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And let us not forget to seek, to look, to pray for present success. That word which endureth for ever, declares, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise." May the Holy Spirit lead us to plead with God that he will display his power and love among our little ones. A Tract, published by that distinguished servant of God already referred to, Robert Murray McCheyne, entitled, " Another Lily Gathered,” is, I doubt not, known to many. It beautifully exemplifies how grace sometimes shines in children, and is calculated to edify and cheer the Sunday school teacher. May we each be blessed with the Spirit of grace and supplication; be kept from the follies of our own hearts; be clothed with humility; be made more apt to teach; and may each, feeling that she is nothing, say, "I will glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." That we may meet in heaven those whom we have taught on earth is the earnest desire of

Yours affectionately in Jesus,

M. A.

THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS' WORK AND REWARD. 1st. The work. True, it is arduous. What is its aim? (The answer shows us the responsibility of those who are engaged in it.) To lead the children of our charge to the Saviour. Then, as our work is so important, we must ever realize that we are labourers-that we have a work to perform, the results of which will only be known fully when we meet the assembled universe before the great white throne. We must make our Sabbath engagements the subject of our week day meditations. We must seek earnestly the Holy Spirit's influence, that ere we try to teach others we ourselves may be taught of God. Oh! if all Sunday school teachers would be earnest-would water the seed sown on the Sabbath with their week day prayers, how much more glorious results would follow our teaching; and how often should we have cause to exclaim, "truly the Lord is working amongst us."

In what spirit must we engage in this important work? In a prayerful spirit. To commence the exercises of the class with prayer, has been found by many, (myself among the number,) to have an extremely good effect upon the children; it solemnizes their minds, and makes some at least of them feel, that as they have asked God to be in the midst of them, and to bless them, they must not sin, for he is nigh. A spirit of love must pervade all we do and say; the little ones must feel that we love them; and, constrained by that love, are seeking to lead them to him who carries the lambs in his bosom; except they feel that we are really interested in their welfare, they will never confide to us their hopes and fears, their joys and sorrows. A cold half-hearted Sunday school teacher is, indeed, a sad sight. May we, my dear fellow workers, when he, the Great Master, says to us, as he said to Peter, "Lovest thou 'me?" be ever ready to answer, "Lord, thou knowest that we love thee;" and evince the sincerity of our reply, by heartily loving, and diligently feeding his lambs. And all that we do, must be done in a spirit of entire dependence upon God, believing that if we sow and water, he will give the increase.

2nd. The reward. "What!" methinks I hear some humble teacher exclaim, "may I indulge the hope that my poor labours will be rewarded?" O yes! my sister, my brother; he who has bid us work in his vineyard, has not bid us labour in vain. Even in the work itself we find reward. Who has not felt that their labours have been fully repaid when the little ones have been attentive? And which of us has not felt our hearts glow with pleasure, when on asking the question, will you try and remember what I have told you, some thoughtful young one whispers, "teacher, I will!" And then, my dear friends, since the result of our labours can never be fully known on earth, think of the time when we shall be amongst the multitude out of every nation, kingdom, tongue, and people. How sweet to meet one and another of those who have been brought to heaven through our instrumentality. Will not this be an exceeding great reward? Every faithful Sunday school teacher has abundant reason to hope that his will not be a starless coronet. Seeing then, my dear friends, that the work in which we are engaged is so important, our Master so kind, and our reward so great, let us work earnestly, diligently, and patiently, that at last our Lord may say to us, "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." Will not this fully compensate for all our toils

and anxiety?




SPORT that is innocent, fun and frolic that are not degrading or demoralizing, are nursery problems. Children will have fun-it is natural, and it is right.

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We are willing to confess far less apprehension of the effect of too much frolic upon children-if it be only hearty and wholesome-than of the effect of a gravity and stateliness which are unnatural, and must consequently be forced or stimulated. If a man is to be natural, genial, unaffected, honest in bearing and thought; if it is important to keep the heart young, so that no hard worldly experience can petrify its springs; if such a capacity is worth anything in a world with few enough green spots, as the gentle poet had, who sang in a measure which will be always sweet and new:


My heart leaps up when I behold

A rainbow in the sky;

So was it when my life began—

So is it now I am a man

So let it be when I grow old,
Or let me die-;"

Then let it be remembered, that

and that if we

"The child is father to the man."

"Would have our years to be

Bound each to each in natural piety,"

we must give nature scope, and let the infant glide into childhood, into youth, into maturity, by channels unforced and inartificial.-N. Y. Chron.


From "Sunday at Home."

THE people of our Christian land
Have cause to bless the men who planned
That place of gentle power and rule,
The noble British Sunday School;

For there the poor man's child may come,
As to a consecrated home,

And in its hallowed precincts find
Knowledge and comfort for the mind.

The man of toil has many a care,
And little, haply, can he spare,
To teach and elevate his child,
And keep its nature undefiled;
But here, whate'er his creed, or none,
His offspring will be looked upon
With kindly eyes, and shown the way
That opens into joyful day.

Some men of toil, though husbands, sires,
May cherish selfish, low desires,

And waste the means which, wisely spent,
Would bring their household calm content;
Or they may be-how sad the case!
In language rude, of manners base,
And by a false and fierce control
Corrupt the young untutored soul.

Then more the need that there should be This refuge of humanity,

Where one day, happiest of the seven,

The child may learn of love and heaven.

But if the mother does not feel

For moral and religious weal,
If all her better instincts sleep,
Well may the pitying angels weep.

'Tis pleasant on a sabbath morn,
When music on the air is borne,
To see young children, trim and neat,
Come forth from many a crowded street,
From mountain side, and vale and lea,
Where'er their dwelling-place may be,
To seek the Sunday School again,
Their own unbought and free domain.

And is it not a joy, I ask,

To hear them at the holy task,

Like bees assiduous in the hive,

Hoarding the sweets on which they thrive?
Seeking to know, and know aright,
The sacred word, the gospel light,
The glorious gospel which has power
To cheer the Christian's darkest hour.

"Tis grand on some great holiday
To see their orderly array;

Marshalled by zealous men, whose pride
Is to be with them, side by side.
They go to spend a day of joy
Unmingled with the world's alloy,
In nature's presence to adore,

And learn from God one lesson more.

They seek the woodland's slumbrous shade,
Which the fierce sun can scarce invade,
Where, banquet done, and prayer preferred,
The foliage of the trees is stirred
With a thanksgiving hymn of power,
That sanctifies that sylvan bower;
Whilst angels listening with glad eyes,
Call the song upward to the skies.

Such days supply them through the year
With thoughts of pleasantness and cheer,
Enhance their love of harmless things,
And quicken young devotion's wings.
Ye careful parents, when ye find
Good seed sown in the youthful mind,
Foster its growth with all your power,
And bring it into beauteous flower.

Oh, Sunday schools! oh, Christian land!
Long may your institutions stand,
The wonder of the farthest zone,
The strength and glory of your own.
Be this the sabbath teacher's prayer,
For those beneath his watchful care,
"Father, thy countless flock behold,
And bring them safely to thy fold."


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It is necessary to recollect that all teachers have a great deal to do with the formation of the intellectual habits which will cling to their pupils for the rest of their lives. Of course, apart from the primary and immediate object of imparting instruction, we ought all to feel some interest in the sort of mental character which our little scholars are acquiring during their intercourse with us. We must look forward to the time when the children will be men and women, and consider what sort of men and women we would have them to be. We cannot help desiring that when hereafter they read a book, they shall read seriously; that, when they hear a sermon, they shall not bring pre-occupied or wandering minds to what they hear; that, as they move along in life, they shall not be unobservant triflers, gazing in helpless vacancy on the mere surface of things, but shall be able to fix their eyes and their hearts steadily on all the sources of instruction which may be open to them. If they are ever to do this, it is necessary that they should have acquired in youth the power of concentrating their attention. This power is the one qualification which so often constitutes the main difference between the wise and the foolish, the successful and the unsuccessful man. Attention is the one habit of the human mind which, perhaps more than any other, forms a safeguard for intellectual progress, and even, under the Divine blessing, for moral purity. Now, every time a child comes into your class, this habit is either strengthened or weakened. Something is sure to be done while the children are with you either to make them better or worse in this respect for the whole of their future lives. If you claim and secure perfect obedience; if, without being severe, you can be strict enough to enforce diligent attention to all you say, you are attaining another important end besides that which is usually contemplated by school work, for you are developing the intellectual vigour of your scholar, and familiarizing him with a sort of effort which will be of immense use to him hereafter. But every time you permit disorder, trifling, or wandering, you are helping to lower and vitiate the mental character of your pupils. You are encouraging them in a bad habit. You are, in fact, doing something to prevent them from ever becoming thoughtful readers, diligent observers, and earnest listeners, as long as they live.-British and Foreign School Society's Record.

(For Parents and Teachers.)

JANE was the most tiresome and wayward child in her Sunday school. She quarrelled with her companions, disobeyed her teachers, and behaved improperly in church. No one could manage her. The more she was scolded and punished, the worse she became. At length the superintendent decided that she must be expelled. She got no good herself, and her bad example injured the others; it would be better that she should be dismissed. He called Jane to him one afternoon, and gravely told her his intention of sending her away.

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