D... G. F. Blandford, M. D... Nathan Bozeman, M. D. B. H. Brodnax, M. D.... W. L. Bullard, M. D.... J. J. Buster, M. D. A. W. Calhoun, M. D. W. Cheatham, M. D... Hunter P. Cooper, M. D. R. O. Cotter, M. D.. R. P. Cox, Esq J. M. Crawford, M. D Eugene Foster, M. D.. J. W. Flanders, M. D.. John D. S. Davis, M. D. Nathan S. Davis, M. D A. Freeman, M. D.... R. E. Fuller, M. D.. J. Mc. F. Gaston, M. D. James A. Gray, M. D.. J. Edward Green, M. D. J. W. Griggs, M. D... R. R. Harden, M. D. Virgil O. Hardon, M. D. T. J. Hargan, M. D. T. M. Holmes, M. D. Harry Huzza, M. D.... W. J. Jolly, M. D... John L. Jones, M. D... L. H. Jones, M. D. W. S. Kendrick, M. D E. W. Lane, M. D.
C. B. Leitner, M. D...
Joseph M. Mathews, M. D.
H. V. M. Miller, M. D., LL. D..
H. C. Morrison, D. D...
H. N. Moyer, M. D
W. B. Parks, M. D.
S. Latimer Phillips, M. D.
F. M. Ridley, M. D...
J. M. Sanders, M. D.
W. J. Scott, D. D.
H. H. Smith, M. D..... Albert B. Strong, M. D. V. H. Taliaferro, M. D.. Lawson Tait, F. R. C S.... J. S. Todd, M. D... Robert Tilley, M. D. W. F. Westmoreland, Jr., M. D....
Henry Wile, M. D..
H. J. Williams, M. D..
Savannah, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
Clinton, Ga. New York. Macon, Ga.
London, Eng. New York. Brodnax, La. Columbus. Ga,
Mt. Willing, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Louisville, Ky. Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. . Rome, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Augusta, Ga. Wrightsville, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Chicago, Ill. New York, Macon, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. ..Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. West Point, Ga. Harmony Grove, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Asheville, N. C.
.Rome, Ga. Rome, Ga. Waldo, Fla.
New Orleans, La.
Atlanta, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga.
Scarboro, Ga. Flora, Ala.
Louisville, Ky.
Atlanta, Ga.
Atlanta, Ga. Chicago, Ill.
Atlanta, Ga.
Savannah, Ga.
LaGrange, Ga. Magnolia, S. C.
Atlanta, Ga.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Chicago, Ill.
Atlanta, Ga.
Abortion, criminal 314, mongers, the pun- ishment of 242.
Abscess of the brain, A case in practice sup- posed to be an 286, with cases 604.
Abscess, Retropharyngeal, with report of two cases of 405. Aid to the injured 423. Alcoholism, chronic 684.
Alcoholic liquors in the practice of medi-
cine 257, 320, 325, 389. Alcohol poisoning 282.
Ambulance, Service of New York 224. A monstrosity 203.
Anatomical Board, The State 433, 687. Annual address of the President of the Jef- ferson Co. Medical Society 715.
Antipyrin and Antifebrin in the treatment of nervous diseases 626.
Atheroma of the left coronary artery result- ing in aneurism of the apex of the left ventricle 526.
Atlanta, Health of 50, the cost of caring for the sick-poor of 316.
Atlanta Medical College 498, an address to the graduating class of 65.
Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal 495. A reply to Dr. Battey and a disclaimer 31.
Bacteria in water and ice 181.
Big fees in New York 225.
Blood vessels, calcification of, followingin- jury 88.
Book Reviews: Anæmia 769-A Manual of treatment by Massage 371, Anatomy- Descriptive and Topographical 490, A ref erence hand-book of the Medical Sciences 107, 630, Athothis-A satire on modern medicine 426, A text-book of Medicine (Bartholow) 239, of Medicine (Strumpell) 236, of Pathological Anatomy 365, of Sur- gery 103, A treatise on compound Oph- thalmic Lenses 112, A treatise on Diphthe- ria 631, Bryant's operative Surgery 48, Cyclopaedia of Obstetrics and Gynecology 234, 311, Diagnosis and treatment of Hem- orrhoids 554, Diseases of the blood and nutrition 49, Diseases of the Lungs and pleuræ, including Consumption 110, Dis eases of the Hair and Scalp 770, Drug Eruptions 370, Druitt's Surgeons' Vade- Mecum 628, Earth as a topical applica- tion in Surgery 369, Gray's Anatomy 554, History of the Confederate States Navy 490, Lessons in Gynecology 552, Mater- nity infancy and childhood 426, Massage 770, Medical Electricity 371, Medical and Surg- ical memoirs 104, Nervous Diseases and their Diagnosis 110, Outlines for the man- agement of diet 425, Pathology and treat- ment of Gonorrhea and Spermatorrhœa 487, Physicians' visiting list 630, Practical lessons in nursing 367, Practitioners' hand-book of treatment 368, Smith's op- erative surgery 48, Students' guide to dis-
eases of the Eye 630, Transactions of the Association of American Physicians 368, 769, Vest Pocket Anatomist 490, Wear and Tear 367, What to do in cases of poi- soning 425.
Brain, Abscess of the-A case in practice supposed to be an 286, with cases 604, a large tumor of 181.
Burial Reform Association 765.
Caries, spinal, the early diagnosis of 517. Cataract extractions and Iridectomies after treatment of 645.
Cellulities, Pelvic, some observations upon 453.
Children, brain-forcing in the education of 44, the poor and how they are cared for 306. Chicago, a letter from 420.
Cholera, Asiatic in New York 545, infantum 271.
Chronic alcoholism 684. Civil Service examinations for medical posi- tions 357.
Colic, infantile, quinine in 193, hepatic, di- oscorine in 195. Color blindness 430. Conjunctivities, granular, with and with- out pannus 142.
Coronary artery, atheroma of the, resulting in aneurism of the left ventricle 526.
Country Doctor, a letter from 309.
Cremation-progress of 765.
Criminal abortion 314.
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