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CITY OF LONDON. WEIGH-HOUSE SUNDAY SCHOOL.- For years the Sunday school (at present numbering 380 scholars) attached to the Weigh House Chapel, (Rev. Thos. Binney's), has been one of the most flourishing Sunday schools within the City. Many have gone forth from it well prepared to engage in the battle of life, from having learnt while young to take "truth for their creed, and God for their guide." Many of its late teachers are actively laboring as missionaries,

"Where Afric's sunny mountains,

Roll down their golden sands."


of now

While others are occupying pulpits in
this our island home. For the last few
years its superintendent has been Mr. J.
EBENEZER SAUNDERS, one of the members
of the Court of Common Council for the
Ward of Coleman Street. But we be-
lieve no form of usefulness has given him
so much pleasure as that in which he
has been engaged for many years, viz.,
Sunday schools. In
residing at Blackheath, he has lately
resigned his office, and recently the
teachers and senior scholars, at the close
of the afternoon school, assembled to
take tea and wish him farewell, present-
ing him at the same time with a richly
bound copy of Kitto's Pictorial Bible, in
4 vols., accompanied by a beautifully
framed and ornamentally written testi-
monial, signed on behalf of the teachers
and senior classes, by W. Rogers, secre-
tary; A. Whiteman, teacher of the
girls' senior class; E. R. Cook, teacher
of the boys' senior class. The girls of
the second Bible class also presented
him with an engraving elegantly framed
(by Lloyd Brothers), illustrating the
various scenes in Bunyan's "Pilgrim's
Progress," designed by the Rev. D.
White, and drawn by Billings, with an
inscription in gold stating the object of
the gift.-English Journal of Education.

It has been a common practice in the
Principality of Wales, during the greater
part of the last half century, for a num-
ber of schools to assemble together in
some convenient chapel, for the purpose
of reciting certain portions of scripture
and catechetical exercises prepared for
the occasion, and singing choice pieces
of sacred music, got up by the choirs of
the respective chapels and schools.
Four of these schools are accustomed to
meet at the Baptist chapel in this town,
and in one of the country chapels every
assemble at
Whit-Monday; others
Christmas, and we have found these
gatherings very beneficial in stimulating
the children, strengthening the hands
of the teachers, and exciting public at-
tention to the Sunday school.

The rehearsals at these meetings are not confined to children; but persons of all ages, from the child of seven years of age to the patriarch of seventy, all unite in these interesting exercises. Last Christmas morning being very wet, the rain falling fast, the schools from the country did not arrive in the town quite as early as usual; but soon after ten o'clock they made their appearance. Although by that time the rain abated a little, many of those that attended had been thoroughly drenched during the morning, yet they appeared quite cheerful and happy in once more meeting each other.

Three of the schools were catechised

by their respective ministers, repeated many portions of scripture, and sang various select pieces during the morning meeting; and, although the service lasted nearly four hours, yet the assembly exhibited no sign of being weary and fatigued, but the most lively interest was sustained to the close; and all, as far as we could judge, left the sanctuary rejoicing, and thanking God for what they had seen and heard.

Although one recital followed another in an unbroken succession for more than three hours, with the exception of one short anthem sung by the choir, while we were re-arranging the parties on the platform, there was no flagging and the greatest decorum was maintained; and so far as we were able to ascertain, no person connected with this gathering was guilty of inebriety, or of any other conduct tending to mar the pleasure of the day.-(British Baptist Reporter.)

As it was now between two and three produced upon the congregation can o'clock in the afternoon, and the evening scarcely be described. But the chief meeting fixed at half-past five, we had piece of the evening was a debate not much time to enjoy the good cheer between the compulsory system and the so essential to the happiness of some voluntary principle in religion, supposed Christmas parties. While the young to be carried on between Lady Drusilla children and females from the country, and Dorcas. The importance of the and those who had their cattle to attend subject, the fairness of the discussion, to, returned to their respective homes, and the ability of the young females those of us who reside in the town, with who represented the parties, all united other friends remaining from the country in rivetting the attention of the audience. who resolved to stay till the evening meeting, hastened to take some refresh. ment. At half-past five we were again in the chapel, and, although it is a large and commodious building capable of seating more than 900 persons, it was soon filled and densely crowded in every part, so much so that even a standing place in the aisles could scarcely be obtained. The recitations in this meeting were confined to our own school, the members of which recited thirty-two select pieces in prose and verse. Several of them were of considerable length, and were repeated with accuracy. But those which excited the greatest interest PARK SCHOOLS.-These schools, in were the productions composed in the connexion with Wesleyan Methodism, form of a dialogue, in which more than have been in operation forty-five years. one person sustained a part; such as the Among its early promoters, but five or dialogue between the eye and the ear, six persons now live. But the fruit of in which each claimed the superiority their labor remains. Ministers of the as being of the greatest use to man, while Gospel, missionaries, local preachers, a third checked their vaunting speeches, and class-leaders are still laboring in reminding them that their services were the I ord's vineyard, who were taught mutual, and they ought to rejoice in in these schools the story of the Cross. each other's prosperity. Also a debate At present there are 71 teachers, who between Michael the archangel and supply alternately; and there are 257 Satan, in which the latter was reminded boys and 274 girls on the books. Of of his past sins and future doom. Ano- this number 207 are between the ages ther very interesting piece, and recited of six and nine; 147 between nine and with great effect, was a dispute between twelve; 85 between twelve and thirthe Christian and the Jew, in which the teen; 80 between thirteen and fifteen; latter was supposed to have been van- and 12 between fifteen and twenty quished by the Christian's proving from years of age. Of these, 183 are in at the Old Testament predictions that tendance at a day-school; 2 have never Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah; attended any day-school; 82 have atand when the two young men represent-tended a day school five years; 20 are ing these characters sang together, at attending select classes; and 72 are in the close, a well known Welsh hymn of service or apprenticeship.

praise to Jesus as the Messiah, the effect




high and cheerful expectancy, and thousands of little feet tripped along to join the great congregation. Onward and In fulfilment of their ordinary duties, onward still they urge their way to the the committee have visited, by Deputa- place of meeting, undeterred by the tion, most of the town and country frowning aspect of the weather. Ever sehools. These visits afford excellent and anon they beguile the way by opportunities for the interchange of rehearsing the sweet and holy songs fraternal sentiments. Where defects are observed, remedies are deferentially suggested, and in all cases the recommendations offered by Deputations are very eordially received.

The committee rejoice that a Sunday School Union has been formed at the neighbouring town of Dewsbury, and they hope it will prove to be the centre of much vigorous and healthy action. Six of the schools recently in connection with the Leeds Union have withdrawn from us, in order to join the neighbour ing Association, viz. :

Dewsbury, Ebenezer.
Do. Springfield.
Heckmondwike, Lower.
Chapel Fold.

Birstal, Independent.
Knottingley Independent school has
also ceased to be associated with us.

The Sunday school singing class, established last year by this committee (and taught by Mr. T. K. LONGBOTTOM, on the Tonic Sol-Fa method), continues its weekly meetings for instruction, in the model Infant school-room, Park Lane. The friends connected with its management would be glad to see a larger number of teachers and scholars availing themselves of the advantages thus offered.

The Committee cannot conclude their Report without some record of an event which will ever form an interesting feature in Sunday school reminiscences -they allude to the Royal Visit to Leeds. Other chroniclers have recorded their civic honours, our pleasing duty is to recall the pleasure and gratification afforded to the "little ones."

that are to be sung by the noble chorus. Nine o'clock arrives. Behold the stirring sight! There are the 32,000 children and teachers of Leeds. There are the real peace preservers of their country, who wield a power far more potent and exercise an influence far more enduring than tens of thousands of bristling bayonets. Listen to the first tune; would that its immortal composer could have heard it! It was meet that the first strains should be an ascription of praise to the King of Kings—

"O worship the King all glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love," and now listen to the children's melody

"God of mercy, throned on high,

Listen from Thy lofty seat;
Hear, O hear our feeble ery;

Guide, O guide, our wandering feet."
and then Richmond, sweet Richmond,
which transports us to the "realms of
the blest," and makes us long for

"Angels' wings,

Those sweeter songs to try."

And now the Queen enters between the galleries, greeted by acclamations loud, long and thrilling. Slowly the procession moves, and, midway, in obedience to a royal mandate, it stops. "Gop SAVE THE QUEEN" is borne up to heaven on thrice ten thousand voices, and the Sovereign who lives in the hearts of her people, retires amid the heart-inspiring cheers of the interesting assemblage.

Fellow Teachers. Glean encouragement from the past. Cherish hope for the future. Determine to know nothing among men save Christ and him crucified! Let your communion be with the Father, and with his son Jesus Christ! Thousands of little hearts beat with From the retirement of your closets

[blocks in formation]

In select classes

Infant classes

General school, total

Average attendance

Become teachers





...(vols.) 25250



The Band of Hope continues to progress, and now numbers 197 children. The Library which was added to the school last year contains 178 volumes; the books are eagerly sought after by the scholars, and the committee trust under God's blessing they will prove useful to them. More library books, bibles, and forms, are likely to be required during the present year, and these the committee trust they will be enabled to provide.

JOHN PYER, President,
J. S. CUDLIP, Secretary.


CHURCH STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL, 1749 BLACKFRIARS.-The annual social tea 12457 and public meeting, was held on Tues10453 day, March 1st, in the chapel, W. H. 320 Watson, Esq., presided. The Revs. W. Barker, President of the school, T. J. Cole, of Beckenham, R. Robinson, of York-road, J. H. Wilson, of Aberdeen; Messrs. W. West, and W. M. Murphy of Surrey Chapel, also addressed the meeting. The teachers and friends in connection with this school are endeavoring to awaken Christian sympathy, and obtain funds for the erection of a new school-the present building being too small for so populated a neighborhood. This was urged upon the meeting by two or three speakers, who had experienced the inconvenience after paying a visit to the school. There was a good attendance on the occasion.

WYCLIFFE CHAPEL SUNDAY SCHOOL, MORICE TOWN.-DURING the past year many children have removed from the neighbourhood, but their places in the school have been more than filled up by new scholars, so that there are on the books about 250; under the care of 7 male and 12 female teachers.

The Infant class is taught in a separate room, and contains 40 of the above number.

The committee whilst occupied last year in revising the classes, in order to fill up vacancies, were gratified and encouraged by observing the amount of scriptural knowledge possessed by many of the junior scholars.

A Bible class of boys and another of girls are regularly taught in rooms separate from the general school. Arrangements are also being made for the formation of a class of young men and another of young women, to be conducted by our respected President.


EAST-STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL.-The spacious new room adjoining the chapel was lately filled by a numerous company of teachers and friends, who met to celebrate the sixty-sixth anniversary of the Sunday school, which was the first that was originated in the parish of St. Mary, Newington, and in which the honored and beloved Mr. William Brodie Gurney taught for many years.



The chair was occupied by Mr. Foreman. of Western College, Plymouth. The An interesting report was presented by congregations were large, in the evening Mr. Worley, the Secretary, and anima- especially. The collections were liberal ted addresses were delivered by the amounting to upwards of £23. The Chairman and Messrs. Wyard, Milner, choir and children sung pieces suitable Meeres, Caunt, Bland, and Jos. Maitland, to the occasion. Professor Charlton who became a teacher fifty-seven years delivered two masterly discourses. The ago, when the school was under the text in the morning was from Jeremiah superintendence of the late William ix. 23, 24; and in the evening, Romans Brodie Gurney, Esq., Treasurer of the i. 16. Professor Charlton is regarded Sunday School Union. as one of the first men in the Independent denomination, both as to ability and learning, and at the same time one of the clearest and most richly evanON March 8th, the large and com- gelical preachers we have ever heard. modious schools and class-rooms con- On Monday evening the annual teanected with the new Congregational meeting was held in the school-room chapel, Providence-place, were opened and adjoining vestry. Both rooms were by a tea party and public meeting, filled-nearly 400 persons sat down to when upwards of 800 persons partook of tea. After tea the chapel was opened The meeting was subsequently for a public meeting, the Rev. James held in the Old Chapel, when George Kernaham, the Minister, occupied the Anderton, Esq., J.P., was called to the chair. Interesting addresses were dechair. On the platform were the Rev. livered by the Rev. T. Roberts, ProT. Scales, Gomersal; Rev. J. Bewglass, fessor Charlton, Dr. Brown (CheltenLL.D., Silcoates; Rev. J. S. Eastmead, ham), J. Nicholas (Methodist New Wakefield; Rev. J. J. Waite, Hereford; Connection), W. Collings (Baptist), and Rev. R. Cuthbertson; Thomas Burnley, Esq., Gomersal; C. Goldthorp, Esq., W. Anderton, Esq., Mr. E. Mitchell, Mr. Thomas Hirst, Mr. S. Bedford, &c. opening the proceedings, the Chairman read a very interesting account of the origin and establishment of the Independent Sunday Schools at Cleckheaton, in 1805, written by the late Mrs. Dearnaly, one of the founders, who took a deep interest in its welfare and pros-ing meeting was held on the 3rd March, perity up to the time of her death in in connexion with the Baptist Sunday 1855.-The Rev. T. Scales, Mr. Thomas Hirst, Thomas Burnley, Esq., the Rev. Dr. Bewglass, and other friends, addressed the meeting.


J. Williams (Independent), Rodborough. We are gratified to hear that the Sunday schools and various institutions connected with the chapel are in a most flourishing condition.-Gloucester Journal.



School, in the village of Ringstead, near Higham Ferrers. The mothers of the scholars assembled by invitation to take tea and spend the evening with the teachers. Nearly ninety of both classes sat down to tea; afterwards, in addition to devotional exercises, earnest and SOUTHGATE-STREET.-ON Sunday last affectionate addresses were given by the annual sermons on behalf of the several of the teachers, and at the usual Independent Sunday schools connected hour of the week-night service the paswith this chapel were preached by the tor preached from the words of Jesus Rev. J. M. Charlton, M. A., President recorded in Mark xiv. 8-" She hath


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