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very neglects and omissions of any thing that may tend to the good of our people. So that every place and service that is fit for the honour or good of the commonwealth shall be filled, and no man's virtue left idle, unemployed, or unrewarded; and every good ordinance and constitution, for the amendment of the estate and times, be revived and put in execution.

the readiness and good zeal of that our chiefest | to extend our princely care to the supply of the and most famous city, the city of London, the chamber of that our kingdom: assuring them, that we will be unto that city, by all means of confirming and increasing their happy and wealthy estate, not only a just and gracious sovereign lord and king, but a special and bountiful patron and benefactor. And we, on our part, as well in remuneration of all their loyal and loving affections, as in discharge of our princely office, do promise and assure them, that as all manner of estates have concurred and consented in their duty and zeal towards us, so it shall be our continual care and resolution to preserve and maintain every several estate in a happy and flourishing condition, without confusion or overgrowing of any one to the prejudice, discontentment, or discouragement of the rest and generally in all estates we hope God will strengthen and assist us, not only to extirpate all gross and notorious abuses, and corruptions, of simonies, briberies, extortions, exactions, oppressions, vexations, burdensome payments, and overcharges, and the like; but further

In the mean time, minding by God's leave, all delay set apart, to comfort and secure our loving subjects in our kingdom of England by our personal presence there, we require all our loving subjects joyfully to expect the same: and yet so, as we signify our will and pleasure to be, that all such ceremonies and preparations as shall be made and used to do us honour, or to express gratulation, be rather comely and orderly, than sumptuous and glorious; and for the expressing of magnificence, that it be rather employed and bestowed upon the funeral of the late queen, to whose memory, we are of opinion, too much honour cannot be done or performed.





As it is a manifest token, or rather a substantial freedom from inward burdens, unto both which effect, of the wrath and indignation of God, people under petty and weak estates are more when kingdoms are rent and divided, which have exposed; which so happy fruit of the union of formerly been entire and united under one monarch kingdoms is chiefly to be understood, when such and governor; so, on the contrary part, when it conjunction or augmentation is not wrought by shall please the Almighty, by whom kings reign conquest and violence, or by pact and submission, as his deputies and lieutenants, to enlarge his but by the law of nature and hereditary descent. commissions of empire and sovereignty, and to For in conquest it is commonly seen although commit those nations to one king to govern, the bulk and quantity of territory be increased, which he hath formerly committed to several yet the strength of kingdoms is diminished, as kings, it is an evident argument of his great well by the wasting of the forces of both parts favour both upon king and upon people; upon in the conflict, as by the evil coherence of the the king, inasmuch as he may with comfort con-nation conquering and conquered, the one being ceive that he is one of those servants to whom it apt to be insolent, and the other discontent; and was said, "Thou hast been faithful in the less, I so both full of jealousies and discord. And will make thee lord of more;" upon the people, where countries are annexed only by act of because the greatness of kingdoms and domi- estates and submissions, such submissions are nions, especially not being scattered, but adjacent commonly grounded upon fear, which is no good and compact, doth ever bring with it greater author of continuance, besides the quarrels and security from outward enemies, and greater revolts which do ensue upon conditional and

articulate subjections: but when the lines of two kingdoms do meet in the person of one monarch, as in a true point or perfect angle; and that from marriage, which is the first conjunction in human society, there shall proceed one inheritor in blood to several kingdoms, whereby they are actually united and incorporated under one head; it is the work of God and nature, whereunto the works of force and policy cannot attain; and it is that which hath not in itself any manner of seeds of discord or disunion, other than such as envy and malignity shall sow, and which groundeth a union, not only indissoluble, but also most comfortable and happy amongst the people.

difference at all between the subjects of either nation, in affection, honours, favours, gifts, employments, confidences, or the like; but only such as the true distinctions of the persons, being capable or not capable, fit or not fit, acquainted with affairs or not acquainted with affairs, needing our princely bounty or not needing the same, approved to us by our experience or not approved, meriting or not meriting, and the several degrees of these and the like conditions, shall in right reason tie us unto, without any manner of regard to the country in itself; to the end that they may well perceive, that in our mind and apprehension they are all one and the same nation: and that our heart is truly placed in the centre of government, from whence all lines to the circumference are equal and of one space and distance.

We therefore in all humbleness acknowledge, that it is the great and blessed work of Almighty God, that these two ancient and mighty realms of England and Scotland, which by nature have no true but an imaginary separation, being both But for the further advancing and perfecting of situated and comprehended in one most famous this work, we have taken into our princely care and and renowned island of Great Britany, compassed cogitations, what it is that may appertain to our by the ocean, without any mountains, seas, or own imperial power, right, and authority: and what other boundaries of nature, to make any partition, requireth votes and assents of our parliaments or wall, or trench, between them, and being also estates; and, again, what may presently be done, exempted from the first curse of disunion, which and what must be left to further time, that was the confusion of tongues, and being people our proceedings may be void of all inconvenience of a like constitution of mind and body, espe- and informality; wherein, by the example of Alcially in warlike prowess and disposition: and mighty God, who is accustomed to begin all his yet, nevertheless, have in so many ages been great works and designments by alterations or disjoined under several kings and governors, are impositions of names, as the fittest means to imnow at the last, by right inherent in the commix- print in the hearts of people a character and exture of our blood, united in our person and ge- pectation of that which is to follow; we have neration; wherein it hath pleased God to anoint thought good to withdraw and discontinue the us with the oil of gladness and gratulation above divided names of England and Scotland out of our progenitors, kings of either nation. Neither our regal style and title, and to use in place of can we sufficiently contemplate and behold the them the common and contracted name of Great passages, degrees, and insinuations, whereby it Britany: not upon any vainglory, whereof, we hath pleased the eternal God, to whom all his persuade ourselves, our actions do sufficiently free works are from beginning known and present, to us in the judgment of all the world; and if any open and prepare a way to this excellent work; such humour should reign in us, it were better having first ordained that both nations should be satisfied by length of style and enumeration of knit in one true and reformed religion, which is kingdoms: but only as a fit signification of that the perfectest band of all unity and union; and, which is already done, and a significant prefigurasecondly, that there should precede so long a tion of that which we further intend. For as, in peace continued between the nations for so many giving names to natural persons, it is used to imyears last past, whereby all seeds and sparks of pose them in infancy, and not to stay till fulness of ancient discord have been laid asleep, and grown growth; so it seemed to us not unseasonable to to an obliteration and oblivion; and, lastly, that bring in further use this name at the first, and to ourselves, in the true measure of our affections, proceed to the more substantial points of the union should have so just cause to embrace both nations after, as fast and as far as the common good of with equal and indifferent love and inclination, both the realms should permit, especially coninasmuch as our birth and the passing of the sidering the name of Britany was no coined, or first part of our age hath been in one nation, and new-devised, or affected name at pleasure, but the our principal seat and mansion, and the passing true and ancient name which God and time hath of the latter part of our days is like to be in the imposed, extant, and received in histories, in other. Which our equal and upright holding of cards, and in ordinary speech and writing, where the balance between both nations, being the the whole island is meant to be denominated; so highest point of all others in our distributive as it is not accompanied with so much as any justice, we give the world to know, that we are strangeness in common speech. And although constantly resolved to preserve inviolate against we never doubted, neither ever heard that any all emulations and partialities, not making any other presumed to doubt, but that the form and

tenor of our regal style and title, and the delinea- | subjects whatsoever, to whom it may in any wise tion of the same, did only and wholly of mere appertain, that from henceforth, in all commissions, right appertain to our supreme and absolute pre- patents, writs, processes, grants, records, instrurogative to express the same in such words or ments, impressions, sermons, and all other writsort as seemed good to our royal pleasure: yet ings and speeches whatsoever, wherein our style because we were to have the advice and assent of is used to be set forth or recited, that our said our parliament concerning other points of the style, as is before by these presents declared and union, we were pleased our said parliament prescribed, be only used, and no other. And be.should, amongst the rest, take also the same into cause we do but now declare that which in truth their consideration. But finding by the grave was before, our will and pleasure is, that in the opinion of our judges, who are the interpreters of computation of our reign, as to all writings or inour laws, that, in case that alteration of style struments hereafter to be made, the same comwhich seemed to us but verbal, should be esta-putation be taken and made as if we had taken blished and enacted by parliament, it might involve upon us the style aforesaid immediately after by implication and consequence, not only a more the decease of our late dear sister. And we do present alteration, but also a further innovation notify to all our subjects, that if any person, than we any ways intended; or at least might be of what degree or condition soever he be, shall subject to some colourable scruple of such a impugn our said style, or derogate and detract perilous construction: we rested well satisfied to froin the same by any arguments, speeches, respite the same, as to require it by act of parlia- words, or otherwise; we shall proceed against ment. But being still resolved and fixed that it him, as against an offender against our crown and may conduce towards this happy end of the better dignity, and a disturber of the quiet and peace of uniting of the nations, we have thought good by our kingdom, according to the utmost severity of the advice of our council to take the same upon us our laws in that behalf. Nevertheless, our meanby our proclamation, being a course safe and free ing is not, that where in any writ, pleading, or from any of the perils or scruples aforesaid. And other record, writing, instrument of speech, it hath therefore we do by these presents publish, pro- been used for mention to be made of England or claim, and assume to ourselves from henceforth, the realm of England, or any other word or words according to our undoubted right, the style and derived from the same, and not of our whole and title of King of Great Britany, France, and Ireland, entire style and title; that therein any alteration and otherwise as followeth in our style formerly at all be used by pretext of this our proclamation, used. And we do hereby straitly charge and com- which we intend to take place only where our whole mand our chancellor, and all such as have the custo-style shall be recited, and not otherwise; and in the dy of any of our seals; and all other our officers and other cases the ancient form to be used and observed.



To make proof of the incorporation of iron with flint, or other stone. For if it can be incorporated without over-great charge, or other incommodity, the cheapness of the flint or stone doth make the compound stuff profitable for divers uses. The doubts may be three in number.

First, Whether they will incorporate at all, otherwise than to a body that will not hold well together, but become brittle and uneven ?

Secondly, Although it should incorporate well, yet whether the stuff will not be so stubborn as it will not work well with a hammer, whereby the charge in working will overthrow the cheapness of the material?

Thirdly, Whether they will incorporate, except the iron and stone be first calcined into powder? And if not, whether the charge of the calcination will not eat out the cheapness of the material?

The uses are most probable to be; first, for the implements of the kitchen; as spits, ranges, cobirons, pots, etc.; then for the wars, as ordnance, portcullises, grates, chains, etc.

Note; the finer works of iron are not so probable to be served with such a stuff; as locks, clocks, small chains, etc., because the stuff is not like to be tough enough.

For the better use, in comparison of iron, it is like the stuff will be far lighter: for the weight

of iron to flint is double and a third part; and, se- | the like, the beauty will not be so much respected, condly, it is like to rust not so easily, but to be so as the compound stuff is like to pass. more clean.

The ways of trial are two: first, by the iron and stone of themselves, wherein it must be inquired what are the stones that do easiliest melt. Secondly, with an additament, wherein brimstone is approved to help to the melting of iron or steel. But then it must be considered, whether the charge of the additament will not destroy the profit.

It must be known also, what proportion of the stone the iron will receive to incorporate well with it, and that with once melting; for if either the proportion be too small, or that it cannot be received but piecemeal by several meltings, the work cannot be of value.

To make proof of the incorporating of iron and brass. For the cheapness of the iron in comparison of the brass, if the uses may be served, doth promise profit. The doubt will be touching their incorporating; for that it is approved, that iron will not incorporate, neither with brass nor other metals, of itself, by simple fire: so as the inquiry must be upon the calcination, and the additament, and the charge of them.

The uses will be for such things as are now made of brass, and might be as well served by the compound stuff; wherein the doubts will be chiefly the toughness, and of the beauty.

First, therefore, if brass ordnance could be made of the compound stuff, in respect of the cheapness of the iron, it would be of great use.

The vantage which brass ordnance hath over iron, is chiefly, as I suppose, because it will hold the blow, though it be driven far thinner than the iron can be; whereby it saveth both in the quantity of the material, and in the charge and commodity of mounting and carriage, in regard, by reason of the thinness, it beareth much less weight there may be also somewhat in being not so easily overheated.

Secondly, for the beauty. Those things wherein the beauty or lustre are esteemed, are and irons, and all manner of images, and statues, and columns, and tombs, and the like. So as the doubt will be double for the beauty; the one, whether the colour will please so well, because it will not be so like gold as brass? The other, whether it will polish so well? Wherein for the latter it will; for steel glosses are more resplendent than the like plates of brass would be; and so is the glittering of a blade. And, besides, I take it, andiron brass, which they call white brass, hath some mixture of tin to help the lustre. And, for the golden colour, it may be by some small mixture of orpiment, such as they use to brass in the yellow alchemy; it will easily recover that which the iron loseth. Of this, the eye must be the judge upon proof made.

But now for pans, pots, curfews, counters, and

For the better use of the compound stuff, it will be sweeter and cleaner than brass alone, which yieldeth a smell or soiliness; and therefore may be better for the vessels of the kitchen and brewing. It will also be harder than brass, where hardness may be required.

For the trial, the doubts will be two: first, the over-weight of brass towards iron, which will make iron float on the top in the melting. This, perhaps, will be holpen with the calaminar stone, which consenteth so well with brass, and, as I take it, is lighter than iron. The other doubt will be the stiffness and dryness of iron to melt; which must be holpen either by moistening the iron, or opening it. For the first, perhaps some mixture of lead will help. Which is as much more liquid than brass, as iron is less liquid. The opening may be holpen by some mixture of sulphur: so as the trials would be with brass, iron, calaminar stone, and sulphur; and then, again, with the same composition, and an addition of some lead; and in all this the charge must be considered, whether it eat not out the profit of the cheapness of iron?

There be two proofs to be made of incorporation of metals for magnificence and delicacy. The one for the eye, and the other for the ear. Statuemetal, and bell-metal, and trumpet-metal, and string-metal; in all these, though the mixture of brass or copper should be dearer than the brass itself, yet the pleasure will advance the price to profit.

First, therefore, for statue-metal, see Pliny's mixtures, which are almost forgotten, and consider the charge.

Try, likewise, the mixture of tin in large proportion with copper, and observe the colour and beauty, it being polished. But chiefly let proof be made of the incorporating of copper or brass with glass-metal, for that is cheap, and is like to add a great glory and shining.

For bell-metal. First, it is to be known what is the composition which is now in use. Secondly, it is probable that it is the dryness of the metal that doth help the clearness of the sound, and the moistness that dulleth it; and therefore the mixtures that are probable, are steel, tin, glass-metal.

For string-metal, or trumpet-metal, it is the same reason; save that glass-metal may not be used, because it will make it too brittle; and trial may be made with mixture of silver, it being but a delicacy, with iron or brass.

To make proof of the incorporation of silver and tin in equal quantity, or with two parts silver and one part tin, and to observe whether it be of equal beauty and lustre with pure silver; and also whe ther it yield no soiliness more than silver? And, again, whether it will endure the ordinary fire which belongeth to chafing-dishes, posnets, and

falls, and for fire, though it come not to the degree to be malleable. The third, to make it coloured by tinctures, comparable to or exceeding precious stones. The fourth, to make a compound body of glass and galletyle; that is, to have the colour milky like a chalcedon, being a stuff between a porcelane and a glass.

such other silver vessels? And if it do not endure | The first, means to make the glass more crystalthe fire, yet whether by some mixture of iron it line. The second, to make it more strong for may not be made more fixed? For if it be in beauty and all the uses aforesaid equal to silver, it were a thing of singular profit to the state, and to all particular persons, to change silver plate or vessel into the compound stuff, being a kind of silver electre, and to turn the rest into coin. It may be also questioned, whether the compound stuff will receive gilding as well as silver, and with equal lustre? It is to be noted, that the common allay of silver coin is brass, which doth discolour more, and is not so neat as tin.

The drownings of metals within other metals, in such sort as they can never rise again, is a thing of great profit. For if a quantity of silver can be so buried in gold, as it will never be reduced again, neither by fire, nor parting waters, nor other ways: and also that it serves all uses as well as pure gold, it is in effect all one as if so much silver were turned into gold; only the weight will discover it; yet that taketh off but half of the profit; for gold is not fully double weight to silver, but gold is twelve times price to silver.

For the first, it is good first to know exactly the several materials whereof the glass in use is made; window-glass, Normandy and Burgundy, ale-house glass, English drinking-glass: and then thereupon to consider what the reason is of the coarseness or clearness; and from thence to rise to a consideration how to make some additaments to the coarser materials, to raise them to the whiteness and crystalline splendour of the finest.

For the second, we see pebbles, and some other stones, will cut as fine as crystal, which, if they will melt, may be a mixture for glass, and may make it more tough and more crystalline. Besides, we see metals will vitrify; and perhaps some portion of the glass of metal vitrified, mixed in the pot of ordinary glass-metal, will make the whole mass more tough.

For the third, it were good to have of coloured window-glass, such as is coloured in the pot, and not by colours

The burial must be by one of these two ways, either by the smallness of the proportion, as perhaps fifty to one, which will be but sixpence gains in fifty shillings; or it must be holpen by somewhat which may fix the silver, never to be restored or vapoured away, when it is incorpo- It is to be known of what stuff galletyle is rated into such a mass of gold; for the less quan-made, and how the colours in it are varied; and tity is ever the harder to sever: and for this purpose iron is the likest, or coppel stuff, upon which the fire hath no power of consumption.

The making of gold seemeth a thing scarcely possible; because gold is the heaviest of metals, and to add matter is impossible: and, again, to drive metals into a narrower room than their natural extent beareth, is a condensation hardly to be expected. But to make silver seemeth more easy, because both quicksilver and lead are weightier than silver: so as there needeth only fixing, and not condensing. The degeee unto this, that is already known, is infusing of quicksilver in a parchment, or otherwise, in the midst of molten lead when it cooleth; for this stupefieth the quicksilver that it runneth no more. This trial is to be advanced three ways. First, by iterating the melting of the lead, to see whether it will not make the quicksilver harder and harder. Secondly, to put realgar hot into the midst of the quicksilver, whereby it may be condensed, as well from within as without. Thirdly, to try it in the midst of molten iron, or molten steel, which is a body more likely to fix the quicksilver than lead. It may be also tried, by incorporating powder of steel, or coppel dust, by pouncing, into the quicksilver, and so to proceed to the stupefying.

Upon glass four things would be put in proof.

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thereupon to consider how to make the mixture of glass-metal and them, whereof I have seen the example.

Inquire what be the stones that do easiliest melt. Of them take half a pound, and of iron a pound and half, and an ounce of brimstone, and see whether they will incorporate, being whole, with a strong fire. If not, try the same quantities calcined: and if they will incorporate, make a plate of them, and burnish it as they do iron.

Take a pound and a half of brass, and half a pound of iron; two ounces of the calaminar stone, an ounce and a half of brimstone, an ounce of lead; calcine them, and see what body they make; and if they incorporate, make a plate of it burnished.

Take of copper an ounce and a half, of tin an ounce, and melt them together, and make a plate of them burnished.

Take of copper an ounce and a half, of tin an ounce, of glass-metal half an ounce; stir them well in the boiling, and if they incorporate, make a plate of them burnished.

Take of copper a pound and a half, tin four ounces, brass two ounces; make a plate of them burnished.

Take of silver two ounces, tin half an ounce; make a little say-cup of it, and burnish it. 2 Q

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