THOROUGH DISINFECTION is now a necessity. Special precaution should be taken to protect your health. STOP THE SPREAD OF INFLUENZA germs now prevalent. Create a clean, healthy atmosphere by the constant and daily use of the reliable HENRY'S CHLORINES THREE CHLORIDES (HENRY'S) LIQUOR-FERRISENIC-12 oz. Bottles, Price $1.50 Indicated in anemia and bodily weakness especially in the treatment of puny children, convalescing adults or the aged; also for girls at the age of puberty, women at the menopause and wasting diseases and debility. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. We will send an Original Bottle, $1.50 size, Three Chlorides, Henry Pharmacal Co., 121 Vine Street ST. LOUIS, MO. containing all these elements, is uniform, stable, Samples and Literature on request FELLOWS MEDICAL MFG. CO., Inc., 26 Christopher St., New York When writing Advertisers please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ACCURACY, DEPENDABILITY AND HONESTY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE W. C. ABBOTT AND TO THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE DOCTOR GENERAL EDITORIAL STAFF: A. S. BURDICK RICHARD SLEE H. J. ACHARD PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, Inc. UNDER ACT OF MARCH 3, 1879. Subscription Rates. To any part of the United States, Canada and Mexico $2.00 per year, postage free, single copies twenty cents; to all other countries an additional charge of $1.00 is made for postage. N. B.-Make all checks and remittances for subscriptions and renewals payable to THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, adding 10 cents for exchange. Three years for five dollars. Address Changes.-Notify us promptly of any change of address mentioning both old and new addresses. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for copies of CLINICAL MEDICINE sent to former addresses, unless we are notified as above. If you fail to receive your copies of CLINICAL MEDICINE notify us at once, and we will supply you if we can. Complaints covering more than three months usually cannot be honored. Discontinuances and Renewals. According to Post-Office regulations, subscriptions must be expressly renewed within one year of the term for which they are paid. When this paragraph is marked and the journal comes to you in an "unusual wrapper," it means that your subscription expires with that issue and is a request for you to send in your renewal at once. Renewal blark is enclosed for this purpose. Kindly always renew promptly. Warning.-Pay no money to an agent unless he presents a letter showing authority for making collection. tic Animals to Humans. CONN. 189 The Composition of Feces with Reference to 202 Hypothyroidism Cured with Thyroid Therapy. How Uncle Sam Cares for the American Soldier. ALLEN 195 SPECIAL ARTICLE. ...206 HENRY'S TRI-IODIDES III GOUT, RHEUMATI DIATHETIC DISEAS PRICE, BL00 HENRY PHARMACAL LIQUOR-SALI-IODIDES--8 oz. Bottles, Price $1.50 SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. Send ST. LOUIS, MO. presenting these important elements in a uniform, Samples and Literature on request FELLOWS MEDICAL MFG. CO., Inc., 26 Christopher St., New York A Jamalaare please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ACCURACY, DEPENDABILITY AND HONESTY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE W. C. ABBOTT AND TO THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE DOCTOR GENERAL EDITORIAL STAFF: RICHARD SLEE H. J. ACHARD A. S. BURDICK UNDER ACT OF MARCH 3. 1879.. Subscription Rates. To any part of the United States, Canada and Mexico $2.00 per year, postage free, single copies twenty cents; to all other countries an additional charge of $1.00 is made for postage. N. B.-Make all checks and remittances for subscriptions and renewals payable to THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, adding 10 cents for exchange. Three years for five dollars. Address Changes.-Notify us promptly of any change of address mentioning both old and new addresses. We cannot hold ourselves responsible for copies of CLINICAL MEDICINE sent to former addresses, unless we are notified as above. If you fail to receive your copies of CLINICAL MEDICINE notify us at once, and we will supply you if we can. Complaints covering more than three months usually cannot be honored. Discontinuances and Renewals. According to Post-Office regulations, subscriptions must be expressly renewed within one year of the term for which they are paid. When this paragraph is marked and the journal comes to you in an "unusual wrapper," it means that your subscription expires with that issue and is a request for you to send in your renewal at once. Renewal blark is enclosed for this purpose. Kindly always renew promptly. Warning.-Pay no money to an agent unless he presents a letter showing authority for making collection. Vol. 26, No. 4 April, 1919 i 1 THOROUGH DISINFECTION is now a necessity. Special precaution should be taken to protect your health. STOP THE SPREAD OF INFLUENZA germs now prevalent. Create a clean, healthy atmosphere by the constant and daily use of the reliable Sold everywhere in two sizes. Is absolutely odorless, yet strong and effective. Platt's The Odorless (Trade-Mark Registered) Write for sample and booklet to the manufacturers, HENRY B. PLATT CO., 41 Cliff St. N. Y. HENRY'S CHLORKES THREE CHLORIDES (HENRY'S) LIQUOR-FERRISENIC-12 oz. Bottles, Price $1.50 Indicated in anemia and bodily weakness especially in the treatment of puny children, convalescing adults or the aged; also for girls at the age of puberty, women at the menopause and wasting diseases and debility. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS. We will send an Original Bottle, $1.50 size, Three Chlorides, Henry Pharmacal Co., 121 Vine Street ST. LOUIS, MO. |